Danger at Dunwater

Apr 18, 2021 5:54 pm
The discovery that a hitherto unknown colony of lizard men is in close proximity to the town of Saltmarsh, and is engaged in the purchase of weaponry which is sophisticated by lizard man standards, has thrown the Town Council into dismay and alarm. Greatly troubled and filled with apprehension, they had called an emergency Council meeting which you attended.

From the crude map found aboard the smugglers’ vessel and from information provided by the aquatic elf, Oceanus, it seems likely that the lizard men are preparing for war. The Town Council members devoutly hope that their townspeople are not the intended victims, but greatly fear this possibility.

The site of the lizard men’s colony has been tentatively identified as a coastal promontory adjacent to a small river, the Dunwater, some ten miles southwest of Saltmarsh. The Council considers it essential that a scouting party be sent to reconnoiter the area to ascertain the strength and size of this colony and the intentions of the lizard men. This would then enable the citizens of Saltmarsh to undertake proper precautions. It was put to you that, on the basis of your past success, you are well suited to undertake this mission. A reward of 1,000 gold pieces has been offered for your troubles (in addition to anything that you might scavenge along the way, of course).

It is a dreary day when you set out, with light rain falling and a thick fog blanketing the coast. Will and Tom Stoutly have agreed to convey you to the site and await your return, and Oceanus has agreed to accompany you.
It appears that we have lost Clayde, and if this proves to be the case, I will add Natassia to the party to provide the benefits of a thief.
The journey by sea takes only six hours, with some time lost due to the fog. The lizard men's lair is located beneath a promontory running out from the marshlands into the sea. This takes the form of a mound-like hill or dun which rises up abruptly from the surrounding countryside. The entire area is boggy, wet, and --to all outward appearances-- devoid of intelligent life. Vegetation consists mainly of tall grasses and reeds, some low-lying shrubs, and a few trees of willow and thorn acacia. However, the height and density of this vegetation is sufficient to provide adequate cover, when using reasonable caution, to approach unobserved.

The marsh abounds with sea birds and marsh fowl and many varieties of small, harmless lizards; there are also large numbers of butterflies, dragonflies, blackflies, and mosquitos, while normal fish and frogs can be seen in the many streams and pools. There are many pools and meres of varying depth within the marshes, mostly shallow though a few are deep, and small streams run between and connect these together. None of these, nor the marshes themselves, are of a sufficient depth or magnitude upon which to sail the cutter. The mouth of the river Dunwater is blocked by a delta which is impassable by any boat.

As your boat approaches the promontory, you are able to make out a trackway leading from the coast to the marshland interior. As you draw closer to the promontory's northern coastline, you are also able to see another trackway running up to the middle heights of the promontory to disappear behind a clump of tall grasses and shrubs. You also note a sea cave entrance some 15 feet wide by six feet high, on the northeastern tip of the promontory. You may readily row the cutter into this area if you first let down your mast.

The marsh trackways are all approximately five feet wide. It is late afternoon, coming into evening.
Apr 18, 2021 10:50 pm
Please see my lst post in 'Saltmarsh' regarding items Venemar has left in Saltmarsh.
Also - did we decide what to do with the two swords believed to be magic? One of these belonging to 'Sigurd' the captain is a longsword, which a couple of us are skilled in. Does anyone fancy trying it out (while knowing nothing about it!)?
Last edited April 18, 2021 10:50 pm
Apr 20, 2021 4:17 pm
The magus was happy to find himself moving again, after days in studious reclusion. As their vessel approached its supposed target, Albionus observed the shoreline with great interest.

"What is it going to be, then? The sea cave might allow us to hide our vessel. I particularly don't like the idea of trudging through marshlands: it is awfully detrimental to parchment, and probably very accommodating of lizardfolk ambushes. The path above, on harder ground, might lead somewhere interesting, but I'm not sure we can reach it easily."

Turning slightly to look at the owl perched on his shoulder, he added, "Go have a look, mighty Archibald. But take no risks!". The normally proportioned owl looked quizzically at its master, shook its plumage once and, with what appeared to be a good degree of hesitation, began its flight towards the shoreline.
@Party: Both blades were definitely magical. A longsword and a broadsword. Despite the risk of them being cursed, I believe it is quite to our advantage to have our warriors use them.

@WhtKnt: The second pathway leaves from sea level to mid-level promontory, or would there be climbing involved to reach that potential entrance?

I'm sending my familiar to have a look at the higher ground, attempting to confirm whether it leads to an entrance, or just leads back down into the marshlands.

