Manor of Origin (REDUX)

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Aug 29, 2022 3:30 pm
Rested, as much as she allowed herself to rest, but feeling refreshed from being not covered in gore for a little while, Banshee prepares her mind for more horrors. "Right. No sense letting them prepare longer in their ongoing project to tear us to pieces." Who "them" refers to she does not elaborate, for she does not know. Only a vague sense that the Wishmaster isn't the only puppetmaster.
Aug 30, 2022 10:25 pm
Without any further commentary, Faux scoops up Andromeda. She yawns and runs her eyes, clearly still trying to wake up.
The group gathers at the stone door with three orb like hollows that still say I vote for spiders.
Aug 30, 2022 11:59 pm
Louis pulls the purple keystone out of his pack and presses it into one of the hollows in the door to see if it fits.
Aug 31, 2022 12:26 am
The orb slots in perfectly, and begins to pulse softly.
As the other orbs are added the pulsing intensifies until the door vanishes and the orbs drop to the floor.
Aug 31, 2022 1:06 pm
Louis retrieves the keystones before they can roll away, tucking the purple one back into his pack and tossing the other two back to Inquisitor and Faux before heading upstairs.
Aug 31, 2022 10:25 pm
As Chariot made his way up the stairs, the aesthetics begin to shift. It’s almost seamless, how the stairs shift from splintered wood to carved marble, the peeling wallpaper melting into Greek mosaics.
At the top of the stairs is an imposing stone door with a message slashed into it roughly. "Stay out"
Sep 1, 2022 1:09 am
"Looks like we can expect a warm welcome," Louis sarcastically remarks once the others join him at the top of the stairs. He gives the stone door an experimental push to see if it opens.
Last edited September 1, 2022 4:46 am
Sep 1, 2022 4:25 pm
The door swings open revealing a hallway with the same level of Ancient Greek decadence of the stair way. Everything’s made of carved marble, and the light fixtures have been replaced with flaming braziers. The stairs have brought you around to be facing east. Halfway down the hall is a branch leading south. At the end of the hall is a door and a branch leading to the north. Most importantly, there are two stone mannequins dressed in two different styles of armor and equipment directly in front of the door.
One is dressed in relatively modern clothes. Black form fitting cargo pants with ornate leather holsters engraved with silver. Only one has a gun in it. A tight black muscle shirt? It seems a bit thick but there’s nothing else that you know of that fits the description. And a red mantle wrapped around its shoulders.
The other is dressed in a bronze breastplate, studded kilt with a red cape. Both lack a head.
Carved roughly into the ground is another message.Last Warning.
Sep 1, 2022 6:07 pm
Gharn moves to the front, past Chariot; he simultaneously takes out his sword and deploys his shield, which glows with a faint yellow light.

"I don't get it. It's all Greek to me. Also, it seems that Lord Elgin missed a few stuff."
He dead-panned, catching everyone off-guard. Without waiting for his companions's reactions, Gharn went for the door.
Forgot to mention that Gharn did his weapon bonding ritual during his lookout duty. He's readying his shield spell just in case.
Last edited September 1, 2022 6:16 pm
Sep 2, 2022 2:44 am
Louis rolls his eyes at Inquisitor’s joke but gladly lets the half-orc take the lead. Worried by the headless stone statues flanking the door ahead, he draws Eris and cautiously follows Inquisitor at a distance.
Last edited September 2, 2022 2:45 am
Sep 2, 2022 2:10 pm
"Greek, huh?" She shakes her head. The Greeks are shady people and not to be trusted.
Couldn't help it, haha.
She steps beside Inquisitor, brandishing her warhammer. "Ready to see if those statues are waiting to ambush us?"
Sep 2, 2022 3:05 pm
Faux follows the group down the hall but says nothing. With Andromeda in one arm, and a hand crackling with magical energy on the other, he scans his surroundings for danger.
The branch leading south has a door leading west not to far down it, and and with another branch leading west.
As the group gathers at the door Inquisitor is about to kick in, they note the hallway to the north is rather short. It ends with a window with two doors on the eastern and western wall.
After skirting around the eerie headless statues, the crew readies up and Inquisitor knocks the door in. What greets them is a highly disturbing sight.
It’s a medium sized room, complete with the decor of the rest of the area. It’s filled to the brim with stone statues dressed in different styles of clothing and armor. All in various poses, from shrinking terror to mid sword swing. All in various states of integrity, completely whole, missing limbs, rubble fragments.
At the foot of the door way is another message. "Join the Collection"
Sep 3, 2022 10:53 am
Louis falls behind as the group enters the room ahead, distracted by the headless stone gunslinger next to the door. He initially stops to take a look at the statue’s gun, but then bends down to get a closer look at the leather holsters, comparing their ornate silver engravings to the silver vines and roses that decorate Eris.


Investigation on the gun and holsters - (1d20+0)

(18) = 18

Sep 4, 2022 4:04 am
Chariot had a sinking suspicion about the identity of this statue, which were only confirmed upon closer inspection of its equipment. The gun belt and holsters are made of high quality black leather, with vine and rose designs sewn in with silver thread. Hidden on the small of his back is another holster, it’s also empty but has the same design.
The gun is every bit as impressive as Eris. It’s an absurdly large single-action revolver made of dark iron engraved with silver vines and roses. On the grip made of dark polished walnut is a painting of a smiling child with silver hair. The name Ayla is etched into the grip in elegant cursive lettering. It has a five round cylinder once again modified to take rifle rounds, and once again lacks any ammunition.
Sep 4, 2022 6:07 am
"It’s a shame you’re dead. I’d have liked to meet you," Louis tells the statue. "…Then again, maybe it’s for the best. I’d have been extremely reluctant to give Eris back." He takes the statue’s gun belt and buckles it around his own waist, stowing the fancy new revolver in one holster and Eris in the other. "I’ll take good care of them," he promises. With a parting nod of respect, he trots off to re-join the rest of the party in the other room.
Sep 4, 2022 11:20 pm
Faux grimaces as he gazes upon the large collection of statues. People frozen in their last moments.
"Greek decorations, people turned into statues, the Wishmaker’s overwhelming tendency to subject us to a he most horrendous things."
He looked at everyone in the group.
"Is there any chance it’s not actually _______"
As the name fails to be uttered, Faux slams his free hand into his face. Dammit.
Sep 5, 2022 12:05 am
Following the same train of thought (probably), Louis is staring fixedly at the message carved into the floor to avoid looking around the room. "Medusa?" he guesses, to see if the name vanishes like it did for Faux. "Isn’t she supposed to be, y’know… dead? Beheaded by Perseus and all that?"
Sep 5, 2022 2:13 am
The name fails to leave Chariot’s mouth.
"Like Archie was supposed to be dead?"
He said raising an eyebrow at Chariot.
"I don’t think the Wishmaker cares much about what’s supposed to be. So as it stands it looks like it plucked one of the big bads right outta mythology."
Sep 5, 2022 2:33 am
She looks at them. "What? Isn't she the one with snake hair, turns people to..." she looks around, catching on. "This Persies fellow, what do we know about him? How did he fight her?" She'd heard the legend once, but the Romani have enough of their own legends to care too much about ancient Greek stories.
Sep 6, 2022 12:33 am
Louis frowns, trying to remember the story. "He used a mirror, I think. Or a polished shield. Whatever you do, just don’t look at her directly. Close your eyes if you have to or look at the ground instead or something."
Last edited September 7, 2022 2:36 am
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