OOC Thread

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Jul 18, 2021 3:06 am
We never did. He said what he was doing, that he could embiggen you and our characters saw the effect. There was no harmful effect so to Khadi it seemed to be a support spell to aid martial given he was speaken about what he could when an enemy was in front of you. I apologise if you felt ganged up on, I think different people read the scenario in different ways.
Jul 18, 2021 3:13 am
No such thing as a chaotic monk, I see monks like I see jedi. Am I wrong in thinking this way?
Jul 18, 2021 3:15 am
Different monks react differently to different situations, but their behavior is always lawful.
Jul 18, 2021 3:19 am
True on the chaotic, but even if all are lawful you can be lawful in many different ways, at least is my I tepretation
There's even a fey monk who I might play as 'chaotic lawful' one day. As in they do have an order and reason to their method, just because fey think different from others it seems alien and chaotic to them. So just trying to say there is no one way any class should act, though certainly in regards to alignment some actions can be odd.

Of course you also have your standard wise and disciplined monks as well.

Been playing this for over 7 years so I'm very fond of playing against stereotype and mixing things up.

Would love to have a (friendly) discussion some point on it, just not at 4 in the morning. Heat is keeping me awake.

Edit: Also martial artist archetype can be chaotic but hey that's an outlier :p
Edit 2: What's done is done, and the main thread needs more love. Need to decide representative, sounds like it's Khadi or Esmae. Both are charisma and good with people. Khadi will have offered as she has knolwdge of Pharasma and the grand mauseleoum due to her father and background of having been born there. (Dusk walkers pop up in sanctified sites associated with death, Pharasma etc) She does care about group consensus however so while maybe she will pout a bit will accept another choice.
Last edited July 18, 2021 3:28 am
Jul 18, 2021 3:23 am
Lol chaotic lawful? That's like saying you are going to be a good evil paladin
Last edited July 18, 2021 3:24 am
Jul 18, 2021 3:31 am
I'll see if I can dig out a certain post at some point. Obviously it's not a real term or alignment but it sort of is meant to encapsulate the fact sometimes it's hard to just slap an alignment on things. So as said they are actually lawful just the laws they follow are alien to others therefore come off as chaotic, which is very fitting for fey. Many class Fae as chaotic, yet they do often have strict things like 'cannot lie, a year and a day, binding contracts, etc.'

Also has tensions may still be high and written form is bad at tone - This isn't me arguing, just sharing some things that I genuinely find interesting about the game and love to play with/discuss.
Last edited July 18, 2021 3:35 am
Jul 18, 2021 3:42 am
Yes but a monk is not a monk if they are not lawful, they retain all of there abilities. But cannot level as a monk anymore.
Jul 18, 2021 3:53 am
Ah yes but this starts the 'what is lawful' debate etc. Perhaps didn't explain properly the Fae monk I am talking about with be Lawful good, or Ln and I would have a list of how they behave but if someone was not aware of said list, they may see the actions as chaotic, as they do not think as Fae do.

Similar another idea I have had is a Lawful Good rogue of Kalinahat, who is a lawful good spy deity. (With a possible monk dip) The character would be adept at breaking into places and do it regularly, but all for the sake of law enforcement/governing body of the city, and with belief it is for the greater good. Yet there are many who immeadiatly see breaking in etc as chaotic, and neutral at best. So sometimes it can be fun to play with intpretations of alignments.

(Also just a fun aside blodragers don't have non-lawful restriction like barbs so while one cannot be a monk barian, you can be a monk Bloodrager.... And now I'm getting yet another character idea.)
Jul 18, 2021 4:11 am
Note that I don’t actually have an issue with the Monk being played more on the stern silent semi barbarian side. Nor even completely with the decision to make a physical attack. It’s simply that there is a whole lot more nuance available than what occurred to get that across and keep true to that character.

All I was really trying to do was provide opportunities for characters to explain a bit more about themselves while also showing that Bernard is a bit of a pompous arse at this point in time. He’s essentially a privileged boomer stereotype at this point - only way I could really think to explain why an older wizard would only be level 1, and based partially off Pembroke from the Glass Cannon podcast.
Jul 18, 2021 10:28 pm
SurferofSaragar says:
Qralloq says:
The priestess looks up at Khadi from her seat and gestures to the acolyte to her left. He takes the token your are given for your team and looks at it, white with a blue hieroglyph, and says, "The Dungeon Delvers." The second acolyte turns over his token, blue with a white hieroglyph, and says, "The Tomb of Akhentepi." They hand Avaline the second token with the site name, while the token with your team name is placed in a sacred box; you know that there are three sites in total that you will be assigned. The other two will come later, after the delegates complete their first assignment.

Sebti the Crocodile looks up at you and says, "Pharasma's grace be your light in the dark."
I thought our party name was Destined Delvers.
Jul 20, 2021 4:07 am
I had sort of assumed that Bernard had hired the suite for the indeterminate amount of time he has been in Wati, and that other members of the party would be staying there as well, with the idea being that his finds have dwindled down to what is left of his starting money by the time of the adventure.
Jul 20, 2021 12:23 pm
GeneCortess says:
I played pathfinder many times. I never had a group before that automatically makes Knowledge (arcana) 20+ rolls to understand every spell casted, but this group can. Primary cause that leads to my leaving.
Usually, my groups are like that also. I really like the more tactical part of the game. But since the release of Kingmaker and the turn-based combat mod (now part of the game in the enhanced edition) I more inclined to appreciate the more roleplayed/story part.

But that haven't made me less inclined to analyze every aspect of the tactical decisions of combat, as the charts bellow shows (for Jaware):



That analysis has made me realize that The Elephant in the room house rule is good not just because it gets rid of feat tax, but because it give martial characters more options in combat for free, therefore making combat more fun and tactical for gamers like me.
Last edited July 21, 2021 8:59 am
Jul 20, 2021 12:55 pm
chunky04 says:
I had sort of assumed that Bernard had hired the suite for the indeterminate amount of time he has been in Wati, and that other members of the party would be staying there as well, with the idea being that his finds have dwindled down to what is left of his starting money by the time of the adventure.
The top floor has four rooms and a sitting area / garden. 10gp a night it could be yours.
Jul 21, 2021 12:57 am
Yeah, that’s the one, just a matter of if anyone else would like to also be in on it - otherwise Bernard can only afford one night lol.

Looks like Geth is in, just need 2 more.
Last edited July 21, 2021 12:57 am
Jul 21, 2021 1:25 am
2 more? @ 10gp a night we need all of them to move in lol
Jul 21, 2021 8:50 am
Sorry, Khadi's quite happy not paying at her own place. She likely hasn't offered others to stay as one of her dad's is Pharasmin and not too keen on the lottery.
Jul 21, 2021 8:58 am
chunky04 says:
Yeah, that’s the one, just a matter of if anyone else would like to also be in on it - otherwise Bernard can only afford one night lol.

Looks like Geth is in, just need 2 more.
I'm also in.
Jul 21, 2021 3:33 pm
Iseret makes a contribution to the room.
Jul 21, 2021 4:04 pm
Thought worthwhile saying if any people newer to Golarion have no idea what I and others are going on about at times do ask us, or the Pathfinderwiki page for Osirian also helps. It has very rich lore but at same time don't want people to feel alienated about it. (Then again the wiki refers to a cult of Khepri so you know, pinch of salt... probably..)
Jul 22, 2021 1:58 am
Looks like we have all 4 rooms taken then, so it will be 2.5gp per day
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