Manor of Origin (REDUX)

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Jun 9, 2022 7:07 am
"We must be missing something Chariot... There must be some connection. Although I don't see the fun in it."


Insight - (1d20+2)

(14) + 2 = 16

Jun 9, 2022 9:57 am
Louis rolls his eyes. "Oh, come on. You can’t honestly tell me there’s nothing fun about seeing Genghis Khan fight a vampire and a ninja."
Jun 9, 2022 11:54 am
"Intriguing, shocking, disturbing; these are the things that come to mind as I'm watching these film reels. Not fun though, no."
Jun 9, 2022 3:10 pm
Chariot: You’re not completely sure but, the shiny man may be an Aasimar. You were under the impression that they were effectively extinct. The Church took a hard stance on them a long time ago. Something along the lines of not tolerating the blood of "false gods" to walk the earth. The Church tends to hunt them with the same zeal that they hunt vampires and the undead, along with tieflings for the equal and opposite reason. So the fact that this man is openly taunting and challenging The Church is a bit irregular.

Inquisitor: The shiny man, though putting on the facade of cocky arrogance, is simmering in hatred toward The Church. Given the sheer amount of Church Executers that were brought, you assume that it’s not the first time he’s done something like this. Given the Agent’s reaction to the hand, he must have killed someone of the Agent’s rank or higher before. He may also be the reason The Church seemingly ignored the events of The War of Wishes. They all looked at him like he was an affront to God. So by either distracting them, or effectively wiping out their presence in the City of Boston, The War of Wishes effectively went untouched by Church interference.
Jun 9, 2022 3:17 pm
Banshee watches, her older brethren slaughtered by impossible archery. "The first wish..." What was that quote? "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."
Jun 10, 2022 12:12 am
Louis glances quizzically at Banshee and asks, "So who are the monsters in this metaphor?"
Last edited June 10, 2022 1:06 am
Jun 10, 2022 1:01 am
She holds her breath, thinking it through. "If the first wish created the manor, and the Wishmaster drew heroes from time and space to it, then those people may have been others such as us. We have been offered much here, and we have accepted some. But what if we were offered much more? How much would temptation and horror render us into powerful agents of destruction? Look at the woman we burned alive. War of the Wishes. In any war, there is -- how do they call it -- collateral damage."
Jun 10, 2022 3:17 pm
Faux looks down out the floor and clenches his fists.
"You’re right. We’ve been getting stronger, fighting desperately to live, not really paying attention to what’s going on around us."
He gestures at Inquisitor. " Ancient Artifacts just dropped at our feet."
He gestures at Chariot. " Unknown magic at our beck and call."
He slams a hand to his chest. "Our own power enhances by the sacrifice of former friends."
He looks at the projector and the last tape. "Are we the next monsters to be set loose on the world?"
Jun 10, 2022 7:36 pm
Gharn stares at his gleaming new arm, his mind now racing. Finally, he speaks;

"I'm set in my ways. My sole goal is to leave this place as soon as I can."

He reaches inside his trenchcoat, taking out two items;

"You see, I was already trying to solve a couple mysteries before I ended up here."

He holds up one in each hand; a flaming white rose in his left and a sizeable odd silver coin with two snakes interwoven to the shape of an "S" in his right.

"Maybe the fact that we were brought here has something to do with it, maybe it doesn't. I'm going to find out either way."
Jun 11, 2022 9:15 am
Louis’s expression grows serious. "…I’m with Inquisitor on this one. I don’t know why we’ve been given the power we have, but all I want to do with it is get the hell out of here as soon as possible. To that end… shall we take a look at the last reel?"
History check to see if Louis knows anything helpful about Inquisitor’s rose/coin?

...Guess that's a no :P
Last edited June 11, 2022 9:17 am


History - (1d20+0)

(6) = 6

Jun 11, 2022 2:39 pm
"For the right cause, if we were stopping something abominable, we could be those people," she points at the blank surface where the moving pictures were shown. "If we thought there was a greater good to be served. We can continue, but let us keep in mind we may be walking down well paved roads."
Jun 12, 2022 2:28 am
Faux nods, though still looks troubled, and the final film sparks to life.

"First War of Wishes: Winner: Gareth Knightengale (Danzo)"

