For those who are too busy / overloaded at the moment -- do bear in mind I'm not looking at launching anything soon, just taking the community's temperature on the setting and genre. Suspect I wouldn't start anything until August or even September.
Couple of notes:
The art (lordy, that art) is really the best way to suss out whether playing in a Symbaroum game is something you'd like. It's incredibly evocative for many, and it will either speak to you and excite you, or you'll be be like eh, next. You'll know when you look at it.
Qralloq nails one of the core things that is appealing for me -- the scale and scope of the setting is limited. This is not multiple continents and fifty nations vying for power, this is less than a dozen factions battling politically, socially and physically in a cauldron from which none of them can escape. It's brilliant, and pretty easy to wrap your head around in terms of understanding what the game world is like.
A mild warning that when I say dark fantasy, I mean it. There are loads of mature themes, there's colonialism, racism, classism, slavery, abject poverty, terrible disease, dark horrors and more -- I wouldn't focus on anything nasty just for the sake of it, but it would be a very adult game.
Lastly, Symbaroum is not a YZE game. It was originally developed by Järnringen, whom Free League then picked up. It's a d20 roll-under system with player-facing rolls, flexible classes, and a fair bit of character customization. It's a little heavier than the systems I normally run, but I think it looks like it will play pretty well in the PbP format.