TrailHead says:
... my first PBP game so I don’t know what pace is typical ...
This seems pretty typical. It fluctuates based on player availability. The more players there are the more it has to fluctuate since there are more chances for someone to get slowed.
The types of situations can make a big difference to the pace. I was encouraged by the fast pace and subsequently laid out a complex interconnected scenario, which stumbled with the suddenly slowed pace (and the slowed pace may be the result of the complex scenario which gave the players pause:).
TrailHead says:
... posted that my character continued to do what he had been doing ...
There is huge benefit to such posts. It lets us know that the player is still engaged, it prompts us to move things along, and it shows that the situation is still the way we last saw it (that the player had not meant that to be a fleeting description).
I really like seeing such aspects of the characters. They are not 'big damn heroes' and this sort of panicked reaction would happen. The downside of such things that you end up stuck till another character can come to get you out (it is less cool to just get over it and move on to doing something else, but sometimes that has to happen).
TrailHead says:
... wasn’t clear how much time had elapsed in game ...
Sorry about that. Yeah, I had intended for almost no time to have passed. It was not
meant to be flailing there on the ground, but things slowed and conversations happened...
Maybe we can assume that time is contracted and concentrated by the events and it has been moments that
felt like a waking nightmare? And that the talking was meant to convey these complex ideas, but was fast and efficient as befits a fight.
TrailHead says:
... felt like I had to post
something ...
Yes. Thanks, that was needed and works well.