1: What a strange view

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Apr 23, 2021 4:56 pm
Picking up the skull, Turner looked into the empty sockets as she addressed Takeshi. Only more questions than answers do I find here. It seems our work here is done, let's join the others who passed down the hall. Vowing to herself that their fate would not be the same, Turner exchanged the skull for her familiar before traveling the hallway to the common room. The satisfying crunch of a bug sounding under the wizard's foot.

How are you able to see? Let's get some proper light in here so nothing is missed. Turner had used Twist's view to manuver in the dark before casting Light illuminating the room. Blinking owlishly as her eyes adjusted, Turner's attention was captured, Now that is an impressive chair!

Eyes followed the various lines emanating from the chair. The most direct lead to the kitchen to what appeared to be a bowl. Turner would look for any activation buttons before gaining confidence trying to lift the bowl finding it attached to the counter. Running her open palm against the concave surface, Turner would contemplate on its use.
Last edited April 23, 2021 4:57 pm
Apr 23, 2021 5:26 pm
Leo quietly follows Khezzik and Nirion as they explore the new room. He notices the grooves and blue paint and recognizes them from the storage room and how they reacted to magic being cast.

"We should be careful casting any spells in here." he whispers to his companions.

Leo tries his best to not be distracted by the massive windows at the end of the room as he helps Turner investigate the strange bowl and keep an eye out for anything moving except for the couple of bugs scurrying about in the room.
Last edited April 23, 2021 5:32 pm
Apr 23, 2021 5:53 pm
I had to resist entering the room seeing Khezzik with the wand and not saying, "Dad's coming! You're in trouble now!" ;)
Apr 23, 2021 6:12 pm
I should have stayed on the island....this trip has brought nothing but trouble... he turns to Leo what do you think the paint means?
Apr 23, 2021 6:33 pm
Turner examines the bowl in the kitchen. There are symbols in the bottom that she recognizes as summoning and creation symbols. Proteins, fats, and starch. She is fairly certain that this is a focus for a Create food and Water spell, or at least create food. But there is no energy.

Nirion is looking at the chair as the last glowing gem starts to dim and is no longer glowing.

Leo, the outdoorsman, notices that the air in here has an acid taint.
Think of a closed garage in a hot summer, with shelves of old paint buckets. Its that kind of air


Paige Turner Buch: Arcana - (1d20+8)

(20) + 8 = 28

Apr 23, 2021 7:51 pm
the chair just went out...I wonder if someone else is here....
Apr 23, 2021 8:43 pm
That blue light? Mmm...I'm not sure someone else turned that off. Looking how it these two items are connected, I would hypothesize, this is a conduit to transfer magical energy from the chair to the kitchen. In this case, powering the bowl to create food. If that light represents fuel then....we just lost power and who knows what the chair was continuing to run. One would think vital systems would be prioritized meaning we are... A word Wizard Harper would sternly disapprove of her using escaped her lips. Even in the middle of a crisis, Turner could hear her mentor's lecture on being a "keeper of words" thus being more precise in your expression than a common sailor's wife. However, it did seem to catch the exact emotion clutching at her chest at that moment.

Long steps covered the ground to the chair quickly as Turner hefted herself into the seat. If this thing worked on magic then she would give it a little jump start. Taking Leo's warnings to heart casting only a cantrip into the last lit button to see if any reaction was discernable.
Apr 24, 2021 3:16 am
Khezzik sniffs the air. "Smells like angry dragon. Not good."

Since Turner seems to be ahead of the others on understanding how magic was used to power the ship, he brings the note over to show her.

"Something called Zix Battery died. Then everybody else died. Maybe whole ship died? Something to do with energy in magic chair?"
Apr 24, 2021 11:22 am
Turner sits in the char

runekyndig sent a note to CherokeeWind
Apr 24, 2021 3:20 pm
Takeshi thoroughly investigated the doctor's room's contents, he identified the items, and then he carefully collected the bones into her robes. He then settled these on the bed respectfully. He wrapped the skull in the turban, slipping it into his satchel. Once complete, he exited and sealed the room's door.

The Scribe moved forward, his steps punctuated by the staff striking the floor. He looked about the mess ward with Akio's assistance. He glanced over the contents of the counters as he passed into the front of the vessel. The acrid scent warned him that Turner and he would require the use of the new spells shortly. Though I surmise these will be a short-term solution to a long term problem.

Upon seeing Turner in the captain's chair, he asked, "What have you found concerning this vessel? Any sign of the other crew?"

He offered up the staff to Nirion. "A first step on your journey: This will enhance your focus with your mana, as well as defend against flying foes."

Then Takeshi remarked to the Firbolg, "The Axe of the Dwarven Lords will empower you with great abilities, but a curse binds any wielder to its creator's race. You will shift into their likeness so long as you link your ki to its essence."

"The bracer will grant its wearer the use of potions in a swift need, though the method of injection will cause minor suffering," he further advised whoever wished to obtain the boon.

He then maneuvered around the helm, looking for evidence of the ship's status, a navigation log, and the crew's location.

Passive Perception 17 (22 when Akio helps)
Passive Investigation 22
Akio's Passive Perception 15
Akio's Detect Invisibility. Within 60 feet of the tressym, magical invisibility fails to conceal anything from the tressym's sight.
Apr 25, 2021 4:33 pm
Turner paused as Khezzik spoke of death. A battery? What is a battery? But whatever it was, it's demise triggered a
cascade of events leading to further death of the members of the crew they had found and the ship. Maybe she was a battery as the mage could feel the weave inside of her connecting. All that was needed was for her to let the power of magic to flow.

