2: The Citadel

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Aug 23, 2021 3:59 am
Khezzik's curiosity will definitely draw him towards the mysterious sarcophagus and whatever secrets it may contain. Bonus points if it includes some kind of puzzle. :D

He doesn't mind whether the group does some dungeon crawling - he's rather enjoying the adventuring party kick-in-the-door experience so far - but is also happy to continue pursuing the path back to Waterdeep.

He would be overjoyed to be marked as a Frog Friend.
Aug 23, 2021 4:32 am
After the battle, Tonic will make sure anybody in need of healing gets help. Hopping not to make things awkward, he does take that opportunity to ask many questions to the grippli and the benevollant yuan-ti he treats about their anatomy, ignoring that many of them probably can't answers the more specific questions. When offered, he will gladly accept to participate in the ritual of friend marking.
Aug 23, 2021 12:04 pm
Nirion will also accept the offer of the blessing. He is curious about the sarcophagus but is hesitant to explore too deeply.
party full of casters is very squishy
Aug 23, 2021 2:57 pm
Subjugated people even usually mild mannered grippli can violently throw off their bonds of oppression and they did. Turner had meant to give chase but opening the curtain on the yuan-ti's body being torn asunder, the wizard withdrew into the temple until the bloodlust that had overtook the mob abated.

Do you think it will scar? The wizard inquired of Tonic as he treated the puncture wounds at her neck. To be honest...I rather hope it will. I do believe we might be in a rather exclusive club of mages that can claim to have been in the death grip of an yuan-ti and survived. A visual prop to illustrate the story would be welcomed.

As usual Turner enjoyed the energy of Khezzik's retailing. And how did that secret monster go again? Yes! Just like that! A bark of laughter followed before swiveling to Vanessa, Most impressive skill but you were hired as a guide and you went beyond that description tonight. Thank you. Without you I'm afraid the probability of a different outcome was high. If anyone here could be accused of hiding...it was me! Although with a little liquid courage I was planning to return to the fight. No, really I was.

Bandaged Turner addressed Takeshi, The sarcophagus still poses a significant threat. Some foul magic was being performed to release what I assume was an evil entity that maybe past our capabilities to handle. There is no guarantee another group of abominations won't follow to finish what was started. Neither the yuan-ti from the South nor the grippli are capable of mounting an effect defense. Thus, I feel the only responsible action we can take for the community is to place the sarcophagus in our hold removing the threat when we leave. Do not think I have the knowledge on how to bind the coffin as I was inspired in the moment to overstate my abilities.
A ceremony of friendship is great.
Aug 23, 2021 4:18 pm
Vanessa is not one to pass up what sounds like a good time, and who wouldn't want to make a friend? She will muster up any alcoholic beverages the locale has if it seems appropriate for the occasion.
I think I'm the only character with a hit die above a d8. I'm curious what's in the sarcophagus, hesitant for a proper dungeon crawl in PBP.
Aug 23, 2021 6:26 pm
would some spellcaster please describe how they cast detect magic on the lantern and chime. How does it work for them? What does they sense?
I too is hesitant for a dungeon crawl in PBP, but you should have the offer
Aug 23, 2021 10:58 pm
The elf looked over the crew with satisfaction that they remained alive. The yuan-ti could easily have consumed at least one or two in such close quarters. He nodded to each with a firm display of acknowledgement for their efforts. However, a hint of humor flit across his gaze when Khezzik retells the event in his demonstrative manner.

The scholar unfurls his scroll and begins to extoll in an atonal language. The speech flows like the course of a buzzing bee, peaking and descending into softer notes. At length, he feels the swell of mana and the arcane flow among the group and sanctum. He fixes his gaze at the chime pulls his sight, following the strands from it to the lantern. He digested these as a palette of flavors perceived in his mind as a chef might parse the taste of a meal.

"We should ensure the sarcophagus does not become disturbed further without proper preparation. Who lies in this sepulcher?"

Takeshi considers the group and states, "I would not risk the loss of our crew to curiosity alone. This temple may hold great peril or even great lore. Unless anyone thinks we have the tools at hand to delve into the secrets, we should continue our quest."
With cantrip theorems, tomorrow Turner and Takeshi could select Mold Earth and rapidly excavate the dirt in the basin and open the dungeon.

However, I understand the hesitation to run a PBP dungeon crawl. Given the lore heavy composition of the party, we might have a slog on our hands. If we do press into the dungeon, I recommend planning accordingly with spell selection.

