Apr 13, 2021 7:29 pm
Shadow Scream, now there's a name I've not heard in quite a while... Linus thought to himself, heard they were out of the game. Should have guessed they'd find the perfect hiding spot right under the fed's noses. Credit where it's due, I suppose.
Linus turned to Agent 115, "Not to go ruffling any feathers prematurely, but doesn't it seem like this is an affair more suited for the State department or Interpol? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a night on Big Dog just as much as anyone, but perhaps you should be courting a group more concerned with...legal adherence. After all, a few compromised first-world governments just sounds like more business for me and the lads back home. Likewise, I imagine we're slightly more expensive than your local representative. What precisely is the quid pro quo here?"
Linus turned to Agent 115, "Not to go ruffling any feathers prematurely, but doesn't it seem like this is an affair more suited for the State department or Interpol? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a night on Big Dog just as much as anyone, but perhaps you should be courting a group more concerned with...legal adherence. After all, a few compromised first-world governments just sounds like more business for me and the lads back home. Likewise, I imagine we're slightly more expensive than your local representative. What precisely is the quid pro quo here?"