OOC Thread

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May 23, 2023 12:53 am
lmao, Q - you talk to naatkinson about that, or other experience?

Literal last post in naat's Rise of the Runelord's game where Joms's Kineticist is addressing an NPC:
Jomsviking says:
"You guys rest then I'll get those nets and see you bright and early." Ves stood and followed Shalelu. "Hey you want to see something cool?" He asked her as he strode up beside. "Its kinda dangerous though."
I will say this much - naat has had to correct/fix many misunderstandings about Jom's Kineticist build at level 1 because Joms thought it worked a drastically different way than reality. That's just 1st level.

@WhtKnt , I don't envy you working with him on a lvl 20+ build. I do not intend to disparage the player, but do expect a lot of course correction and, uh, spirited argument on his part.
Last edited May 23, 2023 12:55 am
May 23, 2023 1:24 am
C1NDER says:
lmao, Q - you talk to naatkinson about that, or other experience?
I've been in a couple games with him. In one, after a few days of him dragging off scene and then posting one-on-one with a NPC who was the obvious next quest-giver for us, I was simply RPing during this time a growing distrust of his character and what he was likely talking us out of, I just scooped up the rest of the PCs, and together we left, seeking adventure elsewhere, haha.
May 23, 2023 2:02 am
That sounds similar to my experience, just haven't pulled the trigger yet.

We just got out of a spirited in-character (and in discord) debate about his perspective that the enemy we captured and put in a cell should either be beat until he talks/falls in line, or just be killed. In-character we had to threaten to put him in the cell if he did any of this - it was the only way we could move on without violence against a locked-up enemy.
Last edited May 23, 2023 2:03 am
May 23, 2023 3:14 am
Thanks for the heads up. Someone else warned me about him as well. I'll give him a fair shake, but if he causes too much trouble, I'll either cut him loose or let the party handle him in their own way (heh, heh). I appreciate it, guys.
Last edited May 23, 2023 3:16 am
Jun 14, 2023 10:06 pm
Just a heads-up: My wife is going in Friday for a hip replacement and will be down for six weeks, during which I will be handling the house. Please be understanding if I am delayed in making posts.
Jun 15, 2023 2:01 am
Thanks for the heads-up WhtKnt - wishing her a speedy recovery!
Jul 9, 2023 6:14 pm
@qralloq Would you be able to allow custom sheets (And then let me swap sheets) as I've fiddled with the pathfinder custom one to make it easier to track her various bits and roll things?

Watch her know get eaten by an esobok and make that all pointless :P
Last edited Jul 9, 2023 6:14 pm
Jul 9, 2023 6:18 pm
Done! Go hard! I should swap Jaware's too, so it's easier to see the sheets inside the game.
Jul 9, 2023 6:32 pm
I'll transfer Tabat over as well, though I may or may not wait for level 5. Thanks for allowing the sheets, Q!
Last edited Jul 9, 2023 6:32 pm
Jul 9, 2023 10:33 pm
I allowed two characters per player as well to make copying easier.
Jul 17, 2023 11:39 pm
May we get clarification of who's turn it is? I know it's not Tabat, as he just RECKED one of the monsters, but by my reading the enemy goes next, right?
Jul 18, 2023 1:05 am
Oops, is that my bad? I'm on it
Sep 4, 2023 4:05 am
Meet Andromeda (the dromedary), Tabat's new Divine Bond mount. I took the celestial servant feat, so in addition to being smart (for an animal) with 6 INT, it is considered a magical beast and has the celestial template, giving it SR, DR, and resistances.

Sep 5, 2023 2:08 am
Rolling for hit points at the new level. Iseret also picked up a new feat, Weapon Focus (whip).
Last edited Sep 5, 2023 2:46 am


Hit Points - (1d8+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Sep 8, 2023 7:52 am
It was a little unclear how much time we had to rest. Are we at full hp / daily stuff refreshed?

I have in my mind that Tabat went to pray in solitude and his divine mount appeared to him in a vision - upon leaving, he found her waiting outside and understood her to be a gift from Horus.

I believe he used up whatever coin he had divvied out to his name at the auction, but would anyone mind terribly if he earmarks some party funds for:
- Feed (4 days worth, 2sp)
- Military Saddle (20gp)
- Saddlebags (4gp)

Also, might we look into buying some Holy Weapon Balm?
Last edited Sep 8, 2023 7:55 am
Sep 8, 2023 4:32 pm
It was overnight, which amounts to probably 20 hours from the last combat.
Sep 12, 2023 1:19 am
Just in pure coin we found around 71gp, I'll assume ok on the equipment above, except for the holy weapon balm (unless there is agreement from the party to get some), and the cost of the saddle, feed, and saddlebags can be taken from Tabat's cut once we have a real chance to reconcile our party's treasure and sell stuff.

His MW Longbow goes back into the party treasure too - it should be worth 375gp.
Last edited Sep 12, 2023 1:21 am
Sep 12, 2023 2:00 am
You have most of a whole day to shop in there, so go ahead if you want to make any purchases.
Sep 12, 2023 5:15 am
Think Khadi has some spare so she can lend as well if need be. Happy for a bit of holy weapon balm to be bought.

Will see if I can do a quick loot breakdown, but may be a coupe of days :p.
Jan 18, 2024 9:31 pm
Iseret hit point roll for 6th


Hit points - (1d8)

(7) = 7

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