One More Job

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May 29, 2021 7:13 pm
A distraction? Well, this calls for something special... Linus turns to the only obvious choice, "Dominique, I believe this is your time to shine. Our portly hacker over there is expecting a guest, but the other players at the table are in the way. I need you to either scatter the others while leaving our mark alone, or get the poor lad to a more agreeable location unaccompanied."

"Easy peasy."

"Oh, and just to make things easy for your first assignment, I've already gone ahead and gotten you an alibi. He probably suspects that you sent him a note about 45 minutes ago saying that you were a secret admirer of his, and that you'll make it worth his time if he can impress you. Figured you might want some levers of power to exercise for a warm-up."
Jun 1, 2021 4:41 pm
Updated last message with roll. Got a 6 on a score of 5, which I think is a fail.
Jun 2, 2021 12:11 am
Dominique skipped over to the table. Linus seemed pretty smart which meant he must have remembered her ringer comment; if he was unable to talk his way through something she would make it work. Linus tapping her on the shoulder must have been his nice way of saying handle him.

As she approached, she looked at the heavyset man. She could probably "escort" him easily enough, probably didn’t even have to show a weapon, hacker types were always very receptive to the idea of physical violence.

Maybe Linus jumped the gun on this whole thing I mean he hadn’t even tried talking to him yet and threatening someone at a table would most likely result in a bit TOO much fun at this point in the job. It was probably smarter to at least try a subtle approach, even if stubble wasn’t really her thing.

The woman sitting next to the man saw another pretty face approaching as an easy way to excuse herself, and Dominique slipped right into her place. She glanced over the man’s chips then up at him.

"So, this is you trying to impress someone? Or did you not get my note?"
Jun 2, 2021 12:44 pm
Excuse me - the target huffs, but when he saw Donnie he changed his tone. Well excuse me. He smiles to the others. Thank you all for a lovely few rounds, but I think it's about time I show my guest here what I can do at a craps table. With a nod he escorts her loosely in the direction of the others.

Thomas knows his "Digital honeytrap" is rife with issues. If he does anything more he'll notify the casino's wifi security. So hopefully this version of the plan works.
Jun 3, 2021 10:23 pm
Bruce nods as the target is drawn away successfully.

"...I'll keep my acquaintance busy, so that they don't hear any discussion we have with the target."

He then fills up the vacant spot at the table left by the target.
Jun 3, 2021 10:25 pm
Linus cracks a grin, "Peachy. Now that our mark is free of the chains that bound him, I believe it is Thomas's turn to educate our friend in how we deal with hardened criminals."

He then turns to Bruce, quickly losing the grin for a glaring, almost threatening scowl, "And I believe it is Bruce's turn to take care of the [through gritted teeth] loose ends he's neglected to tie up. Make it snappy." Linus disappears for the upper balcony, half a Sazerac in hand, to watch over both exchanges.
Posting at the same time is rough. Bruce doesn't need to have heard Linus's remarks, but the option is there.
Last edited June 3, 2021 10:28 pm

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