Manor of Origin (REDUX)

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May 28, 2022 5:45 pm
"I won't argue with that. What is done is done, but we won't be missing the spiders, that's for sure."
Gharn trails off. He glances around the room and not being in the mood to play any games, checks the door to the west.


Investigation - (1d20+4)

(9) + 4 = 13

May 28, 2022 6:19 pm
It's strange that the furniture is untouched. Is it magic? Or ..."

She thinks back on Tomoe. Don't say illusion, that would be disrespectful.

"Maybe the flames got under the doors and only lit the webs? They didn't burn very hot."
May 29, 2022 2:05 am
Louis idly picks up one of the pool cues. "Probably magic. I find it hard to believe the fire burned hot enough to incinerate a person but not hot enough to ignite a wooden stick." He tosses the cue to Banshee and does a lap of the room, looking for anything out of the ordinary, while Inquisitor investigates the door.
Last edited May 29, 2022 2:10 am


Perception - (1d20+2)

(9) + 2 = 11

May 29, 2022 2:08 am
Faux shrugs his shoulders still slightly pale.
"Perhaps we’re not allowed to break the house. Or something stupid or esoteric about territory rights or whatever. Sounds like something that Voice would design.
May 29, 2022 2:16 am
Chariot: By closely looking at the fire damage, or the lack of it, Chariot gets the impression that once the webs were burnt away something stopped the fire from spreading to other sources of fuel. Yet whatever this force was did not stop the burning of the spiders, so it might just be limited to the structure.

Inquisitor: The next room is similarly coated in a thin layer of soot, but it lacks any spider corpses. Sitting in the middle of the room is a film projector, it has a reel already loaded into it. Surrounding the projector are theater seats and on the wall opposite the door is a pure white ( dusted with soot) screen. On either side of the door are shelves with a few spare film reels.
May 29, 2022 5:56 pm
"Intriguing..." mumbled Gharn, as he reached out with his magic to inspect the film projector.
"Anyone feeling like watching a film? Are you familiar with this thing Faux? I fear that I'll most likely break it if I try to operate this gizmo."


Arcana - (1d20+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

May 29, 2022 10:19 pm
Upon trying to analyze the projector, Inquisitor’s mana explodes out haphazardly. Which causes it to come into contact with the rusty scabbard once again (you didn’t say what you did with it so I assume you’re still holding it.)

Instead of shocking Inquisitor, upon contact with his man, the scabbard becomes viscous and begins to meld itself into his armor. It slowly begins producing heat and climbing towards his shield arm.

After only a moment it has merged with Inquisitor’s shield arm. The black armor replaced with faded cobalt and tarnished gold from elbow to finger tip. The full length of the new appendage is segmented in a way that allows fluid articulation of the fingers and wrist, almost more like a skintight glove and sleeve than armor. Symbols in a language Inquisitor doesn’t understand circle his joints and knuckles.


Explode? - (1d100)

(55) = 55

May 30, 2022 3:38 pm
"Death above! Does it hurt?"

Banshee prepares herself mentally to amputate the cursed arm as necessary.
May 30, 2022 4:05 pm
"Bloody hell! What's this thing now?"
Gharn flexes his arm, trying to figure out if everything works as intended. The runes in his joints and knuckles caught his attention - runes were not foreign to him, but those he had never seen before.

"I'm alright. At least I think I am. There's no pain, just this peculiar...thing..."
Gharn trails off as he impulsively reaches out yet again with his magic, trying to figure out what happened to him now.

Besides being stuck in a murder mansion that is.


Arcana - (1d20+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

May 30, 2022 4:19 pm
After a brief freak out, Inquisitor establishes that his arm still functions as it once did. Upon once again reaching out to the scabbard… arm… arm scabbard, a voice not unlike a soft tinkling of bells ring gentle in his mind.

