Part Two: Summer Camp

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Aug 24, 2021 6:01 pm
Mikey doesn't want to let go of Em when she hugs him and he's glad that she doesn't seem too eager to break the embrace either. Somehow, it feels like she understands him, at least a little bit.

They move apart when Annie lands dramatically on the ground next to them and Mikey breathes a deep sigh of relief when she announces that she knows the way. He briefly wonders if Jaden was ever as goofy as he is now in her body. He must be enjoying this. Understandably.
"Let's go then. We already lost a lot of time," Mikey says, wiping his eyes to make sure no tears are in them. "Kim or Cuckoo might find us any moment!"
Aug 24, 2021 6:15 pm
Watching Annie land on the ground he tried hard not to notice or even look anywhere near the direction of Em and Mikey hugging, but somehow he saw them and felt a new feeling that didn't feel so nice. Happy to be distracted by running off to the next thrilling thing he decided he might as well enjoy it rather than fear it. He used to be a thrill-seeker. What the heck happened?

"Yeah, let's skedaddle to the bunker and finish this so we can all go home. I miss my ... my bike."

A technique the Andy of old sometimes used on the soccer field during a big game was counting to stay calm. He decided to try that now. "1... 1...." he said under his breath, but he couldn't get past the number 1. His nerves became so jangled when he thought of his desperation to go home. "1...1." Then he gave up and took off towards the bunker
Last edited August 24, 2021 6:31 pm
Aug 24, 2021 7:03 pm
"Octogenarian? That's a big word for a little girl," he starts flailing as he's attacked. "Argh, not in the face!"

He looks once more at the helmet. "I think it's broken but not badly. I think if we don't bump it then we will be okay. But... I think I should try it first. If it doesn't get me to the right spot in time, I'm the only one who can attempt to adjust it and try again."

He doesn't say the real reason, that is it doesn't work, the rest of them have real lives they can build here. He looks at Em, Devon and Andy. Even if it's just with each other.
Aug 24, 2021 7:08 pm
"Nuh-uh, Georgie," Mikey replies immediately. "What if it fries the brain of whoever uses it? You're the one who needs to fix it, as you said." Emboldened by Em's cheering up of him, he puts an arm around Georgie's shoulders. "I'm not going to let you get hurt. You do all you can to make it safe and then I will try it on. I trust you, Spud. But I'm not going to let you risk your brain."


Mikey Rogan: Lead - (5D6)

(31246) = 16

Aug 24, 2021 7:18 pm
Despite his dour mood, he looks at his feet, willing his eyes to remain dry. He can't say what those words mean, because he doesn't understand himself, not really.

But deep down, Rey feels a glimmer of hope,
Aug 25, 2021 6:42 am
Morgan is quiet after hugging Mikey, and stands apart from the group for a moment so they can fuss with the helmet and decide on the right path after Annie climbs -- and jumps -- back down. It also gives the girl a moment to dry her eyes, and peer around them, making sure they are indeed alone and haven't been followed...
Failed the roll. Wheeee!
Last edited August 25, 2021 6:42 am


Mind (4) + Investigate (2) - Scared (1) - (5d6)

(55133) = 17


Aug 25, 2021 2:55 pm
Well then, I suppose you see nothing…
It’s only when Annie sets off in the direction of the water does she realize just how far off course the group had travelled. The sprint into the wood could scarcely have been in a more wrong direction. By the time you set off from your current spot, the sun is just reaching its mid-day position, almost a full twelve hours before Cuckoo planned to meet you at the bunker entrance.

Time is a funny thing. You start to wonder if he already knew that you wouldn’t wait until midnight. Would he… she, Kim, remember? Wouldn’t she remember the events as they unfolded. If so, why would he even offer the midnight timing? How concrete are the steps necessary to ensure that future events are plotted out exactly as expected? Perhaps something goes wrong today. Wouldn’t she know that too? It begins to hurt your head.

Or, at least, something does. You feel that buzzing begin to hum back into being, as you trudge your way through the woods. Not severe. Not like earlier today. But constant, low, and nestling behind the eyes. You feel the strain of it at your temples, and you rub them to ease the pain on your hike.

You don’t see another soul in the woods. It must be lunch back at camp. In any case, you’re looping around, giving the camp, and Kim, a wide berth.

