[Gameplay] Part 1: The Lottery & Tomb of Akhentepi

Jul 8, 2021 12:41 am
TLDR Version

The city of Wati has a giant walled off portion that is a huge necropolis, normally off limits to all but certain members of the church of Pharasma. You are given a tomb to explore with the sanction of the church. You can only explore sites specifically designated for your adventuring party. The first site you are given is called the Tomb of Akhentepi (#23, at top left in map below). You can begin exploring it tomorrow morning after a ceremonial opening of the necropolis gates (#14 on the map).
[ +- ] Map of Wati

Longer Version

The bustling desert city of Wati is near bursting with excitement. Adventurers from every corner of the Inner Sea region have assembled here beneath the hot Osirian sun to explore the tombs of the city’s necropolis, waiting only to be assigned their first sites for exploration. Surrounding the participants, the public has gathered to observe the ceremony as well. There is a festival-like quality in the air, and numerous street vendors are hawking goods and refreshments to participants and spectators alike. Some merchants have even brought what can only be considered adventuring gear to sell as last minute convenience items to explorers, while others advertise that they’ll buy recovered treasures and antiquities from those who visit their establishments.

In front of the imposing edifice of the Grand Mausoleum, an immense awning has been erected between decorated pillars in the market to provide shade for the priests of Pharasma overseeing the lottery. Beneath the awning, two urns sit atop a table elevated a few feet above the ground on a wooden stage constructed for the event. The high priestess of the Grand Mausoleum, Sebti the Crocodile, sits behind the table, while two acolytes confer with her at either side.
[ +- ] Sebti the Crocodile
Numerous adventuring groups stand in small clusters near the stage, made up of multiple nationalities and races. Most keep to themselves, but some teams engage in quiet conversation with other teams, mostly speculating about what they’ll likely face in the necropolis.

The ceremony begins when the high priestess of the Grand Mausoleum, Sebti the Crocodile, rises to her feet and looks over the crowd. Sebti seems surprisingly young to hold such a distinguished position, but she has a confident air of authority. After calling for silence, she begins with an invocation to the Lady of Graves, followed by a brief history of the founding of the necropolis.
[ +- ] History
Sebti concludes by saying the following.

"Let the lottery begin! Although many of you have requested specific sites to explore, we must leave these matters to fate. The Lady of Graves is a far better judge of destiny than we of this mortal sphere. The gates of the necropolis will open at sunrise tomorrow. Use this evening to prepare yourselves for the task ahead. Let these rules guide you in your endeavors in this holy place: remember how this came to pass, every slave’s hut is a memorial, and honor the departed. May you go with the Lady’s blessing."

The priests of the Grand Mausoleum have decided on a lottery to distribute access to the tombs to make the process impartial and subject to the dictates of fate, in keeping with Pharasmin religious tenets. The church has mapped the necropolis and designated selected sites within it for exploration, dividing them into three pools, from the smallest and simplest of structures to the largest and potentially most complex. Each party of explorers is assigned three sites, one at a time, so that a group must complete its exploration of one site before gaining access to another. This process wasn’t intended to simply be arbitrary.

The church also seeks to avoid conflict between groups within the necropolis, the neglect of smaller sites in favor of those that might contain more wealth, and bribery and backroom deals with local officials to gain access to specific structures researched in advance. The Grand Mausoleum is dedicated to remaining neutral throughout the entire affair.

After Sebti returns to her seat, the two acolytes accompanying her each draw a wooden token from one of the urns on the table. The first token identifies the adventuring group, matching the token that group received when it registered for the lottery. The second token determines which tomb is assigned to that group.

A single representative of the chosen group is then summoned to the stage to present the token his group received at registration to one of the acolytes. Once the group’s identity has been confirmed, Sebti shows the representative the location of that group’s first exploration site on a map of the entire necropolis. She also gives the representative a smaller, sketched map that shows the site’s location in relation to the necropolis gates. Once a group has received its assignment, the process repeats with a new group.

When the name of the their group, Dungeon Delvers is called, the PCs should choose a representative to approach the stage and receive their assignment.
[ +- ] The Rules
Jul 17, 2021 4:15 pm
Having already carried out significant research into the history of Wati during his travel here, Bernard is not surprised by any of the information described by Sebti the Crocodile, but finds himself impressed by the enthusiasm of her delivery nonetheless - this is clearly important to her.

The idea that their site will be selected by random chance disturbs Bernard's desire for Order, yet he finds himself unaccountably excited at the prospect of not being able to guide the outcome. This, after all, is what he came here for!

Bernard gives thought to going up to receive the site for the Dungeon Delvers, but recalling the many looks of distrust he has received as an outsider since he has come to Wati and joined this group, he decides to leave it to one of the more local members of their party.

He expresses his final thought almost before he realises it "Luck!"
Jul 17, 2021 6:43 pm
The closer this day had come the more excite, and jittery, Khadi has been. She must have asked Rivel a thousand time in various details of the necropolis and the undead. To her fathers credit he had answered where he could, though it was clear he would rather she not take part. At some point though he had come to accept that rather she was in the necropolis making sure at least her team, if not ithers, where being respectful.

Their team at a few hiccoughs but they would only be worked out in actual action, not sitting around the table with a beer.

Everything in the necropolis was a tomb and logically they may not get anything interesting, but in her heart this would be the start of an adventure, to both prove herself and pay everyone else back.

As adventures start to move forward she turns to everyone else. 'May both Pharasma and Kheppri look favourably on us' She gives a wink and begins to move forward.
This is on assumption no-one protests to her being representative to move forward. Do say I've rin ooc if you think should be someone else.
Last edited July 17, 2021 7:15 pm
Jul 18, 2021 1:01 am
Esmae is Jittery, yet nervous about exploring the tombs.
Hopefully somewhere in these tombs..she will find her true lineage, and maybe even claim so type of desitany.

But with lottery on its way not only does she have a duty to her companions, put her city.
I must make sure rules are followed and not broken...That is if she can hold her composure.she says to her self.
Jul 18, 2021 3:22 am
Iseret stands with her companions silently, her thoughts her own. She looks over her party, lingering on each for a moment. What a varied group. Perhaps, just perhaps, this might be a favorable and profitable veture.
Jul 18, 2021 2:01 pm
The priestess looks up at Khadi from her seat and gestures to the acolyte to her left. He takes the token your are given for your team and looks at it, white with a blue hieroglyph, and says, "The Destined Delvers." The second acolyte turns over his token, blue with a white hieroglyph, and says, "The Tomb of Akhentepi." They hand Avaline the second token with the site name, while the token with your team name is placed in a sacred box; you know that there are three sites in total that you will be assigned. The other two will come later, after the delegates complete their first assignment.

Sebti the Crocodile looks up at you and says, "Pharasma's grace be your light in the dark."
Jul 18, 2021 4:15 pm
Well that sounded promising. It actually had tomb in the name. She fights back a smile as she receives the token, and any additional information. 'Thank you. May her mysteries guide you as well.' She bows her head to the priestess's and then Sebti. While not a follower she was respectful of the lady of graves. Plus angering the her high priestess was the last things she wanted to do.

Once all information is received she heads back, and spring sneaking into her step as she gets a certain distance away from the table, the grin finally breaking out as she shows the details.

'Sounds an interesting one friends. Akhentepi. Have any of you heard of him. How bout in your books Bernard?' She knew a lot of the histories of the old gods, but was less well versed in the histories of the mundane.
Last edited July 18, 2021 4:15 pm
Jul 18, 2021 10:03 pm
"Akhentepi? Hmmm..."


Knowledge (History) - Bernard - (1d20+9)

(14) + 9 = 23

Knowledge (History) - Gertrude - (1d20-2)

(15) - 2 = 13

Jul 18, 2021 10:35 pm
Bernard knows nothing of this Akhentepi. Perhaps he or she was a minor figure of enough wealth to have a tomb constructed, but not celebrated enough to be noted in the histories he has read.
Jul 18, 2021 11:13 pm
"Well, here we are with a goal finally in sight. Shall we begin?"

Gethean looks at the map of the Necropolis to see if he knows where to go, waving Iseret over to him to see what she may know of the location.


Knowledge (Local) - (1d20+5)

(14) + 5 = 19

Jul 18, 2021 11:24 pm
Just a reminder from the top of the first post of the game: The first site you are given is called the Tomb of Akhentepi (#23, at top left in map). You can begin exploring it tomorrow morning after a ceremonial opening of the necropolis gates (#14 on the map).
Jul 19, 2021 1:53 am
"Most intriguing - I have heard nothing of this Akhentepi - how exciting!"

Bernard is thrilled at the idea of learning new information.
Jul 19, 2021 10:52 pm
I can't wait... Esmae says to her companions.
Sarenrae be with us, I must go pray, and ask for strength and guidance, if you need me, I will be with the clerics of Sarenrae.
Esmae turns and walks toward the church.
Jul 20, 2021 12:47 am
Iseret checks her equipment again, making sure that everything is in its place.
Jul 20, 2021 3:37 am
With the grand opening to come in the morning, you likely want to be well rested for the days vigors. Who knows what horrors or boredom you will face? Will you even be able to sleep this eve?

To where will you retire for the evening?
Jul 20, 2021 4:09 am
Bernard retires to his part of the Suite in the Tooth and Hookah, feverishly looking for information on Akhentepi and the hazards of the Necropolis in general, to try and work out which spells to prepare tomorrow morning.

He would also probably canvas others who may already be familiar with the Necropolis.
Jul 20, 2021 12:51 pm
Jaware is also a little exited. It is finally happening. He will finally be able to prove his worthy.

He stays a little in at the tavern hall of the Tooth and Hookah inn to the drink some beer and relax a little.

After a couple of drinks he gets up and says:

A toast to Akhentepi, may it riches became ours tomorrow!

He says good night to his drinking buddys and retires to his quatters
Last edited July 20, 2021 5:42 pm
Jul 20, 2021 5:19 pm
Khadi had tried over the last couple of months but it seemed like some of her new teammates were still boring and rathered pray or study instead of celebrate. She would be up in the morning with the rising sun and the workers to offer her prayers to Khepri and ask for his magic. Tonight was the time to celebrate, maybe even get to know some of the others in the lottery.

While she stayed with her fathers in the city she headed with the others to the Tooth and Hookah, as she often did, to share drinks for a while, until everyone else decided to call it a night, then she would head home.
Jul 20, 2021 9:03 pm
Gethean sits a this table drinking his wine and observing the other members of The Destined Delvers. He never imbibes to much wine to ever lower his awareness... he just likes the flavor and always savors it. The barmaids always know he never has more than two glasses, no matter the length of time he spends within the Tooth and Hookah.

He orders a meal while he listens to the music, and the conversation as the night lengthens. When he is through he heads home for the night, but considers speaking with Bernard in the morning about possibly staying at the Inn with the rest of the company,
Last edited July 21, 2021 1:43 am
Jul 21, 2021 1:34 am
Bernard often sits with Gethean and also has a glass of wine, often using his knowledge of geography to expound more detail on the region the wine comes from, though he is far from expert on the wine itself.
Jul 23, 2021 11:36 pm
There is little happening tonight at the Tooth & Hookah.

There is a general sort of buzz, many folk discussing the lottery. A few have picked favorites, and are discussing the chances of survival or success.

Quite a few are anxious, a kind of dread best categorized by "that which is dead should remain undisturbed". Almost a state motto in Wati, until today.

Speculation on the motives of the Phasmines and the Pharoah, general excitement about the unknown, and legitimate concern about ancient curses and the living dead.
Jul 25, 2021 1:11 am
Bernard will do his best o listen for information about any of the other groups, and if any are present, try and run a surreptitious eye over them - after all, despite the rules they were told, human nature suggests at least one of the groups will attempt something nefarious.
Will roll a couple of checks in case its useful - Diplomacy, Knowledge Local and Sense Motive seem most likely?


Knowledge Local - (1d20+9)

(12) + 9 = 21

Sense Motive - (1d20+0)

(6) = 6

Diplomacy - (1d20+0)

(19) = 19

Jul 25, 2021 3:13 am
Gethean has asked around to see if his friends on the watch and his family have heard anything interesting as of late.


Knowledge (Local) - (1d20+5)

(9) + 5 = 14

Jul 25, 2021 3:25 am
There are no other adventuring parties in the inn tonight it seems, although the Sand Scorpions were here earlier in the day. The Dog Soldiers were turned away by the innkeeper, Farhaan, because there was no accommodation for the halfling team's 'trained' pack of fighting dogs.

Bernard does hear that a few of the Adventuring teams are planning on coming to the Tooth & Hookah after exploring the tombs. It might be the first night or the second, depending on how they all do.
Jul 25, 2021 11:13 am
Seeing the main floor of the Tooth and Hookah is fairly quiet, Bernard resolves to retire early, do some last minute study of things he considers relevant for tomorrows efforts, and goes to bed, his excitement at the prospect of finally putting his skills to the test becoming an almost palpable thing.
Jul 26, 2021 11:34 pm
Due to the quietness of the Tooth and Hookah, as the rest of her companion retreat Khadi also leaves to go to the haunts more popular with workers and the locals, just enjoying the night bit also trying see if anyone has heard anything about Akentepi or the other groups. Eventually she will return home, ready to rise with the sun to pray and prepare.


Diplomacy - (1d20+7)

(1) + 7 = 8

Jul 26, 2021 11:58 pm
Shortly after Bernard retires to the rooms Gethean decides to retire for the night as well.
Last edited July 27, 2021 10:48 pm
Jul 27, 2021 3:29 am
The next morning you arrive. You've paid your custom for your prior night's stay, and packed up all of your belongings for what could potentially be a multi-day trek into the necropolis. You know that you'll be on your own, with no recourse to guard patrols or supply vendors.
[ +- ] The Necropolis Gates
The gates are closed, and at the appointed time, the priests perform a brief ceremony. You hear again the reverence the Pharasmins have for the necropolis, and how reluctant they are for the the place to be treated with anything other than that same reverence. They call upon the adventuring bands to remember their sacred duty, and that anyone caught desecrating or unduly destroying property will have their eligibility withdrawn from future assignments.

When the gates open the various teams enter cautiously, and proceed in one of several directions. You know your assignment is to at the far end, slightly to the left of how you pass through the gates.
How do you proceed? The streets are wide enough for three or four abreast if that is your choice, but give me a base marching order. Also, you can discuss your path, but from the map I will otherwise assume that you will go through 14, head along the road between 2 and 4, toward 26 and then to 23 which is your location.
Jul 27, 2021 10:04 am
Bernard would prefer to adopt a position in the middle area of the party, recognising his fragile nature provides him little semblance of endurance should he be the firs tot come under attack from any particular direction.

Determining route he leaves to the members of the party more expert in that sort of thing.
Jul 27, 2021 2:13 pm
Khadi radiates excitement as she waits for the gates to open. Bouncing on the spot she keeps rotating her shoulders trying to adjust to the weight of the new crossbow slung across her back. She told people not to rely on her aim but quite a few, her fathers included, had insisted on some sort of weapon.

As the gates open she wants to rush forward but resists nodding to the others with a grin. The streets of the necropolis could hold dangers, and with armour interfering with her ability to manipulate positive energy she had begrudgingly accepted maybe she shouldn't go first.

'To adventure new knowledge and proving ourselves then?' She grins even more at her comp anions as she settle in behind some of the others.
That route seems good. Khadi likely in the middle of the pack as squishy and also so she can get her healing
to whatever side needs it. Jaware at the back at least seems a good choice, as he can survive a surprise hit better than Khadi or Bernard.
Last edited July 27, 2021 2:16 pm
Jul 27, 2021 8:57 pm
Iseret prefers to remain in the second rank so that she has easy access to doors and traps, but is not in the first wave of fighting. The route is fine with her. She falls into step with the rest of the group, eyes wide with wonder at the necropolis around her.
Jul 27, 2021 10:47 pm
Esmae seeing the party leave the inn, she makes a slight donation to the Clerics of Sarenrae before she meets up with them..
Esmae would like to take point
Last edited July 27, 2021 10:48 pm
Jul 27, 2021 10:55 pm
Gethean waits for the party to move out before falling in at the end of the column, from patrolling this city with the watch for decades, he knows trouble can come from anywhere, even below the shifting sands. The route seems like it is reasonable but he is always ready for anything, he hopes.
Jul 31, 2021 4:05 am
You pass quickly through the first square, around Pharasma's Needle, and into the streets.
[ +- ] Pharasmas Needle
Deeper into the necropolis, passing decrepit buildings in largely good repair despite the centuries, but obviously worn by weather, you come across a group of priests. They hail you in the street as you approach.

"Hail, adventurers. Do you have your token?" They eye you suspiciously, but not hostilely. You can tell that they're checking your gear and belongings, but for what, isn't apparent.
Jul 31, 2021 4:21 am
Was it announced priests would be checking tokens etc?
'Certainly friend!' Khadi moves to the side of Esme and holds up the token with their destination, but makes sure the paladin is still slightly in front. It was likely silly to be on guard, but the cleric is charged with adrenaline, ready for danger. 'Is everything alright?'
Jul 31, 2021 5:31 am
A knowledge(local) or knowledge(reliving) roll would be appropriate
The priests gently accept the token and peer at the rune. He hands it back, asking, "Which site is this for?"
Jul 31, 2021 1:45 pm
'The tomb of Akentepi. Do you know anything about the site?'


Religion - (1d20+9)

(6) + 9 = 15

Sense motive (For good measure) - (1d20+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Jul 31, 2021 3:36 pm
The priest nods and they stand aside. "Safe journey, friends. The road is clear most of the way, but keep an eye out. There are dangers about."

They allow you to pass without any further questions.
[ +- ] Khadi knows...
Aug 1, 2021 12:28 am
Bernard eyes the Priests curiously as Khadi’s curiousity piques his own.

"What sort of dangers? We would be most grateful for any assistance the Eyes of the Spire could provide."
Bernard is aware the Pharasmin Priests in the Necropolis are called the Voices of the Spire, but its playing of his status as an ignorant foreigner to do a little test.
Last edited August 1, 2021 12:31 am


Knowledge Local - (1d20+9)

(6) + 9 = 15

Perception - (1d20+7)

(1) + 7 = 8

Aug 1, 2021 3:02 am
The priest shakes his head sadly. "This is no summer romp for a librarian, sir. If you are uncertain what you may face, you should leave now. The dead walk, all manner of serpents and vermin slither and skitter, magical traps set centuries ago, gangs of tomb robbing murderers, and rumors even of a dragon. This is no place for the innocent. Come, we will escort you back."
Aug 1, 2021 3:59 pm
Presuming that none of you take their advice, you soon arrive at the Tomb.

A rectangular stone mausoleum sits alone in what appears to have once been an actual cemetery. The trunks of a few dead trees poke out of the sand around the tomb, and a hot breeze whistles through their desiccated branches. A set of massive stone double doors is affixed to the northern side of the structure, beneath a facade bearing the likeness of an Osirian man. Windblown sand is heaped around the crypt, partially burying the doors that lead within.
Aug 1, 2021 4:16 pm
'Please forgive my friend. He is smart is some areas, but sometimes the heat gets to him. We will be fine. I wish you well, and I hope no-one decides to cause any trouble in this scared place.' Khadi nods her head even as she shoots Bernard a confused look. He should know it was voices not eyes.

As they finally reach their destination her excitement is even more noticeable. 'So who wants to to the honours? I would volunteer but..?' She gives a grin as she flexes a very unimpressive arm.'
Aug 1, 2021 5:59 pm
"I'll just make sure that it's safe," Iseret says, stepping towards the doors. She carefully examines the doors and doorframe for any irregularities or deadfalls/hidden triggers.


Perception - (1d20+4)

Engineering (if needed) - (1d20+8)

Aug 1, 2021 6:53 pm
The name of the individual interred within the tomb, Akhentepi, is engraved upon the doors in Osiriani, along with the dates of his birth and death, indicating that the deceased was born in 2416 ar and died in 2488 ar, 11 years before the Plague of Madness decimated most of the city.

Iseret is able to discern only that the doors are 10 feet tall and made of solid stone. There are also telltale traces of mortar along the seams and jamb that has since crumbled or been chipped away, indicating that the doors were meant to be sealed permanently and not intended to be opened again.

She is unsure how they might be intended to open.
Aug 1, 2021 8:37 pm
Gethean continues to look around while the others focus on the door. He looks at the size of the tomb, and decides to take a look around the sides of the tomb to make sure the area is clear. When satisfied he returns to the main entrance.


Perception - (1d20)

(19) = 19

Aug 1, 2021 9:43 pm
Gethean finds nothing of concern on the outside of the tomb, but does notice that doors appear to swing outwards to open. As such the sand in front of the doors will need to be cleared and then you'll somehow need to get purchase on the smooth stone to pull them open.
Aug 1, 2021 10:20 pm
"Thankyou, I think I should be OK against most of those with my companions here - the dragon I would likely try and run, hide or negotiate depending on how we cross paths." he says to the Priest, the last with a soft chuckle.

Looking at the Tomb of Ahkentepi, Bernard has a good look around and tries to puzzle out how to open it with as little damage as possible, perhaps even being able to seal it back up on the way out.