Also, I have selected my spells for the day: sleep x2. No charming lizard folk, I fear. And my defensive and utility aren't quite necessary for this kind of incursion.
Last edited April 20, 2021 4:26 pm
Apr 20, 2021 7:59 pm
There will be some light climbing (the slope is gentle) to enter by the upper entrance (and there is, in fact, an entrance).
Apr 22, 2021 9:20 pm
Everyone welcome JabBurrwalky. Jab, feel free to jump right in. You joined the group in town when Sir Venemar met you at the shrine to St. Cuthbert in Saltmarsh (if that works for both of you). Everyone note that Natassia is also along to replace Clayde, who has gone missing.
Apr 22, 2021 9:37 pm
Works perfectly fine for me!
The cleric shifted around a bit in the small vessel, trying to gauge the lay of the land. The marshy low path seemed unnecessarily wet and squelchy, probably not the best approach. He was already swatting at mosquitos and didn't really want to trudge right into their breeding grounds either. But he couldn't decide between the Wizard's suggestions of the high path and the cave, so he started thinking out loud "Wise Magus, while I do like the idea of hiding our boat, I am not as fond of sailing the boat into a cave that we can't really see into, but that anything inside could definitely, most likely, anyway, see out of. That is to say, I think we might get an arrow or three in the face if we try to sail into the cave. Would your owl friend be able to see in there and let you know if its safe? I don't really know how these uh... familiars, is it? I don't really understand how they work."
Apr 22, 2021 9:52 pm
Welcome JabBurrwalky.
Venemar watches the owl as it surveys the coastline.
Apr 23, 2021 1:27 pm
Gazza, standing next to Venemar, also is watching the owl "Do you talk Owl to it Prof? he says
Apr 23, 2021 2:33 pm
"Ah, if only Good Fellows...", the magus began a typically long-winded answer to both Gylan and Gazza, "my Avian friend, Archibald, is bonded to me by means much more powerful than the common language of beasts! And I would be utterly unable to converse with it but for this bond. It is the fabric of the weave itself I had to bend to my adamantine will, through hours of torturous rituals guided only by my unflinching drive to Master the Cosmic Powers of the Aether, in order to coax this exceptionally brave and wise owl into my service. I can use its senses, and it can speak to me, as can I to it. But as to landing in the cave...". Some of you had listened to the magic-user's verbose accounts of his 'colossal efforts', the 'bending of the weave' and his 'mastery of the Cosmic Powers' many times in the last day; listening to the man, it was as if he had not been hexed repeatedly in Selgore mansion, or had not nearly soiled himself during the near defeat at the battle aboard the Sea Ghost.

At this point, Albionus' gaze stretched far into the sky, seeking the tiny dot that would indicate his familiar's presence.

"I am not sure he would be willing to risk his feathers in a perilous flight through the dark recesses of that sea cave yonder... I must confer with it. "
Does it look like the owl could find a landing spot at the entrance of the cave that would allow it to peer inside without exposing itself too much? Also, does it seem that the cave would be entirely under water at high tide? We might be able to slip a rowboat inside, while leaving our larger ship out here...
Last edited April 23, 2021 2:35 pm
Apr 28, 2021 3:48 pm
"I must say, Gaylan says to Gazza and Venemar in hushed tones, lest he somehow interrupt the wizard, "This whole notion of dominating the weave with sheer willpower sounds quite taxing and burdensome when one can simply pray with true faith and St. Cuthbert will bludgeon the weave into submission for you. NOT that I am chastising the good wizard, mind you, I am quite glad he's here to do it. I merely admire his tenacity. I certainly don't have the eh... er... gumption maybe, chutzpah, eh... mojo? Well whatever it is, he's got, I certainly don't. Quite impressive really."
Apr 28, 2021 4:00 pm
Gazza turns to the Priest "Prayers are good father, but I like to do my talking with my Axe!" and grins.
Apr 28, 2021 7:49 pm
Apologies. I thought that I answered Albionus' questions already, but I've been down with a summer cold and I suppose I might have imagined it.
The cave does not look like it will be underwater at high tide. The owl can find a safe place to roost that is out of sight of the cave entrance.
And on the assumption that he does so...
The cavern looks to be spacious and empty, nothing moves within. The high-water mark is about five feet below the roof.
Apr 28, 2021 11:35 pm
"Prayers are good indeed. I remember a priest who said, 'Pray as if everything depends on the deity and work as if everything depends on yourself'," Venemar adds in response to Gylan and Gazza. He looks towards where the owl has flown. "Are you able to communicate with your familiar - Archibald - over a distance Albionus or do you have to wait for him to return?" he asks Albionus. He is rather in awe of the mage's archane abilities.
Last edited April 29, 2021 9:35 pm
Apr 29, 2021 12:45 pm
I understand that I must 'converse' with my familiar, suggesting it is actual talk, not a telepathic link (though I guess it is possible to convey simple emotions, such as 'come back here' or 'escape to safety' without having to speak). I'm also not sure I can, in 5th ed fashion, worg into my familiar, i.e. use its senses instead of mine. But perhaps WhtKnt can tell us more about how the spell works in his world.
"Well, I have practiced the last half of that saying for a long while...", the magic-user stated in response to Venemar's words, "haven't been much of a praying man since, well, since I became a man," and then, turning to Gaylan, he added "You have the right of it: bending the weave is quite taxing. Why I have been bedridden for days after the exhausting travails of the last week of study and experimentation. And yet, I feel somehow safer not depending on the many faces of the divine."

