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May 24, 2021 5:41 pm
A few beeps and boops later and the doctor muses over the reading.

I believe your second theory is correct. Professors, you appear to have exposure levels akin to what I'd expect in engineer Jonh. And you, Jonh, read like Lt. Commander Bruce. I need to ask you not to spend time in the engine bay until we can read this better. Phi-Radiation may be self-perpetuating, which would explain the exponential increase in your levels despite largely similar exposure.
May 24, 2021 5:43 pm
He pauses and does a second check on the Sisters.

For what it's worth, the organism has the same level as exposure as the rest of the original human biology. This may cause issues in the future if for some reason those levels differentiate, but again. You're at a safe level right now.
May 25, 2021 8:01 am
"Contaminated? Phi-rad?" Jonh looks confused as he tries to catch up with the events. "We need to get the Captain checked immediately.". After the doctor's suggestion Jonh add "I need to inform Lt. Commander Bruce of my absence." He grabs his comm to call the engine bay. "Do we have any anti-rad pills available?" he asks the doc as he waits for someone to pick up
May 25, 2021 1:17 pm
We do, but I'll need to mix them for your current exposure levels so you don't overdose. They're intended for massive mechanical failure. But...I think this applies. The doctor calls down the Captain and Lts. Altok Leya, who were the primary negotiators for the conference, then prepares an anti-rad dose for the spiky security officer.

Lt. Commander Bruce picks up the call. Phi-Rad contamination? Shet. Get yerself treated. I'll suit up an' check on things with -

The security officer cries out with inhuman pain, his back arching unnaturally on the table.

That shouldn't be possible.

But apparently this contaminant isn't slowed down by near-freezing temperatures.

His arms and legs erupt with sudden spike growth. The bones pop out of their sockets, you can hear the ligaments tearing, but his skin remains intact - just white, and stony.

His arm cuts the comm from Medbay. His leg impales the doctor. You just barely miss his other limbs.

Groaning, wailing, the patient staggers to his hands and feet like a distended spider. Blood and water leak from his mouth and eyes.
May 25, 2021 4:32 pm
Who staggers to his hands and feet like a spider? The patient or the injured doctor?
May 25, 2021 4:57 pm
Patient 0. Doc is gonna die if he doesn't get a LOT of help FAST.

Edited for clarity.
May 25, 2021 6:15 pm
It's just me and CESN in this game anymore, right? Not a problem but maybe we can put our feelers out to see if anyone else is interested in joining as well. Having three or maybe four players might be a bit better than just two for this
Last edited May 25, 2021 7:02 pm
May 25, 2021 6:21 pm
I'll ask a couple buddies who I know post regularly. I'll update everyone in the OOC chat. I was thinking the same thing.
May 25, 2021 7:08 pm
The Sisters take a measured step back, out of the patient's reach. "That should not be possible," they state as they ready their weapon again. Maybe it was good that they brought it after all. They also glance at the doctor to try and figure out how badly he's injured.
Do we have stun and kill settings or just kill?
Also, sorry, that previous post was supposed to go into the OOC 😅


Head 3 [Roll High] - (1D6)

(2) = 2

May 25, 2021 9:19 pm
You default to Stun. Kill is more paperwork, though I think it wouldn't take too long given the circumstances...
May 26, 2021 8:12 am
"Holy Nova in the void!" Jonh jumps back as the security officer does his unnatural thing. "What in the space-time is that?". With the comms offline, he looks for the nearest computer. Maintenance knows the ins and outs of the ship, particularly, how to get a medbay fully quarantine and, if needed, depressurized.
New plan: lock it and kill it :D

Can I use the Intelligence's Habit: "Disappears into the ships' bowels while working".?
Last edited May 26, 2021 12:03 pm


Book outSmart that thing! d6 => 4 - (2d6)

(41) = 5

May 26, 2021 1:06 pm
That wound would kill a normal human. Probably. But The Sisters aren't really a normal human anymore, and the doctor is half-Relik, so they just don't know....

Full Quarantine will be easy. To depressurize the ship's hospital? That's past your security clearance. The problem too, is that Drs. Bale are still in there.
One red dot in the data pad. Something's wrong in the medbay. Modwen Tarch should be relaxing, but information like this waits for no one.
May 26, 2021 1:26 pm
Grabbing his trid-rec, he dashes you the medbay. He'd will but made up his mind about taking matters into his own hands about getting access to the antimony shipment when the alarm set his thoughts into motion.