Perception - (1d20+7)

(3) + 7 = 10

Knowledge Engineering - (1d20+9)

(3) + 9 = 12

Aug 1, 2021 10:24 pm
Bernard gets the same conclusion as Gethean, but it is is engineering knowledge that tells him that the doors are on concealed hinges and swing outwards to open. As such the sand in front of the doors will need to be cleared and then you'll somehow need to get purchase on the smooth stone to pull them open.
Aug 1, 2021 10:26 pm
"Ah yes, the doors open outward. You will need to clear the sand from the front, and we should then be able to swing them open."

It is pretty clear the old man is not intending to do the digging.
Aug 2, 2021 9:54 pm
I would suggest Bernard and I scout around while you all do the digging, but I fear even we are no match if this supposed dragon' Khadi jokes as she looks at the piles of sand. Everyone would know that the two of them alone was asking for them to be picked off.

'Come on old man. If we work together we might be able to match one of Esmae's muscles.' She rolls up some imaginary sleeves.
Aug 3, 2021 2:46 am
Iseret sighs and begins the arduous task of removing sand.
Aug 4, 2021 4:47 am
It takes about an hour of hard work for you together to clear the sand. When you're done, the doors stand there looking difficult. How might you open it?

You can try a Strength check but the DC is quite high so you'll need to work together, unless one of you has a tool.
Aug 4, 2021 11:15 am
'So...uh who remembered to bring a crowbar?' Khadi as she runs a hand down the door, hoping to find a hidden handle of something, however unlikely.


Perception - (1d20+3)

(11) + 3 = 14

Aug 4, 2021 11:35 pm
Gethean examines the door, injecting the mortar between the seam and the jambs. He uses his dagger to test the integrity of what remains, seeing if anything shows in the spots where it is crumbling and if any more can be removed.

"Iseret, you wouldn't happen to have anything useful for the situation at hand would you? Bernard, perhaps a spell of some sort?
Last edited August 4, 2021 11:46 pm


Perception - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Aug 5, 2021 12:31 am
Jaware lets the professional trappers and archwatch, looking for any sign of enemies or dangers.eologists do their work as he keeps
Last edited August 5, 2021 12:32 am


Perception - (1d20+4)

(12) + 4 = 16

Aug 5, 2021 1:57 am
Your perceptions are for naught, revealing neither a way in, nor identifying any foes, although for the latter, you are not attacked during the digging so perhaps your perception was adequate and the enemies, sensing your vigilance, chose to find more unaware prey, so good job, perhaps?

The door remains closed.
Aug 5, 2021 3:31 am
"Though I know of many spells that could achieve this, in my current withered state I am afraid I am not capable of casting them. I fear I would also be of disbenefit in terms of trying combine our physical strengths, but if you all can combine, I have seen something before that may be of assistance that I have always wanted to try."

When the party begin trying to push the door open, Bernard will start to sing, as though he were a bard attempting a bardic performance. His voice is surprisingly good.
Bernard literally provides a -2 strength modifier. He doesn’t actually have bardic performance, I just thought it was funny. Now I need to take Perform Singing as a background skill next level up. Maybe Bernard saw himself as a bard in those old adventure stories.
Last edited August 5, 2021 3:34 am
Aug 5, 2021 3:43 am
Help actions in Pathfinder are as follows. Each helper makes a DC 10 check, and if they succeed, the main actor gains a +2. Given the size of the door, only 5 can act or help at a time.
[ +- ] Aid Another
Aug 5, 2021 3:53 am
Iseret makes her attempt to aid the others, putting her back into it, as it were. Sadly, she is of little assistance and actually ends up being in the way more than helping out.
Last edited August 5, 2021 3:54 am


Strength (aid another) - (1d20)

(6) = 6

Aug 5, 2021 12:47 pm
Kadi rolls her eyes as Bernard starts singing before getting stuck in to help.


Aid another - (1D20-2)

(8) - 2 = 6

Aug 5, 2021 1:43 pm
Jaware will also help to open the door.


Strenght - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Aug 5, 2021 1:43 pm
SurferofSaragar says:
Jaware will also help to open the door.
We need the paladin!
Aug 5, 2021 8:36 pm
Gethean strains to grip the edges of the door. As the others try pull the door open as well.


Strengrh - (1d20+1)

(8) + 1 = 9

Aug 5, 2021 11:33 pm
"Hmm, I suppose when my students were telling me I had the voice of a bard they really were just trying to ingratiate themselves for a higher grade. Ah well, ‘twas worth a try."

Bernard creakily walks over to the other puffing and panting trying to open the door.

"Clearly this is a task that will require all of our strength. Now, I must beg of you all, do not tell anyone I was seen carrying manual labour please. I have done nothing such as this in a very long time."

Bernard places all the stuff he is carrying off the the side and starts limbering up. It is a slow process, and there are many audible cracks and creaks coming from the old mans body as he stretches and tries to get his body ready in order to do this. Once satisfied with that aspect, he start doing a strange breathing pattern to try and get as much oxygen into his body before he starts as possible.
Bernard will join this endeavour and take 20.
Last edited August 5, 2021 11:34 pm
Aug 5, 2021 11:45 pm
'Manual labour is not something to be ashamed of friend. If no one did it, there would be no buildings, no tombs, no walls. Sometimes one must do what they do not wish.' The cleric gives a wink, tapping the scarab around her neck, before joining the wizard in giving it her all.
Assuming first was a failure on a 9 : Khadi also joining the take 20 train.
Aug 6, 2021 12:16 am
Iseret sighs and readies herself for a Herculean effort.
Iseret takes 20.
Aug 6, 2021 12:41 am
One more participant needed!
Aug 6, 2021 1:33 am
Esmae steps forward apalled that these simpletons can not even open a door.
Stand aside please and I will open the door
Esmae says with a little sarcasm


Strength check to open the door - (1d20)

(12) = 12

Aug 6, 2021 2:18 am
Even with the +6 assist, Esmae's brief attempt fails to open the door.
Aug 6, 2021 4:18 am
Bernard tries with all of his might to help open the door to no avail.

Exhausted, he leans over, panting, gasping for air.

After he recovers a bit, he gives the door a quick kick and stubs his toe.

"Gah! I am so far equal best door opener amongst you all!"

He then takes a seat on the ground with all the grace of a sack of potatoes.
Bernard will after a while have another go, again taking 20 and encouraging Esmae to do the same.
"Alright, now that you’ve shown us all how strong you are, perhaps a bit more focus and concentration brought to bear might help? I swear I thought I saw it move a little last time."
Last edited August 6, 2021 4:18 am
Aug 6, 2021 8:46 am
Okay people, let's try this together. 1, 2, 3 and pull!
Everybody takes 20 as the GM sugested.
Last edited August 6, 2021 8:46 am
Aug 6, 2021 10:19 am
'Come on Esmae put your back into it.' Khadi teases as she takes a brief respite along with Bernard before jumping back into it with Jaware's guidance.
Yep, taking 20 again. We're all going to need to :p
Aug 6, 2021 10:34 pm
Gethean again grabs on to the door and pulls with everything he has.
taking 20 as well, we have got to be the dumbest tomb raiders ever to not bring a crowbar and a hammer lol. I thought it came with a rogue's kit?
Aug 6, 2021 11:00 pm
After clearing the sand, together you make slow work of the doors. Working in concert, your muscles straining in the hot sun, you pull it open, inch by inch (they open outwards). It takes about two minutes to open it wide enough that the largest of you can pass through.

This rectangular room is empty save for some engravings and fixtures upon the walls, a pair of heavy stone doors to the north, and an immense stone wheel against the south wall. The air is stale, and a layer of dust and sand covers the floor, lying in a thicker layer to the south. All four walls bear sunk-relief engravings and hieroglyphs, while small stone faces are affixed to the walls at about shoulder height in each corner. The stone wheel to the south is engraved with a large spiral and is set in stone tracks in the floor and ceiling.
[ +- ] Hieroglyphs: Ancient Osiriani
[ +- ] Map
Aug 7, 2021 12:21 am
Bernard looks around in wonder - the fact the door was still sealed suggests nobody has been in here in thousands of years. He takes in a deep breath and looks all around, trying to engage all of his senses in this wonder. Upon seeing the hieroglyphs, Bernard would read them out loud in his clear, reedy voice.

"Just as well we are archaeologists and not robbers then eh? Though I would assume most of the defences mentioned are unlikely to make such a distinction if they are still functioning after all these years."
Aug 7, 2021 2:03 am
As the door opens Esmae can see that is little to no light, so with a quick prayer to Saranrae...her hand starts to light up as she places it on her shield.
Well here is a little light to shine in the darkness Esmae says as she takes point and hence though the door of the tomb.
Esmae cast Daylight on her shield.
Aug 7, 2021 6:27 am
'And this is why teamwork is important.' Khadi cheerful pants out as they finally get the door opening. It would have been embarrassing if their adventure ended before it begun because of a door.

'Hopefully Sarenrae and Khepri can put in a good word for us.' She grins as she looks around. As light flares up on Esmae's shield allowing for all the detail to be taken in she gives a chuckle.

'Showing off a little there. Our light may not be as bright just yet but it will last. Khepri, a little help?' Khadi speaks to the scarab symbol as she casts her own spell before taping a piceof Jaware's armor of allowed. It isn't as bright as Esmaes shield but would hopefully provide him a little more sight of things came from the back.
Casting light. If Jaware doesn't want it she will tap on herself.
Aug 8, 2021 11:24 pm
Jaware rejects the illumination on himself.

It's better if you cast it on yourself my lady. I may be nedded to scout ahead.
Aug 9, 2021 1:07 am
You likely need to move the huge stone wheel to gain access to the interior of the temple. How do you move it?
Aug 9, 2021 4:27 am
Bernard looks to deduce how it was intended to function and how it might best be moved, but is unfamiliar with this particular design.
Last edited August 9, 2021 4:27 am


Knowledge Engineering - (1d20+9)

(2) + 9 = 11

Aug 9, 2021 1:00 pm
The stone wheel against the south wall is 10 feet in diameter and 6 inches wide, and weighs almost 5,700 pounds. The wheel can be rolled to either side along its track. Moving the wheel requires a total Strength score of 28; from the north, up to four characters can add their Strength scores together to move the wheel. From the south, the wheel’s edges can’t be reached for leverage. From the south, moving the wheel still requires a total Strength score of 28, but only two characters can attempt to do so at one time. Pitons hammered into the wheel can act as handles, allowing more characters to apply their Strength scores to moving the wheel. Alternatively, the wheel can be broken or knocked free of its tracks. The wheel is far too heavy to roll back into a closed position by itself, but pitons or other similar tools can wedge it into either an open or closed position.
Aug 9, 2021 3:59 pm
I'm assuming Bernard is passing this analysis to us
It seems that after we open the crypt we will need to leave it opened
Last edited August 9, 2021 4:03 pm
Aug 10, 2021 1:52 am
"I, for one, would rather. Better we have an open means of escape if necessary."
Aug 10, 2021 6:56 am
'Come now Jaware. You should know by now I am no lady.' Khadi gives a small chuckle before placing the light spell on her holy symbol.

'I had been expecting fancy traps and hordes of undead, yet who would have thought the most effect way to stop tomb... Explorers... Was a load of really heavy objects? Did anyone bring pitons?
Aug 10, 2021 10:38 pm
"We should have discussed supplies before we began, it is not to late to acquire the tools we seem to need before we go any further. I brought my sword and a bow, plus my rope. We need tools to open this portal, and something to assure that it stays open while we are inside."

I would hate to be locked in here, who knows what we might find inside.
Last edited August 10, 2021 10:40 pm
Aug 10, 2021 11:24 pm
Using a dagger or handaxe could be used to jam the wheel if you manage to move it aside. Probably.


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Aug 10, 2021 11:30 pm
A translucent scorpion wanders into the tomb and darts toward Esmae. Despite its sneakinesd, all of you see it come in.

Initiative please. Each you echo beat scorpies init, go ahead and act in any order. Initiative order between players will not be kept strict in order to speed play.

So named for their eerie, translucent carapaces, ghost scorpions are nocturnal desert hunters. A ghost scorpion’s body is 3 feet long with a 3-foot long tail, and it weighs 45 pounds.


Initiative - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Aug 10, 2021 11:45 pm
Gethean draws his sword and steps right to the front, as he swings at the scorpion.


Elven Curve Blade - (1d20+5, 1d10+1)

1d20+5 : (10) + 5 = 15

1d10+1 : (1) + 1 = 2

Aug 11, 2021 1:31 am
Relieved to see Gethean interposed between the creature and himself, Bernard looks to help out by targetting the creature with a Ray of Frost.
Oops, for some reason did not read that as roll initiative - adding in.
Last edited August 11, 2021 1:55 am


Ray of Frost -Ranged Touch Attack - (1d20+1)

(16) + 1 = 17

Damage on Hit - (1d3)

(3) = 3

Initiative - (1d20+9)

(13) + 9 = 22

Aug 11, 2021 1:47 am


Initiative - (1d20+4)

(16) + 4 = 20

Aug 11, 2021 1:49 am
Iseret snaps off a shot with her crossbow, aiming for the monster.


Iseret vs. scorpion (light crossbow) - (1d20+5, 1d6)

1d20+5 : (16) + 5 = 21

1d6 : (4) = 4

Aug 11, 2021 3:27 am
The first three attacks all hit, doing a total of 9 damage. It's still up.
Aug 11, 2021 3:12 pm
'So who's ready for round...thaaat's too big.' Khadi spins as she heres the scuttling, expressing her concern for the scorpions size even as she reach's for her crossbow. Point and shoot, that was all there was to it right? Except clearly not as her shot goes very wide.
Last edited August 11, 2021 3:14 pm


Initiative - (1d20)

(17) = 17

Crossbow vs Scorpion - (1d20+0, 1d8)

1d20+0 : (2) = 2

1d8 : (5) = 5

Aug 12, 2021 6:17 pm
Jaware attacks the scorpion using Ranged Spell Combat to shoot a Arrow (with deadly aim) and cast acid splash against it.


Initiative - (1d20+6)

(9) + 6 = 15

Acid splash touch attack - (1d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

Acid splash dmg - (1d3)

(1) = 1

Longbow attack (with Deadly Aim) - (1d20+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Longbow dmg (with Deadly Aim) - (1d8+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Aug 12, 2021 7:27 pm
The four of first five attacks hit, doing a total of 10 damage. It's still up. and it is Esmae's attack.

If Esmae doesn't post by tonight, I'll act for them (a 48 hour rule).
Aug 13, 2021 3:11 am
Esmae attacks with a scimitar.


Scimitar - (1d20+5, 1d6+3)

1d20+5 : (3) + 5 = 8

1d6+3 : (4) + 3 = 7

Aug 13, 2021 3:14 am
The ghost scorpion attacks Esmae. It Pounces, attacking multiple times.

Esmae, flat footed, takes one claw for 2 damage.

Everyone is up again.


Claw, Claw,Sting - (1d20+2, 1d20+2, 1d20+2, 1d3, 1d3, 1d3)

1d20+2 : (15) + 2 = 17

1d20+2 : (11) + 2 = 13

1d20+2 : (11) + 2 = 13

1d3 : (2) = 2

1d3 : (1) = 1

1d3 : (3) = 3

Aug 13, 2021 4:40 am
Having found his previous Ray of Frost successful, Bernard sees no need to change strategy.


Ray of Frost Ranged Touch - (1d20+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Aug 13, 2021 1:35 pm
Jaware also does not sees any need to change strategy.
Last edited August 13, 2021 1:35 pm


Acid splash touch attack - (1d20+4)

(18) + 4 = 22

Acid splash dmg - (1d3)

(3) = 3

Longbow attack (with Deadly Aim) - (1d20+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Longbow dmg (with Deadly Aim) - (1d8+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Aug 13, 2021 2:32 pm
Jaware's acid splash does the trick, killing the ghost scorpion.

Combat is over.
Aug 14, 2021 6:11 am
"Haha! Well done all! Like a well oiled machine. At least we appear to be more competent at combat than we are at manual labour."
Aug 14, 2021 1:11 pm
Unfortunately, the fight did not jostle the giant stone wheel. Will you put your backs into it and roll it to the side?
Aug 14, 2021 1:32 pm
Khadi looks at her very stray arrow as Bernard speaks at the groups competence. 'Well most of us perhaps. If it was a zombie scorpion I like to think it would have been stopped before it dealt any harm. Are you okay Esmae? I can heal it you wish, though it looks just a nick.'

She looks back to the stone. 'Turns out my jokes of bringing my Dad's collegues along for the architecture should not have been laughed off at the pub. Lets get to it again, yes?'
Taking 20 to aid as that's all she can do.
Aug 14, 2021 3:10 pm
Let me help you.
Taking 20 to aid as that's all he can do too.
Aug 14, 2021 8:24 pm
Gethean eyes the stone wheel and gets up close as he starts to push.
taking 20 as well
Aug 15, 2021 1:14 am
"There is room for four to find purchase there, I believe that the four strongest should be able to manage it."
I don't believe its a matter of aiding, simply having the 4 strongest on the right side and having the strength scores add to 28 or more. Which conveniently would work even if they are 7 strength weaklings such as Khadi and Bernard.

Bernard would still be under the assumption he is the weakest in the party, not understanding he is the same strength as Khadi.
Last edited August 15, 2021 6:46 am
Aug 15, 2021 4:28 am
Iseretm moves to help, but finds that she will just be in the way, so she keeps watch instead.
Aug 15, 2021 10:17 am
Ah good point. I'd misread. but high, Khadi isn't a person to say no to physical work, despite being utterly useless at it. She would have told various tales of her attempts to help on building sites.
Aug 15, 2021 2:08 pm
Together, four of you manage to move the stone, slowly rolling it to the side. It reveals another chamber.

This square room is starkly devoid of any markings or adornment. In the center of the chamber’s floor, a square shaft drops straight down into darkness. A faint musty odor rises from the pit. A single piton has been hammered into the stone floor by the northeast corner of the pit, and a dusty length of rope dangles from the piton into the darkness of the shaft.

How are you going to keep the wheel from rolling back and blocking your path out, or is that a problem only for future you?
Aug 15, 2021 7:18 pm
'Okay may be a bit gruesome but any chance we can wedge our snappy friend in there? Or anyone want to give up a knife?'
Aug 15, 2021 8:43 pm
"I say we try to jam it using the scorpion's body. And I don't think that I would trust that rope."
Aug 15, 2021 9:43 pm
The scorpions body is sturdy enough to serve admirably in that ancient and noble profession of wheel-door stopper.
Aug 17, 2021 5:41 pm
Jaware looks at Gethean Jael

So, do we have any volunteer? We don't have many elves in Osirion, but I hear they have a natural talent to move silently and are able to see in the dark.
I think, as a elf vaguard, Gethean is the the perfect scout for our party
Last edited August 17, 2021 6:21 pm
Aug 17, 2021 10:48 pm
Gethean drops his rope and starts unfurling it, looking at the piton and the rope currently tied to it.

Would someone be so kind as to pull that rope up to see how long it is? I don't plan to use it, but it will tell us how far the drop is hopefully. And we can drop a torch down before I go, or some source of light.
Aug 18, 2021 1:40 am
"I can cast a spell upon a stone and we can throw that down if you like."
Aug 19, 2021 3:07 am
Gethean ties off the new rope to the piton and checks the length of the old rope to see if 50 feet of rope will be enough to get him to the bottom. Then checks his gear before going over the edge.


Perception - (1d20+4)

(10) + 4 = 14

Climb - (1d20+5)

(12) + 5 = 17

Aug 19, 2021 3:50 am
The shaft drops 60 feet down to the floor of a chamber below. The rope extends only 5 feet into the shaft before ending, having been cut at that point. The rope is thoroughly rotted and crumbles if handled.

Gethean would be able to climb down easily enough with the rope, but he would have about a ten to fifteen foot drop at the end.
Aug 19, 2021 12:46 pm
I have a brand-new silk rope here but is only 50 feet also. Maybe we can cut the best part of the old rope and tie the two parts together. I mean tie the new rope with the best part of the old rope. If someone prepared Mending we can even make it a 60 feet rope
Last edited August 19, 2021 12:55 pm
Aug 19, 2021 12:57 pm
'Perhaps they could be tied together? Perhaps even some knits to make sure our old man doesn't fall.' She teases even as she looks down. She herself was likely aat as much risk of slipping.

'Or some of you physically competent lot climb down, Esme can lower those of us likely to break our necks down?'
Aug 20, 2021 1:37 am
"Knots would be best for Bernard and Khadi especially, for the rest of us as well. Drop the stone down and I will tie the ropes together."


Tie roles (Strength) - (1d20+1)

(14) + 1 = 15

Aug 21, 2021 10:29 pm
You fasten the two ropes together, and then tie knots every couple of feet to give something to grab onto and rest your weight on as you descend.

The piton hammered into the stone by the last descenders seems to be very secure, but still you would be wise to take it one at a time to save the rope and the piton from possible breakage.

