Character Creation

Jul 8, 2021 12:36 am
Let's discuss concepts and make sure we don't play 6 Drizzts

There is a players guide available for free

Player Characters are any published Paizo material, subject to GM discretion. The game is largely urban, and undead, trap, and construct heavy, so consider that builds unsuited for that may be frustrated.

20 point buy, standard wealth
2 Traits (see players guide for additional options)
Jul 8, 2021 12:53 am
I have to adjust my character a bit, he was built using Elephant in the Room Tax Feat, so just have to change his feat which I am doing now
Jul 8, 2021 12:56 am
Oh, feat tax is a good idea. Let me post the rules for that for those unfamiliar.

Jul 8, 2021 1:07 am
Cheers for the add. And glad to see a couple of familiar faces having found a game after RL stopped me being able to run myself.

Thought was for a native of the city who's family lineage has always been beholden to Ra, (Follower of the Old Gods trait) and she claims to be able to summon an Avatar of him as a way to try and survive in the poorer parts of the city and protect her family. (Aka Unchained Summoner with a Radiant Eidolon). Combination Healer (Life Spirit summoner, with attempts to specialise in heal skill) and anti-undead DPS (Not-Ra Eidolon).

Depending on the rest of the group will likely offer to be a guide to Waiti, and a healer for the afflictions of the desert sun, and dangers inside the necropolis. Is aware of possibly riches inside the undead city that would aid her family, and believes she will be protected so seeks to see what can be uncovered.
Last edited July 8, 2021 2:17 am
Jul 8, 2021 1:48 am

Yay on Elephant in the Room then I just adjusted Kadin's base stats, he is ready for approval I think.

I am Kadin (Ka-deen) Morning Sun, a 19 y/o Garundi (human) Unchained Relic Raider Rogue, from the Morning-Sun District of Wati. A local youngest son of a semi wealthy Merchant family. I have no interest in the family business and have always been a thorn in my parents side, always sneaking out and running the streets instead of learning how to make and sell rugs.

I have some street contacts as well as family friend business contacts but I want to make a name for myself and make my own way as an explorer / adventurer. But I want to do it without having to hurt people in the process if at all possible. Will defend myself though:-) .
Last edited July 8, 2021 1:50 am
Jul 8, 2021 11:17 am
Hi, I'm thinking about a Lore Warden Garundi Fighter. I will post it soon. Just saying it so that the other players (that have not build the char yet) knows it.
Jul 8, 2021 12:00 pm
Just to set expectations, a lot of people have expressed interest but I don't want too too many players. Tight quarters in the dungeon crawl parts mean some people would be unable to engage in each encounter. It can also slow down the game as we wait for each person to post. I'll try seven tops and only look to replace people if we drop below five.
Jul 8, 2021 12:15 pm
Qralloq says:
Just to set expectations, a lot of people have expressed interest but I don't want too too many players. Tight quarters in the dungeon crawl parts mean some people would be unable to engage in each encounter. It can also slow down the game as we wait for each person to post. I'll try seven tops and only look to replace people if we drop below five.
Fair. I know one of the requests was likely someone I threw a message, as was also in my MM game that never game to fruition, though suspected you may already be full.

Would it be easier then if I didn't have two pieces on the board? (Though the summoner herself would be hanging back most of the time unless she needs to run in and heal.)
Jul 8, 2021 3:14 pm
Dahrehn is ready for approval. He is a human Lore Warden Fighter.
I am Dahrehn al-Shiman, a 20 y/o gigantic Garundi man from the Golden Oasis, worshiper of Irori. The oldest son of a military family I have been trained by my father, but I didn't have any interest in becoming a city guard or a soldier.

I was enchanted by the great lore of Osirion history. Therefore, I used every chance I could find to study ancient history and the secrets of the arcana, but I never had a wizard to teach me so was never able learn true magic.

When The Ruby Prince Khemet III opened Osirion ruins and crypts to foreign treasure hunters and researchers I decided to become a Osirionologist explorer. This year I resolved to go to Wati to offer my services to a party of explorers of the city Necropolis.

Description: Dahrehn is 6'4'', 220 lbs, with dark skin, dark eyes and a dark curly hair. Dahrehn looks intimidating and has a sharp intellect and wit that bruise egos.
Since THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM eliminates Combat Expertise, I think Dahrehn will retain Bravery 1 at second level
Last edited July 9, 2021 12:57 pm
Jul 8, 2021 9:41 pm
Avatar check as well as some more on Kadin.. He is a Pharasma worshipper and is about 5'6" and 140-150 lbs and knows Wati well, he has gone into the forbidden part of the city but has yet to enter any of the tombs.
Jul 8, 2021 10:18 pm
Obviously more Human than Orc blood.

Name: Herc
Race/Gender: Half-Orc/Male
Age: 22 Years Old
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 269#
Eyes: Amber
Hair: Brown with Blonde Highlights
Skin: Reddish Tan
Class/Level: Monk (Invested & Windstep Master) /1
Jul 8, 2021 10:39 pm
Given we seem quite mellee heavy I will likely be swapping away from a pet build to a cleric specialising in support and channeling unless someone else was already planning one, then a crossbow inquis of pharasma.
Jul 8, 2021 11:23 pm
DJ79 has a Assimar Paladin of Sarenrae, he has to redo his character sheet because it got locked in the old game when the game was disbanded. He said he would be done by tomorrow
Jul 8, 2021 11:29 pm
Ah if he throws a message to Keleth he should be able to unlock that. And yeah wondered if he would be using her again. Planned Cleric currently follows Khepri so will be interesting with different sun gods.
Jul 8, 2021 11:37 pm
It unlocks the character but still doesn't allow you to submit it to a new game, I have been through the process myself...easier just to redo the sheet so it can be submitted
Jul 9, 2021 12:27 am
Starting cash average?
Jul 9, 2021 12:45 am
You can take the average, or take your chances and roll and live with what you get.
Jul 9, 2021 1:38 am
Character is built with for approval
Jul 9, 2021 2:09 am
Awesome, we have four PCs submitted. LightofMidnight has a concept penciled in which will make 5. I haven't heard from LoudKid or WhtKnt. I'll give them a day or so then phone up the phone tree for the two alternates waiting.

Actual review of the submitted PCs will occur probably Saturday morning.
Jul 9, 2021 2:19 am
Sounds good Q, can't wait!
load next

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