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May 28, 2021 12:15 am
Yen'kos face becomes excited at Modwen's offer before sharply turning concerned - frightened even. "It's here. If the radiation is here, then darkness comes for all of us. The nightmares are coming for us...". Everything in Yen'kos's head says to run away as the memories of dead explorers dance, beginning to swell to the surface.
Last edited May 28, 2021 4:11 pm


Extrovert save (2+) - (1d4)

(3) = 3

May 28, 2021 7:09 am
With the Captain arrival, and the presence of the... Grel'lix thing, Jonh nervously speeds up what he was doing. He simply nods in reply to the Captain.
Last edited May 28, 2021 7:09 am


head think fast d6 > 3 - (1d6)

(6) = 6

May 28, 2021 12:18 pm
The Sisters slide backward just in time, and from the way the medical scanner shatters beneath the creature's hand, they're glad they did. Yen'kos is able to focus - these humans have no idea what they're facing, and he does. So as Dr. Davis weakly stretches for the opening, the Grel'lix is able to yank him out of harm's way. As soon as his feet clear, Jonh's code finishes processing and the heavy doors to the medbay slam shut - just as the creature slams into the port window and shrieks. He's even able to send emergency protocol to the secondary and tertiary bays: No doctors working alone, extra precautions, and send someone down here ASAP for Davis. Captain Hamilton nods her thanks to Jonh, but she has bigger issues to deal with.

The security officers called down by the Sisters finally arrive - everything happened so fast - and by now some of the nearby officers are dribbling out of their rooms trying to help. Leya makes a move to contact the Command post on Earth Beryllium, but she stops them.

Give me thirty minutes. I owe them more in the briefing than this. As things calm down (such as that is), you see she's pale. Possible sources of emitters, information on the spikes, transmission mechanisms, and symptoms so far. She points to Modwen, the Sisters, Yen'Kos, and Jonh each in turn and adds with a quiet, choked voice. Please.
May 28, 2021 12:38 pm
Modwen puts down his custom recorder and nods to Leya, flipping his unruly hair from his forehead. "Emitters and transmissions, that's me," he says with a wry grin. He checks his play back, but knows he won't see Phi-radiation with this setup.

"I'll need scanning equipment. A Terrodyne Transient Phase Discriminator? I bet you have on of those new wonder toys already."

He doesn't expect Leya or the captain to know where that is stored, but they can tell him who to ask.
May 28, 2021 1:44 pm
Hamilton nods.

Lt. Commander Bruce should be done with her initial inspections of the shipment. Jonh can take you there. But first, are you feeling any exposure side effects yet? Any of you?
May 28, 2021 4:25 pm
Wait, did I get locked in with the patient or am I out of the medbay?
May 28, 2021 4:29 pm
You're out, but your scanner was destroyed.
May 28, 2021 5:46 pm
Oh, okay, I wasn't even planning to get out of the room
The Sisters relay all the information they got from their scanner and explain how the mutation spread, even after the patient was frozen.
May 28, 2021 6:08 pm
Huh. Bold move. Well, between the scan shatter and Jonh's perfection in shutting the quarantine down properly, I'll say it evens out. They might let you back in with protective gear if you're convincing.
Captain Hamilton sighs and rubs the bridge of her nose.

I'll take Lieutenants Leya and the other security officers into quarantine. She opens her palm and you see the rash forming where she would have shaken hands with Grel'lix. Go talk to Lt. Commander Bruce. Figure out the doses you need for the anti-radiation pills. Dr. Davis practically died bringing them out, after all. Unexposed security will set up a perimeter here, and I'll get some medics down to observe it.

As soon as she mentioned quarantine a couple officers started spraying the area and wrapping the negotiators in haz-mat material. Commander Key has the bridge, but report everything regarding this to me directly. Come to medbay delta in fifteen minutes. I need to tell high command.

She stops halfway down the hall and turns back, frustration still obvious through her plastic facemask.

And tell me why the stowaway isn't infected!
May 28, 2021 6:22 pm
"You are," the Sisters say coldly. "We cannot say whether the Grel'lix is just yet but they certainly warrant an examination." They look at the door to the medbay. "Can we flood this place with some sort of airborne tranquilizer? Maybe that will allow us to pacify the patient and conduct further tests on him."
May 28, 2021 9:33 pm
Yen'kos tries to calmly reply to Captain Hamilton. "Sir, Grel'lix are naturally resistant to the Phi-radiation, at least in adulthood. I can assure you all that I am not infected, but as a show of good faith I give my consent to an examination if you feel it necessary." The Grel'lix looks around at the others nearby, asking no one in particular which way the medbay is.