"Promise… Forever… Lead… Protect…"
May 30, 2022 11:50 pm
Louis is wary of Inquisitor’s new arm. "You should let Faux take a look at it. He might be able to tell you if it’s cursed or whatever."
May 30, 2022 11:55 pm
As he looks at Inquisitor’s arm, Chariot recognizes the runes to be Sylvan, the language of the Fae.
The runes read.
"The Ever-distant Utopia"
"Immortal Grace"
"Promised Protection"
May 31, 2022 1:04 am
She shakes her head. "So that'a a no on the amputation then? It could be cursed, you know. Sure it looks shiny and useful, but one night you'll wake up and find your new evil hand has slaughtered all your friends, and I will haunt you, sir. I will. I know how."
May 31, 2022 1:23 am
"Oh, it’s Sylvan," says Louis, as he gets a closer look at the arm. He translates the runes for Inquisitor, adding, "I’d be very careful with it, if I were you. Fae can be real dicks sometimes."
History check to see if Louis recognises any of those phrases/the arm itself?


History - (1d20+0)

(11) = 11

May 31, 2022 1:35 am
From nowhere, a faint pair of scissors float in the air and make a few comical snips towards the arm.
"So… we’re absolutely certain that we’re not removing the fairy arm? It clashes horribly with rest of his image. What kind of detective has a glowing glittery pixie arm? One arm would fit the role much better."
Faux says attempting a bit of levity at the newest problem to arise.
May 31, 2022 1:40 am
Chariot racks his brain for where such phrases would be inscribed. The Fae aren’t typically know for making such things. In fact only one scabbard comes to mind.
However the dismal state the thing was in kinda dissuades the notion of it being real.

The Scabbard gifted to King Arthur by Vivian along with The Sword of Promised Victory.
May 31, 2022 2:12 am
Louis glares at Faux. "Got a problem with faeries, pal?"

He then turns back to Inquisitor with a pensive frown. "Had I not met Robin Hood yesterday, I probably wouldn’t bring this up, but there is a legendary scabbard, famously made by the Fae. The one the Lady of the Lake gifted King Arthur, along with his sword."
May 31, 2022 7:18 am
Gharn tries to hide his surprise upon hearing about the sword of legends. Even after meeting Robin Hood, this was a whole new level of astonishment that hit him and he couldn't hide a grin.

"Alright, so there must be a sword that pairs with this. That might actually be some good news after all. So long that it's not a resembling cursed thing that is..."

After staring at his arm for a moment, Gharn turns to Faux;
"Say lad, how about going through these films here? There might be some hints about this place in there."
Last edited May 31, 2022 7:24 am
May 31, 2022 10:28 pm
With his hands up in surrender to Chariot, Faux nods eagerly to Inquisitor’s suggestion. With a grateful smile for him inadvertently bailing him out, Faux rushes over to the projector and after a few tweaks and adjustments starts up the projector.
Jun 1, 2022 12:27 am
After a brief countdown the movie begins.
The title card reads, The First War of Wishes: Assassin (Danzo) Vs. Berserker (Genghis Khan)
The screen fades to black and then quickly switches to a fairly plain looking room with a table. The film is in black and white so no colors can be identified. A man with pale hair and dark eyes stands over the table pointing and talking, a figure in a black shroud nods along. It would appear they are strategizing. This continues for a few minutes before both occupants are blown across the room as the wall behind them explodes. The camera doesn’t move to follow the two, but rather continues to film the hole. Two men emerge from it, one is a large Asian man in elegant fur and iron armor with an oversized curved sword and a feral grin. The other is a pompous looking man in a powdered wig and officer’s coat. The officer says something and sneers. The first pair emerge from the wreckage of the room. The pale haired man appears to be very angry and shouts at the pompous man, gesturing at the room or the house in general. The pompous man looks not to care about whatever the other man is saying, he snaps his fingers and as quick as lightning the swordsman kicks the pale haired man with enough force to send him through the wall. The shrouded one,(with unnatural speed) follows him through the new hole. The camera follows the pair, it appears the pale haired man went through several walls out into the street (which appears to be a fairly populated city) and into another building. The shrouded one finds the pale haired man in the rubble, his chest completely caved in and his neck twisted at an unnatural angle. Until the damage seems to rewind itself, his chest popping back out into its natural shape and his neck slowly untwisting. He rises, his features becoming sharper his pupils become slitted and his teeth become fangs. He looks at the wreckage to find several civilians crushed under the rubble of the buildings. The pale haired man looks absolutely livid. The shrouded one appears to say something and the two rush out into the street to confront the swordsman, who appears to have cut down several people as he made his approach to the two. As they meet in the middle of the street the film runs out and the screen returns to white.
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