Manor of Origin (REDUX)

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Jun 14, 2022 9:09 pm
As if sensing Chariot’s excess energy, the door opens to a weight room. Not just an exercise room with a couple dumbbells, a pull-up bar and other simple fitness things. The room looks like it was made to cater to multiple bodybuilders. A bench with absurdly large weights, chains that look like they came off ship anchors. Other such things liter the room along with the ever present ashy spider corpses.
Jun 15, 2022 1:21 am
Louis quickly checks the room for anything of note or interest... before turning back to the others with a shrug. "Just some weights and stuff. Onto the next one?"
Last edited June 15, 2022 1:22 am


Perception - (1d20+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Jun 15, 2022 7:53 am
Gharn takes a quick investigative look at the room.
"Give me a second Chariot. Just need to make sure we're not missing anything. It's not uncommon for first impressions to be deceiving."
Last edited June 15, 2022 7:54 am


Investigation - (1d20+4)

(13) + 4 = 17

Jun 15, 2022 5:31 pm
Whoever this room was setup for was definitely not a normal dude. The bar at the bench is currently for 700lbs and the other weights scattered about the room are equally ridiculous. Hopefully you never run into whatever was using this room.
However wedged under one of the benches to even it out (a horrible idea given the amount of weight being lifted) are two books.
The Mystic Art of Rebreathing
Tremor Sense: Beginner
Jun 15, 2022 11:19 pm
Banshee waits for the others to explore the wait room, and keeps an eye on the hallway. She looks forward and then back, finally leaning against a wall so she doesn't have to spin in place.
Jun 17, 2022 3:36 am
"Look like there was something worth our attention after all."
Gharn skims through the books; bit appears to be having trouble concentrating.

"Chariot, Banshee, would you take a look at these?"
Last edited June 18, 2022 5:08 am


Investigation - (1d20+4)

(2) + 4 = 6

Jun 17, 2022 3:43 am
These books appear to be training manuals of sorts.
The first appears to be a technique to use magic to increase the amount of time one can hold their breath, though for how long was unclear in the quick glance Inquistor took. It looks quite complex and might take awhile to read and comprehend.

The second is a technique utilizing a magic enhanced stomp to preform a type of echolocation through the earth. Though at this level it just appears to be the fundamentals and ground work for the more useful technique so its usefulness is unclear. It is, like the first very complex and might take awhile to comprehend.
Jun 18, 2022 6:14 am
Curious, Louis takes one of the books from Inquisitor and flips through a few pages…


Investigation - (1d20+0)

(18) = 18

Jun 18, 2022 3:42 pm
Banshee will examine the magical tome.


Arcana - (1d20+2)

(18) + 2 = 20

Jun 18, 2022 4:20 pm
Chariot: If the preamble is to be believed, The Mystic Art of Rebreathing is a technique developed by alchemists to safely work with more poisonous and vaporous materials without fear. By magically reinforcing the lungs, and with a bit of a unique breathing excerise, one can learn to hold their breath for a maximum of 30 minutes with minimal movement, 20 with light activity such as walking, crafting or otherwise, and 10 minutes of rigorous activity such as running or even fighting. Given the thickness and the reference to benchmarks, this book will probably take 8 hours of reading and practice to utilize.

Banshee: Tremor Sense: Beginner seems to be the ground work for a greater technique. At this level it seems to send magically enhanced sound waves through the earth to give a picture of 30 feet around the user. It only works with things touching the ground but otherwise can be used to detect hidden things, such as hidden passages. It is very loud though.
It’s complex and due to its thickness looks like it’d take about 8 hours to read and utilize.
Jun 19, 2022 1:04 am
Louis relays this information to Inquisitor as he hands back the book. "Seems useful, I suppose. Obviously, we don’t have time to read it right now, but we should keep it for later."
Jun 19, 2022 11:21 am
"I guess we can have a more thorough look and even study them when we find a resting spot."

After his findings, Gharn's spirits are now in a better state.

"Unless someone is feeling like weight lifting, I'd suggest we move on."
Jun 19, 2022 2:36 pm
Banshee closes the book she was examining, and says, "This claims to produce magical effects, albeit minor ones and at some cost. I'll read it more thoroughly later." She knows this group have fallen to their own greed for power several times, and does not trust that the promise of more magic will not lead to more bloodshed.
Jun 19, 2022 3:14 pm
"Sounds good. Let’s go see what’s behind door number three, shall we?"

Louis leads the way to the next door (the one at the intersection of the two corridors) and carefully opens it.
Last edited June 19, 2022 3:19 pm
Jun 19, 2022 4:01 pm
Inside is a relatively small tile floor room with an absurdly large bathtub. Large enough to fit several people or just Chariot. Surprisingly no spider corpses are to be found. A small cabinet in the corner is filled with scented soaps and towels ( not burned in any way).
Jun 19, 2022 10:52 pm
Out of curiosity, Louis walks up to the bathtub and tries turning on a tap to see if there’s running water in this place.
Jun 20, 2022 4:51 am
The tap does indeed produce water, it even appears to be hot, though where the water comes from in a pocket dimension is a mystery.
Jun 20, 2022 6:55 am
Gharn looks at the tub and the running water;
"God knows I could use a bath! Maybe later we can come back? A bath can do wonders with relieving stress."
He gives their little companion a quick glance.
"Maybe later."
Jun 20, 2022 10:55 am
Enticed by the promise of a hot bath, Louis quickly agrees with Inquisitor’s suggestion that they come back here later. "We’ve only got three rooms left to check in this section of the house. Let’s finish up with the remaining rooms and then we can come back here for a well-deserved break, yeah?"
Last edited June 21, 2022 12:21 pm
Jun 21, 2022 3:59 am
Faux looks at his disheveled clothes, grime covered hands and messy hair with disdain.
"A much overdue break, Prestidigitation can only do so much. Perhaps we should grab a wash basin from the laundry room as well, clean everything all at once. Stop smelling like soot and blood for a bit."
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