Jonh stares at Captain Hamilton unsure what to say.
"Transmission mechanisms?" he repeats the question.
"All systems were as expected and there is no way phi-radiation could escape" he says a little embarrassed.
"Unless it was leaked on proposed which could explain why security is more affected since there would be a..." he struggles for words to avoid mentioned sabotage.
"...the fault would have a specific point of origin..."
He is a bit relived Modwen takes over the conversation and nods
"T-dyne TPD, yes, we have those." As he readies to take the man to the storage room he stops to listen to the alien rock man.
"Grel'lix are resistant?" he asks surprised.
"If you'd volunteer, it is safe for you to inspect the source of the leak, no? That will minimize the risk of exposure.".
Though he does not say much now, he wonder why the Grel'lix, who are immune to phi-rad, would want that red-juice so badly, the substance that stops the infection they are resistant to... Maybe the Professor... ors, would know something more about this iodine stuff.
Off he goes to get the equipment.