Who goes first?
Aug 21, 2021 11:06 pm
My vote is Gethean, or maybe Esmae if Jedi is still around
Aug 22, 2021 12:38 am
I will go first then Iseret should follow to check for traps I think. Then someone who can put some light on the subject maybe?
Aug 22, 2021 2:16 am
chunky04 says:
"I can cast a spell upon a stone and we can throw that down if you like."
Bernard had offered a Light stone.
Aug 22, 2021 2:45 am
yeah one light stone is a 20' radius? Any more than 2 down there until we see if it safe for the thinkers (code for weaklings:-) ) to come down, and we will need some more light before we start crowding the bottom of the rope no?
Aug 22, 2021 3:26 am
Iseret nods her agreement with the plan, making ready to follow Gethean.
Aug 22, 2021 3:57 am
Gethean checks the rope before climbing down. Listening to see if anything is going to be at the bottom when he gets there.
should have been a +5 but I don' think it matters much now lol
Last edited August 22, 2021 4:02 am


Climbing down the rope - (1d20+1)

(20) + 1 = 21

Perception - (1d20+4)

(14) + 4 = 18

Aug 22, 2021 4:19 am
Gethean makes it down easily.

Mirrored images of a warrior in side profile, facing inward, are carved on an ornate pair of stone doors in the west wall of this square room. The figure is depicted wearing padded armor, with a scarab-shaped shield on the arm facing the viewer, and a raised khopesh held aloft in the other. A crumpled humanoid body lies directly in front of the doors. A hint of decay hangs in the air, and a dried stain mars the stone floor under the body. From below, a square shaft in the ceiling leads straight up into darkness.
Aug 22, 2021 4:57 am
is this the shaft I came down,? or something new?
Aug 22, 2021 10:13 am
Assuming Khadi and Bernard will be the last to climb down
As the others make their way down one by one, Bernard grows more and more agitated, starting to pace around the room.

"I have read many books on adventuring Khadi, and I believe I am now experiencing something many of them mention. No matter how many spells one has at their disposal, one always finds oneself wishing they had prepared something else almost every day. I don't suppose they'd mind if I rested for 8 hours to prepare Feather Fall hmm?"

The last is said with a grimace, but it is clear Bernard's agitation is from trying to psyche himself up for this climb.
Last edited August 22, 2021 10:13 am
Aug 22, 2021 2:31 pm
Rizzoxiii says:
is this the shaft I came down,? or something new?
The very same one.
Aug 22, 2021 11:34 pm
Khadi let's out a laugh. 'Will they mind? No. Will they wait? Also no.' She knew where the wizard was coming from. Kepir was not a god of fate so sometimes the spells she pryaed for where not always the ones she needed.

'I' ll go first. Then if you fall Khepri and I will just fix right up. Unless you break your neck. Don't do that, I can't fix those yet. If I fall... Well hopefully someone down there knows there way through healing supplies. '
Last edited August 23, 2021 7:16 am
Aug 23, 2021 4:46 am
Iseret skillfully follows Gethean down the rope (though perhaps with less flair). Dropping nimbly to the floor, she pauses to inspect the body (without touching it).


Climb - (1d20+6)

(3) + 6 = 9

Perception - (1d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

Aug 23, 2021 12:16 pm
The Climb DC is only 5, but armor check penalties apply. Failing by 4 or less means you make no progress (roll again), but failing by 5 or more on the check would be disastrous.

Edit: You can always choose to take 10 on a climb check, so unless your penalties amount to -5 or more, there would be no need to roll, and instead simply state that is what you're doing.
Aug 23, 2021 12:43 pm
Bernard would go last, but I'll make the roll now to save time, since everyone will likely have done it by the time I wake up. Actually with a -2 Climb I believe with a DC5 he can still take 10 and pass automatically. I'll make a roll as well just in case this is not the case.
Last edited August 23, 2021 12:44 pm


Climb - (1d20-2)

(11) - 2 = 9

Aug 23, 2021 12:46 pm
Jaware stays alert until Iseret and Gethean says it is safe to come down. Then he makes his descent.


Climb down through the rope - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Perception (if needed) - (1d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

Aug 23, 2021 6:03 pm
As just her and Bernard are left Khadi gives a wink to the wizard. 'If I die, you can get my scrolls.' She grins before making a careful descent. As she gets to the bottom her eyes immeadiatly land on the body.

' Well rather him than us, but this doesn't bode well.' She forgets about saying she would watch for Bernard falling as she crouches by the body, trying to figure out how long he's been dead for, and if it was the fall or something else which caused his death.
Taking 10 for a grand total of 8.


Heal skill - (1d20+9)

(17) + 9 = 26

Aug 28, 2021 12:00 am
Having managed to safely descend further into the tomb, Bernard ruefully looks upward and says "I sincerely hope for an easier way out."

He then casts light onto his staff, and proceeds to take a look around.

"Hmm, logic would deduce that that is Akhentepi given that this is his tomb. Hmm, seems to have been a warrior of some sort."
Aug 28, 2021 1:03 am
Examining the body, you put the pieces together. The body was that of an explorer. They hammered in a piton up top, and attached a rope, and lowered themselves down, but they didn't get far before the rope was cut from above. They fell most of the way down, shattering their legs. They crawled toward the door from the lower chamber, but did not manage to open it, and died there.

The corpse's gear has suffered decades of rot and rust and is mostly unusable, though a thorough search yields a couple of metal pitons and a usable hammer, as well as two vials of alchemist's fire that have miraculously remained unbroken.
Aug 28, 2021 8:13 pm
'I hope Phrasma has you soul friend. Though she may not judge in your favour.' Khadi speaks over the body. She had bee ready for threats of the undead but this reminded her there were other ways thy could pass here. Still it was her role to ensure that didn't happen.

'Shall we go on then? We can maybe bring his body back with us for proper rites, though with the time he has been here he may no longer have people missing it.' The rope had been cut. His own allies? Her mind kept drifting to the subject despite efforts to push it from her mind.

She strides up to the doors, almost ready to push them open herself to get out the the now very claustrophobic room, but pauses to give their heavy armoured members a questioning look.
Aug 30, 2021 2:56 am
The carvings on the door depict Akhentepi s a younger man. They are unsecured but quite heavy, and can be pushed open with a enough strength (DC 10, but no roll required, most of you can take 10 and succeed). The man who fell could not muster the leverage with his broken legs to get them open.

As you push the doors open, you see that the walls of the ten-foot-wide corridor feature bas-relief carvings of great battles. Armies with spears and shields clash at the direction of generals, while other leaders direct troops from chariots that are ruthlessly overrunning their enemies. Engraved stone double doors stand at the far end of the hallway. In these carvings, Akhentepi is an older man riding in a chariot. He carries a scarab shield.

What order will you proceed through the tomb?


Secret Roll

Aug 30, 2021 8:56 am
With a sense of wonder, Bernard begins to rush forward to gaze upon history, then remembers himself and his fragility and takes up a spot at the rear of the party.
Aug 30, 2021 4:56 pm
'We should strive to reach the centre and clear out any threats here first, then on our way out you can have your history lesson.' Khadi grins at Bernard, though its clear she to is interested in the engravings as she settles into middle of the pack.
Our previous Order was Esmae, Iseret, Khadi, Bernard, Jaware, Gethean. Happy to stick to the same, though I spy the dreaded Zzz on Esmae.
Aug 30, 2021 5:01 pm
Iseret takes up a place behind Esmae, her eyes wide and carefully watching every shadow. She is alert for tripwires and secret doors or panels.
Aug 31, 2021 2:47 am
A dart fires out of wall at Esmae, as they step on a pressure plate near the far doors, but it misses widely.


Attack - (1d20+12, 1d8+1)

1d20+12 : (1) + 12 = 13

1d8+1 : (4) + 1 = 5

Sep 1, 2021 8:38 pm
Jaware is waiting for the trapfinders to do their magic.
Sep 2, 2021 4:53 am
Iseret moves ahead of Esmae, taking up a position near the front. She is actively searching for traps [Perception +4].
Sep 3, 2021 3:29 pm
With Esmae having set off the trigger, a stone stepped on, Iseret is able to find the device. It's a wide area, 5' x 10', and moves just slightly when you step on it. As it is right in front of the door, you'll need to disable it.
I'm going to kick DarkJedi -- inactive for 24 days and I haven't seen a notice. This makes Iseret the primary trapfinder / disabler.
Sep 3, 2021 11:22 pm
'And that is why I don't go at the front. ' Khadi grins as she looks at the fallen dart. 'You reckon you can handled it Iseret. Otherwise we haave to draw straws for the sacrifice.' She jokes, taking the time to look at the architecture while the trap is dealt with.
Sep 4, 2021 12:01 am
Gethean moves up so he is side by side with Iseret, as he takes in the view of the door. "Jaware you have the rear, I will cover the front as Iseret looks for anything else we should avoid stepping on...I suggest we all watch where we step or touch from now on."
Sep 4, 2021 4:49 am
Iseret kneels to disengage the trap.


Disable device - (1d20+9)

(9) + 9 = 18

Sep 4, 2021 1:19 pm
The DC is 20, so you missed it by 2. You can retry checks made to disable traps if you miss the check by 4 or less, though you must be aware that you fail in order to try again. In this case, you are aware that you failed.

If you miss it by 5 or more (I.e., you roll a 6 or less in the die)the trap will go off. Because of that risk of failure, you can't take 20.

Would you like to try again?
Sep 5, 2021 2:15 am
Iseret's brow furrows in annoyance and concentration and she tries again to disable the trap.


Disable Device - (1d20+9)

(16) + 9 = 25

Sep 5, 2021 3:15 am
Iseret is able to jam the trigger so the pressure plate won't fire anymore. The doors open easily.

A faded tapestry hangs on a wooden frame on the western wall of this chamber. Faded and delicate, the tapestry depicts a middle-aged man, accompanied by a woman and two children, with a small estate in the background. To either side of the tapestry are two small pedestals, upon which sit two dead and preserved animals. Stone double doors exit the chamber to the north, south, and east (which is where you enter from).

Knowledge Local and Knowledge Linguistics checks could reveal information about the tapestry.
Sep 5, 2021 7:01 am
With the trap disabled, Bernard feels comfortable inspecting the tapestry, while also sparing a look at the two stuffed animals - it was entirely possible for such things to have been mummified and enchanted to function as guardians in such a place, though it was unlikely they would be so from a pedestal.
Rolls for the Tapestry - would I need the Linguistics if I speak the appropriate language? Also included a Nature for to identify the two animals in case its required.


Knowledge Local - (1d20+9)

(11) + 9 = 20

Linguistics - (1d20+9)

(7) + 9 = 16

Knowledge Nature - (1d20+9)

(18) + 9 = 27

Sep 5, 2021 2:19 pm
Bernard can discern several symbols and hieroglyphs that suggest that Akhentepi’s family befell some tragedy, possibly murder or sickness, and he was left widowed.

Having some knowledge of local customs can infer that the family is probably interred somewhere else and that this tomb was prepared much later, after Akhentepi’s continued successful military career.

The animals on the pedestal are mummified cats, likely Akhentepi’s former pets. They were strangled and then mummified so they could accompany their owner to the Boneyard and his soul’s final destination.
Sep 6, 2021 1:55 am
Iseret speaks Ancient Osiriani, if that helps with the tapestry.
Iseret considers what she knows of the local customs while trying to interpret the tapestry.


Knowledge (local) - (1d20+6)

(12) + 6 = 18

Sep 6, 2021 3:12 am
also speak Osirion
Gethean eyes the tapestry and the animals warily. "I would not disturb anything unless we need to, especially the cats"


Knowledge (Local) - (1d20+6)

(2) + 6 = 8

Sep 6, 2021 10:08 am
Do not worry, if isn't made of gold or if doesn't contains same ancient knowledge, I don't see any reason for us to take it.
Last edited September 6, 2021 10:09 am
Sep 6, 2021 11:38 am
"I must admit, this insistence of killing domesticated pets and mummifying them along with their owners is one practice I simply cannot understand."
Sep 6, 2021 1:45 pm
The tapestries don't actually have writing on them in the traditional sense, only implied meaning. Bernard has obtained whatever meaning is available, and Iseret also gets the part about the family likely being interred.
Sep 6, 2021 5:42 pm
chunky04 says:
"I must admit, this insistence of killing domesticated pets and mummifying them along with their owners is one practice I simply cannot understand."
It is a necessity! Pharasma needs to be reminded of who one's person was to guide him to the right place. The pet is one of the most important part of a person life. With one’s pet accompanying him, it is most certain that Pharasma will remember who that person was and guide him right.
Last edited September 11, 2021 8:12 am
Sep 6, 2021 10:41 pm
"Hmmm, I suspect Pharasma does not require the assistance, but regardless, it seems we shall find only Akhentepi interred within here - it appears his family befell some tragedy years prior to his rise to General, and were probably laid to rest more humbly elsewhere."
Sep 7, 2021 1:37 am
"I agree on both points Bernard, a god would have no need of a guide and his family is probably somewhere else. But the diseases that could be transmitted by the disturbance of the animals is something I do not wish to encounter, so please let us be cautious here. We have already found one trap, their are bound to be more."
Sep 7, 2021 2:58 am
Iseret nods sagely at Gethean's words. "My father always said that trouble comes in threes. We've seen only one."
Sep 7, 2021 3:42 am
There are doors to the north or south. Iseret doesn't find traps on either.
Sep 7, 2021 6:46 am
'Well if they died apart they may not be able to find on one another in the endless queue to be judged, and it ensures they are together in death as in life.' Khadi shrugs. It was not something she often thought much on.

'So which door do we reckon is less likely to kill us immeadiatly?'
Sep 7, 2021 9:40 am
Rizzoxiii says:
"I agree on both points Bernard, a god would have no need of a guide and his family is probably somewhere else. But the diseases that could be transmitted by the disturbance of the animals is something I do not wish to encounter, so please let us be cautious here. We have already found one trap, their are bound to be more."
Tell that to the Pharasma's priests in Wati. I know close to nothing about religion, I'm just repeating what I was told. Now, to the matters at hand, I vote north.
Sep 10, 2021 3:55 am
"Pharasma's priests here accept this belief? Intriguing. I wonder if it is a case of belief shaping the Deity or just an acquiescence to existing local customs? I shall have to do some research on this. Regardless, I find North acceptable."
Last edited September 10, 2021 3:55 am
Sep 10, 2021 9:54 am
chunky04 says:
"Pharasma's priests here accept this belief? Intriguing. I wonder if it is a case of belief shaping the Deity or just an acquiescence to existing local customs? I shall have to do some research on this. Regardless, I find North acceptable."
No they don't believe in it, but it is a local tradition and taboo. I think they don't oppose this believe since it helps to keep the tombs free of unwanted people. I came across a long dicussion about this on paizo's forums when I was reseaching about how to roleplay a local osiriani.
Last edited September 10, 2021 10:57 am
Sep 11, 2021 3:38 am
The north door opens without difficulty onto a short stairway that descends to an additional set of doors. It also opens with ease.

A brightly painted chariot sits in the center of this chamber. Beyond the chariot, a large canvas stretches between two stone columns. The skins of several animals—antelopes, great cats, and crocodiles—now faded and deteriorated with age, are tacked to this canvas. A wooden chest, lacquered white and trimmed with gold inlay, sits in the southeast corner. In each corner of the room a small stone shield is molded into the masonry at shoulder height. An open hallway leads to the east.
Sep 11, 2021 8:11 am
Well, the chest obviously must contain some value, but I think it's better to wait for the trapfinders to say it is safe to open it.
Sep 11, 2021 10:13 am
Bernard will inspect the animal skins and the chariot with great interest.


Knowledge - Nature - (1d20+9)

(10) + 9 = 19

Knowledge Engineering (Chariot) - (1d20+9)

(20) + 9 = 29

Sep 11, 2021 1:37 pm

The chariot is a light chariot, likely one of Akhentepi’s prized possessions from his younger days. Given the size of things, it was disassembled, brought here piece by piece, and reassembled in this chamber. Time has still taken a toll on the chariot, such that using it as a vehicle would be dubious at best. The chariot can also be considered an art piece or antiquity, but it must be disassembled, moved, and put back together (requiring a successful DC 15 Craft (carpentry) or Profession (driver) check).

The animal skins are probably trophies from Akhentepi’s hunting expeditions, and have no real value, having suffered the ravages of time.

The shield devices in each of the corners are torch holders.
Sep 11, 2021 8:24 pm
I know a thing or two about charriot driving but I won't touch anything without knowing it is safe.
Is it possible to do it very carefully and take 20?
Last edited September 11, 2021 9:35 pm


Profession (Driver) - (1d20+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Sep 11, 2021 9:02 pm
'Pharasma and how we Osrions view the dead is.. complex, but it fits in its own way, even if she and I personally didn't mesh. She has been here far longer than the rest of your gods like Saranrare and Abadar. It is why it is her warning on this place, though I will not be surprised if some of the old gods also have their hold on this place.'

She looks over to the chariot as they enter and Bernard explains it and the furs. 'Something like this...we shouldn't move it unless we are sure we can put it together, otherwise it would be harmed for no gain. The chest however...Iseret, you mind?' Her eyes flick to the tempting box as she asks the halfling to give it a check over.
Sep 11, 2021 9:16 pm
Jaware is certain that given enough time, he could do it, but he'd need help or some tools.
Sep 11, 2021 9:54 pm
"I think it would be safe to doo so, and I think it would be a wonderful museum piece. I believe you would need some tools in order to do so, which would mean returning to Wati at some point, which should not be a problem given that we could return the stone front door to its former position to prevent any whimsical strays from entering. However I think for now we should utilise our energies to continue exploring. I will try and include a diagram in my journal to document it should we be unable to transport it - would nay of you be talented in drawing perchance?"
Sep 12, 2021 2:30 am
Iseret carefully examines the chest, being sure not to touch it.


Perception - (1d20+4)

(17) + 4 = 21

Sep 12, 2021 2:56 pm
The chest in the southeast corner is locked and trapped, such that a razor-sharp, envenomed blade slices into the hand of a would-be thief who attempts to pick it.

Iseret disables the trap, unlocks it, and opens it.

The chest is beautiful, and if undamaged, is worth 200 gp as an art piece (including the trap, which can be reset). The chest contains three potions and two books with thin, gold-plated metal sheets for pages. The first book is a brief biography of Akhentepi, and the second is a list and description of the various military campaigns conducted by the nation of Osirion between 2350 and 2450 ar.
Qralloq sent a note to Qralloq
Sep 12, 2021 11:17 pm
Bernard would immediately find a way to position the assumedly heavy books so that he might read them, and would likely lose himself in doing so until one of the others interrupts him.

"Ah, fascinating, I had read some accounts of these battles, but to have a fist hand account from the Commander himself is a scintillating find!"
Last edited September 12, 2021 11:18 pm
Sep 13, 2021 1:54 am
"I am in agreement with regards to the chariot being moved at this time, a return trip with the proper tools and possibly a carpenter to do it justice. It is a beautifully crafted item, as is the chest."
Sep 13, 2021 12:55 pm
We are at the charriot room with the the chest? If so, there is another room to explore, right?
Sep 13, 2021 6:51 pm
'Bedtime reading is for bedtime Bernard, any idea what the potions are. Potion of summon crowbar could be real useful right now'
Sep 14, 2021 1:36 am
To the right on the map is the last room in this side, beyond a hallway.

Four funerary masks hang on one wall of this short hallway, staring down as if in judgment at anyone standing in the corridor.

In the next room, you can see a table displaying a three-dimensional diorama occupies much of the north side of this room. Three shields with different designs are displayed upon a rack against the east wall, while various weapons hang from another rack along the south wall. Arrayed around the room are five small chests and a clay urn.
Sep 14, 2021 3:39 am
"Oh, apologies, I had gotten quite distracted. Oh, those are two potions of Cure Light Wounds and one potion of Darkvision. I should say you are quite right on the usefulness of Summon Crowbar however, Why I know bards have cantrips capable of summoning an instrument, perhaps we could collaborate on a new spell of this sort - the theory is most certainly sound."
Bernard gets 19 taking 10 on Spellcraft to identify the potions. Will fill in the type later.

Out of interest Qralloq, what are you using to generate those maps?
Last edited September 14, 2021 9:45 pm
Sep 14, 2021 12:45 pm
They are two potions of cure light wounds and one potion of darkvision.
It is an official map. I used GIMP2 to add a masking later over the map, then erased it for what you've explored.
Sep 14, 2021 8:41 pm
Iseret is going to closely examine, but not touch, the funerary masks.
Sep 14, 2021 11:15 pm
Out of curiosity, what the diorama shows?
Sep 14, 2021 11:41 pm
Iseret examines the masks and can't see any signs of a booby trap attached to them. He's unable to identify them, however, they appear to be gold plated and thus likely valuable.

Jaware's viewing of the diorama reveals that it is a sculpted landscape with tiny stone and wooden statues. It depicts an ancient battle between the city of Wati and an unidentified enemy.
Sep 16, 2021 1:22 am
Bernard will attempt to cross reference the battle depicted with the ones in the gold leaf books and probably give an excited old man play by play.

