1: What a strange view

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Apr 20, 2021 11:44 am
sorry busy weekend and game day yesterday.
Nirion will pocket a few consumables as well (unless his focus negates them...I've noticed this varies by DM)
and then moves away as the kobold begins to swing the sword. He isn't used to such...enthusiasm.
Friends...if I may call you that, if the physician is dead....this could be dangerous
He runs a hand through his hair. There are items that I am still missing...what about the rest of you?
Apr 20, 2021 12:48 pm
Takeshi glanced up at the kobold and said sternly, "Initiate, stop flailing the blade. It may be cursed."

Nirion's remarks had a sense to him. He lamented not collecting the Commune with Ancestors rite. He would have to acquire that at some juncture. He briefly spoke, seeking to maintain focus on his work. The quill he produces from thin air pours a lustrous jade ink this time. He has set the dead doctor's tome where Turner and he could consult the tome in turn.

"I have items missing as well," replied the elder. "I am surprised the doctor does not have a few similar foci on her corpse, since she shared some techniques. Would anyone be against bearing her bones, or at least her skull? She may yet yield answers if we obtain a certain rite."
Rune, some OOC replies from earlier posts that may have become buried (or distracted by the sword-wielding kobold :D)

If Identification pearls are found, he would like to ID the sword and staff.
What he'd be looking for:
Level 1: Incense for his find familiar ritual, chromatic orb focus, and ID pearl
Level 2: Arcane Lock and Portal Magic components
Level 3: Clairvoyance focus and Glyph of Warding components
Level 4: Divination components
Do I need to roll the percentiles?
You Wizardly Quill do not use ink to write with, and instead of 2 hours pr spell level, you use 2 minutes, but you still need the expensive components. Stuff you have here aplenty. For spell-copying purposes there are about 1000gp worth ~ 20 spell levels
To confirm: We have the resources to transcribe up to 20 levels worth of spells available? (10 spell levels if split evenly between the two current Scribes?)

If so...would Turner wish to spend some time transcribing some of these spells? (Cherokee, if you wish, would you please render Turner's sheet public? If not, that is fine. With two wizards [and a third's book!], we may want to coordinate transcriptions and cross-decking spells.

Where 5e uses concentration as a limiter, two+ wizards can overlap effects for greater magnitudes of effectiveness).

Last edited April 20, 2021 12:49 pm
Apr 20, 2021 1:54 pm
The_Librarian says:
sorry busy weekend and game day yesterday.
(unless his focus negates them...I've noticed this varies by DM)
The point of the focus is to negate components without costs. Those with costs, i.e. pearl worth 100gp and those who are consumed, i.e. 300gp diamond for revify, you still need to gather.
Apr 20, 2021 6:32 pm
I have made my sheet public. We probably should try to take separate spells unless you think one is worth us doubling up on. I will choose from those you didn't highlight.
Yes, Turner is not unlike Khezzik wanting ALL of the knowledge but someone as disciplined as Takeshi present will cause her to act with a certain amount of decorum.
Apr 20, 2021 8:13 pm
CherokeeWind says:
I have made my sheet public. We probably should try to take separate spells unless you think one is worth us doubling up on. I will choose from those you didn't highlight.
Yes, Turner is not unlike Khezzik wanting ALL of the knowledge but someone as disciplined as Takeshi present will cause her to act with a certain amount of decorum.
Thanks! I agree with alternating vs overlapping as a general practice until we find enough materials to make giant spell tomes. A few instances we should probably overlap: Portal Magic, Create or Destroy Air, Counterspell, Dispel Magic, rituals, etc. The spelljammer spells likely will become crucial, and the others help conserve on spell slots whenever we have magical threats.

I think these characters all have magical sweet teeth (our captors included). The benefit of wizards is that we can copy and share the love between one another. :D Takeshi is about tactical patience given that we seem to have the time.

Since Turner doesn't have Identify, he would happily teach her so that they can inspect items (and creatures) much faster.
Apr 21, 2021 12:57 am
Leo is instantly bored of the wizards' technical talk. Otherworldly magic portals and creatures? Sure! Deciding who should study which spells from this book from a dead woman? Eh. Leo decides to follow Khezzik back out into the hallway, but quickly gets distracted by the window in their original bunk room again. Leo gladly sets up around the window, splaying his notebooks and writing utensils around him as he draws and takes notes of the exterior beauty of the space they float through.
TL;DR: Leo will happily wait as the wizards discuss, study, and learn their newfound spells. :)
Apr 21, 2021 1:21 am
Nirion will join Leo by the window as he has no need for spell books either. It is beautiful. Odd, but beautiful
Apr 21, 2021 1:38 am
"It is, isn't it. Not sure where we are, heh, but it sure is pretty. It reminds me of the stars back home, but it's more... real than the stars back home. Does that make sense? It feels like I can finally touch them, after staring up at them for so long at a distance, like we're one of them. What if all the little lights out there are just other hunks of metal and wood like this one? ... Heh, no one would believe me back home if I told them that." he smiles as he returns to his sketchbook, his brain hurting a little from all the introspective thinking.
Last edited April 21, 2021 1:39 am
Apr 21, 2021 1:39 am
The doctor's spell book was not awakened but all the better as the recorded spells outlasted her death. A collection of spells such as these were valuable but seeing the kobold vibrating with excitement was rather ....endearing. Seeing his discouraged face after the spell book was confiscated, Turner tried to speak a word of encouragement. Do not despise small beginnings, Khezzik. Magic builds upon itself. Reckless wizards don't make it until their hair is white with wisdom. As you can see, I have a ways to go! Turner friendly upturn of lips changed configuration to a pucker before she blew her blue bangs into the air.

