BBcode legend discussion

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Apr 12, 2024 9:11 pm
Update: Obviously, some things have spontaneously decided to work, but I still may have some questions.
Apr 12, 2024 9:23 pm
vagueGM says:
It is
It's those British spellings that get ya every time...
Apr 12, 2024 10:02 pm
Is there a way to set a column width? I tried making two columns, but it messes up the formatting because one column is too large.
Apr 12, 2024 10:20 pm
Not having a sample of what you are trying to do, we can not provide direct feedback.

But remember that the columns collapse to a single column on phones or small screens, so if your content does not fit in a column it will be a problem for other people on different devices than yours.

Physical sheets aim to use a little paper as possible. Those old layouts are often ill-suited to the digital world where paper is not a concern and people can scroll forever. Maybe try organise your information in a way that works well here rather than try to emulate the layout of that sheet for nostalgia's sake?
Apr 12, 2024 10:56 pm
Use column for content you want kept in columns. The default is 2 columns but you can easily expand it to 3
Apr 15, 2024 3:41 pm
witchdoctor says:
vagueGM says:
It is
It's those British spellings that get ya every time...
We support both spellings.

[f=centre]Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves.[/f]
[f=center]O! Say can you see by the dawn's early light[/f]

Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves.
O! Say can you see by the dawn's early light
Apr 15, 2024 10:33 pm
But f them all! :)
Apr 16, 2024 1:29 am
vagueGM says:
But f them all! :)
I beg your pardon?

(yes yes, I know it's a joke)
Jan 31, 2025 4:50 pm
I saw a post where the site background was different. How is that done?
Jan 31, 2025 5:07 pm
@Grendar, when you are Editing your Game Details, it can be found under Advanced Rules Definitions.
Mar 26, 2025 7:22 pm
Ok, I have a coding question.

Is there a way to make checkboxes where the number scales with a variable?

What I mean is... well, here's an example: Let's use Hit Dice from 5E.

You have one per character level. You "spend" them to recover during a rest. If I wanted check boxes to track spent HD ( for a level 4 character) can I code it so that when a character hits level 5 -- and changes the number in the field -- the fifth check box is automatically added?
Mar 27, 2025 9:09 am
I don't think it's possible, since checkboxes don't work with calculations. I experimented with this before - unsuccessfully, - and I believe Qralloq also mused about it in this thread a while back with no responses. You probably will be better off with numbers instead of checkboxes?
Mar 27, 2025 1:33 pm
Perhaps there's a way to do it with some CSS code shenanigans, but I've never tried it. I might give it a try when I have some time this week :)
My first idea is to make 10 (or more) boxes and hide the unused ones based on the level number. No idea if it would work.
Last edited March 27, 2025 1:33 pm
Mar 27, 2025 2:54 pm
FlyingSucculent says:
I don't think it's possible, since checkboxes don't work with calculations. I experimented with this before - unsuccessfully, - and I believe Qralloq also mused about it in this thread a while back with no responses. You probably will be better off with numbers instead of checkboxes?
Yeah, numbers are the easy answer (that I'm running with for now) but I figured it was worth asking. I never really got into coding, so character sheets are the extent of my dabbling.
TheGenerator says:
Perhaps there's a way to do it with some CSS code shenanigans, but I've never tried it. I might give it a try when I have some time this week :)
My first idea is to make 10 (or more) boxes and hide the unused ones based on the level number. No idea if it would work.
That's certainly an inspired answer to the problem! I'm curious if it would work... 🤔
Mar 27, 2025 6:44 pm
TheGenerator says:
Perhaps there's a way to do it with some CSS code shenanigans, but I've never tried it. I might give it a try when I have some time this week :)
My first idea is to make 10 (or more) boxes and hide the unused ones based on the level number. No idea if it would work.
Great minds! I had a similar idea, but couldn't make it work. There's so many CSS tricks though, many of which I don't know, maybe you can find a solution that works.
In the meantime, I have an alternate solution. It's not perfect, but might work for you, MaJunior. It depends a bit on why you like the checkboxes. If it's because of the visual, then I think my solution will work for you. You edit the "Current" number in place and it adjusts the visual representation. If it's the "clicking" aspect for easy adjustment, then my second solution might work for you but it's a bit less elegant. Basically it uses checkboxes as a toggle, and then translates that to my custom visual and enforces a max so if you click too many checkboxes you get a warning and you don't get extra HD.

