The next morning you arrive. You've paid your custom for your prior night's stay, and packed up all of your belongings for what could potentially be a multi-day trek into the necropolis. You know that you'll be on your own, with no recourse to guard patrols or supply vendors.
[ +- ] The Necropolis Gates
The gates are closed, and at the appointed time, the priests perform a brief ceremony. You hear again the reverence the Pharasmins have for the necropolis, and how reluctant they are for the the place to be treated with anything other than that same reverence. They call upon the adventuring bands to remember their sacred duty, and that anyone caught desecrating or unduly destroying property will have their eligibility withdrawn from future assignments.
When the gates open the various teams enter cautiously, and proceed in one of several directions. You know your assignment is to at the far end, slightly to the left of how you pass through the gates.
How do you proceed? The streets are wide enough for three or four abreast if that is your choice, but give me a base marching order. Also, you can discuss your path, but from
the map I will otherwise assume that you will go through 14, head along the road between 2 and 4, toward 26 and then to 23 which is your location.