"Ah yes, this battle was pivotal in the Middle Kingdoms War, where Akhentepi innovated the Sphinx formation into his attack, routing the enemy and giving Wati a massive tactical advantage…."
Last edited September 16, 2021 1:24 am
Sep 16, 2021 11:20 am
Well let's take the chest contains now, since it can be useful in the future. Let's move to examine the chests in the next room.

Although Jaware says this, he does not move. He is clearly waiting for someone to say it is safe.
Jaware is a bit bossy, reflection of a rich childhood surrounded by slaves. Fell free to put him in his place.
Last edited September 17, 2021 5:43 am
Sep 19, 2021 6:49 pm
Tabat Menes followed the others. He had spoken to several of them the night before, and had followed along behind, guarding their rear.

Now, as he has ensured their way back is clear, he sees them examining an old war chariot and a series of masks, strangely reluctant to enter the next chamber, as if lacking any clear leadership on whether to enter the room that doesn't look at all look like its a trap, no siree.
Sep 19, 2021 8:00 pm
Iseret checks the entrance to the next room carefully, looking for traps.

EDIT: Hmmm. I thought that selecting for the roll to be hidden would also hide it from my eyes so that only the GM could see it. Guess not. In the future, I'll just let the GM make the roll so that I don't get an inkling of whether I succeeded or not. Unless, you would prefer otherwise, GM.
Last edited September 19, 2021 8:02 pm


Check for traps - (1d20+4)

Sep 19, 2021 8:34 pm
Qralloq says:
Tabat Menes followed the others. He had spoken to several of them the night before, and had followed along behind, guarding their rear.

Now, as he has ensured their way back is clear, he sees them examining an old war chariot and a series of masks, strangely reluctant to enter the next chamber, as if lacking any clear leadership on whether to enter the room that doesn't look at all look like its a trap, no siree.
Jaware is actually lacking a meat shield!
Sep 20, 2021 6:24 pm
Tabat steps forward into the room with the chariot while the others peer down the narrow hall. He wields a beautifully-crafted longsword in one hand, a solid, metal shield bedecked with a large Eye of Horus in the other. His scale mail is polished carefully, as is the mask he wears, decorated to resemble the hawkish glare of the Old God himself.

He is a large man, standing nearly two meters tall and rippled with muscle. In the short amount of time you've spoken with him, you know him to be thoughtful and kind, protective and caring, proud and strong-willed.

"The way behind is safe, for now," he says to the others. "I passed signs of traps, is everyone alright?"

He gestures down the hall, "Iseret, what do your keen eyes sense?"
Last edited September 20, 2021 6:29 pm
Sep 20, 2021 10:56 pm
Khadi rolls her eyes as Jaware makes a suggestion of moving, but then does nothing. 'You could ask Iseret nicely, instead of just assuming. Sun gods know the rest of us are useless at traps. I'm here to fix the mess after they go off, not stop them. ' She teases slightly at the end as Tabat shows up. 'You missed all the fun. Scorpions, and a trap and heavy rocks. Last one was no match for me and the old man of course ' She grins a she flexes her very unimpressive arms.
So has Esmae faded into another reality or is she still here but ready to wonder off at some point?
Sep 21, 2021 1:37 am
"Rock? I'm sorry I missed that!" Tabat laughs. "I'm sorry, it took longer than I thought it would to find my way back to the group. Nevertheless, I'm here now," he says with an nod. Tabat moves near the front, to the entrance of the short hall. "There must be traps," he says, "Where there are chests, there are traps."
Unless there are objections, Tabat will take a place right behind our resident trap finder in marching order.
Last edited September 21, 2021 1:43 am
Sep 21, 2021 11:58 pm
Gethean nods to Tabet when he reports that the way behind is clear and turns to head that way now that the Paladin has arrived. "Glad you could join us, did you bring the crowbar you and I discussed? We could have used it on more than one occasion already. As you are the better armored fighter- I will bring up the rear with Jaware as a relay between myself and the front of the company."
Sep 22, 2021 2:22 am

A table displaying a three-dimensional diorama occupies much of the north side of this room. Three shields with different designs are displayed upon a rack against the east wall, while various weapons hang from another rack along the south wall. Arrayed around the room are five small chests and a clay urn.

With a sculpted landscape and tiny stone and wooden statues, the diorama depicts an ancient battle between the city of Wati and an unidentified enemy. The rack to the east proudly displays three shields. The shield on the right is a light wooden shield identical to the shields carried by the soldiers in the diorama. It bears Ancient Osiriani hieroglyphs that spell the name "Akhentepi," marking those soldiers as under the command of Akhentepi. The light wooden shield on the left does not appear to be Osirian in origin, and a PC who makes a successful DC 12 Knowledge (geography) check can determine that it is similar in style to those used by (REDACTED). The center shield is unusual in that it is a light steel shield shaped like a scarab; it matches the one borne by Akhentepi in the engravings on the doors in earlier sections. The rack on the south wall holds a composite shortbow, a khopesh, and a spear—all of which belonged to Akhentepi.

As you get closer, three of the tiny dolls in the diorama sorting too life crawl down the table leg and attack!

Initiative checks please. If you beat the creatures you may act immediately in whatever order you post.


Diorama dolls - (1d20+2)

(19) + 2 = 21

Sep 22, 2021 7:55 am
Tabat reaches back and pats his backpack. "I sure did," he replies to Gethean, "though I would hardly imagine delving into such a place without one." He offers a sly smile as they continue into the next room.

He looks around in awe, impressed by the weapons and shields on the walls. "Akhentepi truly was a great warrior," he says.

Movement catches his eye as the small figures of the nearby diorama come to life and attack them. He reels, "What manner of devilry is this!?" and draws his sword.
Rolled the same as the enemy - they have a higher initiative bonus, but I rolled a natural 20 - who goes first?
Last edited September 22, 2021 7:58 am


Initiative - (1d20+1)

(20) + 1 = 21

Sep 22, 2021 10:05 am
Bernard is brought out of his historicism as the small creatures attack.

As soon as he sees them, Bernard immediately recalls seeing these in a book somewhere.

"Ah , I recall reading about these. I understand that fire is most effective against them"
If Knowledge Arcana is incorrect, unless they are Religion, which Bernard currently doesn’t have, I assume a 24 would still be enough to know about these things. Bernard would be interested in how to hurt these things, and also how they might hurt us, and provide said information to the party.
Wanting to preserve his spells against such small enemies, Bernard would then attempt to hit one with his crossbow.
Last edited September 23, 2021 12:38 pm


Initiative - (1d20+9)

(19) + 9 = 28

Knowledge (Arcana?) - (1d20+10)

(15) + 10 = 25

Light Crossbow - (1d20+1)

(10) + 1 = 11

Sep 22, 2021 11:40 am
Jaware attacks one of the Dolls using Ranged Spell Combat to shoot a Arrow (with deadly aim) and cast acid splash against it.


Initiative - (1d20+6)

(9) + 6 = 15

Acid splash touch attack - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Acid splash dmg - (1d3)

(2) = 2

Longbow attack (with Deadly Aim) - (1d20+4)

(9) + 4 = 13

Longbow dmg (with Deadly Aim) - (1d8+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Sep 22, 2021 6:05 pm
Iseret reacts immediately, drawing her shortsword and attacking the nearest figure.


Iseret initiative - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Iseret attack - (1d20+5, 1d4)

1d20+5 : (18) + 5 = 23

1d4 : (3) = 3

Sep 22, 2021 6:20 pm
Khadi immeadiatly goes to look at the diorama as they enter the room, studying it, at first unaware of the moving soldiers.
If they do turn out to be religion, I can give it a roll.


Init - (1d20)

(14) = 14

Sep 23, 2021 2:31 am
Bernard suspects that:
Qralloq sent a note to chunky04
Bernard's crossbow misses, skidding along the floor and bouncing off a wall.

Still need initiative rolls from Tabat and Gethean.

25 Bernard
...(We are here)
21 Dolls
15 Jaware
14 Khadi
11 Iseret
?? TBD: Tabat and Gethean
?? Esmae
Sep 23, 2021 5:06 am
Tabat's post is above Bernard's, along with a question -thanks!
Sep 23, 2021 12:27 pm
Sorry about that, Tabat can go first. Nat 20s deserve Rule of Cool.
Sep 23, 2021 12:37 pm
+9 for initiative is correct: +4 for Improved Initiative feat, +4 for Familiar within 1 mile bonus (Gertrude the Greensting Scorpion), +1 for Dex
Last edited September 23, 2021 12:38 pm
Sep 23, 2021 5:05 pm
Tabat lashes forward, drawing his longsword in a seamless motion, and slashes at the nearest of the diminutive figures.


Attack - (1d20+6)

(16) + 6 = 22

Damage - (1d8+4)

(2) + 4 = 6

Sep 24, 2021 12:54 am
Gethean hears the commotion and turns to see the dolls? scurrying down the table and attacking, he scrambles to place himself between the squishy two of the party and the dolls before he swings.
Last edited September 24, 2021 1:03 am


Initiative - (1d20+11)

(19) + 11 = 30

Attack - (1d20+6, 1d10+1)

1d20+6 : (4) + 6 = 10

1d10+1 : (1) + 1 = 2

Sep 24, 2021 2:58 am
Gethean and Tabat both rush in, flanking the tiny creatures and while Tabat hits, his blade only does 1 damage (Hardness 5). Gethean can't quite hit the tiny dolls, and his blade sparks off the stone floor.

The dolls retaliate, targeting their two melee attackers... at Tabat is hit by the improbably strong creature for 2 hit points damage.

Jaware's longbow shots both miss, and Iseret connects with a blow, but does no damage to the hard creature.

30 Gethean
25 Bernard
22 Tabat
21 Dolls
15 Jaware
...(We are here)
14 Khadi
11 Iseret
?? Esmae[/quote]


Doll v Gethean - (1d20+3, 1d3)

1d20+3 : (1) + 3 = 4

1d3 : (2) = 2

Doll v Tabat - (1d20+3, 1d3)

1d20+3 : (15) + 3 = 18

1d3 : (2) = 2

Sep 24, 2021 10:02 am
Tabat lets out a grunt of frustration as the doll pricks him, drawing blood. He kicks it off him and focuses instead on the doll that attacked Gethean, stepping forward and putting all his might into an overhead hack into the creature.
I'm assuming okay to post next action since we'll transition back to top of initiative - if not appropriate, let me know and I'll do it differently going forward :)
Last edited September 24, 2021 10:05 am


Attack (w/ Power Attack) - (1d20+5)

(16) + 5 = 21

Damage - (1d8+6)

(6) + 6 = 12

Sep 24, 2021 9:41 pm
Absolutely. I'll process Esmae, Gethean's, Bernard's and Tabat's attacks after Khadi's, or sooner if you kill both of them, like Tabat will.
Sep 24, 2021 9:44 pm
'Oh Osiris' The sudden sounds of the others hitting, or attempting to hit the statues gets Khadi;s attention as she scrabbles for her crossbow andd fires a shot at the one harassing Tabat.


Crossbow - (1d20-4, 1d8)

1d20-4 : (7) - 4 = 3

1d8 : (1) = 1

Sep 24, 2021 10:23 pm
"I dont like fighting little things, sometime I forget to aim lower!" Gethean swings at the doll again and almost decapitates it.
disregard the cleave and all of that nonsense after it until I actually gain then feat lol.
Had the wrong character sheet opened.
Last edited September 24, 2021 11:03 pm


Elven Curve Blade - (1d20+6, 1d10+1)

1d20+6 : (20) + 6 = 26

1d10+1 : (9) + 1 = 10

Critical - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Cleave (if the other one dropped that is) - (1d20+6, 1d10+1)

1d20+6 : (18) + 6 = 24

1d10+1 : (5) + 1 = 6

Critical confirmation - (1d20+6)

(13) + 6 = 19

Crit damafe - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Sep 24, 2021 11:33 pm
Combat is over.

Khadi, trying not to shoot her companions in their collective or individual butts, misses any target.

Gethean's blade destroys one of the dolls, followed quickly by Tabat's crushing blow destroying the other.
Sep 25, 2021 10:17 am
Tabat looks around, making sure nothing else appears to be moving that shouldn't be, then straightens himself before sheathing his sword. He kicks at one of the lifeless dolls and grunts, "Huh. Not very effective guardians." He walk around to examine the items in the room, stopping at the scarab-shaped shield to look at it closely. "I think I saw a mural of the departed King taking this same shield to battle."
Sep 25, 2021 2:17 pm
Most of the arms and armor on the racks are mundane items, but Akhentepi’s khopesh and spear are both masterwork weapons. The composite shortbow is still serviceable, but its string has deteriorated, and must be replaced before the weapon can be used. The scarab-shaped steel shield is magic.

The chests are of good craftsmanship but less ornate than the one found in area A6. None of the chests are locked or trapped, but each has been sealed with wax. They contain a sack with a 100 gp and 42 sp, and several scroll tubes holding papyrus records, private memos, expense ledgers, speeches, and private correspondence. Among the papers are discussions regarding the unfinished tomb of Akhentepi’s mistress. There is little else of interest in the papers, but to a collector or Osirionologist, these documents are worth 250 gp total if undamaged. The clay urn is also sealed with wax and contains nard, an expensive, oily perfume, worth 75 gp.
Sep 26, 2021 8:39 am
Hearing that the room appears to be otherwise trap-free and safe, Tabat remarks. "Such wonders," he says, eyes wide under his mask, "It delights that we shall bring such wonders to again see the light of the sun, and allow the glory of the old days to be known again. Horus approves." He reaches up and lifts the scarab shield from its bracket, "As would, I think, Akhentepi, to see his tools of war being used to cleanse these lands of evil."

He looks to the others. "I will bear this shield, if no one else will claim it. It remains strong, despite its age." He holds it aloft, inspecting it more closely.
Last edited September 26, 2021 8:41 am
Sep 26, 2021 1:58 pm
"If you wouldn’t mind Tabat, I should like to take a look at it, in case it has other capabilities. Then I should like to make some notes on all this for when we report back to the Pharasmins."
Bernard gets a 19 taking 10 on a Spellcraft if that is enough to identify it. He would then scribble some shorthand notes summarising their finds thus far and the Story of Akhentepi, for conversion into a more detailed document for later on.
Sep 26, 2021 2:10 pm
Bernard is only able to tell that the shield's magic has an aura of conjuration magic.
Sep 26, 2021 7:02 pm
Iseret searches the walls of the room for secret passages, such as are often found in old tombs.
I'll leave it to the GM to roll the Perception check (+4) to avoid giving away secrets.
Sep 26, 2021 7:21 pm
Gethean resumes his position at the back of the group with eyes and ears open.
Last edited September 26, 2021 7:22 pm


Perception - (1d20+4)

(16) + 4 = 20

Sep 26, 2021 7:28 pm
Iseret searches the walls of the room thoroughly, but doesn't find any hidden doors or secret cubbyholes.
Sep 27, 2021 1:59 am
"Tabat, that shield has an aura of Conjuration magic about it, though I do not yet know to what purpose. I will try again another time when we are less pressed."
Sep 28, 2021 9:04 am
"Conjuration?" Tabat says quizzically, "Now that is intriguing. Thank you, Bernard."

He props the shield he arrived with against the wall. "Horus will guide and watch over the dead now," he says respectfully before testing the weight of the new shield. It felt good - he felt like he could sense the magic pulsing through the object, though he knew he was probably imagining it because of what Bernard told him.

He then busies himself with helping the others to distribute the load of the other artifacts and treasure so they can remove it from the tomb.
Oct 2, 2021 4:44 am
You move south past the corridor that leads back to the surface, and through the southern doors.

A massive mirror stretches across the southern wall of this chamber, flanked by two statues. The statue to the east depicts a tall, gaunt woman in a flowing, hooded gown, holding an hourglass. The figure to the west is that of a jackal-headed man carrying a scepter or staff in his hand. Stone double doors, standing slightly ajar, lead to the east and west. A third set of double doors exits the room to the north. Torch holders sculpted in the shape of bird skulls are built in each corner, and a thin layer of dust covers every surface.
Oct 2, 2021 4:56 am
Iseret studies the gaunt female statue for a moment. "Pharasma, I would guess?" She looks to Bernard for confirmation. "I have no idea who the other fellow is."
Oct 2, 2021 11:14 am
Tabat follows closely in behind Iseret, taking in the room's features. "That is Anubis, one of the Old Gods, a God of death," he says, "a fitting consort to Pharasma."

He moves forward into the room but remains a healthy distance back and watching carefully for any sign of wires or pressure plates that might signify a trap. Once he believes it is safe to do so, he will approach and inspect the statue of the jackal-headed one.
Assuming my assessment is correct on the jackal-headed god with a roll result of 14. If I'm wrong, or my roll is insufficient to identify it, let me know and I can edit :)
Last edited October 2, 2021 11:17 am


Knowledge (Religion) - (1d20+5)

(9) + 5 = 14

Oct 2, 2021 1:39 pm
The two statues have been correctly identified.
Oct 3, 2021 8:51 am
After inspecting the statue of Anubis more closely, Tabat will move to carefully inspect the bird-skull torch holders more closely.
Oct 3, 2021 11:09 am
'Looks like luck is on our side with this assignment, with these two watching over one would hope there is no undead in this place. And if there is, well I will happily clean them out for them.' Khadi grins as she goes to both of the statues offering a bow to each. 'We will be respectful, I promise.'
Oct 3, 2021 1:36 pm
"Hmm, a mirror and statues of the shepherds of death. Symbolism, or is there more at play here?"

Bernard casts Detect Magic and checks over the mirror and statues.
Oct 3, 2021 3:34 pm
Neither the statues or the torch holders appear remarkable in any way.

Bernard peers into the mirror sees himself (and his companions) reflected back—along with the likeness of Akhentepi as you've seen depicted elsewhere throughout the tomb: a human man with bronzed skin in his forties, wearing white ceremonial robes and a headdress. The reflected images of each of you appear stern and disapproving, regardless of a creature’s actual facial expression.

Detect Magic reveals that the mirror has a faint illusion and transmutation aura.
Oct 4, 2021 12:01 am
Bernard talks to himself as he focuses on the mirror to determine its magical properties.

"Fascinating - this mirror has Illusion and Transmutation auras. These spells would have been cast thousands of years ago. I wonder if the magical signature of these effects would have been different at the time of casting than if they were cast now..."


Spellcraft - (1d20+9)

(3) + 9 = 12

Oct 4, 2021 4:14 am
Bernard feels a sharp itching sensation. Please make a Fortitude save.
Oct 5, 2021 2:04 am
Bernard feels an unpleasant sharp, itching sensation in his forehead.

He mutters a curse, then feels his forehead, then checks in the mirror.

"Hmmph, I have stolen nothing, this primitive magic lacks the complexity to know such things… Oh, you should probably all avoid gazing too deeply into this mirror.
Last edited October 5, 2021 6:53 am


Fort Save - (1d20+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Oct 5, 2021 2:58 am
Bernard takes 1 point of damage as Ancient Osiriani hieroglyphs spelling the word "thief" are etched into his forehead.
Oct 7, 2021 7:14 pm
Anyone else want to stare hard into the mirrors, or maybe try the doors to the left or the right?
Oct 7, 2021 7:29 pm
Jaware is waiting for the big guys to do it.
Oct 7, 2021 10:09 pm
"Well, this room has been most disagreeable! Shall we move on?"

Bernard has started unconsciously putting his hand to his forehead frequently.
Oct 7, 2021 10:29 pm
Gethean turns away as Bernard exclaims and he sees the runes on his forehead. He does not wish to let the old man see the smile on his face, considering his apparent anger at being branded so. It takes but a few moments for him to regain his composure and to continue scanning the halls and areas behind them.
Oct 8, 2021 1:12 am
Iseret moves to the leftmost door and checks it for traps. (Perception is +4).
Last edited October 8, 2021 1:13 am
Oct 8, 2021 9:02 am
Tabat turns his head from the jackal-headed statue and looks at Bernard, the mark etched into the man's forehead. "Hrm," he intones, "It seems Akhentepi didn't foresee the descendants of his kingdom opening his tomb up for legal plunder." Seeing Bernard appears more annoyed than hurt, he nods, "Agreed, let's move forward." He heads to the door that Iseret is checked out, prepared to open it once cleared.
Oct 8, 2021 12:35 pm
Since left and right are relative to which way you're facing, this is going through the map left door, or west.
A flight of steps gradually descends to the west down this passage. Halfway down the stairs, small holes and burrowed tunnels riddle what remains of the passage’s southern wall. Earth and sand have spilled over the collapsed masonry, covering the stairs with dirt and rubble. Stone doors engraved with a golden scarab, its wings open beneath a golden sun, stand at either end of the stairs. One of the eastern doors is slightly ajar.

The stairs go down about 30' and are 10' wide, strewn with rubble. Hallway down in the south side is a semi circular alcove.

Status table here.
[ +- ] Status effects
You'll see a floating spoiler tag at the top right of your screen. The map and some character statuses can be found there.


