[Re-Recruiting] The Die is Cast (D&D 5e)

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Aug 2, 2021 1:00 am
[ +- ] A Man Of Wealth And Taste Invites You To Roll The Dice
Please see the last post in the thread for new information.

The Pitch: Aleatoricism is an artistic principle involving the use of chance and randomness in the creation of works. Jackson Pollock's drip and spatter paintings are aleatoric. All roleplaying games that use dice, cards or other randomisers are in some form aleatoric storytelling.

I want to run a game that embraces this, using the vast array of charts and websites available to provide randomly generated inspiration for the players and I to collaboratively build from. Maps, name lists, adventure generators... if I don't have a good idea I want to spin the dice or a electronic random number generator, see what comes out and work from that. I'd encourage the players to do the same.

This game is explicitly friendly to queer, PoC, differently-abled people and other minorities and marginalised groups.

Content: I sometimes like to dabble in gory descriptions of critical hits, kills or gruesome monsters, but nothing too extreme. Any sexual or other adult material will be offscreen or fade to black.

Source/Character Restrictions: Anything outside the PHB will require an OK by me, but I tend to be very generous in this regard. In the spirit of randomness, ability scores will be rolled 4d6 drop the lowest, down the line rather than assigned – so don't get too attached to a concept before rolling. Or maybe do, and play that concept even if the ability scores don't make it optimal. I'd respect the hell out of you if you did.

Post Frequency: 2-3 per week.

Players Wanted: 4.

Specialised Software and Resources: None, purely played here on GP. Possibly with a Discord to facilitate rapid OOC.

Player Experience Requirements: Beginners and veterans welcome. You should be willing to contribute to brainstorming with the GM and other players about random results and what they mean.

How To Apply: You can't really pitch a concept at this stage, so I'm just looking for expressions of interest. In lieu of that, and as much as I loathe anything that makes applying for a PbP resemble an exam or job interview, maybe post a few hundred words of writing sample or the last IC post you did. Or just say 'interested', I'm not your dad.


(thanks to lenpelletier for the interest check template!)
Last edited Nov 30, 2021 8:16 pm
Aug 2, 2021 4:40 am
I played in a game once that had us all randomly generate our characters. I forgot what the site with the generator was but it gave race/class/background as well as some backstory aspects. That was pretty fun. Might be a good idea for this game as well. Something like that
Aug 2, 2021 5:39 am
I am pretty interested. I've wanted to do something like this for a while
Aug 2, 2021 8:18 am
What is the starting level?
Aug 2, 2021 10:24 am
Sounds awesome, but I'm trying to avoid joining more games as a PC
this is a cool Random Character Generator it even comes with an image
Aug 2, 2021 10:53 am
runekyndig says:
What is the starting level?
Maybe 1st, maybe 3rd. I haven't decided yet.
Aug 3, 2021 3:15 pm
Great pitch! And I LOVE those images!
Aug 5, 2021 7:52 pm
That's one, potentially two expressions of interest... anyone else?
Aug 5, 2021 9:16 pm
Hi Dirigible, I'll take a crack at it!
Aug 6, 2021 9:49 pm
The game is up: linkosaurus.

Raven_179, HeroAmongMen, feel free to hop on in. Runekyndig, I decided to go with 3rd level start if that makes a difference to you.
Aug 11, 2021 8:38 pm
The dice have blessed us with:
Milo Greenbottle, stout halfling monster slayer.
Glanduk the Loud, hobgoblin war-mage.
Trees Glūm, rock gnome spirit-speaker.

Still room for one more player!
Aug 11, 2021 9:01 pm
If you still need a random player, I'll toss my hat in.
Aug 11, 2021 11:53 pm
Come on in, the water's:
1: Fine
2: Too Cold
3: Too Warm
4: Bubblebath
5: Jello
6: Seasnakes

Last edited Aug 11, 2021 11:54 pm
Nov 30, 2021 8:27 pm

We unfortunately lost a player during the first encounter which has nearly wrapped up, so I'm looking for a new player to bring in a new character. If you're looking for some good old fashioned high-randomness high-adventure, check out the Alpharas game forum, particularly the setting thread and house rules to see if it's your jam and express some interest here!

The remaining PCs are Thatch (half-orc champion), Milo (halfling monster slayer) and Glanduk (hobgoblin war-wizard). They were invited to meet a mysterious fellow named Andis Kyrtsor at the Battered Shield inn in the town of Quainbluff who seemed to know more about them than should be possible. Before answers could be wrangled goblin raiders attacked the town, seemingly intent on abducting the citizens - and worse, those goblins arose as the living dead when they were slain to press the assault! Who your PC is and how they fit into this quandary is open for discussion.

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