He will receive this gift of amphibian friendship.
Last edited August 23, 2021 10:58 pm
Aug 24, 2021 5:42 pm
Takeshi spots 4 new magical auras. The lantern and the chime are magical as expected. One contains divination magic and the other transmutation. He also detects an oblong magical aura evocation kind and a bundle with an abjuration aura from inside the sarcophagus.
runekyndig sent a note to runekyndig
Aug 24, 2021 6:10 pm
The elf stroked his beard as he mused over the preternatural presences. He said to the others, "I suspect wards cover an object of evocative power. It may be a corpse or a stave, but I cannot see through stone. Perhaps we should clear this sarcophagus and secure its contents for these people."
Aug 27, 2021 8:45 pm
The scholars among you figure out that you have a Chime of opening and a lantern of revealing. With a focused strike on the chime in front of the sarcophagus makes it crack open, revealing a magic armor is made from shimmering scales and a single-edged magic sword made of the scrimshawed fang of a giant serpent. This was properly the final resting place of a yuan-ti of legends. Good or evil you don't know.

Back in the village the Pond Mother offers to perform a ceremony for the party’s benefit, called the ritual of friend marking. You brought to the pool in the center of Pond Mother’s home at midnight. The grippli, croaking sonorously, surround you while they stand in the warm water and Pond Mother pours the contents of a jar into the pool. The liquid swirls, and motes of light begin rising up around you.
In the warm water gently lulls you into a trance until dawn—when you come to your senses, completely rested and healed - and you can speak and understand the Grippli language from now on.
Aug 31, 2021 6:01 pm
Do you return to your ship to inform Pelk that the crab meat trade will soon return? Or...?
Aug 31, 2021 10:06 pm
Family has covid. Apologies for sluggishness. Takeshi will inform him via Sending when I get a post together.

Group seems hesitant to risk bogging down in a dungeon crawl, as cool as a yuan-ti temple is. We would then prepare to get navigation and supplies to make for Waterdeep space.
Sep 1, 2021 6:30 am
we skip the dungeon crawl. I'm not too keen on it either, but the adventure we are following just offered it as an option, and if there was a desire for some dungeons to crawl, I would make the offer.
Sep 1, 2021 12:57 pm
The elf captain instructed that the armor be identified and reported these findings to the yuan-ti. He said, "I lack the sources to delve into its proper origins, yet these things I can tell you..."

He then addressed Pelk with a mental burst of mana, "Grippli trade secured. Preparing rendezvous with your fortress. We come prepared to discuss navigations and equipage for long hauls out of your domain."

Takeshi gathered the crew and addressed them, including Vanessa, "You have battled boldly and with surprising skill. We may have to fight several times more as we explore. Vanessa, you may debark at the Citadel or remain with our crew. We would enjoy the strength of your fighting spirit, so long as you can direct the beast toward aggressors against our partee."

He then set to the tasks of reboarding the vessel and making way.
Cast Sending to Pelk. Cast Identify on the two magical objects. Arcana checks for both to discern provenance and possible history if no runes or script exist to decipher their history.
Last edited September 1, 2021 12:58 pm


Takeshi: Arcana +10 - (1d20+10)

(12) + 10 = 22

Takeshi: Arcana +10 - (1d20+10)

(16) + 10 = 26

Sep 1, 2021 5:53 pm
The armor and weapons are those of a warrior. Takeshi divines their purpose and abilities. The yuan-ti of the scale-mother (the good guys) are impressed by the treasures, but they also recognize the spoils of war - and that you saved them. The pureblood scholar asks if she may take rubbings of the sword and armor (a quick paper drawing) so she studied the inscriptions.
[ +- ] items
Back on your ship, it is an easy task to take off and set course for the citadel - and then have a good long rest.
and a level.
If you keep the items is up to you.
Sep 1, 2021 5:55 pm
That concludes the Book of Cylinders from Candlekeep mysteries
Sep 1, 2021 11:45 pm
Tonic has no interest in the items. He would gladly restore them to their original owners, but will understand and will not judge if anyone in the group wants to keep them.
Sep 2, 2021 12:10 am
Neither of these is very useful to Nirion either
Sep 2, 2021 1:46 am
"Shiny-shiny scales. Pretty and safe, and quick and quiet. Extra scales for this scaly one, yes?"
The armour seems more or less perfect for Khezzik, and while his outlook on life is slowly shifting I don't think he's quite at the point where he'd give up that kind of opportunity for the sake of pure altruism. He has no interest in the sword, though.

Edit: Ah... except that it's Medium armor, and as a Rogue he's not proficient. That would be completely crippling.
Last edited September 2, 2021 5:06 am
Sep 2, 2021 1:50 am
Turner would point out that the party has an unknown distance to travel. They may have need of resources currently not in their possession. The items maybe not be of specific use now but could be something to trade in the future. Plus if these items would draw the evil yuan-ti back to the area then it would be a tragedy for all.
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