Manor of Origin (REDUX)

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Jun 1, 2022 7:55 pm
Gharn is surprised to read the title of the movie.
"First war of wishes? And it's in film?!..."
He trailed off as he got captivated by the motion picture and shocked shortly after that.
"Is it just the house playing tricks on me, or do I know that shrouded bloke? Could it actually be?..."


History - (1d20+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Jun 1, 2022 11:25 pm
After watching the movie, her eyes darting from side to side, expecting horror to surprise them, Banshee relaxes a bit. "That all seems to have been left out of the Wishmaster's story. It talked about conflict, and so forth, but..."


Religion - (1d20+0)

(15) = 15

Jun 1, 2022 11:46 pm
Inquisitor: It’s too hard to determine if the shrouded figure is in fact the man you met in your dream. The cloak didn’t reveal any of the figure’s limbs so the bandages cannot be confirmed. Though the figure was definitely powerful if it’s speed is any indication. Aside from that you can’t discern much aside from the time period, given the powdered wig and the design of the buildings you can guess it’s within the colonial or revolutionary era.

Banshee: It takes you a moment to process given the contrast between what you were preparing yourself for and what you were presented with. However now you are both extremely shocked and very angry. What occurred in the film is a big deal, and not just because it involves this War of Wishes. The fact that The Church never informed you of this incident in your training is appalling, and that your previous position in the Burial Agency still didn’t warrant a brief on this incident is infuriating.For the pale haired man is a very powerful Vampire. A high vampire that at the very least is at an Ancestor level to simply manipulate time to undo its injuries in sunlight like it did. What’s worse is that this appears to have happened in full view during the day in a populated area. Putting aside the fact that the thing was involved with The War of Wishes. This is not good.
Jun 2, 2022 8:15 am
Unable to sit in the theatre seats, Louis sits on the ground at the back of the room and watches the brief film with interest. He’s never been in a cinema before so he’s privately quite excited to see his first film, but he’s left confused and disappointed when it ends so abruptly. "Is that it?"
A History check to try to help Inquisitor…
Last edited June 2, 2022 8:16 am


History - (1d20+0)

(17) = 17

Jun 2, 2022 9:07 pm
"A vampire. If that really happened like that," she says when the movie is over, "I don't understand why the Church wasn't involved. That should have been big news, and did you see when the sun fell on him? That's bad news."
Jun 2, 2022 10:24 pm
Chariot: Despite the obvious difference in age and infrastructure, you recognize the setting of the fight as Boston. Yet no record of such a fight was ever recorded, and given what the gist of the situation, the civilian casualties were likely quite high.
Jun 2, 2022 11:55 pm
Louis frowns. "Yeah, it doesn’t add up, does it? I’m not sure cameras even existed back then and movies sure as fuck didn’t. Besides, you’d think that we’d have heard about something like this, even if someone tried to cover it up. People don’t just forget about that one time Genghis Khan went on a murderous rampage through the streets of Boston." He scratches the back of his neck. "Do you think it could be staged or something? Like a play with actors and stuff?"
Jun 3, 2022 2:18 am
"The War of Wishes. Maybe it wasn't entirely real. Or erased somehow. Or hidden from sight by wish magic. We can't really know at this point. Maybe these other films have other clues."
Jun 3, 2022 2:56 am
Faux scratches his head in confusion.
"I’m very confused on how the film came to be. On one hand it can’t be real. Chariot is right film cameras didn’t exist back then, but at the same time it can’t be fake either. Special effects don’t work like that, and the whole film was one continuous shot. If it were fake they’d have to have done all the stunts and effects in one take, with perfect camera work. That’s impossible."
Jun 3, 2022 10:14 am
"I'm no expert, but all that film gibberish seem quite unlikely to me as well. Shall we move on to the next film?"
said Gharn as he fishes another film reel from the pile.
Jun 3, 2022 12:56 pm
"Sure. Let’s watch a few more," agrees Louis, searching his pack for something to snack on while they watch the rest of the films. After a bit of rummaging around, he pulls out a candy bar and tears open the wrapper with his teeth.
If he can and if he has enough time, Louis is going to take a short rest while the party watches the films to recover his grit points and action surge
Jun 3, 2022 4:05 pm
Faux grumbles about film gibberish as he loads up the next film.