The scene opens in the middle of a pitched battle in the middle of a burning forest. In the background a large magical circle blazes upon the earth. The Staging Ground for the Wish. The Vampire and the Cloaked Figure are each fighting a pair of people. The vampire is frantically clashing two short swords against the combined efforts of the Paladin and his Holy Sword, and the Woman and a Conjured sword of Light. He is heavily on the defensive with several slashes marring his flesh. They don’t appear to be healing.
The Cloaked figure is keeping two others at bay, throwing a seemingly limitless supply of small sharpened iron rods, while being chased by what appears to be a man with partial wolf features, a mage with a transformation ability perhaps, and an Egyptian Pharaoh weaving through odd hand gestures and producing really off looking magic.
The scene focuses on the Cloaked figures fight as the Pharaoh erects a wall of of odd hieroglyph like figures, boxing the Figure in with the wolfman. What follows is an exchange of extremely high speed CQC. The wolfman going for fatal slashes with his claws while blocking with his increased bulk to protect his vitals. The Figure could almost be said to be dancing, one pinpoint strike into another and another and another all while weaving in between the claws of the wolfman. The Cloaked figure seems to be gaining the upper hand as the Wolfman’s stamina seems to flag, until a hieroglyph of an eye appears and shoots a beam of energy at the Cloaked figure. The Figure frantically dives out of the way, the beam burning a large hole in the cloak but otherwise missing. However this is the opportunity the Wolfman needs as he throws a devastating punch straight into the Figure’s head. For a moment the Figure resists the force before with a visible snap it’s neck breaks and it crumples to the ground. The Wolfman sags with relief for a moment before walking up to the corpse and tearing of its cloak. A look of shock crosses his face as the film freeze frames as it pans down to the corpse. Only to reveal a fully articulated porcelain doll with its face broken and neck wrenched out of its socket. The camera pans back up and behind the Wolfman as it focuses on a black dot in the sky. Time resumes and the Wolfman frantically looks around. The black dot grows larger and larger with frightening speed. Finally the Wolfman snaps his attention to the dot, but far too late. The dot blurs as it comes down upon him at terminal velocity and slams into him. The earth craters and dust fills the air. It clears to reveal the True Danzo, clad in black short robes that cover intricate black light metal armor. Skin tight elbow length black gloves with metal tips on the finger tips and knuckles. Soft leather boots with metal reinforcements.Finally a white Hannya mask with long black hair tied into a high ponytail. Danzo’s semis buried up to the elbow in the Wolfman’s chest, with a violent tug the arm is wrenched free with the heart clenched in hand. The Wolfman lies dead. Danzo slowly turns to the Pharaoh and draws a short sword from his back. The Pharaoh seems to panic and fires several hieroglyph spells all at once. Danzo’s form blurs and the distance between the two disappears. With a quick flourish, the Pharaoh’s head is removed, and Danzo turns to the other raging battle.
The vampire is not faring well, he seems to have accumulated more wounds and seems to have and managed to barely hold them at bay, not so much as an injury on either opponent. Though he seems to be at a severe disadvantage anyway so the fact that he’s even still alive is impressive. Catching both decending holy swords on his now crumbling short swords. The Vampire is forced to his knees. The Paladin then takes his sword in both hands to end the Vampire, only for Danzo to join the fray with several thrown iron rods. Giving the Vampire enough time to roll out of the way. Now apparently an even fight the clashes last for quite awhile before the final desperate move. Once again on the backfoot the Vampire makes a desperate move and launches toward the Woman, his teeth sharpening as he goes in for the kill. The Paladin however won’t allow this to happen and swings his sword intent ending to cleave the creature in two. However Danzo jumps in the way and catches the brunt of it, losing an arm and the majority of a shoulder, slumping to the ground. The sword however still found purchase on the Vampire, though only removing his legs at the knees rather than straight through his torso. This however is not enough to save the Woman as the Vampire rips out her throat, ignoring the immense pain the holy sword likely caused him. Not losing any time the Paladin rushes the vampire only to freeze as metal wires wrap around his limbs. Danzo’s quickly fading form holding him in place. The vampire propels himself of the ground and grabs hold of the Paladin’s arm and with great forces shoving the sword into the Paladins’s chest. Everyone drops to the ground, the Paladin and Danzo unmoving as the Vampire drags himself to the circle. For the first time Subtitles appears. Save her..
The scene slowly fades to black.
Jun 13, 2022 1:00 am
As the picture fades to black, Louis frowns and turns to look at the ‘her’ in question, wondering what the kid makes of all this.


Insight - (1d20+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Jun 13, 2022 6:57 am
As in unison with Chariot, Gharn turns towards the little girl, trying to see if she can get something from her reaction. Deep inside, he hoped that she would somehow communicate with them and clear some things out.


Insight - (1d20+2)

(19) + 2 = 21

Jun 13, 2022 7:10 am
Chariot: She has that vacant look on her face again, perhaps the movie’s bored her.

Inquisitor: After finally breaking through the emotional barrier that was erected due to the awful experimentation that was conducted upon her, the walls seem to be up once again in full force. Now naturally there can only be a few reasons for this. It can’t be the killing of the maiming, she witnessed the fight with the Famished and Danzig and was relatively emotional afterwards. You doubt it was the philosophy or historical significance of any of the events. So really only one thing could cause such a reaction. Zolgen, the man responsible for her trauma ( as well as the silence rune engraved upon her tongue) likely was on of the men in the films. You can’t be certain which as you weren’t really paying attention to when she reacted, but you can assume he’s dead as the Winner was the Vampire: Gareth Knightengale.
Jun 13, 2022 7:32 pm
Gharn looks deep into the girl's eyes and walks up to her; he pats on her head and simply says: "Worry not wee lass, we'll keep you safe for as long as we survive this place. Maybe we can undo what that monster did to you as well."

He turns to the others;
"Did you make anything more out of these film reels? Besides the fact that this is getting weirder and weirder that is."

He looks at the pile of film reels on the table, the projector and his gleaming new arm in sequence and sighed;

"Ready to move out?"
Jun 13, 2022 10:23 pm
Banshee feels confused. "Who was the girl in the film? I don't understand."
Jun 14, 2022 1:22 am
"It was just another version of what Wishmaker already told us," explains Louis as he gets to his feet. "The woman was probably Justine. The vampire was Gareth Knightengale and the wish he made at the end was the one that created this place." He nods to Inquisitor. "Ready to go."
Jun 14, 2022 2:27 am
Faux gathers up the child, still looking vacant for the moment, and follows Inquisitor and Chariot back out into the hall. Five doors remain to be opened. The one at the very end of the hall to the north the doors on the walls on either side of it, the door directly in front of the group to the north and the remaining door at the junction.
Jun 14, 2022 3:06 am
Feeling restless and impatient from sitting down for so long, Louis trots up to the door directly across from the room they just left and opens it.
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