Eventually, after quite some time, you begin to make out the area that you chopped wood with Joan in 1989. That same wood that fell to your axe stands around you now, unaware of its future fate. Familiar topography sends you speedily towards the bunker, as you know now where you are. In a moment, maybe two, you see bunker sitting there, near the water. Barrels and discarded crates are stacked on the outside!
If you plan to do this thing by yourselves, well be moving into Extended Trouble soon. You’ll need a plan, and a roll each, aiming to hit a target number. You don’t know exactly what’s inside, as the bunker is locked. But Cuckoo gave you the basic idea, right? Use the helmet to get back home. That’s if everything goes okay.

There are other narrative thread available too. Wait for Cuckoo as planned and then try Extended Trouble with him. Maybe hide out and observe the bunker for some time to see what you see.

What are we thinking? Trouble by yourselves, or play the waiting game? I’m happy with either!


Aug 26, 2021 11:52 pm
You hunker down behind the roots of a particularly impressive tree, and watch the bunker entrance as you decide what the next move is. You see the chain lock hanging from the bunker door.

Before any of you even mutters a sound in planning, you hear the snap of a twig somewhere off to the side. And then the sound of feet being scratched through foliage. The sound of someone not really lifting their feet as they wander through the woods.

You look over, and you see young Martin Hernandez approaching your direction. His eyes are red, and wet. One is swollen and angry looking. His hands are… on top of his head. He stumbles his way through the forest towards you, looking down at the path, but kicking his way through fallen branches all the same. Before he reaches where you have set up your post, he turns sharply, following the path towards the bunker.

When he moves aside, you see another figure coming up the trail behind him. Kim Johnson, gun aimed at Hernandez’ back, and muttering into her walkie-talkie.

"… the bunker. The girl said he knew something…"

They both make their way to the bunker door, and Kim pockets the radio. She keeps the gun aimed at the young man, who doesn’t dare move, as he goes for her keys. In a moment, she has unlocked the door, pulled it open and forced young Cuckoo inside. You see the chain go stiff again as it’s seemingly relocked from inside.
Aug 27, 2021 6:10 am
"Well, that's going to complicate things," Em says quietly from her hiding place in the bushes. "But at least we're all in the same spot -- all the time travelers. Maybe now we can finally figure out what Kim is trying to do, and whether we should really help Cuckoo the walking PETA crime stop her."

Looking at all the boys, and at Annie, she adds in a whisper, "And she has the gun Mikey told us about. We're going to need to... uh... Mikey? Mikey?!"
Editing to square my post up with bowl's.
Last edited August 27, 2021 5:17 pm
Aug 27, 2021 10:57 am
As the two approach the bunker door, Mikey suddenly jumps up and walks into their field of view before his friends can stop him. "Miss Kim?", he says loudly. He positions himself in a way as to try and obscure where he came from and where the others are. He can't help but glance at the gun. Maybe this was a stupid idea. "I have your helmet, hidden away. Let's talk!"
Aug 28, 2021 2:52 pm
Rolling and also Bumping

Wait, those should only have been 1 die each, because of my conditions
Mikey's eyes keep darting to the gun as Kim does not seem receptive to his approach. Maybe this was a really bad idea...
Last edited August 28, 2021 2:56 pm


Mikey Rogan: Charm - (2D6)

(15) = 6

Mikey Rogan: Charm (Luck) - (2D6)

(31) = 4

Push (Scared) - (1D6)

(5) = 5

Aug 28, 2021 3:22 pm
As Kim seems distracted by an apparently suicidal Mikey, Annie remembers he's still Jaden; then, adrenaline kicks in.

I've always stood up for my friends and sure as hell I'm not giving up on them.
pride use
And so does he, as he runs and uses a rock to get some height and launch himself. After all, he had watched Karate Kid, hasn't he?

As he's mid-air, he calls out to Kim: "Say hello to my friend, Mr. Boot-in-your-face!"
Last edited August 28, 2021 3:30 pm


tftl - jaden/annie: Force - (5D6)

(35426) = 20

luck reroll - (4d6)

(2535) = 15

push reroll - bad landing? - (4d6)

(3153) = 12


Aug 29, 2021 1:27 am
Kim ushers Hernandez closer to the bunker, setting aside her radio.