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Oct 8, 2021 7:15 pm
Iseret makes a check of the eastern doorway, to be certain it is safe. (+4 to Perception)
Oct 8, 2021 10:22 pm
For clarification, is Iseret checking the door you're just passing through out of the mirror room, or the door at the bottom of 30' of stairs?
Oct 10, 2021 2:54 pm
what does PP stand for on the status table?
Oct 10, 2021 5:26 pm
Passive perception, i think. Though Iseret's would be 15 for traps due to their Trapfinding ability.
Last edited October 10, 2021 5:29 pm
Oct 10, 2021 5:37 pm
Passive Perception, indeed - Not sure that I'll use it that way, but it's there. Corrected Iseret's.
As Iseret heads down the stairs, having found no booby traps on the door at the top, half-way down she is suddenly confronted by swirling sand that rises from the rubble, forms vaguely into the shape of a snake, and strikes!

After the surprise attack, everyone can roll initiative and act if you beat the snake-made-of-sand.


Snake strike - (1d20+5, 1d8+4)

1d20+5 : (1) + 5 = 6

1d8+4 : (3) + 4 = 7

Foe initiative - (1d20+1)

(11) + 1 = 12

Oct 10, 2021 8:45 pm
Initiative Roll
Tabat immediately springs into action as the snake materializes before them. He rushes forward, drawing his sword and striking with all his fury.
Last edited October 10, 2021 8:49 pm


Initiative - (1d20+1)

(19) + 1 = 20

Power Attack - (1d20+5)

(5) + 5 = 10

Damage - (1d8+6)

(3) + 6 = 9

Oct 10, 2021 9:58 pm
Iseret is caught by surprise but manages to twist out of the snake's bite. Her short sword flashes in the light and slashes at the snake-thing.


Initiative roll - (1d20+4)

(17) + 4 = 21

Shortsword attack - (1d20+5, 1d4)

1d20+5 : (16) + 5 = 21

1d4 : (4) = 4

Oct 10, 2021 10:11 pm
Gethean looks around when he hears the noise of battle ahead but does not see a path to whatever is going on at the moment so he stands ready as he watches the rear of the column.
Last edited October 10, 2021 10:13 pm


Initiative - (1d20+11)

(8) + 11 = 19

Oct 11, 2021 1:30 am
Tabat and Iseret both leap into action, Tabat's attack missing, and Iseret's not doing any damage (due to damage reduction).

Gethean can move as per the map below. Assume the party are just at the right hand of the map, the right hand most squares being in the mirror room. The squares in the angular lower part are difficult terrain.


Foe's AC: 14
Oct 11, 2021 5:13 am
Jaware spends 1 point of his arcane pool to enhance his bow then attacks the Snake using Ranged Spell Combat to shoot a Arrow (with deadly aim) and cast acid splash against it.
Last edited October 11, 2021 12:54 pm


Initiative - (1d20+6)

(7) + 6 = 13

Longbow attack (Arcane Poll and Deadly Aim) - (1d20+5)

(11) + 5 = 16

Longbow damage (Arcane Poll and Deadly Aim) - (1d8+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Acid Splash Ranged Touch Attack - (1d20+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Acid Splash Damage - (1d3)

(1) = 1

Oct 11, 2021 6:40 am
Initiative. Edit: Crit, watch this not confirm and do no damage from dr
This tomb exploring really was living up to the warned danger.

'I'm going to need more boltsThe dusk walker mutters as she pulls out her crossbow and fires a shot
Last edited October 11, 2021 6:44 am


Init - (1D20)

(14) = 14

Crossbow - (1D20-4)

(20) - 4 = 16

Crossbow damage - (1D8)

(6) = 6

Crit confirm and damage - (1D20-4, 1d8)

1D20-4 : (5) - 4 = 1

1d8 : (6) = 6

Oct 11, 2021 12:13 pm
Bernards strolls into action.

"Hmm, I believe this is a sand elemental - precise tactics will not avail you with comrades. Hit it as hard as you are able."
Knowledge would be a 15 if its Arcana.
Last edited October 12, 2021 7:10 am


Initiative - (1d20+10)

(4) + 10 = 14

Knowledge - anything but Religion - (1d20+9)

(5) + 9 = 14

Oct 11, 2021 5:29 pm
Jaware and Khadi both slide missiles into the melee, striking the sand creature. It takes 3 damage total.

Bernard and Gethean still have actions.

Qralloq sent a note to chunky04
Foe: AC 14, DR 5, 3 damage
Oct 11, 2021 9:12 pm
weeeee a 1!!!
Gethean looks around one more time before heading down the stairs to get in the fight. Before engaging he takes the time to observe the snake's actions carefully.
Last edited October 11, 2021 9:18 pm


Damage (Studied Target) - (1d10+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Elven Curve Blade Studied Target attack - (1d20+6)

(1) + 6 = 7

Oct 13, 2021 2:40 pm
skipping Bernard...
The sand-made snake strikes again, this time at Tabat.

Tabat takes 8.

Everyone can act.


Strike - (1d20+5, 1d8+4)

1d20+5 : (15) + 5 = 20

1d8+4 : (4) + 4 = 8

Oct 13, 2021 3:59 pm
Seeing that the snake ignored her strongest blow, Iseret decides that the time has come to withdraw. She goes full defensive and attempts to tumble out of its way.


Acrobatics for withdrawl - (1d20+10)

(10) + 10 = 20

Oct 13, 2021 4:07 pm
Die sand devil!

With his enhanced Longbow Jaware attacks the Snake using Ranged Spell Combat to shoot a Arrow (with deadly aim) and cast acid splash against it.


Longbow attack (Arcane Poll and Deadly Aim) - (1d20+5)

(14) + 5 = 19

Longbow damage (Arcane Poll and Deadly Aim) - (1d8+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Acid Splash Ranged Touch Attack - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Acid Splash damage - (1d3)

(3) = 3

Oct 13, 2021 11:58 pm
Taking a moment to readjust his grip and make another attempt at hitting this sand snake Gethean takes a swing as Iseret tumbles out of the way.


Elven Curve Blade Attack (ST) - (1d20+6)

(9) + 6 = 15

Damage - (1d20+2)

(18) + 2 = 20

Correct damage - (1d10+2)

(9) + 2 = 11

Oct 14, 2021 12:44 am
Iseret successfully withdraws from combat, without provoking an attack of opportunity.
No roll necessary, with the full-round Withdraw action, you don't count the first square you leave as provoking AOOs.
The piercing damage from Jaware, and the slashing damage from Gethean, both damage the creature, but not to their full effect.


Foe: AC 14, DR 5/bludgeoning, 12 damage
Oct 14, 2021 2:15 am
Tabat strikes at the sand creature with righteous fury. "GAHH!" he exclaims, the pain of the creature's bite starting to wash over him just as his second failed attack misses the creature. "Does this thing have any weaknesses, Bernard?!"
Last edited October 14, 2021 7:17 am


Power Attack - (1d20+5)

(8) + 5 = 13

Damage - (1d8+6)

(1) + 6 = 7

Oct 14, 2021 9:19 am
"You've tried stabbing and slashing weapons, perhaps something blunt would work? Otherwise, hit it as hard as you possibly can."

Bernard will attempt to hit it with his crossbow, and resolves to prepare at least one energy damage cantrip next time.


Crossbow - (1d20+1)

(18) + 1 = 19

Damn, that might actually hit - Damage - (1d8)

(1) = 1

Oct 14, 2021 1:16 pm
It will fall eventually. It just seems I'm better at aiming the bow then magic rays.
Last edited October 14, 2021 2:18 pm
Oct 14, 2021 7:54 pm
Bernard's crossbow hits true, but fails to damage the creature.

Khadi is up.


Foe: AC 14, DR 5/bludgeoning, 12 damage
Oct 14, 2021 8:18 pm
The second she sees the snake strike Tabat Khadi starts to move, her eyes focused on the wound. 'Khepri, now is not the time for our friend to meet Anubis. She speaks her plea o the sun god as she reaches the Paladin , making sure he is between her and the snake as she rests a hand of his shoulder, which pulses with healing energy.
Spont heal cure light wounds, replacing detect undead.


Cure Light - (1d8+1)

(5) + 1 = 6

Oct 14, 2021 8:25 pm
Khadi heals Tabat's wounds, but the sandy snake strikes at him again, and he takes another 7 points of damage.

You're all up.


Foe: AC 14, DR 5/bludgeoning, 7/19 hp

Status table here.
[ +- ] Status effects


Snek - (1d20+5, 1d8+4)

1d20+5 : (17) + 5 = 22

1d8+4 : (3) + 4 = 7

Oct 14, 2021 9:48 pm
Just as his pains subside, waves of new pain flood over Tabat as the sand-snake creature bites into his flesh again. "I shall vanquish this creature!" he yells, dropping his sword and pulling its scabbard from his belt. He whirls around, putting all his weight into the attack, intending the bash the creature with the heavy metal-lined edge of the equipment. Unfortunately the creature deftly shifts to the side as the blunted instrument strikes the ground with a thud.
What is up with these rolls! lol
Last edited October 15, 2021 4:26 am


Attack (Combat Scabbard, Blunt, +5, 1d6+4) - (1d20+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

Damage - (1d6+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Oct 15, 2021 12:26 am
It seems I cannot hit with both attacks

With his enhanced Longbow Jaware attacks the Snake using Ranged Spell Combat to shoot a Arrow (with deadly aim) and cast acid splash against it.
Last edited October 15, 2021 12:27 am


Longbow attack (with Arcane Pool and Deadly Aim) - (1d20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Longbow damage (with Arcane Pool and Deadly Aim) - (1d8+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Acid splash attack - (1d20+3)

(11) + 3 = 14

Acid splash damage - (1d3)

(1) = 1

Oct 15, 2021 11:29 am
I've just notice that I’m rolling my attacks wrong since I forgot the -2 penalty for ranged spell combat. It does not change any results of this fight, but I thought that confessing my mistake was the right thing to do.
Last edited October 15, 2021 6:19 pm
Oct 16, 2021 1:10 am
Thanks for piping up!
Tabat and Jaware miss their attacks.

Bernard, Khadi, and Iseret are up.
Oct 16, 2021 1:37 pm
'Blood stays inside you Tabat!' Khadi starts to focus her power once more as the snake decides it didn't much appreciate its efforts being closed up. 'Khepri I have one job here, help me do it.' As she focus the positive energy on Tabat again she looks down to his anf Gethean's waist, looking for a weapon she could grab to help out.
And thats the spells already gone, so we're on channels. Do any of those at the front have a dagger or similar at their hip?
Last edited October 16, 2021 2:42 pm


Cure Wounds - (1d8+1)

(5) + 1 = 6

Oct 16, 2021 5:12 pm
Torchlight flickers off the handle of Tabat's cold iron dagger, sheathed at his wast.
Thanks for the heals!
Last edited October 16, 2021 5:12 pm
Oct 16, 2021 9:52 pm
edited for d6 damage
Gethean reverses his grip on his sword and attempts to use the butt in a close in strike.
Last edited October 17, 2021 4:11 am


Butt Stroke using the handle - (1d20+5)

(11) + 5 = 16

Damage - (1d10+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Club damage - (1d6+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Oct 16, 2021 10:17 pm
I'll give you a d6 damage for a club.
Oct 16, 2021 10:23 pm
Bernard fires another shot from his crossbow, grimaces at its ineffectiveness, and says "Is there such a thing as blunted arrows or bolts we might procure next time?"


Crossbow shot - (1d20+1)

(15) + 1 = 16

Damage - (1d8)

(3) = 3

Oct 17, 2021 7:40 pm
Gethean, reversing his blade and striking with the pommel, destroys the strange foe. It crumples to sand.

Combat is Over.
Status table here.
[ +- ] Status effects
Oct 18, 2021 6:39 am
Tabat, still breathing heavily from the heat of combat, clips his scabbard back to his belt and retrieves his sword. "Gethean!" he exclaims, "That was glorious!"
Last edited October 18, 2021 6:45 am
Oct 18, 2021 6:40 am
'Thank Ra. I did not like my next plan if you hadn't got it Gethean. Even as Khadi speaks she starts to fus over Tabat, looking at what of the wounds hadn't healed.

'I'll have to have a proper look at these later, I suspect we want to push on? Try not to get bitten by any more snakes please Her tone is teasing as she stands, satisfied he's not immeadiatly going to keel over
Oct 18, 2021 6:47 am
"Khadi - I would be dead if not for you - thank you." He takes a knee in front of the cleric. "Sincerely, I am in your debt." He laughs, "I will most certainly do everything in my power to avoid snakes, especially extraplanar entities such as that."

After standing he looks around, another door at the base of the stairs. "This seems to descend further into the tomb, should we at least peek through the other door in the last room before we go deeper?"
Oct 18, 2021 8:22 am
"With thoroughness like that Tabat, you have the makings of a capable researcher. Yes, I agree."
Oct 18, 2021 4:07 pm
Back on the other side of the room of mirrors (which makes Bernards forehead itch even thinking about), the door is untapped as far as you can tell, and not locked, it's even slightly ajar.

Pillars line the walls of this rectangular chamber, interspersed with stone jackal heads extending from the walls. A stone altar, covered in a layer of dust, sits at the eastern end of the room.

Tabat recognizes that the altar is dedicated to the ancient Osirian god Anubis, patron of embalmers and guardian of tombs, and the funerary masks on the walls depict him.

Gethean notices tracks in the dust.


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Oct 19, 2021 6:55 am
'Well it is why I'm here. You guys open doors and beat up snakes I keep the blood inside you. Most of it at least. Khadi let's out a small chuckle. 'I won't sat no to so thank you beers when we're back tonight however.'

She pokes her head into the next room over the shoulders of the others, but waits for the all clear from the more perceptive of the group to step in.
Oct 21, 2021 12:34 am
Gethean looks closely at the tracks trying to see how old they are and what made them.
Last edited October 21, 2021 12:35 am


Perception - (1d20+4)

(8) + 4 = 12

Oct 21, 2021 2:52 am
Gethean notices the tracks, but can't identify what type of creature.
Oct 21, 2021 11:34 am
Seeing that Gethean is looking closely at some marks in the ground Jaware moves next to him and asks:

Gethean, what is it? Tracks? Can you idenfy? Or, at least, follow it?
Last edited October 21, 2021 11:35 am
Oct 21, 2021 2:06 pm
At the sound of voices, there is the sound of movement from behind the altar. Two large bugs tear around, ready to swarm and eat you.

Initiative checks please. If you beat the bugs, you can act immediately.

This tan-colored creature looks like a ten-legged spider. Oversized jaws grind together slowly beneath beady eyes.


Bugs go on: - (1d20+2)

(11) + 2 = 13

Oct 21, 2021 5:07 pm
What the hell! We can't even take a break!

With his Longbow Jaware attacks the Snake using Ranged Spell Combat to shoot a Arrow (with deadly aim) and cast acid splash against it.
The correct dmg roll of the Longbow is 1d8+2, so the correct dmg is 3
Last edited October 21, 2021 5:09 pm


Initiative - (1d20+6)

(3) + 6 = 9

Longbow attack (with Deadly Aim) - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

Longbow damage (with Deadly Aim) - (1d8+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Acid splash ranged touch attack - (1d20+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Acid splash dmg - (1d3)

(2) = 2

Oct 21, 2021 8:34 pm
Iseret spins about, ready to see what new horror the tomb has conjured up. When she sees the decapods, her revulsion is evident. "Gross!" she exclaims, moving into position to strike. She swings with her shortsword at the nearest "bug".
Last edited October 21, 2021 8:35 pm


Initiative - (1d20+4)

(16) + 4 = 20

Shortsword vs. bug - (1d20+5, 1d4)

1d20+5 : (19) + 5 = 24

1d4 : (4) = 4

Crit confirm? - (1d20+5, 1d4)

1d20+5 : (11) + 5 = 16

1d4 : (1) = 1

Oct 21, 2021 8:56 pm
WhtKnt says:
Iseret spins about, ready to see what new horror the tomb has conjured up. When she sees the decapods, her revulsion is evident. "Gross!" she exclaims, moving into position to strike. She swings with her shortsword at the nearest "bug".
You have bested the bugs initiative. I think you should to roll for sneak attack dmg.
Last edited October 21, 2021 8:56 pm
Oct 21, 2021 10:02 pm
grrrr my head is in the clouds, that is not a critical hit. Sorry about the wishful thinking.
Well I was just about to say that I did not know what made the tracks...but behold the ugly bugs have saved my reputation." Gethean steps up to take a swing
Last edited October 21, 2021 10:11 pm


Initiative - (1d20+11)

(3) + 11 = 14

Curve Blade atack - (1d20+6)

(16) + 6 = 22

Critical confirm - (1d20+6)

(19) + 6 = 25

Critical Damage - (2d10+2)

(108) + 2 = 20

Oct 21, 2021 11:48 pm
SurferofSaragar says:
WhtKnt says:
Iseret spins about, ready to see what new horror the tomb has conjured up. When she sees the decapods, her revulsion is evident. "Gross!" she exclaims, moving into position to strike. She swings with her shortsword at the nearest "bug".
You have bested the bugs initiative. I think you should to roll for sneak attack dmg.
You're right!


Sneak attack - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Oct 22, 2021 2:04 am
Jaware's attack will be processed after the bugs.

Iseret: yes, they're technically flatfooted, so you get +1d6 sneak attack damage on them. Total 6 damage.

Gethean hits one for 12 damage.

Status table here.
[ +- ] Status effects
Oct 22, 2021 4:51 am
Tabat rushes forward and targets the creature not already engaged with Gethean, moving into position to allow Iseret to flank if able. With a heavy swing he brings his sword around to strike. Unfortunately it goes wide and slashes nothing but the air between him and his foe.
Horus help him, Tabat can't hit anything!
Last edited October 22, 2021 9:28 am


Power Attack - (1d20+5)

(3) + 5 = 8

Damage - (1d8+6)

(8) + 6 = 14

Oct 22, 2021 6:46 pm
'Is something allergic to positive energy to much to ask for...? Kadi sighs out as she brings her crossbow to bear against one of the bugs.


Initiative - (1d20)

(4) = 4

Oct 22, 2021 8:41 pm
Just Bernard's initiative roll left to determine. I'll roll for him in the morning if needed.
Oct 22, 2021 8:51 pm
"Ah! Yet more creatures looking to kill us all."
1 more on Knowledge if Arcana happens to be the appropriate skill, no check if it is Religion.
Last edited October 22, 2021 8:52 pm


Initiative - (1d20+10)

(2) + 10 = 12

Knowledge - (1d20+9)

(16) + 9 = 25

Oct 22, 2021 10:25 pm
The spiders launch themselves into the attack, snapping with their oversized jaws, but not breaking skin.

Jaware attacks... and kills the heavily wounded one.

Everybody but Jaware is up.

Qralloq sent a note to chunky04


Bite Attack vs Iseret - (1d20+3, 1d6+1)

1d20+3 : (11) + 3 = 14

1d6+1 : (6) + 1 = 7

Bite Attack vs Gethean - (1d20+3, 1d6+1)

1d20+3 : (13) + 3 = 16

1d6+1 : (6) + 1 = 7

Oct 23, 2021 3:22 am
"I think we need to find a defendable position and rest for awhile, this tomb does not like us!" Gethean steps up to take a swing at the second spider and misses.
Last edited October 23, 2021 3:25 am


Curve Blade attack - (1d20+6, 1d10+2)

1d20+6 : (6) + 6 = 12

1d10+2 : (3) + 2 = 5

Oct 23, 2021 10:19 am
"Let's not give them any ground, wizard!" Tabat says, as he spins and slices his sword towards the creature again, this time, he hopes, cleaving the creature in twain.
Last edited October 23, 2021 10:22 am


Power Attack - (1d20+5)

(13) + 5 = 18

Damage - (1d8+6)

(8) + 6 = 14

Oct 23, 2021 12:48 pm
Bernard shoots his crossbow, once again cursing that he did not prepare any sort of damaging cantrip this morning.
Am assuming that will not confirm.
Last edited October 23, 2021 12:48 pm


Attack roll - (1d20+1)

(20) + 1 = 21

Confirmation Roll - (1d20+1)

(11) + 1 = 12

Damage - (1d8)

(2) = 2

Oct 23, 2021 2:03 pm
Tabat kills the second one, smashing it to a sticky pulp.

Combat is over.

A search of the room, the embalming or funerary preparation chamber, reveals no valuables or secret passages. The masks on the wall are simple torch holders of no significance.
Oct 24, 2021 3:16 am
Gethean examines the room for anything else that may jump out at them before asking if anyone else is hungry. "Squished spiders anyone? I jest, I think a meal and setting camp for the night might be in our best interest, any objections?"
Last edited October 26, 2021 12:56 am
Oct 24, 2021 6:16 pm
Tabat nods in satisfaction with the fall of the last spider-like creature and sheathes his sword once again. "This may not be a terrible place to do so, Gethean," he says pointing to the doorway, "Only one way in, from what I can see. What say you all? I will offer to take first watch."
Oct 24, 2021 9:27 pm
In this room, you'll be able to securely close the door, and there is room enough for all of you. Resting until the following morning will be necessary to allow the spellcasters to recover their spells.