The title card once again appears.
"First War of Wishes: Saber (Charlemagne) vs Lancer (Leonidas)"

The scene begins in chaos, two figures clash with such force that it sends waves across the surroundings and water. They appear to be in some sort of harbor or dock, several buildings are collapsing, ships are sinking and there are craters in the earth. On the left is a man in bright shining armor that just screams Paladin. Interlocking plate with wing motifs and most likely gold engraving, a cape flutters behind him seemingly unscathed by the battle that has wrecked the surrounding area. Upon his head is a helm with a crown attached. His tower shield holds back the spear of his enemy with visible strain. His own sword, seemingly gold itself with mor wing motifs on the pommel and guard is locked with his opponents shield. On the right is a tall muscular man clad in naught but a tattered cape and a kilt of some kind. His darker skin glistening with sweat as he smile wildly.
The two jump apart from the clash, and come at each other once more. A blur of expert swordsmanship and spear work occurs for the next several minutes. Neither gaining the upper hand and no damage seemingly sustained by either party. Yet the damage to the harbor only increases.
The camera begins to focus on the background where two other figures appear to be doing battle as well.
They appear to be mages, each throwing high level magic at the other. One is a woman with pale hair, her probably once beautiful dress is now in taters and covered in blood. She appears to be extremely enraged.The other is a man who seems to be heartbroken, his appearance even worse off the the woman. He appears to be pleading with her and she appears to be ignoring him. Several minutes pass in their exchange before she runs him through with a construct of light.
The camera shifts back to the two Warriors, each having stopped to look at the outcome of the mages battle. Their gazes return to each other, they nod and throw down their shields. Each take a two handed grip on their weapon, preparing for one final clash, as they explode into motion the film ends.
Jun 4, 2022 11:44 pm
As he watches the film, Louis pays close attention to the reactions of any civilian bystanders in the background to try to determine whether or not they can see the battle taking place or if it has been magically hidden from them in some way.
Last edited June 5, 2022 2:19 am


Insight - (1d20+4)

(12) + 4 = 16

Jun 5, 2022 1:47 pm
Banshee watches the battle, her mind raving to put together what they're seeing. It's a jumble mashup of time and place.


History - (1d20+0)

(2) = 2

Jun 6, 2022 1:02 am
Chariot: There’s a lot going on and a variety of emotions on display, but you think you get the gist of it. The civilians who n the harbor are obviously terrified, so it’s obvious that they can definitely see what’s going on. However the two warriors, the Paladin in particular, seem to be avoiding injuring them in their fight. In fact a few light based shields appear around large clusters of fleeing people when the shrapnel from a clash threatens to hit them. The two mages however do not care whatsoever. Several nearby people are sliced, fried by lighting or burnt to a crisp. The woman appears to have a score to settle and does not care about collateral damage. The man doesn’t seem to want to kill her but continues to use civilians as shields. They are both terrible people.

Banshee: This blatant violation of secrecy is giving you a headache.
Jun 7, 2022 5:06 am
"Let’s try one more," suggests Louis, frowning slightly. "But if they’re all just snippets of various battles, I don’t think we have anything to gain by watching the rest of them."
Jun 7, 2022 6:00 am
"Ask any seasoned investigator worth their firearm; they'll assure you that patterns are everywhere. There must be a pattern we're missing so far. Onto the next one then."

Gharn reaches and picks up another film reel.
how many more are actually left? wouldn't want to drag this one out too long for no reason.
Jun 7, 2022 2:34 pm
"I say again, there must be some reason that these are called the War of Wishes. Was what we're seeing the culmination of some conflict outside this manor? Perhaps this manor is a reflection of that war. A Wish is a powerful magic, capable of monstrous abominations of the universal order."
Jun 7, 2022 10:03 pm
There is one tape left.
Faux grabs the reel from Inquisitor and begins to set it up. "Didn’t Wishmaker say that the first wish made this place?"
Not waiting for an answer the movie starts up.
"The First War of Wishes: The Slaughter of the Church (Archer:Yue Fei)"
The scene opens on a man sitting in the middle of an entrance way,his features are strange and his skin and hair are a bit to shiny,a glowing aura emanating from his body. A few short moments pass before the front door to the building is kicked in and a squadron of men in cassocks surround him. The shiny man seems not to care. Another man enters, his garb still a cassock of sorts, but armored. Banshee recognizes this as a rather old version of The Burial Agency uniform. The two men converse for a bit, the Agent’s displeasure growing by the second while the shiny man grows ever smugger. Finally the shiny man takes something from his coat pocket and tosses it on the ground in front of the Agent. It is a severed hand with a ring on it. The Agent is dark with rage, he barks an order and all the men draw their swords. As if being sentenced to death the Agent asks him something along the lines of any last words. The shiny man snaps his fingers. A hail of arrows pierce through the walls on all sides and absolutely slaughter the gathered priests. All that’s left is a gorey mess. A man in a Chinese general’s armor appears with a short bow directly behind the shiny man and says something. The mound of corpses wriggles and soon the Agent emerges, blood soaked but completely free of arrows. The shiny man smirks and points at him, at which point the Chinese General grabs the Agent and throws him through the wall to do battle elsewhere, but the scene does not change. A figure in a cloak can now be seen clinging to the ceiling as the camera angles up to show him. Then he falls, knife poised to skewer the shiny man and the scene cuts away as the knife is inches from his scalp.
Jun 8, 2022 8:33 pm
"The only pattern I see is that they all keep ending right as they’re getting to the fun part," complains Louis. "We never get to see who wins."
Last edited June 8, 2022 8:34 pm


History - (1d20+0)

(13) = 13

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