Someone was keeping him from reporting on the hugest news to hit the tachyon net since first contact. At least, when he was finished writing about it, that would be the case.

He runs to medlab.
May 26, 2021 9:24 pm
As Modwen strides down the hallway working out his opening paragraph, he nearly crashes into Captain Hamilton, Lts. Leya, and.....

A small dense rock-shaped being? One of the Grel'lix! But, how did he get on the ship?

And since you think it's so important to be involved in our affairs, you can tell us how to resolve this before we extradite you via storage capsule.

Hamilton is rarely this out of sorts, even in the short time you've known her. When she realizes it's you, she barks an order.

Tarch, I need everything you've got on Antimony: reactivity, source minerals, neutralizers - anything you can get me.
May 26, 2021 10:05 pm
A low grumbling voice comes from the stoutly musclebound figure, "Again, sir, you have my most humble apologies, but you must understand that the situation planetside grows more dire with each passing day. I've with my own eyes what lurks waiting for us below the surface. I don't know what it is, but I think it may be the piece we've been missing, the key to solving the Phi-radiation crisis once and for all."

The captain looms over the Grel'lix, unconvinced, "That's an awfully bold claim for someone without anything even resembling evidence."

"Not what, sir, but where. I've ventured beneath that blessed crust, and moreover returned. Why then would a Grel'lix such as myself be stranded on a moon so far from precious ground?" The captain stands silent, unsure where this line of conversation is leading. "Exile! I have spoken truth - uncomfortable truth - to my people and yet they label me a blasphemer. I need not be involved in your affairs, but the words that landed me here are intimately involved in those affairs, and you'd do well to keep them around."

The captain stands silent for a moment before turning to Leya in hopes of gleaning some insight. Empty handed, he turns back to the Grel'lix again, "What did you say your name was again?"

May 27, 2021 2:41 am
Modwen scrunches his eyes together. Inwardly, at least. Externally, he smiles broadly. "Captain, I've been blocked at every attempt to examine the Antimony. If I could get access to it, I... " He senses that he's skipped responding to the request. "I'd be happy to share my knowledge. It's quirky, and when it's not pure, it can be volatile."

He looks at the Grel'lix and nods a greeting. Yen'kos, I'm Modwen Tarch, United Federate Press. Do you have time to ahead a few questions about your people? My readership would love to gain your insight into the..."

He looks back at the Captain, who is turning red, then leans toward the Grel'lix. "Later, okay?"
May 27, 2021 7:41 am
"Professor... ssss, get out of there now!" Jonh shouts at the sisters. "Get the doc as well" he adds as he continues to type into the terminal.
May 27, 2021 5:39 pm
"Negative," the Sisters reply. "We need to find out all we can about this disease before it progresses to this stage in the other infected. Doctor, you need to move away from here, go to Jonh." As they are definitely aware of how bad his injury is, it appears they simply don't care.
Their weapon is still aimed at the patient but most of their focus is now on their medical scanner as they attempt to find out all they can about him.
Not sure if I can get any more since I already rolled for this but maybe since he tranformed now, there's more to analyze so I'll make a roll. Feel free to disregard.


Booksmarts [3+] - (1D6)

(1) = 1

May 27, 2021 5:58 pm
From outside, Jonh sees the captain and Leya rushing down the hall with....that self-righteous journalist and one of the Grel'lix? Fine. Whatever. Because inside he sees the victim staggering under its own weight, its own new biology, knocking supplies out of cupboards and tables.

The Doctor is bleeding heavily, his eyes glazed over. He grasps for Phi-Rad pills before he musters the strength to crawl out of the room - all far too slowly.

What are you waiting for? Captain Hamilton cries to Jonh. Quarantine it!

The Sisters are right, of course. They can't decompress such an important wing of the ship, and certainly not when there's a new organism inside. It's pleasing for the professors to hear.

Or rather, would be, if the creature wasn't about to rip them in two to escape into the ship.
Jonh, please roll to time the quarantine properly.
Yen'kos, please roll Extrovert to keep a level head.
Sisters, please roll Fine Motor to dodge.


Stabbity - 1d8, 2+, Brute Force - (1d8)

(5) = 5

May 27, 2021 7:25 pm
As the Sisters try scanning the patient, he attacks the closest person to him - which happens to be them. She quickly tries to take another step back, away from him, and avoid the hit.


Fine Motor [2+] - (1D4)

(2) = 2

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