Physically, cushions cradled her comfortably as the view of the stars were open in front of her even if the lens was smudged with the yellow substance much like when her own glasses were dirty. But it was that tug of her magical essence that made the chair more than a recliner. Be alert! My hypothesis is I'm about to awaken the ship. Our presence will be noted if any crew members are still alive. Try following the lines of power to see what wonders this vessel can do. Let our knowledge forever increase! And then Turner let her magic flow into the ship.
I have played this back and forth in my mind. Should Turner do only the bare minimum and let the party ferret out what each line powers? But sometimes a whole is more than it's parts so we will never know all the capabilities unless we fully charged it. Also batteries usually last longer with a full charge but Turner probably doesn't know that part of the equation. But still I believe curiosity of such wonders wins out. Turner hasn't used a single spell slot. Will it cost 16 slots to fully charge?
Apr 25, 2021 5:39 pm
Takeshi moves towards the helm and is surprised as his foot does not fall to the floor. He is floating weightless towards the chair where Turner now sits. Everyone is floating in zero gravity. Takeshi grabs hold of the table just behind the helm, the helm that has a front-row view to the panorama window. All the groves with the blue paint run to and from the chair. He concludes that the chair is the centerpiece in the room, if not the ship.

But written records, other than a notepad, are not to be found.

What they have found are now 3 skeletons. The doctor, a human adult-sized and a human chield/halfling sized. The halfling-sized was found with a wand, that apparently had 3 charges, with one left.

Turner decides to pump some of her magic into the chair. She keeps a little in reserve, just in case
Turner has 1 1st, 2nd and 3rd level spellslot left

Using the Sorcery point (SP) conversion results in 1x5+2x3+3x2 = 17 SP.
Spell Slot Level.......Sorcery Point
Of the 16 blue gems 2 of them glows brightly and a third very faint, but a moment later, two of the groves light up, sending magical energy out of the room. Seconds later gravity returns and Leo is the first that can tell that the air quality is improving. Turner notices that the third gem is dark again, and the second one is less bright.

Some of the energy she just gave the chair was used immediately.

The rest of the groves are lowing faintly, including the one by the bowl in the kitchen. It seems fairly easy to activate the bowl.
Apr 26, 2021 2:20 pm
Leo happily takes the ax, he is awestruck at its power, but weary of its curse. Leo likes the way he looks, and isn't sure how he feels about getting a new look. Additionally, he wouldn't be able to use most of its abilities anyway.

The acidic smell gave Leo pause, but he laughs loudly as his body slowly rises into the air and begins spinning on its own. He takes pure childish excitement and awe in the effects of zero-gravity, and is slightly disappointed when his feet are quickly returned to the floor.

I was worried about turning on that chair, but (thinking about the zero-gravity and the improvement in air quality) I think that was a good thing."
Apr 26, 2021 2:27 pm
"Ah! Scary chair is for drawing the magic out of wizard. Magic goes where the ship needs. Keeps air fresh. Stops float-aways. Good, good. Just need to keep magic flowing into chair and should be okay. Have plenty of wizards, at least."
Last edited April 26, 2021 2:27 pm
Apr 26, 2021 3:17 pm
Takeshi frowns at the developments. The elf did not like the prospect of devoting his arcane energies to simply survive and propel a vessel. He answered Khezzik, "We have plenty of arcanists. Nirion, if you would, please try channeling your power into the ship."

He added to the others, "We should apportion mana from each, lest we overtax any one person and waste valuable resources. Let us seek the remainder of this ill-fortuned crew."

Passive Perception 17 (22 when Akio helps)
Passive Investigation 22
Akio's Passive Perception 15
Akio's Detect Invisibility. Within 60 feet of the tressym, magical invisibility fails to conceal anything from the tressym's sight.
Last edited April 26, 2021 3:18 pm
Apr 26, 2021 8:11 pm
Looks dubiously at the chair. I worry that I might...damage it with how unpredictable my spells can be
Apr 26, 2021 11:28 pm
"Perhaps. It may be that the machine drains raw mana, not precise spells. In that case, it may aid in balancing your ki."
Apr 26, 2021 11:41 pm
Nirion hesitantly takes a seat in the chair.
Apr 27, 2021 12:36 am
Already leaning back at an angle, Turner witnessed the blue lights streak across the room as they power up. The wizard took note that everything seemed charged including the food bowl even though all the lights in the chair were not lit. So those lights didn't turn on functions but were indicators to the amount of power available. Troubling that casting almost a whole day's worth of magical essence only moved the light barely three degrees. After all, Turner was fast becoming a respected wizard in her own right, not that some of Wizard Harper's cronies didn't still call her Apprentice Turner. Something about them knowing you before you owned your first wand and that's how they forever viewed you but it was indeed fortunate other casters were available. Swinging her legs around, Turner vacated the chair to allow Nirion to take possession.

Trying to facilitate a smooth transition, The process is very instinctual. Whoever constructed this connection understood the weave. Just relax your arms on those pads and cast. We need to take note on how many lights each of us can energize and how long before the power is used.
Apr 27, 2021 9:35 am
If I am actually casting...that is what worries me...did you use a single spell?
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