[Gameplay] Part 1: The Lottery & Tomb of Akhentepi

Jul 8, 2021 12:41 am
TLDR Version

The city of Wati has a giant walled off portion that is a huge necropolis, normally off limits to all but certain members of the church of Pharasma. You are given a tomb to explore with the sanction of the church. You can only explore sites specifically designated for your adventuring party. The first site you are given is called the Tomb of Akhentepi (#23, at top left in map below). You can begin exploring it tomorrow morning after a ceremonial opening of the necropolis gates (#14 on the map).
[ +- ] Map of Wati

Longer Version

The bustling desert city of Wati is near bursting with excitement. Adventurers from every corner of the Inner Sea region have assembled here beneath the hot Osirian sun to explore the tombs of the city’s necropolis, waiting only to be assigned their first sites for exploration. Surrounding the participants, the public has gathered to observe the ceremony as well. There is a festival-like quality in the air, and numerous street vendors are hawking goods and refreshments to participants and spectators alike. Some merchants have even brought what can only be considered adventuring gear to sell as last minute convenience items to explorers, while others advertise that they’ll buy recovered treasures and antiquities from those who visit their establishments.

In front of the imposing edifice of the Grand Mausoleum, an immense awning has been erected between decorated pillars in the market to provide shade for the priests of Pharasma overseeing the lottery. Beneath the awning, two urns sit atop a table elevated a few feet above the ground on a wooden stage constructed for the event. The high priestess of the Grand Mausoleum, Sebti the Crocodile, sits behind the table, while two acolytes confer with her at either side.
[ +- ] Sebti the Crocodile
Numerous adventuring groups stand in small clusters near the stage, made up of multiple nationalities and races. Most keep to themselves, but some teams engage in quiet conversation with other teams, mostly speculating about what they’ll likely face in the necropolis.

The ceremony begins when the high priestess of the Grand Mausoleum, Sebti the Crocodile, rises to her feet and looks over the crowd. Sebti seems surprisingly young to hold such a distinguished position, but she has a confident air of authority. After calling for silence, she begins with an invocation to the Lady of Graves, followed by a brief history of the founding of the necropolis.
[ +- ] History
Sebti concludes by saying the following.

"Let the lottery begin! Although many of you have requested specific sites to explore, we must leave these matters to fate. The Lady of Graves is a far better judge of destiny than we of this mortal sphere. The gates of the necropolis will open at sunrise tomorrow. Use this evening to prepare yourselves for the task ahead. Let these rules guide you in your endeavors in this holy place: remember how this came to pass, every slave’s hut is a memorial, and honor the departed. May you go with the Lady’s blessing."

The priests of the Grand Mausoleum have decided on a lottery to distribute access to the tombs to make the process impartial and subject to the dictates of fate, in keeping with Pharasmin religious tenets. The church has mapped the necropolis and designated selected sites within it for exploration, dividing them into three pools, from the smallest and simplest of structures to the largest and potentially most complex. Each party of explorers is assigned three sites, one at a time, so that a group must complete its exploration of one site before gaining access to another. This process wasn’t intended to simply be arbitrary.

The church also seeks to avoid conflict between groups within the necropolis, the neglect of smaller sites in favor of those that might contain more wealth, and bribery and backroom deals with local officials to gain access to specific structures researched in advance. The Grand Mausoleum is dedicated to remaining neutral throughout the entire affair.

After Sebti returns to her seat, the two acolytes accompanying her each draw a wooden token from one of the urns on the table. The first token identifies the adventuring group, matching the token that group received when it registered for the lottery. The second token determines which tomb is assigned to that group.

A single representative of the chosen group is then summoned to the stage to present the token his group received at registration to one of the acolytes. Once the group’s identity has been confirmed, Sebti shows the representative the location of that group’s first exploration site on a map of the entire necropolis. She also gives the representative a smaller, sketched map that shows the site’s location in relation to the necropolis gates. Once a group has received its assignment, the process repeats with a new group.

When the name of the their group, Dungeon Delvers is called, the PCs should choose a representative to approach the stage and receive their assignment.
[ +- ] The Rules
Jul 17, 2021 4:15 pm
Having already carried out significant research into the history of Wati during his travel here, Bernard is not surprised by any of the information described by Sebti the Crocodile, but finds himself impressed by the enthusiasm of her delivery nonetheless - this is clearly important to her.

The idea that their site will be selected by random chance disturbs Bernard's desire for Order, yet he finds himself unaccountably excited at the prospect of not being able to guide the outcome. This, after all, is what he came here for!

Bernard gives thought to going up to receive the site for the Dungeon Delvers, but recalling the many looks of distrust he has received as an outsider since he has come to Wati and joined this group, he decides to leave it to one of the more local members of their party.

He expresses his final thought almost before he realises it "Luck!"
Jul 17, 2021 6:43 pm
The closer this day had come the more excite, and jittery, Khadi has been. She must have asked Rivel a thousand time in various details of the necropolis and the undead. To her fathers credit he had answered where he could, though it was clear he would rather she not take part. At some point though he had come to accept that rather she was in the necropolis making sure at least her team, if not ithers, where being respectful.

Their team at a few hiccoughs but they would only be worked out in actual action, not sitting around the table with a beer.

Everything in the necropolis was a tomb and logically they may not get anything interesting, but in her heart this would be the start of an adventure, to both prove herself and pay everyone else back.

As adventures start to move forward she turns to everyone else. 'May both Pharasma and Kheppri look favourably on us' She gives a wink and begins to move forward.
This is on assumption no-one protests to her being representative to move forward. Do say I've rin ooc if you think should be someone else.
Last edited Jul 17, 2021 7:15 pm
Jul 18, 2021 1:01 am
Esmae is Jittery, yet nervous about exploring the tombs.
Hopefully somewhere in these tombs..she will find her true lineage, and maybe even claim so type of desitany.