"…Miss Kim?…"

The woman swings around, gun leveled at whoever calls out to her. There’s a wild look in her eye of being caught. A voice crackles through the radio. Kim’s voice:

"Report back in ten…" and the radio goes quiet.

Something like relief passes across Kim’s face as he realizes she recognizes Devon. And confusion. And then anger:

"You have my helmet!?" incredulous.

"You little jerk-off. You think you’re calling the shots here? Get beside him!" she waves the gun in the direction of Young Cuckoo. There’s just enough crazy in her eyes for you to feel real, genuine fear. This woman is not your friend. Maybe she’s evil, maybe she’s just… driven. Whatever it is, it weighs on her mind so heavily you fear she might snap.

Fear drives you to survive, and you start to sidestep over to where Hernandez stands, wet-cheeked and shivering. He looks at you, as you approach and gives a pained expression. Only one way for this to have gotten worse: kids got caught up in whatever this is.
Annie crouches low, watching as Mikey shimmies and shimmies to a position that puts Kim Johnson’s back to the rest of the group. Summoning her courage, the young girl kicks off from her hiding spot, mounts a large rock among the trees, and jumps at the camp nurse, driving all of her energy forward into a kick.

"… Mr Boot-In-Your-Face…"

The woman spins at the last moment as Annie makes her battle-cry, before the kick takes her heavy in the chest and she stumbles back to the forest floor. In shock, Kim clenches her body for the blow, squeezing the trigger of the gun. It rings out loud around the trees, and you all duck for cover instinctively. The impact on the floor sends the pistol spinning out of the crazy woman’s hand and it skitters across the floor, near where the remaining friends are huddled and hiding…


Aug 29, 2021 1:32 am

The sound of a single shot rings through the woods around the bunker. The Man in The Woods bolts upright, and turns his head to the sound. It was sharp, cutting through the general hum that attacked him at all times between his ears.

Something, the thought, had gone terribly wrong. But… he couldn’t remember what.

He starts in the direction of the bunker, as fast as his deteriorating mind and body would allow.
Aug 29, 2021 6:11 am
Bursting from cover, Em is running for the gun, arms and legs pumping!
Success! A single success!
Last edited August 29, 2021 6:12 am


Body 3 + Move 1 - Scrared... - (3d6)

(356) = 14


Aug 29, 2021 6:57 am
Kim flips over, pain blossoming in her chest, and bits of foliage gathering in her hair. She crawls across the forest floor, looking for the pistol. Before she can get a hand on it, Robin is there, stopping to pick it up. The girl stands over the scientist, pistol in hand. The scientist gets to her knees, but doesn’t move too much, waiting to see what happens next.
Aug 29, 2021 7:22 am
Mikey lets out a scared yelp when the pistol goes off. For a second, he's sure that he has been shot. That's what I get for putting myself in harm's way. But the pain doesn't come. After a moment, he opens his eyes and looks down at himself but there is no blood. He breathes a sigh of relief and then gets up on shaky legs. It takes him a moment to take in the changed situation, then he runs over to Em and Kim. "Don't shoot!", he tells Em. Then he turns to Kim. "We got you. Now we can talk. We don't have to fight, okay?"
Aug 29, 2021 12:36 pm
Andy jumped then ducked, his heart racing when the pistol went off. He had been eyeing the lock and was planning to break it with a rock he had seen near the cabin. Once he saw that everyone was not shot and bleeding, he looked for the gun. Robin had the gun!

They had the upper hand! Robin was pointing the pistol at Kim! He shouted, "Give us the key Kim, right now!"
Aug 29, 2021 12:57 pm
"Or we shoot the lock," Rey adds. Either way we're getting in.
Aug 30, 2021 6:03 am
Before she knows it, Em has the pistol, and she's indeed pointing it at Kim. Her heart is pounding and thinks more than once about just throwing the firearm away, chucking it into the woods. But for the first time, they have the upper hand -- because of the gun.

"D-don't move!" she says through gritted teeth. "You're not a nice person, and we're going to stop you!"

The blonde has both hands on the pistol, but her finger isn't on the trigger. She's afraid of guns, but puts on her best show. "I know how to use this! You heard them! Talk, and open up the bunker!"
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