Deciding to drop the discussion of the role of theism in a world filled with contesting divinities, he returned to the questions at hand.

"I fear I must speak to Archibald in person. He is, after all, his own bird."
Assuming he can have his bird return, or that the bird eventually does...
Once the familiar had returned, the magic-user spoke softly with his feathered friend before exclaiming in the common tongue, "Thank you, mighty winged scout!". As was his wont, Archibald looked on in equal measures perplexed and indifferent. Turning to the others, the magus explained what he had learned.

"The path leading to higher ground leads to a concealed entrance, it would seem unguarded. The sea cave does not appear to be fully submerged during high tide, and seems both spacious and empty, no signs of guards. Of course, there could be underwater perils that an avian form would be naturally un-inclined to investigate... Perhaps our sea-Olve associate, Oceanus, may have a look from below the waves?"

Turning to the elf, he explained what he had just said about the cave but in High Olven.
Is Gazza proficient with th broadsword? He could hold on to the enchanted blade, in case he is proficient...
Apr 29, 2021 4:08 pm
In Osric a fighter gets 4 weapon proficiencies plus 1 more every 2 levels, so let us say he is proficient with a broadsword, with his background as a mercenary it seems a likely choice.
Apr 29, 2021 5:39 pm
Gazza, that will be fine.
Regarding familiars: Yes, you must converse with them verbally, or at least be able to see their body language. Though the spell does not specifically state such, I will allow you to see through their eyes or hear through their ears, but while in such a state, you receive no input from your immediate surroundings.
Oceanus nods his understanding and slips quietly into the water. He is gone for only a few moments before he returns. "There are thick weeds at the bottom near the entrance to the cavern," he reports in elvish. "While I saw no guards present, the weeds could easily hide such."
Apr 29, 2021 9:44 pm
[ +- ] WhtKnt says
Please see my post in OOC thread. If Aldrusian (Bran) is not with us Venemar could hold on to the longsword of 'Sigurd' (the captain), as like Bran he has weapons specialisation in longsword.
Apr 29, 2021 9:49 pm
[ +- ] WhtKnt - Oceanus reports back
Venemar translates what Oceanus has said. "From what we've learned from Archibald and Oceanus the cave sounds like a good place to moor the boat. What do you think? There's no guarantee there are no guards. We could ready our missiles in case there are," he says getting his composite short bow ready.
Apr 30, 2021 12:24 pm
"We could approach on a rowboat, but this vessel is too big," Albionus responded, waving around at the seafaring vessel they had been transported in. "On that front, I fear attackers from below, that could capsize the boat, or drag you heavily armored fellows below, where the rest of us might not be able to pull you back... then again, in Selgore mansion, the sea cave was not heavily guarded."

Looking towards the promontory within which the Lizardmen were supposed to be hiding, he traced a line with his right hand, following the higher trackway.

"I believe that approach might be safer, and drier. Let's say that there are some scouts observing that clump of tall grass and shrubbery there, despite Archibald failing to see them. They could raise an alarm, but I don't think they could stop a concerted assault in force."

He turned to the others and awaited their opinions.
I had assumed Venemar was holding on to Sigurd's longsword. And since Bran hasn't posted in a while, Gazza could keep the broadsword — with which neither of you is specialized — to profit from it's enchantment. As a reminder, in AD&D magical weapons are truly essential to face off against some foes : resistance to mundane weapons is absolute; you just can't hurt a wraith with an ordinary weapon, no matter how good the attack. Using these weapons could really mean the difference between life and death for the party.
Apr 30, 2021 1:18 pm
Gazza will be happy to take the broadsword in the absence of Bran
Gazza ponders a moment and says" Let's get onto that trackway, I don't fancy messing about in a cave "
load next

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