CLOSED - D&D 5e: Choose Your Own Campaign

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Jul 12, 2021 7:54 am
Greetings and salutations, good folk! I bring you an offer of hospitality and possibility. I've squeezed our community for its entertainment for too long, and I believe the time has come to finally give back. I would like to DM a game! Specifically, a DnD 5e game. I need FOUR test subjects players to embark on this journey with me.

The game's setting is currently undecided. I have a handful of possible campaign options to play through and thought it best for the players to help me with that decision:
[ +- ] 1) Mini-Campaign/One-shot
[ +- ] 2) Pre-written Module
[ +- ] 3) Desert Homebrew Campaign
[ +- ] 4) Military Homebrew Campaign
[ +- ] 5) Ninth World (Numenara) Campaign
Voting: The players will be choosing a campaign using "ranked choice voting", with ties decided in the old way. Two dice enter, one die leaves. And then the other leaves. I'm not destroying virtual dice over here. The point is, we'll roll for it.
Themes: I'm not taking this anywhere crazy. Heroic fantasy, military fantasy, sci-fi fantasy. Fun is the most important thing.

Character restrictions
Classes: It depends on the campaign chosen. One of them in particular (the military campaign) will have players be restricted from certain classes. **Homebrew classes can be considered, shoot it over and we can discuss it!**
Races: In most of the campaigns, I plan on using 4 or 5 races total. The rest probably won't exist, at least not for PCs. Players will be able to help me choose which races will populate our setting/campaign.
Stats: Point buy or Standard Array
Other: I'd prefer to start at level 2 or 3, but it also depends on the campaign and the players' wishes. Leveling will be milestone. Non-evil alignment characters only, please!

Duration/Frequency: I'm aiming for one post a day, but feel free to post more. My schedule is erratic lately, with alternating periods of being slow and being quite busy, so there may be a lack of consistency at times. The game doesn't have a planned duration. Longer than a one-shot, but again, this depends on the campaign chosen.

The game is open to all levels of experience, as long as you're willing to learn and contribute. It's also open to any person, no matter your individual makeup. All colors, creeds, groups, genders, preferences, or any lack of those things are welcome. We're running on Bill and Ted rules here: "Be excellent to each other!"

Adult Content: None. I'd like to keep this at an American PG-13 level.

Other: I'm taking a page from Dungeon World, and for a few of the campaigns I'd like some world-building help from players. Choosing races, explaining those races' place in the world, their cultures, that sort of thing.

This will be my first foray into long-term DMing. I've done a few one-shots here and there at a table, but nothing like a campaign. I've never DMed a PbP campaign at all. Please understand that I will be making mistakes, but I'm here to have fun and learn. Your patience is appreciated as you push through my 12th typo in a single post or rename a character on-the-fly because I forgot what their name was.

Please drop a note below (or message me directly, if you'd prefer) if you're interested and give me an idea of the type of character you'd like to play. Obviously you may end up playing a different character in a military campaign than you would in a pre-written module, I'd just like an idea of the type of character you're likely to roll up. Please keep in mind I likely won't be choosing in a first-come-first-serve method. I'm trying to find good players that are eager, interested, and hopefully gel together.

Timeline: I'll be making choices regarding players on Friday afternoon EST (my home timezone). Then we'll spend a few days deciding on what campaign to choose, and perhaps 1-2 weeks throwing a world together. Easy peasey, right? After that, we spend a few days to a week rolling up some characters (figuratively), make a few choices, and get started!

Note: If, after the campaign is voted on, a player decides they just can't stand deserts because there's so much sand, and they don't like sand because of how coarse and rough and irritating it is and it gets everywhere, then they can choose to leave. No judgment, no problems. I'll come back here and pick someone else for the campaign that was chosen.

Here's the voting thread for those that wish to look further into how ranked choice voting works

Here's the game page (not much to see there)
Last edited Jul 15, 2021 11:06 am
Jul 12, 2021 8:10 am of us here know skeptical_stun, but new GP members should be reassured to know that skeptical_stun is a very active member of this community; he's even been interviewed on Gamers exPlane.