Hearing the older's wizard's of guidance, Ohhhh. Master Takeshi offering to apprentice you is a great honor. Be mindful your actions as they will reflect on the Dragon Scribe's reputation so always strive to bring honor to your mentor's name.

The exclamation of the elf about portals drew Turner's attention. Oh let me see, please! A way to go home? I'm definitely interested. Taking several minutes, the wizard gleefully points out, Look! This weave is an expansion of Misty Step. By taking the braid and splitting it into strands it increases the circumference of the portal thus increasing the number that can go through. I would hypothesis Dimensional door works on similar principles.

Mayhap the wizards should have pushed the exploration further. But with no guarantees of another moment of relative quite and safety, not counting the kobold who seem intent on skewering one of them, the mages transcribed every spell possible until every component needed was discharged. Knowing it was act of futility, Turner looked under the bottom bunk in case enough material had fallen lodging itself in a forgotten corner allowing one more....just one more...always just one more.

Turner's eyes slid over to the skeleton remains still untouched. If anyone does address the remains, will you fold the clothes separate? It could be of aid if we needed to impersonate the doctor. Oh! And don't forget to check the pockets.

Sitting back on her heels, the human secures her glasses as they threaten to clatter to the floor before resting her palms on her thighs while addressing Takeshi as he finishes his final notations. Elevated Insight of the Crescent Owls? I have to admit ignorance to that name but is it why you gathered the pearl? I have seen collegues of Wizard Harper use such in a ritual but without such an exotic name. But a spell cast by any other name is still as magical, correct? Please, share so I can be an extra set of hands to help identify anything that might benefit us faster...or for that matter cause more harm.

After learning yet another new ritual and recording it, Turner stretched hearing her spine pop. Picking out her own pearl that had a pink luster. Now someone here liked a certain sword. Let's get that examined and into your hands... Turner raised one finger in the air, if, IF you don't swing the blade so close to the party. Deal? Upon agreement, the human wizard picked up her quarterstaff and began drawing glowing runes that she placed the short sword within to identify.
Forgive for slaughtering your line, Bard!
Last edited April 21, 2021 1:49 am
Apr 21, 2021 2:38 am
Ah, the curse of having some of the team heavily focused on research and preparation, and some focused on spontaneity and action - I've worked on group projects like that before! Are we happy stargazing while the wizards do their thing, or did we want to split the party and explore? There doesn't seem to be much of a sense of urgency right now.
Khezzik narrows his eyes suspiciously at Turner's attempt at reassurance. "This one has no hair at all. What age does hair start to grow, and how long before it turns from blue to white? This one is already ten years old, may not have many years left. Maybe have to acquire some white wisdom hair from somewhere else," he muses, looking sidelong at Takeshi.
Apr 21, 2021 8:14 pm
The aged elf nodded in agreement to Turner's conjectures politely. He did not know if this ritual more resembled a dimensional door as much as a gateway portal, such as the grand masters of legend could produce. However, he had learned in his business to let others speak while he focused on the task at hand. He scribed with a painter's stroke, formulating his own notes vertically upon the page. While a man of writ, he could feel the anxious enthusiasm mounting behind them with each stroke of Khezzik's dervish.

"Indeed, the incantation yields insights into the arcane properties of objects and any charms affecting a person. Very valuable as we press forward into this eldritch vessel."

As the ink wells and foci drained, the Scribe enacted his art more swiftly. He chose the arts he picked from the threads of the dead doctor's pages with great care. I hope she had stores of research materials elsewhere about the ship. Perhaps a proper laboratory... If not, then the aged wizard would need to acquire his and his burgeoning colleagues supplies elsewhere. A band of interspherical pirates would have navigation points toward trade hubs, after all.

He then turned to the staff on the bed. He set his scroll nearby and glided the pearl over the arcane focus. Takeshi intoned the rite with an abbreviated format, parsing the long-form rite into a more active function. He understood the need for time, but he did not want to leave any worthwhile object unknown and unused...

Once complete, he turned toward the firbolg and announced, "Let's see if we can stir the spirits within the axe to reveal what the artifact can achieve once awakened."
For perspective, Takeshi only spends 20 minutes transcribing spells. He will accelerate ritual cast Identify on the staff, while allowing Turner to try out ritually casting ID on the sword. Then he would like to spend another 11 minutes identifying the axe.