Before then, do you use any remaining magic? Bernard is down 1 hit point (which he will recover with rest) and Tabat is down 3.
Oct 24, 2021 10:11 pm
'Do we need to rest? We don't want to let any of the good sites get given to others if we are dragging our feet' Khadi is still chomping at the bit and ready to continue. 'I still have some positive energy in me if we are worried about wounds.

To prove her point she raises the scarab around her neck and lifts it up, allowing energy to pulse out from it as she murmurs a prayer to Khepri.
Everyone gets four hp back. Khadi still has 7 channels left so there is a fair bit of healing in the tank left.
Last edited October 24, 2021 10:12 pm


Channel - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Oct 24, 2021 10:55 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
'Do we need to rest? We don't want to let any of the good sites get given to others if we are dragging our feet' Khadi is still chomping at the bit and ready to continue. 'I still have some positive energy in me if we are worried about wounds.

To prove her point she raises the scarab around her neck and lifts it up, allowing energy to pulse out from it as she murmurs a prayer to Khepri.
Everyone gets four hp back. Khadi still has 7 channels left so there is a fair bit of healing in the tank left.
Khadi is right! We haven't spend any channel yet. And khadi has selective channel. She can do it during combat without any problem.
Oct 24, 2021 11:00 pm
"I'm fit to fight," Tabat says with a stretch, "Especially now. But should we carry on, this seems a good place to return for a safe rest if needed."
Last edited October 25, 2021 5:20 am
Oct 25, 2021 5:24 am
"Deeper into darkness, then," Tabat says with a nod and heads west, walking alongside Iseret as they venture into the unknown room while maintaining vigilance against any traps that might be present.
If anyone wants to do anything before heading into danger feel free - just figured I'd post us moving that direction.
Oct 25, 2021 3:43 pm
Past the battle site with the sand elemental, you proceed. Roguish eyes watch out for more bugs or creatures or traps. At the base of the stairs, the door is unlocked and you find no traps.

Inside is a rectangular room, 20' x 30'.

A tapestry hangs from a frame against the south wall of this large chamber; it depicts an otherworldly vista where the souls of the dead, shepherded by strange beings, enter an ethereal river ambling through space toward a landscape dominated by an impossibly tall spire. Columns sculpted in the shape of Osirian warriors wielding khopeshes stand in all four corners of the room. The floor is tiled in a white spiral pattern on a black background, and this spiral pattern is repeated on the stone double doors to the north, east (which you came through), and west.

Status table here - map updated.
[ +- ] Status effects
Oct 26, 2021 1:00 am
"Onward then, am more than ready to go on."
Oct 26, 2021 1:13 am
Reposting status table here - map updated.
[ +- ] Status effects
Oct 26, 2021 2:07 am
"Spirals... I seem to recall that they have to do with Pharasma," Iseret muses aloud.
Last edited October 26, 2021 2:07 am
Oct 26, 2021 7:29 am
"Indeed," Tabat says in response to Iseret, "I believe you're right, though I'm certain our Lady Khadi could confirm."

Tabat moves around the room carefully and slowly, pausing only to admire the tapestry before heading to the Western door and placing a hand upon the door gently, applying no pressure. He focuses on what may lie beyond.

"Shall we try this way next?" he asks the group.
First, does the tapestry have any value? Maybe its something we'll want to cart out later.

Tabat will use Detect Evil and see if there is anything detectable on the other side of the door. I understand Paladins and 'detect evil' can be a nuisance. Qralloq - any way you want to handle that? I can either limit its use so I'm not using it constantly, or maybe handle it passively and consider it 'always on'. Whatever you want.
Last edited October 26, 2021 7:30 am
Oct 26, 2021 11:17 am
C1NDER says:
"Indeed," Tabat says in response to Iseret, "I believe you're right, though I'm certain our Lady Khadi could confirm."

Tabat moves around the room carefully and slowly, pausing only to admire the tapestry before heading to the Western door and placing a hand upon the door gently, applying no pressure. He focuses on what may lie beyond.

"Shall we try this way next?" he asks the group.
First, does the tapestry have any value? Maybe its something we'll want to cart out later.

Tabat will use Detect Evil and see if there is anything detectable on the other side of the door. I understand Paladins and 'detect evil' can be a nuisance. Qralloq - any way you want to handle that? I can either limit its use so I'm not using it constantly, or maybe handle it passively and consider it 'always on'. Whatever you want.
Jaware will cast detect magic on both doors. "Perhaps we should examine our choices a bit before proceeding."
Considering de size of the map it is better to open the western door now, since the space for the dungeon to expand seems bigger behind the northern door and we don't want leave a unopened room behind us. But this is metagaming
Last edited October 26, 2021 4:52 pm


Spellcraft check if necessary - (1d20+7)

(13) + 7 = 20

Oct 27, 2021 2:05 am
Note that Paladin Detect Evil as a Paladin at will ability has one very significant difference from the spell - you need to look at a specific target. It can’t be used radar style like the spell can. It specifically calls out that nothing else will detect while they’re focussing on that particular object or entity also. It’s one of the most commonly misplayed rules in Pathfinder in my experience. This distinction fixes a lot of the issues with it that become controversial.
Bernard would do his usual looking at everything with great interest, making Knowledge checks and detecting magic. You would notice a little more circumspection now though, probably with the occasional reaching up to his feel his forehead.

Out of curiousity, would Khadi’s channel have removed the writing on his forehead?
Oct 27, 2021 3:01 am
As Bernard indicated, the Detect Evil ability with paladins isn't like radar or something I feel that I need to house rule.
If Tabat takes a long time to concentrate on all of the objects in the room, Tabat doesn't detect any parts of the room are evil.

Bernard is undoubtedly dismayed that Khadi's channel divinity did not remove the mark on his forehead. He still proudly advertises to the world that he is, in fact, a thief.

Jaware detects no magic beyond the western door, or on the other side of the northern door.
Oct 27, 2021 6:43 pm
Similar question as to keeping detect magic up. Which I just spied I didn't prep, but hopefully Bernard did...
'i don't know about lady Khadi, but normal person Khadi can confirm Pharasma likes her spirals.' Khadi jokes as she follows the rest before her eyes come to rest of the writing still on Bernard head. 'Thought that was just an illusion but seems stuck there... hopefully its no a curse. Though as cures go its by no means the worse.' As she speaks she steps towards the wizard, studying the mark, mumbling complaints under her breath that she hadn't asked Khepri for the ability to see magic in her morning prayers.
Oct 27, 2021 9:52 pm
Which door would you like to try? Oh, they're both locked. Which would would you like to try and pick?
Oct 27, 2021 11:35 pm
Gethean also admires the tapestry closely while continuing to maintain his guard for anything that looks out of place.


Knowledge Dungeoneering - (1d20+5)

(16) + 5 = 21

Peeception - (1d20+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Oct 28, 2021 12:18 am
Iseret will check the west door for traps and then attempt to open it.

[Perception +4]


Disable device - (1d20+9)

(4) + 9 = 13

Oct 28, 2021 1:04 am
The tapestry may seem interesting but its of no real value or significance. You suspect that it would not survive the journey from the tomb.

The western door isn't trapped. Iseret eventually opens it.

Beyond, a short hallway narrows sharply descending to a set a stairs that abruptly ends at a rough rock wall.


Secret Roll

Oct 28, 2021 3:35 am
Tabat narrows his eyes. "Quiet," he says, "Could be a dead end." Just in case, he unsheathes his sword and steps cautiously forward towards the base of the stairs to inspect the rock wall. "Hrm," he remarks, "I don't see anything of interest."
I actually really appreciate the clarification re: Detect Evil. I'm glad it works that way and prefer it to how I thought it worked. Thanks!
Last edited October 28, 2021 9:49 am


Perception - (1d20+0)

(1) = 1

Oct 29, 2021 12:35 am
Iseret also steps forward to search the dead end, tapping the wall at various points. [Perception +4]
Oct 29, 2021 2:06 am
Though the tapestry has no real significance, Bernard still gives it a good look over while the others check the path ahead, trying to take his mind off his forehead. He mutters some speculation as to what is depicted, but is not really trying to engage with it heavily.
Oct 29, 2021 11:18 am
Jaware will help Isaret (Perception +4)
Last edited October 29, 2021 11:19 am
Oct 29, 2021 6:09 pm
As you search the area, Jaware notices very fine cracks that show there is a carefully concealed door just on the right hand side looking in (i.e., map north). He cannot determine any trigger mechanism to open it.

The area at the foot of the stairs was never excavated, although a few small tunnels pockmark the stone, small enough to be inaccessible without a burrow speed.

As you come down the stairs, a pair of large beetles (size small) emerge from the tunnels to attack, as if defending the bottom of the stairs.

Initiative please. If you beat the beetles, you may act at your leisure.

Qralloq sent a note to Qralloq


Initiative, beetles - (1d20+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Oct 30, 2021 8:49 am
Hearing the beginnings of the sounds that would prelude a kerfuffle, Bernards reacts, moving into position with a clear shot but behind the more physically capable, and calls out any handy advice that he can think of from seeing these creatures decribed in some of his texts at the university.

"These are a type of Fire Beetle, regular tactics should prevail!"
Last edited October 30, 2021 11:42 pm


Initiative - (1d20+10)

(2) + 10 = 12

Knowledge Nature - (1d20+9)

(12) + 9 = 21

Crossbow Shot - (1d20+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Oct 30, 2021 10:16 am
Tabat wasn't expecting these insects but reacts with speed and discipline nonetheless. He moves upon them, drawing his sword, then laying into the closest one with a mighty swing.
Last edited October 30, 2021 10:28 am


Initiative - (1d20+1)

(10) + 1 = 11

Power Attack - (1d20+5)

(6) + 5 = 11

Damage - (1d8+6)

(5) + 6 = 11

Oct 30, 2021 3:57 pm
The creatures are quick but even flatfooted, their thick hard shells protect them from Tabat's blow as Bernard's bolt pings off into the darkness.

Qralloq sent a note to chunky04
Oct 30, 2021 11:46 pm
Gethean hears Tabat's sword blade being deflected off the small beetles and reacts by drawing his sword and miasing after he swings.
attempting to make rolls, but gets redirected to the main forum page when he clicks add to make a roll lol
Last edited October 31, 2021 6:30 pm


Initiative - (1d20+11)

(15) + 11 = 26

Curve Blade Attack - (1d20+6, 1d10+2)

1d20+6 : (7) + 6 = 13

1d10+2 : (4) + 2 = 6

Oct 31, 2021 2:57 am
Iseret draws her blade and swings at the nearest beetle.
Last edited October 31, 2021 3:00 am


Iseret initiative - (1d20+4)

(13) + 4 = 17

Iseret vs. beetle (short sword) - (1d20+5, 1d4)

1d20+5 : (3) + 5 = 8

1d4 : (3) = 3

Oct 31, 2021 3:39 am
Bernard, Tabat, Gethean and Iseret all miss their attacks, mostly due to really unfortunate die rolls. Getting behind them for flanking might help. Jaware and Khadi still to roll initiative.
Beetles (2), AC16 (flat footed 14), hp 6
Oct 31, 2021 8:01 pm
Iseret, I think I saw something ... Dammit! MORE BUGS!!!?

With his Longbow Jaware attacks one of the bugs using Ranged Spell Combat to shoot a Arrow (with deadly aim) and cast acid splash against it.
WOW! 10 dmg!
Last edited October 31, 2021 8:03 pm


Initiative - (1d20+6)

(9) + 6 = 15

Longbow attack (Deadly Aim) - (1d20+3)

(19) + 3 = 22

Longbow damage (Deadly Aim) - (1d8+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Acid Splash Ranged Touch Attack - (1d20+2)

(15) + 2 = 17

Acid Splash Damage - (1d3)

(3) = 3

Oct 31, 2021 9:04 pm
Jaware's attacks both land, the bow killing one of the beetles outright, and the spell attack damaging the other.

Beetles (1), AC16 (flat footed 14), hp 3/6
Nov 1, 2021 1:55 pm
The beetle fights to the end, biting at Tabat, but not getting a hold.

Everybody is up again, Khadi can go twice.


Go for the knees, beetle! - (1d20+3, 1d4+2)

1d20+3 : (6) + 3 = 9

1d4+2 : (3) + 2 = 5

Nov 1, 2021 3:53 pm
Iseret maneuvers to get behind the beetle if possible, striking with her short sword again.


Iseret vs. beetle (short sword) (sneak attack if possible) - (1d20+5, 1d4, 1d6)

1d20+5 : (2) + 5 = 7

1d4 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (2) = 2

Nov 1, 2021 5:31 pm
Again Jaware attacks with his Longbow the last bug using Ranged Spell Combat to shoot a Arrow (with deadly aim) and cast acid splash against it.

Aaand...Bullseye Shot!
Last edited November 1, 2021 9:12 pm


Longbow attack (with Deadly Aim) - (1d20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Longbow damage (with Deadly Aim) - (1d8+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Acid splash attack - (1d20+1)

(10) + 1 = 11

Acid splash damage - (1d3)

(1) = 1

Nov 1, 2021 5:36 pm
Tabat lays into the beetle that tried to bite at him with another heavy swing of his sword.
First roll looks funny - labeled it as the roll for attack because lack of sleep lol - had to add second roll for the actual attack roll, but it's a miss anyway.
Last edited November 1, 2021 5:37 pm


1d20+5 - (1d8+6)

(3) + 6 = 9

Power Attack - (1d20+5)

(3) + 5 = 8

Nov 1, 2021 7:50 pm
Jaware finishes off the second beetle, having single handedly struck down both beetles.
Combat is over.
Nov 1, 2021 9:05 pm
Qralloq says:
Gethean finishes off the second beetle, having single handedly struck down both beetles.
Combat is over.
You mean Jaware, right? The archery guy. Gethean is the two handed sword guy.
Nov 1, 2021 9:26 pm
You're right, of course. edited.
Nov 2, 2021 5:45 am
After sheathing his sword, Tabat steps toward the arcane bowman and places a hand on Jaware's shoulder. "Well done," he says, "Your skills are a great boon to have here in the darkness. I have never before seen someone so apt in combining magic and archery, it is a sight to behold."

He casts another glance around the room. "Shall we head back and check the other closed door?"
Nov 2, 2021 10:36 am
C1NDER says:
After sheathing his sword, Tabat steps toward the arcane bowman and places a hand on Jaware's shoulder. "Well done," he says, "Your skills are a great boon to have here in the darkness. I have never before seen someone so apt in combining magic and archery, it is a sight to behold."

He casts another glance around the room. "Shall we head back and check the other closed door?"
Thanks my friend! But, as I was saying, Isaret I think I found something here. I think it is a door, but I don't know how to open it.
Last edited November 2, 2021 10:37 am
Nov 2, 2021 6:32 pm
Iseret goes over to have a look to see if she can figure out how to open the door. She tries the obvious (lifting, kicking, punching, etc.) before looking for hidden switches or latches (Perception +4).
Nov 2, 2021 10:04 pm
They appears to be no way to open the door from this side, although smashing it much harder than a punch or kick might break through -- it's only rock, but still it's rock. Perhaps it is an exit only.
Nov 3, 2021 9:31 am
"I don't like it. Akhentepi was a general. In a castle there are always hidden doors that leads to the outside. These doors are used in forays so that the defending army can flank the attacking army during an assault to the main gate or the walls. This can be a trap. If we proceed to the north door, maybe there is a mechanism that will release some creature or monster to attack us from behind. Maybe we should set a trap or some alarm in this corridor."
Last edited November 3, 2021 11:20 am
Nov 3, 2021 11:57 pm
"What would you recommend Jaware? I agree with you but have no experience with setting traps. Iseret maybe you can do something, maybe some of those masks tied together hanging in front of the door?"
Last edited November 3, 2021 11:58 pm
Nov 4, 2021 8:54 am
Tabat stiffens. "All this talk of setting traps is well and good, but what sort of danger are we expecting to face here that is intelligent enough to circle around and flank us? The only things we've run into here are bugs and some tiny murder dolls. It wouldn't hurt to be mindful and guard our rear, but let's do make haste and press on."
Nov 4, 2021 9:40 am
"Sound logic Tabat."

Bernards tips his wizards hat towards him.
Nov 4, 2021 6:25 pm
"Ok, maybe I'm overthinking. This is a just a tomb afterall."
Nov 5, 2021 6:54 am
Tabat heads back to the prior room and approaches the northern door. Remembering that it was also locked, he looks to Iseret, "What do you think, sly one? Can you pop this door open like you did the last one?"
Nov 5, 2021 9:00 pm
"Lead on then, consider the rear covered."
Nov 6, 2021 12:36 am
You can take 20 on this kind of check, Iseret.
Nov 6, 2021 3:11 am
"Hold up. This will require a few minutes." Iseret carefully inspects the door, taking her time to do it right.
Taking 20 for a 24 total.
Last edited November 6, 2021 3:12 am
Nov 6, 2021 2:50 pm
The doors open, revealing stairs down to another set of doors. After carefully checking them, you pass through those and reveal the same again. The next set of doors, however, when opened reveal a room.

The center of this large octagonal room is a raised square platform a few inches above the floor, with a stone pillar at each corner. A gold-trimmed sarcophagus sits in the center of the platform, flanked by two statues of humanoid beings with canine heads, each of which holds an ankh in one of its crossed arms. Stone double doors exit the room to the north and south.
Nov 6, 2021 4:02 pm
Qralloq says:
The doors open, revealing stairs down to another set of doors. After carefully checking them, you pass through those and reveal the same again. The next set of doors, however, when opened reveal a room.

The center of this large octagonal room is a raised square platform a few inches above the floor, with a stone pillar at each corner. A gold-trimmed sarcophagus sits in the center of the platform, flanked by two statues of humanoid beings with canine heads, each of which holds an ankh in one of its crossed arms. Stone double doors exit the room to the north and south.
I'm assuming this the north door.
So, I think we just hit the jackpot

Jaware will cast detect magic and examine the room from the door. (Spellcraft +7 and Perception +4)
Last edited November 6, 2021 6:18 pm
Nov 6, 2021 6:53 pm
Jaware senses no magic within the room.
Nov 7, 2021 7:43 am
Tabat takes one step into the room and studies the sarcophagus intently before stepping further.
Using Ability: Detect Evil on the sarcophagus
Nov 7, 2021 1:14 pm
The sarcophagus does not appear evil to Tabat's senses.
Nov 7, 2021 5:56 pm
Tabat shrugs. "It does not exude an evil aura," he says, "Always a worry when dealing with the dead in a place like this." He steps slowly and carefully forward once Iseret move in and stays just behind them. "We should still expect a trap. There is no way the tomb's designers would make this part too easy."
Last edited November 9, 2021 4:26 pm
Nov 9, 2021 9:11 am
Taking a cautious lead from the rest of the party, Bernard moves a little into the room and has a look around top see if anything is of particular significance.
As usual, if a different Knowledge would work better, I don't have Religion, but all others are at 9 and Arcana is at 10.


Knowledge History - (1d20+9)

(11) + 9 = 20

Nov 9, 2021 2:49 pm
Bernard doesn't find much to examine in the room. There weren't any tapestries or mosaics to interpret, only the statues near the sarcophagus, and who they represent seems to be outside his area of study.

Reposting status table here - map not yet updated.
[ +- ] Status effects


Secret Roll

Nov 10, 2021 2:20 pm
I think we will have to bot Iseret, as asked, if we want to enter the room.
Nov 10, 2021 3:26 pm
Folding your obvious caution, Iseret enters the room and spends a long time examining the floor as she directly approaches the sarcophagus, then that platform as well.
Taking 20 every 5' on perception (trapfinding)
She determines that the platform is pressure sensitive, but doesn't know what it triggers.
I'll update the map shortly.
Nov 10, 2021 5:28 pm
I have a idea. Let's get out of the room and, at a safe distance, throw a sac with some stones inside the room, at the platform, to trigger the trap.
Last edited November 11, 2021 6:44 am
Nov 12, 2021 5:15 pm
Following the rules I established to keep a dungeon crawl on pace, we'll take that plan as given.
You all exit the room and taking a bit of rubble from the nearby areas that are rubble-strewn, toss it to the central platform with the sarcophagus.

The door immediately before you slams shut. On the other side, you hear the rushing of water for two minutes and then it stops. The door before you groans, bulging slightly outwards toward you.
Nov 12, 2021 7:41 pm
It seems like the trap was meant to drown us. Iseret is really saving our lives.
Talbat has a crowbar that we can use to open the door, but i don't if we should. Maybe the water will fill this room also if we open the door.
Last edited November 13, 2021 12:57 pm
Nov 13, 2021 4:36 am
Tabat nods in agreement. "Yes, it is a testament to our teamwork that we still walk these resting halls." The paladin walks forward and presses his hand against the door. He positions his ear against it to listen for any indication the room on the other side is full of water.

"Only one way forward," he says, "But no reason we shouldn't proceed carefully."
Last edited November 13, 2021 4:37 am
Nov 13, 2021 9:26 am
Would the water be able to fill the entire crypt? I mean, there are a lot of places with cracks and holes in the walls. I think we should open it, maybe just a little bit to see the strength of the water flow.
Nov 13, 2021 9:31 am
"Yeah," Tabat says, "I think you're right. Just be ready to help me shut this door if needed."