I've played in a number of games with skeptical_stun and he's a fantastic player. I'm confident in endorsing skeptical_stun as a DM who won't ghost on you and that you'll get a great game.
Last edited Jul 12, 2021 8:15 am
Jul 12, 2021 8:14 am
Stop that, Adam, you're making me blush!

Thank you for the kind words. I hope I can live up to your official endorsement! (I dig the stamp, by the way)
Jul 12, 2021 12:33 pm
With a shout-out like that, perhaps this is a good game to put together my first 5E character?
Jul 12, 2021 1:53 pm
Would love to play in Ninth world campaign! (Bonus points if I get to play a cigar chomping time traveling space ape barbarian!)
My votes in order of preference:

1 shot

I'd love to play a barbarian.

(I'd really love to play a space ape barbarian, but a human would do if I had to)

I've made an run a barbarian a few times, but the campaigns have died, so I'd really like to be able to role play one!

The ape concept- hear me out now- I want to make a character using the simian home brew race with far traveler background. This character would be like Pogo from umbrella academy, he's an astronaut who's ship (or satellite) got sucked into a vortex , or froze, or some other buck rogers type event to land him where he is. I think he would make an interesting change from the gygaxian / tolkeinian paradigm and a fun role playing challenge.
Last edited Jul 12, 2021 6:12 pm
Jul 12, 2021 1:58 pm
As much as I love Cypher and Numenera, my love for STP is greater, so I will have to go with the Military homebrew. I would love to join you on any of them, as they are all great options! Second choice is the long one shot, third Numenera.
Jul 12, 2021 2:38 pm
We don't have permission to post in the voting thread, so I'll do it here. I'd definitely be up for playing in a 5e game. I'm interested in either a Tiefling or a warlock, probably not both in one character but depending on what we end up with, I'd be either a Tiefling (maybe paladin?) or a warlock.

My ranking is the same as the order in which you list the options, with Ogden's Gap and my favorite and Ninth World as last place, though I'm mostly just interested in options 1 or 2.
I am in a whole lot of games already, however, so if you go with someone else or with an option I'm not super into and I drop out, that's totally fine for me. Give newer members priority over Ol' Spinach.
Jul 12, 2021 3:16 pm
Demagor says:
With a shout-out like that, perhaps this is a good game to put together my first 5E character?
I'd be happy to have you! 5e really isn't difficult to learn, it's just that there's a ridiculous number of edge cases. Fortunately, I'm a dork for systems and would be happy to help you through it.
zatatmando says:
As much as I love Cypher and Numenera, my love for STP is greater, so I will have to go with the Military homebrew. I would love to join you on any of them, as they are all great options! Second choice is the long one shot, third Numenera.
I'm unfamiliar with the acronym, what's STP? I don't think you're talking about the petroleum company or a specific type of wiring, but I'm also a big fan of the Sword To Plowshare program, I can see why you'd appreciate it.
bowlofspinach says:
We don't have permission to post in the voting thread, so I'll do it here.
Yeah, I should've been more clear in the ad. Once players are chosen for the game, that's when the actual voting will commence. I'm happy to hear what people are interested in, though, I love talking about this stuff. And I'd love to have you in-game, I've never had a chance to play with you!
Jul 12, 2021 3:25 pm
Oh sorry! Sir Terry Pratchett. I was just posting on a Discworld group and didn't think before I used that acronym here. The Monstrous Regiment pic you chose got me overexcited I suppose.

Should we apply to the game then, or will you choose from the forum?


Jul 12, 2021 3:40 pm
I'll second Adam's recommendation for Skeptical_stun!

Skeptical_stun asked his GMs if they'd like to join his game as part of the "giving back" nature of his game, and since he was swindling and crashing starships in the Troika! I was running he offered me the 5th spot for this game. Thanks man, I'm in!