In short, this would yield 32 minutes worth of activity.
Last edited April 22, 2021 12:19 pm
Apr 22, 2021 7:07 pm
Takeshi examines the magical items you have found. When he explained the air spell, you all notice that the air on the ship is getting a bit stale. Nothing dangerous, but certainly not fresh.
[ +- ] Potion Brace
[ +- ] Staff
[ +- ] Shortsword
[ +- ] New Spell: Create or Destroy Air
[ +- ] New Spell: Portal Magic
[ +- ] The Axe
There are still blue bugs moving around, further in the larger room. You can see some starlight at the end of the large room, at the end of the hallway, but the room is otherwise covered in darkness. There is no ambient light at all.
Apr 22, 2021 9:55 pm
Much like the elder elf himself, his lesson was thoughtful while remaining thrifty. Simple commands defined the essence of Elevated Insight(Identify). Longer was the instruction given as she paused sketching the downward stroke stopping short of making the rune asymmetrical before correcting the length in response. Along with the transfer of arcana other secrets were unlocked including those of the short sword.

Not only sharp of blade but additional power infuses your very spells by simply holding the hilt. Truly a worthy sword of an intiniate. Turner leaves the blade on the floor for Khezzik to claim.

Seeing no one had touched the body, Turner moved over to address the grim task. The turban that had wrapped the doctor's head was unfurled before looping over her belt loop. Turner reached into her memory of the woman. If the image was crystal clear then it would be evidence that a month had not past although some time more specific she could not say. But a month was not long enough for decay to have cleaned her bones. Even her hair wasn't present.

Turner slowly undressed the skeleton stowing her cape with the turban but folding the other pieces in a neat pile after checking for anything in the pockets or hem. One in the medical profession would appreciate such a specimen. Townsfolk do seem to become upset if a few coin find their way to the hangman for a few prisoner's bodies but how are the natural sciences to advance? In the study of the bones, Turner looks for any scraping marks like might have come from the mandible of the bugs.
I am using keen mind to know if the abduction was within the month. I also will modify if her hair is present. Is the necklace in the picture there? Is it only jewelry, an arcane focus, or something more to ID?
Last edited April 22, 2021 10:04 pm
Apr 23, 2021 7:40 am
Turner untangles the remains of the woman she knew. The woman who broke through her ceiling and bleed on her chair. Bones tumble out of clothing, and the bones seem to be picked clean, but there are no marks on the bones that an untrained eye can draw conclusions from. The doctor's necklace caries nothing special, not even make from any precious metals. It's just pretty.

Turners keen mind can recall about 30 days worth of memories, but between them sleeping for an unknown while and the bugs eating the doctor it is impossible to determine how long they have been kidnapped. The best indicator is the growth of Leo's beard. 3 or 4 weeks have passed since he last shaved - is best his guess.
There are no other magical items in the room
Apr 23, 2021 8:24 am
While the scribes continue their work, Khezzik starts to explore further down the hallway towards the larger, unlit room.
Khezzik has 60' darkvision, and is quite comfortable in complete darkness. He'll get close enough to make out the features of the room or its contents, but be ready to run away at the first sign of any trouble.
Apr 23, 2021 11:21 am
Khezzik enteres a larger dark room. In the center is a long table, with a bench on each side. At the far end of the table is a large strange chair. The chair is facing the end wall of the room. As Khezzik gets closer, he sees that the wall is actually a giant observation dome of seethrough material (glass) that has been covered with some yellow residue.
[ +- ] chair
This is the common room, observation room and mess hall, perhaps something more?

On the floor are several dead bugs, but also the skeletons of two people. One the size of a grown man and a smaller. The small skeleton has a wand in its hand. They are both dressed as sailors and unlike the doctor the clothes are undamaged.

On the table are cups and plates. Some have been tossed to the floor like there has been a scuffle. At the other end of the table is a heavy tankard (empty), a pen, and a notepad with a note.
[ +- ] Note
On the floor, walls and ceiling are groves with blue paint in them. All leading to or from the chair. One of the groves leads over to the kitchen alcove where meals can be prepared. The grove with paint ends at a bowl that is built into the kitchen table.

There is a staircase/ladder that leads upwards
Apr 23, 2021 12:00 pm
Seeing the kobold scurry down the hall, curiosity gets the better of him and Nirion follows. I worry that we are alive and those who might know what is going on are all dead...and that chair. Don't like the look of it
Apr 23, 2021 2:01 pm
"Mmmrrm," Khezzik makes a noise in agreement. "Scary chair. For somebody important and powerful. Probably somebody dead, though."

Keeping one eye on the staircase, he'll try to prise the wand away from the smaller skeleton.
Apr 23, 2021 3:36 pm
Khezzik pick's up the wand as the finger bones roll off. It's a wooden wand with 3 metal studs embedded. Two of the studs looks tarnished, while one is still shiny.
Apr 23, 2021 3:40 pm
[ +- ] This is the ship
[ +- ] This is what you have explored so fare
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