He glances back at the others. "You all can swim, right?" he asks, a trace of humor in his voice before reaching and pulling to open the door once again, gently at first, to see how much water might come spilling towards them through the cracks.
Nov 13, 2021 6:46 pm
"Perhaps a hammer and chisel would be in order for our next adventure, then we could have possibly chipped a wider crack in the door, to see how much water come out. I can swim, thankfully, or should I say, hopefully?" Gethean steps forward to assist Tabet at the door.
Nov 14, 2021 2:00 am
The door is firmly braced and does not move at all when you tug on it.
Nov 14, 2021 11:13 am
Tabat glances around at the others and shrugs his shoulders. He retrieves his crowbar and holds it aloft. "Never leave home without one, right?", he asks, taking the tool and attempting to pry the door open a slight amount at first, then wider if they do not find themselves underwater.
Nov 14, 2021 12:35 pm
Bernard starts muttering under his breath, clearly deep in thought and almost oblivious to the world around him.
What could Bernard puzzle out with his Knowledge that might be helpful for that room?


Knowledge Engineering - (1d20+9)

(18) + 9 = 27

Nov 14, 2021 1:57 pm
Tabat manages to open the tightly sealed door only a sliver and water comes out, spraying through the tight gap. You estimate that there is two feet of water in the next room.

As you watch it for a while, Bernard determines that the water level is dropping faster than expected so that it must be draining inside.

It isn't very long, less than five minutes, before the water has drained completely.

The door is still fastened tightly.
Nov 14, 2021 4:39 pm
Jaware will help Tabat to open the door.
Let's everybody do it. Like at the first door.
Last edited November 14, 2021 4:40 pm
Nov 14, 2021 6:33 pm
Tabat pries and pulls at the door with his crowbar and the assistance of the others.
Nov 14, 2021 7:18 pm
Break DC on the door is 30. Crowbar gives a +2 bonus. Can you beat that taking 20?
Nov 14, 2021 7:20 pm
Qralloq says:
Break DC on the door is 30. Crowbar gives a small bonus. Can you beat that taking 20?
Aid another bonuses stack. With everyone we can do it!
Nov 14, 2021 7:24 pm
Tabat asking can manage DC 26, so it two of you Aid Another, he can do it.
Nov 14, 2021 8:47 pm
"Come on!" Tabat days with a grunt, putting all his muscle into the effort. He feels a slight slip and he tries to convince himself that its not the crowbar bending. "Almost got it," he says, hopeful.
Nov 14, 2021 10:22 pm
Several minutes of back breaking labor later...

A small wave of water licks at your boots as you break the door open, internal beams snapping, rendering the door unlockable any further. The room before you remains as you saw it, except electricity buzzes around the four statues around the sarcophagus. And, of course, everything from two feet up the walls and lower is wet.
Nov 14, 2021 11:53 pm
It seems the trap was meant to electrify us, not drown us.

Jaware approach the sarcophagus with caution and greed in his eyes.

Come on guys, let's open it to see the treasure this complicated trap was protecting.
Edited to correct the first sentece to match the right description..
Last edited November 15, 2021 5:22 pm
Nov 15, 2021 12:29 am
I should correct myself, the northern doors stand open. This is clearly where the water came from, from a large grate in a small chamber behind the doors, fed by a subterranean aqueduct supplied by the River Sphinx..
Nov 16, 2021 10:44 am
Tabat steps carefully forward after Jaware. "Be careful, the electricity could still be dangerous," he says, approaching the sarcophagus.
Nov 16, 2021 1:56 pm
Three The sarcophagus animates as you get close, coming off of the platform and attacking Tabat.

Initiative please.If you beat is roll, go ahead and act right away.
Note: It wasn't clear whether this thing would trigger Detect Magic, so I played it cagey.


Sarcophagus Initiative - (1d20)

(12) = 12

Nov 16, 2021 4:51 pm
Dammit! This trap has no end to it! Water, eletricity and now animated sarcophagi!
Last edited November 16, 2021 7:06 pm


Initiative - (1d20+6)

(2) + 6 = 8

Nov 16, 2021 11:59 pm
Gethean surges into the room shaking his head, thankful he is still ready for the unexpected. "Someone doesn't like us being here it seems."
Last edited November 17, 2021 12:03 am


Initiative - (1d20+11)

(12) + 11 = 23

Attack w/ Study - (1d20+6)

(20) + 6 = 26

Curve Blade Damage - (1d10+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

Crit damage - (1d10)

(3) = 3

Nov 18, 2021 7:25 am
It would definitely not detect on Detect Magic - creatures in general do not.
Bernard looks at the creature in fascination - he had read of mimics of course, but to one in the flesh… he snapped his mind back to reality, looking to recal anything from the accounts he had read that might help his comrades.


Initiative - (1d20+10)

(4) + 10 = 14

Knowledge Dungeoneering? - (1d20+9)

(14) + 9 = 23

Nov 18, 2021 5:50 pm
Tabat reels at the living object, surprised.


Initiative - (1d20+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Nov 20, 2021 1:15 am
"By the gods! Is there no end to the dangers here?" Iseret stabs at the animated sarcophagus with her short sword.
Last edited November 20, 2021 1:17 am


Iseret init - (1d20+4)

(17) + 4 = 21

Iseret attack - (1d20+5)

(16) + 5 = 21

Iseret damage - (1d4)

(3) = 3

Nov 20, 2021 3:08 am
Gethean hits for 2 damage.

Iseret dies no damage to it despite hitting it straight on.

Bernard recognizes it as an Animated Object, a type of Construct. In addition to its innate hardness, he thinks that it can ...
Qralloq sent a note to chunky04
It tries to swallow Gethean who is close enough to eat. He snaps on empty air.

Tabat and Jaware are next, then Gethean, Bernard, and Iseret.

AC 14, hardness 5, damage: 2


Bite attack - (1d20+5, 1d6+2)

1d20+5 : (9) + 5 = 14

1d6+2 : (6) + 2 = 8

Nov 20, 2021 12:05 pm
"Beware! It may try to swallow you whole!"

Bernard will attempt a crossbow shot at the creature.


Crossbizzle - (1d20+1)

(10) + 1 = 11

Nov 22, 2021 5:40 am
"Great Horus, God of all, when will this place stop trying to kill us!?" Tabat shouts as he pulls his sword free and swings hard at the animated object with all his might.
Last edited November 22, 2021 5:40 am


Power Attack - (1d20+5)

(12) + 5 = 17

Damage - (1d8+6)

(1) + 6 = 7

Nov 22, 2021 1:02 pm
Jaware spends 1 point of his arcane pool to enhance his bow then attacks the Snake using Ranged Spell Combat to shoot a Arrow (with deadly aim) and cast acid splash against it.


Longbow attack (with Arcane Pool and Deadly Aim) - (1d20+3)

(13) + 3 = 16

Longbow damage (with Arcane Pool and Deadly Aim) - (1d8+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Acid splash ranged touch attack - (1d20+1)

(19) + 1 = 20

Acid splash damage - (1d3)

(3) = 3

Nov 22, 2021 9:35 pm
Qralloq says:
Gethean hits for 2 damage.

Iseret dies no damage to it despite hitting it straight on.

Bernard recognizes it as an Animated Object, a type of Construct. In addition to its innate hardness, he thinks that it can ...It tries to swallow Gethean who is close enough to eat. He snaps on empty air.

Tabat and Jaware are next, then Gethean, Bernard, and Iseret.

AC 14, hardness 5, damage: 2
I'm a little puzzled. You said: "Three sarcophagus animates..." but only one attacked. How many Sarcophagi are attacking us?
Nov 22, 2021 10:29 pm
Sorry about the typo. There is only one sarcophagus.
Nov 23, 2021 10:14 am
Qralloq says:
Sorry about the typo. There is only one sarcophagus.
Thank god! When I read that it has hardness 5 I started to worry.
Nov 25, 2021 1:19 am
Gethean takes another swing at the sarcophagus hoping this time he can trip it up or knock it over as he swings low.


Curve Blade attack - (1d20+6)

(9) + 6 = 15

Damage - (1d10+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Nov 25, 2021 2:14 am
Bernard fires a crossbow and misses.

Tabat cracks it with his sword, but doesn't get his full weight behind him (2 damage).

Jaware lands his longbow attack and spell, and both hit but only the arrow does damage (2 damage).

Iseret and Khadi are up.

AC 14, hardness 5, damage: 6
Nov 25, 2021 5:33 pm
Iseret, you will only do damage if you flank this thing with Tabat!
Last edited November 25, 2021 8:36 pm
Nov 26, 2021 11:04 pm
GM acting for Iseret.
Iseret runs around the back and strikes from behind.


Shortsword w flanking, sneak attack - (1d20+7, 1d4+1d6)

1d20+7 : (13) + 7 = 20

1d4+1d6 : (4) + (4) = 8

Nov 26, 2021 11:08 pm
GM acting for Khadi
Khadi moves to the side and lines up a crossbow shot.


crossbow - (1d20, 1d8)

1d20 : (1) = 1

1d8 : (4) = 4

Nov 26, 2021 11:09 pm
The 'creature' continues to bite and this time swallows Gethean whole.

Each of you are up. Gethean is inside the sarcophagus and won't take ongoing damage.

AC 14, hardness 5, damage: 9


bite plus grab - (1d20+6, 1d6+2)

1d20+6 : (12) + 6 = 18

1d6+2 : (5) + 2 = 7

Nov 26, 2021 11:59 pm
Bernard will again try and shoot the creature with his crossbow.


Shoot! - (1d20+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Nov 27, 2021 1:30 am
Iseret, her blows having no effect, attempts to back off and takes out her light crossbow. Taking aim, she fires at the sarcophagus.

OIops. Assuming a 17 is a hit, she inflicts 6 points of damage.
Last edited November 27, 2021 1:31 am


Crossbow attack - (1d20+5;1d6)

(12) + (6) + 5 = 23

Nov 28, 2021 10:24 am
"Hra!!" Tabat exclaims as he brings his sword down, hard, upon the sarcophagus, "Let. Him. OUT!"


Power Attack - (1d20+5)

(10) + 5 = 15

Damage - (1d8+6)

(8) + 6 = 14

Nov 28, 2021 4:52 pm
Gethean can attack it from the inside, with a non-two handed, melee weapon. Could help.

Bernard misses.

Iseret his and manages to do 1 damage.

Tabat hammers the animated object, with a cacophonous bang. It's more than half damaged at this point.

AC 14, hardness 5, damage: 19
Nov 28, 2021 8:43 pm
Gethean attempts to reach his dagger in his boot.


Acrobatics reaching for dagger - (1d20+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Nov 28, 2021 9:35 pm
Gethean gets his dagger out successfully.
Nov 30, 2021 2:10 pm
Jaware shoots a Arrow (with deadly aim) against the thing.


Longbow damage (with Arcane Pool and Deadly Aim) - (1d20+5)

(10) + 5 = 15

Longbow damage (with Arcane Pool and Deadly Aim) - (1d8+3)

(8) + 3 = 11

Nov 30, 2021 3:55 pm
Jaware strikes it well.

AC 14, hardness 5, damage: 26
Nov 30, 2021 8:34 pm
Just waiting for rizz to roll for attack?
Dec 1, 2021 2:10 am
I am. DM acting for Gethean.
He stabs from inside, a tiny clinking noise to those outside.


Dagger - (1d20+5, 1d4+1)

1d20+5 : (11) + 5 = 16

1d4+1 : (4) + 1 = 5

Dec 1, 2021 2:15 am
The big monster sarcophagus tries to slam Tabat, battering at him, but misses.

Each of you are up.


Slam - (1d20+5, 1d6+2)

1d20+5 : (3) + 5 = 8

1d6+2 : (1) + 2 = 3

Dec 1, 2021 5:10 am
"Did you hear that?" Tabat shouts to his companions, "Gethean's still alive in there. We need to get him out!" He whirls around with his sword, beating into the thing before them with hopes it is destroyed before his sword loses its edge against the stone. In this case, he worries for naught as the blade cleaves only air.
Last edited December 1, 2021 5:12 am


Power Attack - (1d20+5)

(2) + 5 = 7

Damage - (1d8+6)

(2) + 6 = 8

Dec 1, 2021 10:22 am
Would Gethean count as a held object for the purposes of Grease?
Dec 1, 2021 12:56 pm
Taking aim, Jaware shoots another Arrow (with deadly aim), but .... the arrow drops on the ground as he draws the bow.
Last edited December 1, 2021 4:38 pm


Longbow damage (with Arcane Pool and Deadly Aim) - (1d20+5)

(1) + 5 = 6

Longbow damage (with Arcane Pool and Deadly Aim) - (1d8+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Dec 1, 2021 4:06 pm
Tabat and Jaware fail to connect their blows.

Bernard doesn't think Grease would work, as the Gethean is entirely inside and the sarcophagus seems airtight.
Dec 1, 2021 8:49 pm
Muttering to himself about the spell preparation choices he made this morning, Bernard tries to shoot the creature.


Cross of the bow - (1d20+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

Dec 1, 2021 11:03 pm
Iseret launches another bolt at the sarcophagus, to little effect!.
Last edited December 1, 2021 11:03 pm


Iseret vs. sarcophagus - (1d20+5, 1d6)

1d20+5 : (4) + 5 = 9

1d6 : (1) = 1

Dec 2, 2021 3:11 pm
DM acting for Rizzoxiii
Gethean chips away at the inside.


Dagger - needs to critical to do damage - (1d20+5, 1d4+1)

1d20+5 : (2) + 5 = 7

1d4+1 : (4) + 1 = 5

Dec 2, 2021 3:13 pm
The sarcophagus continues to mindlessly flail at Tabat.

Each of you are up again.

AC 14, hardness 5, damage: 26 (36 max)


Slam - (1d20+5, 1d6+2)

1d20+5 : (2) + 5 = 7

1d6+2 : (6) + 2 = 8

Dec 2, 2021 3:20 pm


Longbow attack (Arcane Poll and Deadly Aim) - (1d20+5)

(6) + 5 = 11

Longbow damage (Arcane Poll and Deadly Aim) - (1d8+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Dec 2, 2021 7:18 pm
Tabat tries again to smash his sword into the creature, hoping to find greater purchase this time around.


Power Attack - (1d20+5)

(9) + 5 = 14

Damage - (1d8+6)

(5) + 6 = 11

Dec 2, 2021 7:54 pm
Jaware just clips it, but Tabat hits hard, cracking it, although its still animated.

AC 14, hardness 5, damage: 32 (36 max)
Dec 3, 2021 9:30 am
"I can see it breaking - all in now, let's put this thing down!"
Dec 4, 2021 5:41 pm
Abandoning all caution, Iseret drops her crossbow and moves into position for a sneak attack, flanking with the others.
Now if I've done this right... Oops, forgot the +2 for flanking. That attack roll should be an 18.
Last edited December 4, 2021 5:42 pm


Iseret vs. sarcophagus (short sword) - (1d20+5, 1d4;1d6)

1d20+5 : (11) + 5 = 16

1d4;1d6 : (4) + (3) = 7

Dec 4, 2021 6:18 pm
Iseret hits, and siesta the crack a bit more.
it's almost down. 2 more damage will do it.
Dec 5, 2021 11:14 am
LoM is away for a bit; she posted in the Absences thread a few weeks ago.
Dec 5, 2021 3:34 pm
It's been a couple days. I'll post generic attacks for Bernard and Gethean. Khadi as well.
Crossbow bolts from Bernard and Khadi strike the animated object, and it cracks apart.

Gethean, who was running out of air, tumbles onto the wet floor, gasping for breath.

Combat is over


Bernard crossbow - (1d20, 1d8)

1d20 : (17) = 17

1d8 : (8) = 8

Gethean dagger (needs a 20) - (1d20)

(3) = 3

Khadi crossbow - (1d20, 1d8)

1d20 : (17) = 17

1d8 : (6) = 6

Dec 6, 2021 9:50 am
His chest heaving, Tabat sheathes his sword and reaches a hand out to help Gethean to his feet. "Breathe, friend," he instructs unnecesarily, "We have you."

Once everyone is settled after the fight and they are free to take a moment, he will carefully circuit the room, searching for anything of interest or value before they leave.


Perception - (1d20)

(13) = 13

Dec 7, 2021 1:41 pm
The sarcophagus remains are made of gold?
Dec 7, 2021 3:13 pm
Upon examination, and aided by the damage done to it, it is not made of gold, but trimmed in gold leaf.

You guess that one could salvage gold leaf worth 50 gp with 30 minutes of concerted effort
Dec 7, 2021 7:20 pm
I'm a little confused about the layout of this room. The northern doors open only to a small chamber from where the water came from? There is nothing else on that chamber? Another door? This is the room where the tomb ends? I thought there would be some passage that would end in the secret door we found.
If there is no other door Jaware will search through the room for secret passages taking 20.
Dec 7, 2021 9:01 pm
You'll need an hour or two to meticulously search the chamber, but there isn't really any time pressure at work. Or is there...??

I'll update the map tonight and provide the results of the searching.
Dec 8, 2021 2:53 am
As you search, the last of the water drains out and a loud click echoes from the western and southern doors. The doors to the north slowly close, blocking the tunnel to the river.

The long exhaustive search reveals secret double-doors to the east and west. The eastern doors are unlocked, but the western ones are.

Reposting status table here - hp not updated.
[ +- ] Status effects
Dec 8, 2021 1:12 pm
Jaware looks to the tough guys (Tabat and Gethean) and says:

Let's see what is behind the unlocked door?
Last edited December 9, 2021 11:18 am
Dec 8, 2021 8:32 pm
Tabat nods at the suggestion and approaches the unlocked door, allowing Iseret to inspect first if they so choose, and attempts to open it.
Dec 9, 2021 1:52 am
Iseret moves forward to inspect the doors before allowing them to be opened.
Dec 9, 2021 2:20 am
After checking for traps, you open the eastern door and find a ten by ten foot room. This small room is filled with human-shaped bundles wrapped in linen. Each wears a small medallion around its neck.

The medallions around their necks are small wooden holy symbols marked with Pharasma’s spiral.

The door must have been watertight because the room is dry.
Dec 9, 2021 11:25 am
Qralloq says:
After checking for traps, you open the eastern door and find a ten by ten foot room. This small room is filled with human-shaped bundles wrapped in linen. Each wears a small medallion around its neck.

The medallions around their necks are small wooden holy symbols marked with Pharasma’s spiral.

The door must have been watertight because the room is dry.
There is anything of value in here? Is there any indication that these were wealth guys? There is nothing buried with them? Because I'm really thinking about open each mummy to check, but I think it is kind of gross and it can make the pharamins a little angry with us when they discover.
Last edited December 10, 2021 3:51 pm
Dec 10, 2021 7:13 am
Tabat enters the room, hoping that whomever designed this crypt would have banked on the drowning trap and animated sarcophagus to be sufficient ends to any looters and would thus have not trapped this room further. He looks around more closely, but doesn't touch any of the bodies. "If something of value lies in this room, it is of course the will of the lottery that we may take it. I do not guess anyone here would do such a thing, but here I am reminded - one of the few rules set upon us is to respect the dead. The mummies should remain intact and moved as little as possible, only if necessary." He finishes his circuit of the room and reports his findings.
Knowledge Religion to understand the function of the medallions. Perception to...perceive things ;)


Knowledge (Religion) - (1d20+5)

(18) + 5 = 23

Perception - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Dec 10, 2021 12:52 pm
The dozen slaves who worked on the tomb were buried in this chamber, having been killed to protect the tomb’s secrets when it was completed. The slaves were mummified and interred here with all of the proper funerary rites to ward off curses and to ensure that the slaves’ souls would travel to the Boneyard and not be unjustly denied whatever afterlife they had earned.
Dec 10, 2021 5:09 pm
That is why I side with Khemet III on the slave issue. At least they found rest in the afterlife. I think we will have to try the other door. Iseret?
Dec 10, 2021 6:18 pm
Once more, Iseret checks the door carefully, looking for anything that might signal a trap or tripwire.
Dec 10, 2021 6:53 pm
WhtKnt says:
Once more, Iseret checks the door carefully, looking for anything that might signal a trap or tripwire.
The door is also locked. We need some thievery to unlock it.
Dec 10, 2021 7:22 pm
That I can do.
Iseret consults the lock for a moment. Almost as a matter of trivial significance, she pops the lock open.
Last edited December 10, 2021 7:23 pm


Disable Device - (1d20+9)

(19) + 9 = 28

Dec 10, 2021 8:36 pm
The lock is difficult but Iseret makes short work of it, finding the pattern quickly.

A corridor opens before you, that turns to the right and down stairs to doors at the bottom. Iseret leads the way and you neither find nor set off any traps at the doors, which are unlocked. Opening them reveals a square room.

This room holds several neatly arrayed chests, boxes and urns. The dust of centuries covers every surface. The only exit is the stone-double doors on the south wall that you arrived through.