It looks like this:

If the toggle is set beyond the max, it looks like this:

Here's the code:
This code is necessary for the visual effect, but is not displayed. 
[_maxwarn=❗ Toggle Above MAX ❗]
[f=h3]Visual Solution Only[/f]
Level: [_lev=5]
[table="compact ht"]
Current | Max | Hit Dice
[_hd=3] | [_$=lev] | [_$=(min(hd,lev)==1?oner:(min(hd,lev)==2?twor:(min(hd,lev)==3?threer:(min(hd,lev)==4?fourr:(min(hd,lev)==5?fiver:(min(hd,lev)==6?sixr:(min(hd,lev)==7?sevenr:(min(hd,lev)==8?eightr:(min(hd,lev)==9?niner:(min(hd,lev)==10?tenr:zero))))))))))][_$=(lev-min(hd,lev)==1?onew:(lev-min(hd,lev)==2?twow:(lev-min(hd,lev)==3?threew:(lev-min(hd,lev)==4?fourw:(lev-min(hd,lev)==5?fivew:(lev-min(hd,lev)==6?sixw:(lev-min(hd,lev)==7?sevenw:(lev-min(hd,lev)==8?eightw:(lev-min(hd,lev)==9?ninew:(lev-min(hd,lev)==10?tenw:zero))))))))))]

[f=h3]Additional Toggle Solution[/f]
Level: [_lev=5]
Toggle: [_hd=3/10] ([_$=hd]/10)
[f=color:red bold][_$=(hd>lev?maxwarn:blank)][/f]
[table="compact ht"]
Current | Max | Hit Dice
[_$=min(hd,lev)] | [_$=lev] | [_$=(min(hd,lev)==1?oner:(min(hd,lev)==2?twor:(min(hd,lev)==3?threer:(min(hd,lev)==4?fourr:(min(hd,lev)==5?fiver:(min(hd,lev)==6?sixr:(min(hd,lev)==7?sevenr:(min(hd,lev)==8?eightr:(min(hd,lev)==9?niner:(min(hd,lev)==10?tenr:zero))))))))))][_$=(lev-min(hd,lev)==1?onew:(lev-min(hd,lev)==2?twow:(lev-min(hd,lev)==3?threew:(lev-min(hd,lev)==4?fourw:(lev-min(hd,lev)==5?fivew:(lev-min(hd,lev)==6?sixw:(lev-min(hd,lev)==7?sevenw:(lev-min(hd,lev)==8?eightw:(lev-min(hd,lev)==9?ninew:(lev-min(hd,lev)==10?tenw:zero))))))))))]

Note: the code goes to a max of Level 10. If you need higher you can try to expand it yourself or let me know and I can expand it.
Mar 28, 2025 8:56 am
Chalry says:
Great minds! I had a similar idea, but couldn't make it work. There's so many CSS tricks though, many of which I don't know, maybe you can find a solution that works.
I did some messing around with it, but I also can't get it to work.
I thought I had something when I tried this:
Resulting in a text saying "1/5". But I see no way to then put that into a new

If I get another cool idea, I'll let you know, MaJunior. But for now I'll have to abandon it.
Mar 28, 2025 9:04 am
Thanks all. I truly appreciate the ideas and the effort!

For what it's worth, I also feel better knowing this wasn't just a case of me not knowing enough. I initially assumed my entire problem was my lack of experience. At least now I see there's a reason I couldn't figure it out.

Thank you all again for trying!

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