Upon hearing the Sisters recommendation, Yen'kos pipes with a rumble, "If you have any in supply, Redjuice would be your best shot at stopping the infection's progression. If you need someone to help conduct the research, I would like to volunteer my services. Anything we can learn is valuable. Perhaps then we don't have to flood the entire cabin with tranquilizers and opt for a local application."
May 29, 2021 11:10 pm
Modwen looks to Jonh. "Care to show me where the diagnostic gear is stowed? Looks like an unusually robust reaction to phi-rad. We better check outside of the standard quantum range."

He holds up his hands, "Or just me, I don't want to presume you don't already have an important task, man like you." Buttering up a possible CI was job one in chasing a story.
May 31, 2021 9:37 am
Jonh stares at Captain Hamilton unsure what to say. "Transmission mechanisms?" he repeats the question. "All systems were as expected and there is no way phi-radiation could escape" he says a little embarrassed. "Unless it was leaked on proposed which could explain why security is more affected since there would be a..." he struggles for words to avoid mentioned sabotage. "...the fault would have a specific point of origin..."

He is a bit relived Modwen takes over the conversation and nods "T-dyne TPD, yes, we have those." As he readies to take the man to the storage room he stops to listen to the alien rock man. "Grel'lix are resistant?" he asks surprised. "If you'd volunteer, it is safe for you to inspect the source of the leak, no? That will minimize the risk of exposure.".

Though he does not say much now, he wonder why the Grel'lix, who are immune to phi-rad, would want that red-juice so badly, the substance that stops the infection they are resistant to... Maybe the Professor... ors, would know something more about this iodine stuff.
Off he goes to get the equipment.
May 31, 2021 2:01 pm
When you arrive in Engineering, Bruce and another tech are in the decontamination chamber. She speaks loudly so you can hear her through the sprays, scanners, and glass

Et's not the Antimony etself. Far as we can tell, there are these....particles tha' emit, but we cannae tell what they are. Mah scanners'ave never seen anything like'em. Like how photons are one'er th'other - light or matter - dependin' on tha circumstance. But this is both at once. If et weren't fer tha madness goin' on in MedBay, we'd be up fer tha Gorisian Prize fer sure.

It's supposed to be a joke, but even Bruce doesn't find it funny.

You are directed to a closed off chamber with hand scanners on them. As it reads you and notes your Phi-Rad exposure levels, it crushes the pills Dr. Davis secured and mixes you each a thick, disgustingly sweet slurry with antidote. You notice Bruce is out of the decontamination chamber now.

Ah'm not sure et's much more than a fix, ah'm afraid. If tha contaminants cannae get out, yeh'll be back here soon enough.
May 31, 2021 4:04 pm
"Do we have exobiological data on the Grel'lix' immunity?", the Sisters ask. "If so, we might be able to use that to develop a treatment. If not, we could examine the Grel'lix stowaway and see if we learn something."
Jun 1, 2021 7:57 am
Jonh takes the mix of crushed pills without question. "Any tips on how this happened? All reading were ok" he drinks the slurry antidote as soon as he asks the question, his face twisting in disgust.
Jun 1, 2021 3:48 pm
Modwen chugs back the pill-slurry with suspicious ease. "Either the ships holds were contaminated before being filled, the Antimony was already contaminated, or a contaminant was entered later. If we can narrow that list, the path to follow could become obvious."
Jun 1, 2021 9:24 pm
Yen'kos breathes a small exasperated sigh. Treaty civilizations had been developing past the Grel'lix for ages, and it had a tendency to reflect that way in their attitudes as well. The Sisters talked about the Grel'lix, an entire race of sentient beings, as though they were nothing more than some kind of alien oddity, suitable for nothing more than to be poked and prodded in a lab. "Well, all mature Grel'lix are resistant to phi-radiation, but immunity is a bit of a stretch. And even then such resistance is acquired, not innate. Our young, after all..." The Grel'lix's voice trails off for just a mere moment before snapping back. It was difficult to maintain diplomacy and decorum when dealing with Treaty races, but it was for the common good. "Even still, as I just promised the captain, I would be more than willing to undergo a full medical examination, though I suspect it will not provide us anything of use."
Jun 2, 2021 7:09 am
Do those weird growths or whatever that the patient developed look anything like Grel'lix? Maybe some overgrown, mutated Grel'lix? I'm getting the feeling those guys are just mutated in the same way, only maybe slower or something
Jun 2, 2021 7:24 am
bowlofspinach says:
I'm getting the feeling those guys are just mutated in the same way, only maybe slower or something
Same feeling here, though it can be natural selection at work
Jonh repeats the possibilities to himself either the Antimony was already contaminated or a contaminant was entered later" He looks at the Grel'lix and then back to Bruce "The Grel'lix, Encu was it? If they aquire resistance, then it looks like the Anti-m may have always been contaminated... This could be seen as... " You all see Jonh's expression slowly morphing into worry as he tries to push though of "deliberate attack" crosses his mind.
Last edited June 2, 2021 7:25 am
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