Reposting status table here - hp not updated.
[ +- ] Status effects
Dec 11, 2021 8:40 pm
"This stuff hasn't seen the light of day in decades," Iseret remarks. "I wonder what treasures lie within?"
Dec 12, 2021 10:13 am
"Only one way to find out," Tabat says, his voice filled with anticipation at the historical and religious significance of the things they are set to discover. He steps forward into the room with some caution, but hopes the designers of the crypt would have thought any robbers long dead by now. He begins opening the containers up to inspect their contents, while keeping an eye out for anything of particular interest.


Perception - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Dec 12, 2021 5:38 pm
None of the chests and boxes in the room are locked, as the items within them were the most personal to Akhentepi, and his soul might want to have immediate access to them. Most of the goods in the chests, such as once-fine clothing and sealed jars of food, no longer have any value after the passage of centuries, but among the spoiled and ruined grave goods are several salvageable items of value, including two vials of silversheen, a masterwork longbow, 10 cold iron arrows, a gold scarab clasp worth 50 gp, an onyx and silver holy symbol of Pharasma worth 100 gp, a silver hand mirror worth 35 gp, and a wax-sealed clay urn of nard worth 75 gp
Dec 13, 2021 6:56 am
Tabat helps to coordinate with the others as they split up the goods to be carried out of the burial site. "Did we miss a door somewhere?" he asks, "I would assume Akhentepi is interred here with his slaves, but we have yet to see his body."
Dec 13, 2021 9:09 am
We will have to search thoroughly again, because we also did not found the way leading to the locked secret door on the corridor.

Jaware takes the cold iron arrows as he is talking to Tabat.
Just find out that the Eldricht Archer bow is always a Mwk Bow because it is a Bounded Object.
Last edited December 13, 2021 1:59 pm
Dec 13, 2021 7:14 pm
It is indeed noteworthy that you haven't found Akhentepi's actual burial spot yet.

Where would you like to search?
Dec 13, 2021 7:36 pm
Tabat considers with his knowledge of religious burial practices to see if he might have an inclination where within this tomb the builders would more likely have put the resting place of the fallen king.


Knowledge (Religion) - (1d20+5)

(17) + 5 = 22

Dec 13, 2021 8:59 pm
You'd be surprised if you weren't near the entrance to the proper crypt. The traps you've encountered make sense to protect the body, and it should be near where you are. This room of goods is meant to be easily accessed by the spirit.
Dec 14, 2021 12:46 pm
Jaware will search east wall of this room for a secret door. But he is not very good at it.
The map helps to tell where to search.
Last edited December 14, 2021 12:47 pm


Perception - (1d20+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Dec 14, 2021 3:36 pm
Taking your time (taking 20) Jaware will find the barely visible outline of a secret door on the east wall.
Dec 15, 2021 5:57 pm
"What is that you found there, Jaware?" Tabat says, noting the change in the other's countenance. "A way through?" Tabat steps closer to the wall himself and pushes on it hard.
Dec 15, 2021 6:40 pm
Maybe. There is a outline of a secret door on this wall.
Last edited December 16, 2021 10:53 am
Dec 17, 2021 2:39 pm
Sorry guys. I'm hopefully back. Glad to see that looks like no healing was needed in the interim
'Secrets upon secrets, and here I was worried we would get a boring site.' Khadi grins as she puts away her crossbow and walks over the others.
Last edited December 17, 2021 2:39 pm
Dec 17, 2021 3:32 pm
Unfortunately the door is trapped. When Tabat is about to touch it, Bernard shouts warning of a magical signal he picks up.
I think it was Bernard who was sweeping rooms with Detect Magic. Someone was, anyway.
Dec 18, 2021 1:00 am
Qralloq says:
Unfortunately the door is trapped. When Tabat is about to touch it, Bernard shouts warning of a magical signal he picks up.
I think it was Bernard who was sweeping rooms with Detect Magic. Someone was, anyway.
I think it was both Jaware and Bernard that was casting Detect magic on everything. But it is more apropriate that Bernard would be the one who gives the warning.
Jaware moves away from the door to give Iseret space to do her magic.
Last edited December 20, 2021 1:24 am
Dec 18, 2021 10:20 am
At the warning, Tabat quickly steps back, his hand up in the air. He makes room for Iseret.
Dec 19, 2021 6:29 am
Iseret frowns and steps up to the door. Deftly, she traces over a rune that can barely be seen, so aged is the engraving.
Last edited December 19, 2021 6:32 am


Disable Device - (1d20+9)

(11) + 9 = 20

Dec 19, 2021 2:22 pm
Iseret fails to disarm it, but she hasn't set off the trap, so she didn't fail by much. Care to try again, maybe drop a couple rolls?
Dec 19, 2021 9:16 pm
Bernard studies the sigil a bit closer.
Not necessarily fully back as yet, just had a chance to post. Roll will be +10 if its Arcana instead of Spellcraft.


Spellcraft - (1d20+9)

(3) + 9 = 12

Dec 19, 2021 10:09 pm
Bernard thinks that it is Conjuration magic, but isn't entirely certain.
Dec 20, 2021 1:44 am
Iseret tries again, tracing the rune in a different pattern this time.


Disable Device - (1d20+9)

(19) + 9 = 28

Dec 20, 2021 1:54 am
With the magic disabled, Iseret is able to open the secret door without incident.

Within, you find a long corridor, stretching back under the passage that leads to the river sluice tunnel. At the far end, a door without traps or locks, and within, a burial chamber.

A sarcophagus covered in gold leaf rests on a raised stone platform in the center of this chamber. The casket's cover is carved the likeness of an adult man with his arms crossed over his chest, and covered in thick coat of dust. Two ornate chests sit beyond the dais in the northeast and southeast corners, and between them stand two large funerary urns. The only exit is the one you entered by.
[ +- ] Updated map


Secret Roll

Dec 20, 2021 12:06 pm
Tabat steps carefully forward. Seeing the dust, he remarks, "Nobody has disturbed this place since it was sealed, I'd wager." He pulls out his crowbar and gestures to the lid of the sarcophagus. "Shall we?" he positions himself ready to breach the seal of the sarcophagus once it is clear of any final traps. While waiting he studies the object, seeking to detect if any evil presence emanates from it.
Detect Evil on the sarcophagus. If clear, he will use his crowbar and attempt to open the lid.
Dec 20, 2021 2:05 pm
Something strikes at Tabat from the shadows.... A snake make of metal, lurking in the corner then darting out.

Tabat must make a Fortitude save vs Poison.

Initiative checks please. If you match or beat 22, you can act before it strikes again.


Attack - (1d20+3, 1d6+1)

1d20+3 : (19) + 3 = 22

1d6+1 : (3) + 1 = 4

Initiative - (1d20+2)

(20) + 2 = 22

Secret Roll

Dec 20, 2021 2:07 pm
Whoops, posted just after the update...
'Be careful friend, we should make sure there are no last traps or guards, and that we are respectful as one can be when tomb robbing' Khadi will scan the room, and sarcophagus, for any sign of traps, while thinking of any rites or sayings they can show respect to Akhentepi, before robbing his corpse blind.

She wasn't looking for metal snakes though. A curse leaves her lips as she tries to grab her crossbow to help the fight
Last edited December 20, 2021 3:10 pm


Perception - (d20+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Religion - (d20+9)

(9) + 9 = 18

Init - (d20)

(9) = 9

Dec 20, 2021 8:46 pm


Initiative - (1D20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Dec 20, 2021 9:28 pm


Initiative - (1d20+6)

(6) + 6 = 12

Dec 20, 2021 9:33 pm
The metal snake lashes out of nowhere, burying its cold fangs into his flesh. Tabat pulls back instinctively, but certainly not in time.


Initiative - (1d20+1)

(20) + 1 = 21

Fort Save - (1d20+4)

(8) + 4 = 12

Dec 20, 2021 9:58 pm
Tabat resists the poison.
Dec 21, 2021 3:29 am
Bernard is startled by the appearance of the mechanical beast.


Initiative - (1d20+10)

(7) + 10 = 17

Dec 21, 2021 4:09 am
The iron cobra strikes Tabat again... And finds flesh again, pumping in more poison.

Another DC11 Fortitude save for Tabat, and you can all pound the beasty into sparks.


Bite - (1d20+3, 1d6+1)

1d20+3 : (19) + 3 = 22

1d6+1 : (2) + 1 = 3

Dec 21, 2021 4:52 am
Taking another strike from the fiendish snake-like creature, Tabat reels in pain. He feels a chill spread through his body as something foul begins to creep through his veins.

He says nothing, but his shift in stance and overall composure speaks volumes - Tabat isn't doing too well.
3/12 hp remaining plus some kind of poison
He draws his sword and swings as hard as he can against the creature.
Last edited December 21, 2021 4:57 am


Fort Save - (1d20+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Power Attack - (1d20+5)

(5) + 5 = 10

Damage - (1d8+6)

(4) + 6 = 10

Dec 21, 2021 1:09 pm
Jaware spends 1 point of his arcane pool to enhance his bow then shoots a Arrow (with deadly aim) against the thing.
I hate critical confirmation.
Last edited December 21, 2021 1:19 pm


Longbow damage (with Arcane Pool and Deadly Aim) - (1d20+6)

(20) + 6 = 26

Critical confirmation - (1d20+6)

(6) + 6 = 12

Longbow damage (with Arcane Pool and Deadly Aim) - (1d8+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Critical dmg (with Arcane Pool and Deadly Aim) - (1d8+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Critical dmg (it is x3) - (1d8+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Dec 21, 2021 1:36 pm
The poison burns through Tabat, weakening him. Take 1 CON damage, and make another save with your next action.

The creature is hard and iron, and difficult to hit much less damage

Tabat misses his powerful swing, and and Jaware hits it but does no damage.

AC 20, DR 5/-


Con damage, Tabat - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Dec 21, 2021 8:22 pm
As she watches Jawares arrow bounces it becomes clear the cleric will likely be able to harm the creature of the more experienced archer is struggling so she turns to Tabat, watching his change in demeanour.

She rushes over to the paladin, concern in her face as she looks at his arm, looking to see if it is just the wound or some thing more similar, hands already going for supplies in case there is a way to help.
Medicine check (using healers kit) if allowed to treat the poison, unless you want a check to see if she knows he is poisoned first.

Edit: Hopefully that's a +4 to Tabat's next Fort save. Thought may be more helpful than a heal, but if not allowed will do a channel instead.
Last edited December 21, 2021 8:38 pm


Medicine - (D20+9)

(2) + 9 = 11

Dec 22, 2021 12:33 am
Iseret is annoyed by the propensity of things that are difficult to harm in this tomb. She tries to move into a position flanking the creature with her shortsword.


Iseret attack (plus flanking), damage (plus sneak attack) - (1d20+4+2, 1d4, 1d6)

1d20+4+2 : (13) + 6 = 19

1d4 : (4) = 4

1d6 : (4) = 4

Dec 22, 2021 3:02 pm
Iseret hits AC 20 (you neglected your size bonus) and damages it with her short sword.

AC 20, DR 5/-, hp 12/15
Dec 24, 2021 1:10 am
With the heal check, does Tabat still need a Fort Save with his next action?
Dec 24, 2021 1:23 am
Yeah, Khadi is just giving you a +4 to that check.
Dec 29, 2021 9:56 pm
The holiday crush is passing. I suppose that we're waiting for @Chunky04, but I'll act for them.
Sensing there is little he can do, Bernard tries to stay out of the way.
The Iron Cobra strikes again at Tabat, relentlessly striking again and again. Tabat's hard armor protects him this time.

Each of you are up, and Tabat needs to make a DC 11 Fortitude save (with a +4 bonus) or take 1d2 Con damage from the poison.


Strike! - (1d20+3, 1d6+1)

1d20+3 : (11) + 3 = 14

1d6+1 : (5) + 1 = 6

Dec 30, 2021 12:01 am
Tabat twists out of the way of the striking creature's fangs. He whirls around and brings his sword down hard upon the creature.


Fort Save - (1d20+8)

(19) + 8 = 27

Power Attack - (1d20+5)

(13) + 5 = 18

Damage - (1d8+6)

(2) + 6 = 8

Dec 30, 2021 12:19 am
Still flanking, Iseret tries again to hit the snake-thing.


Iseret vs. snake-thing - (1d20+4+2+1, 1d4+1d6)

1d20+4+2+1 : (10) + 7 = 17

1d4+1d6 : (1) + (6) = 7

Dec 30, 2021 12:45 am
'Khepri, bring the sun on my friends so we can keep going.. or on that bloody thing so it will stay still...' Khadi holds her symbol as as she speaks her prayer, nearly hissing out the last bit. A healing pulse goes through the room, ignoring the snake, just in case there is a beating heart under all the annoying metal.

'Borrowing this!' She calls as she tries to grab a dagger from Tabat's belt, and steps in, hoping to help get advantage over the creature.
Channel for everyone, though think only Tabat is down? Hoping its a move to snatch the dagger if C!nder is good with that, and then she can start five foot stepping/moving in a way provide flanking/start aiding another

Edit: Oh actually is Tabat including the flanking with Isert the attack roll? If not you may have hit?.
Last edited December 30, 2021 12:47 am


Channel to heal - (d6)

(5) = 5

Dec 30, 2021 1:21 am
To bypass the dmg reduction, Jaware casts Snowball at the Iron Cobra.

Freeze, M@$@&@%!^#£!


Snowball attack - (1d20+4)

(2) + 4 = 6

Snowball Dmg - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Dec 30, 2021 3:41 am
Tabat slashes off the poison, and connects well with the Iron Cobra. Iseret fails to connect solidly enough topenetrate its thick hide (doesn't meet the AC target).

Khadi bespeeches her godly patron and heals the living creatures I the room for 5hp each.

Jaware misses with his spell.

AC 20 (13 touch), DR 5/-, hp 9/15
I'll give @chunky04 a day to post, then continue, as he deals with his family's health.
Dec 30, 2021 6:53 am
I did forget to add the +2 from flanking with Iseret! Thanks for catching that. Tabat is A-Okay with Khadi borrowing a dagger.
"Hrah!" Tabat shouts as his sword finds purchase, ringing against the metal body of the silvery serpent. "Just a bit more now!"
Last edited December 31, 2021 7:08 am
Jan 3, 2022 7:49 pm
Bernard fires his crossbow, hoping for a lucky shot. No such luck comes his way.

The Iron Cobra continues to strike at Tabat, but misses entirely.

Each of you are up. Almost there, last battle of the dungeon.

AC 20 (13 touch), DR 5/-, hp 9/15


crossbow - (1d20+1, 1d8)

1d20+1 : (5) + 1 = 6

1d8 : (5) = 5

strike - (1d20+3, 1d6+1)

1d20+3 : (2) + 3 = 5

1d6+1 : (5) + 1 = 6

Jan 3, 2022 8:26 pm
'If I die to a metal snake I'm blaming you all.' Khadi grits her teeth as she dart in with the dagger, not aiming to hit the snake but trying to menace it enough to draw its attention away from Tabat long enough to give him an opening.
Aiding another on Tabat to boost attack. If above 10 you get +3 (helpful trait) to your next attack on the snake.


Aid another - (d20+0)

(15) = 15

Jan 4, 2022 2:58 am
"HRAH!" Tabat screams in righteous fury as he sees the opening left to him by Khadi's distraction. He brings the weight of his sword around in a tight circle, twisting his body in full rotation to get as much power into the strike against his foe as possible.
If I am understanding correctly, that's +2 from flanking and +3 from Khadi's aid another action. Solid bonus!

Edit: yay! Max damage!
Last edited January 4, 2022 3:06 am


Power Attack - (1d20+10)

(15) + 10 = 25

Damage - (1d8+6)

(8) + 6 = 14

Jan 4, 2022 3:15 am
Combat is over. Care to narrate the kill?
Jan 4, 2022 5:42 am
You better believe it!
Tabat's wicked-looking sword smashes just below the fanged visage of the ferric ophidian, separating it in twain and sending the hooded head flying across the room with the booming echo of metal on metal. The paladin stands triumphant over its body, his grip firm while he checks around to make sure no further attacks are about to come from the shadows.
Jan 4, 2022 3:03 pm
Treasure: The gold leaf decorating the sarcophagus is worth a total of 100 gp, if enough time is spent to salvage all of it. Inside the sarcophagus, Akhentepi’s mummified corpse wears an exquisitely crafted gold funerary mask worth 500 gp. One of the chests contains Akhentepi’s armor, the magic suit of padded armor he wore in life. The other chest holds a disintegrating cloth sack filled with 500 gp, as well as a small, well-preserved darkwood coffer worth 50 gp. Inside the coffer are two potions, an ornate lapis and carnelian pendant worth 70 gp, and an assortment of carnelian, lapis lazuli, and turquoise semiprecious stones worth a total of 55 gp.
[ +- ] The Armor
Qralloq sent a note to Qralloq
Jan 4, 2022 10:22 pm
Khadi let's out a sigh, before poking the snake with the dagger, before passing it back to Tabat. ' Thank you friend. Though when we are telling stories over drinks later I land a hit right? ' The cleric winks before her attention goes to the bit and starts fussing over it properly as the others start to investigate the chamber

'You may only be allowed a few beers tonight though friend, you may need some rest. I will bear the burden of drinking your share if I must. She teases as she raises her symbol and speak familiar words, and a couple of bursts of energy fill the chamber.


Channel - (d6)

(6) = 6

Jan 4, 2022 11:12 pm
Though she can't see his smile beneath the mask he bears, it is present in his voice. "Aye," he says, "The mighty Khadi landed many a blow against the mighty, metal serpent before it was slain." He laughs, "The only burden you will bear is that of keeping up with me, drink for drink."

He feels the healing energy wash over him and nods in appreciation.

"I suppose that might the last of it, then," he says, "We should complete what we came for, then leave the dead in peace."

Tabat carefully and respectfully removes the armor from the fallen king's body, holding it aloft, "Kingly garb, light in weight - not my style, but one of you could most certainly make use of it. It's in surprisingly good condition, I have to guess there are enchantments woven into it, or else the padding would have been more lost to time."

Otherwise Tabat will help remove the gold leaf from this sarcophagus, then also that of the false one in the flood room, and of course, heft all the loot to the outside and open air.
We're stripping this place bear, right? I vote we even take the time to remove that chariot, though it would require time and possibly checks to take it apart. How long will we have access to the crypt to do all this?

Also - well done everyone!
Jan 5, 2022 2:00 am
Stripping the tombs of valuables is expected. Desecrating the honored dead is not.

Disassembling the chariot and putting it back together on the surface will require a DC 15 Craft (Carpentry) or Profession (Driver) check. If successful, the chariot is worth 150gp (100gp if not successful but still removed in pieces).
Jan 5, 2022 8:35 am
Can I take 20 to disassemble the chariot?
Jan 5, 2022 5:13 pm
I don't think so, as failure would mean something goes wrong (taking 20 is basically trying until you're successful and so include interim failures). However, I will let you (or someone) take 10 and allow assisting. In the interests of moving forward, I rule that is successful without bothering for rolling for assists.
Jan 5, 2022 7:13 pm
Do we have someone trained in one of the necessary skills?
Jan 5, 2022 7:20 pm
I believe you don't need to be trained to roll craft, so if Jaware takes 10 and there is assistance we'll be able to put our heads together and work it out. OS sounds like a good plan.
Jan 5, 2022 8:26 pm
Sounds awesome!

Additional question - is the metal from the snake's body worth anything?
Jan 5, 2022 8:36 pm
C1NDER says:
Sounds awesome!

Additional question - is the metal from the snake's body worth anything?
Seems likely.
Jan 6, 2022 1:25 pm
Jaware approaches que chariot and begins to circle it, thinking about the work to be done. After a minute he stops and says:

I think this is a two people job, but it is possible to be done.

Then Jaware, with the help of the party, start the slow job of disassembling the chariot and putting it back together on the surface.
Jan 6, 2022 3:07 pm
You spend a lot of time meticulously disassembling the chariot and then hauling it up the shaft to the surface, and reassembling it. When you're done, you feel that you've done a good job handling the fragile vehicle.

You also haul up all of the other treasure that you've found.

It's around noon, and the heat of the day has begun to bear down on you. You carefully return to the gates, and to Wati, and make the journey to Wati unmolested.

A few gathered priests ask to see your loot and gush at some of the various items. They have no intention of confiscating anything, they're merely curious at the treasures of the past that have been uncovered. Other people in the area cheer the returning conquering heroes. In all, you're in good spirits when you return to the Tooth and Hookah.
Congratulations, you ascend to level 2. You'll have time to sell the loot you've gathered before the next lottery and the next location to explore in the necropolis.
Jan 6, 2022 3:50 pm
What can we buy? We wil roleplay the selling and buying of equipment?
Jan 6, 2022 4:50 pm
I'm not really a keen proponent of forcing you to RP haggling for price, especially in PBP. If you would like to RP shopping, then that's certainly possible.
Jan 6, 2022 6:47 pm
Yay for Level 2! May we assume identification of the shield and armor are successful during this time? What do they do? Since it was Tabat's idea to heft the snake remains out of the crypt, I'll roll an untrained appraise check to try and get an idea how much it might be worth and will include in our valuables to sell.
Last edited January 6, 2022 6:49 pm


Appraise (untrained) - (1d20)

(10) = 10

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