As far as characters, I think a gnome rogue would fit any of those options. I like gnomes because they bring positivity to even gritty games (although I'll make sure to stay in step with the theme) and a rogue is just a blast to play.

If somebody else wants to be a rogue I could also see playing a Loxodon (elephant person) cleric or magic user of some kind.

Any of the campaign's sound great, with a slight preference to Ogden's Gap!

Thanks again for the invite!
Jul 12, 2021 4:01 pm
zatatmando says:
Oh sorry! Sir Terry Pratchett. I was just posting on a Discworld group and didn't think before I used that acronym here. The Monstrous Regiment pic you chose got me overexcited I suppose.

Should we apply to the game then, or will you choose from the forum?
I'll be choosing from the forum, but feel free to throw out a general character idea you think you might want to play. It just helps give me a idea of what you might be like in-game.

And while I'm always a fan of Sir Terry, I'm a little disappointed you weren't just a weirdly huge fan of Sludge Treatment Plants.
Jul 12, 2021 5:46 pm
Worry not, my interests are varied. I'm sure I will yet surprise you.

As for characters, I am more the type to try and fill out a party with what we might be missing. I am equally happy playing a cleric as I am a ranger or warrior.

I think that I might like to try out a Sorcerer or Ranger, as long as that fits in. For the military campaign I could do a sorcerer who is not 100% sure that they aren't just very lucky, or perhaps praying to some imaginary god that doesn't exist to give them the ability to cast.

For the one shot, I might go with a Ranger I think. One who has been out in the woods a little too long, and while not socially awkward, is often lost in his own thoughts. Sometimes coming back out of it he spouts out slightly random bits of wisdom that vaguely apply to the situation, though might still be off-putting. For race I would go with Half-elf, and put the age a little bit in the older, not quite elder but certainly going gray range.
Jul 12, 2021 6:30 pm
I would have to say my priority would be
1. Desert Homebrew Campaign
2. Mini-Campaign/One-shot
3. Pre-written Module

I would not be interested in the Military Homebrew Campaign or the Ninth World (Numenara) Campaign. Especially since my IRL group just started a Numenara game.

As for the character concept, I'm interested in the Rouge - Arcane Trixter, or a battle smith artificer which means a lev 3 character, but that is in scope. Beyond that, that depends on what campaign is chosen.
Last edited Jul 13, 2021 11:03 am
Jul 13, 2021 3:58 am
skeptical_stun says:
And while I'm always a fan of Sir Terry, I'm a little disappointed you weren't just a weirdly huge fan of Sludge Treatment Plants.
Or Stone Temple Pilots!
Jul 14, 2021 4:30 pm
Harrigan says:
Or Stone Temple Pilots!
My first thought, actually! XD
Jul 14, 2021 5:10 pm
Applications looked to have stopped, so I'm going to go ahead and throw a 24-hour notice on this thing. I'll shut it down tomorrow and send out invites!
Jul 14, 2021 7:54 pm
I would be interested, I am just in my learning stage of 5e but I am eager to get into it more.

I know there was another "newbie" to the system interested so if two would be too much no worries.
Jul 14, 2021 9:09 pm
valdattaMadun says:
I would be interested, I am just in my learning stage of 5e but I am eager to get into it more.

I know there was another "newbie" to the system interested so if two would be too much no worries.
No big deal, Demagor found another game, and I've got no problem walking through things with you.
Jul 15, 2021 6:26 am
skeptical_stun says:
valdattaMadun says:
I would be interested, I am just in my learning stage of 5e but I am eager to get into it more.

I know there was another "newbie" to the system interested so if two would be too much no worries.
No big deal, Demagor found another game, and I've got no problem walking through things with you.
Same here. That is the beuty of play-by-post. We have time to look up the rules :)
Jul 15, 2021 11:06 am
Applications are now closed. Thanks to everyone for applying! I caved and took on an extra player, but I figured the more the merrier!

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