But with lottery on its way not only does she have a duty to her companions, put her city.
I must make sure rules are followed and not broken...That is if she can hold her composure.she says to her self.
Jul 18, 2021 3:22 am
Iseret stands with her companions silently, her thoughts her own. She looks over her party, lingering on each for a moment. What a varied group. Perhaps, just perhaps, this might be a favorable and profitable veture.
Jul 18, 2021 2:01 pm
The priestess looks up at Khadi from her seat and gestures to the acolyte to her left. He takes the token your are given for your team and looks at it, white with a blue hieroglyph, and says, "The Destined Delvers." The second acolyte turns over his token, blue with a white hieroglyph, and says, "The Tomb of Akhentepi." They hand Avaline the second token with the site name, while the token with your team name is placed in a sacred box; you know that there are three sites in total that you will be assigned. The other two will come later, after the delegates complete their first assignment.

Sebti the Crocodile looks up at you and says, "Pharasma's grace be your light in the dark."
Jul 18, 2021 4:15 pm
Well that sounded promising. It actually had tomb in the name. She fights back a smile as she receives the token, and any additional information. 'Thank you. May her mysteries guide you as well.' She bows her head to the priestess's and then Sebti. While not a follower she was respectful of the lady of graves. Plus angering the her high priestess was the last things she wanted to do.

Once all information is received she heads back, and spring sneaking into her step as she gets a certain distance away from the table, the grin finally breaking out as she shows the details.

'Sounds an interesting one friends. Akhentepi. Have any of you heard of him. How bout in your books Bernard?' She knew a lot of the histories of the old gods, but was less well versed in the histories of the mundane.
Last edited Jul 18, 2021 4:15 pm
Jul 18, 2021 10:03 pm
"Akhentepi? Hmmm..."


Knowledge (History) - Bernard - (1d20+9)

(14) + 9 = 23

Knowledge (History) - Gertrude - (1d20-2)

(15) - 2 = 13

Jul 18, 2021 10:35 pm
Bernard knows nothing of this Akhentepi. Perhaps he or she was a minor figure of enough wealth to have a tomb constructed, but not celebrated enough to be noted in the histories he has read.
Jul 18, 2021 11:13 pm
"Well, here we are with a goal finally in sight. Shall we begin?"

Gethean looks at the map of the Necropolis to see if he knows where to go, waving Iseret over to him to see what she may know of the location.


Knowledge (Local) - (1d20+5)

(14) + 5 = 19

Jul 18, 2021 11:24 pm
Just a reminder from the top of the first post of the game: The first site you are given is called the Tomb of Akhentepi (#23, at top left in map). You can begin exploring it tomorrow morning after a ceremonial opening of the necropolis gates (#14 on the map).
Jul 19, 2021 1:53 am
"Most intriguing - I have heard nothing of this Akhentepi - how exciting!"

Bernard is thrilled at the idea of learning new information.
Jul 19, 2021 10:52 pm
I can't wait... Esmae says to her companions.
Sarenrae be with us, I must go pray, and ask for strength and guidance, if you need me, I will be with the clerics of Sarenrae.
Esmae turns and walks toward the church.
Jul 20, 2021 12:47 am
Iseret checks her equipment again, making sure that everything is in its place.
Jul 20, 2021 3:37 am
With the grand opening to come in the morning, you likely want to be well rested for the days vigors. Who knows what horrors or boredom you will face? Will you even be able to sleep this eve?

To where will you retire for the evening?
Jul 20, 2021 4:09 am
Bernard retires to his part of the Suite in the Tooth and Hookah, feverishly looking for information on Akhentepi and the hazards of the Necropolis in general, to try and work out which spells to prepare tomorrow morning.

He would also probably canvas others who may already be familiar with the Necropolis.
Jul 20, 2021 12:51 pm
Jaware is also a little exited. It is finally happening. He will finally be able to prove his worthy.

He stays a little in at the tavern hall of the Tooth and Hookah inn to the drink some beer and relax a little.

After a couple of drinks he gets up and says:

A toast to Akhentepi, may it riches became ours tomorrow!

He says good night to his drinking buddys and retires to his quatters
Last edited Jul 20, 2021 5:42 pm
Jul 20, 2021 5:19 pm
Khadi had tried over the last couple of months but it seemed like some of her new teammates were still boring and rathered pray or study instead of celebrate. She would be up in the morning with the rising sun and the workers to offer her prayers to Khepri and ask for his magic. Tonight was the time to celebrate, maybe even get to know some of the others in the lottery.

While she stayed with her fathers in the city she headed with the others to the Tooth and Hookah, as she often did, to share drinks for a while, until everyone else decided to call it a night, then she would head home.
Jul 20, 2021 9:03 pm
Gethean sits a this table drinking his wine and observing the other members of The Destined Delvers. He never imbibes to much wine to ever lower his awareness... he just likes the flavor and always savors it. The barmaids always know he never has more than two glasses, no matter the length of time he spends within the Tooth and Hookah.

He orders a meal while he listens to the music, and the conversation as the night lengthens. When he is through he heads home for the night, but considers speaking with Bernard in the morning about possibly staying at the Inn with the rest of the company,
Last edited Jul 21, 2021 1:43 am
Jul 21, 2021 1:34 am
Bernard often sits with Gethean and also has a glass of wine, often using his knowledge of geography to expound more detail on the region the wine comes from, though he is far from expert on the wine itself.
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