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Sep 14, 2021 10:55 am
theatreofcomets says:
... also said I was 'a natural GM' ... accepted rather than telling her how hard I'd worked at it.)
Natural GMs work hard at it. :)
And good for you.
Oct 8, 2021 6:20 am
Am running my first game of Dungeon World tonight, which I'm looking forward to but unfortunately haven't slept well so I'm pretty tired. It's a one-shot for some friends from the climate movement, one of whom ran a one-shot of 5e for us about a month ago. Two of them have played a lot of D&D, one played a little in college, and for one that's his only TTRPG experience so far. Everyone's excited to try DW, which is nice!

They've decided they'll be a Paladin, Druid, Ranger (with an owl) and a Wizard. I have a few ideas but will build everything out of questions to the characters, partly because I enjoy that approach, partly because it'll help display what's different about DW.

We'll be playing over Roll20, which I tested last night with one of them and seems to work fine.

I'll let you know how it goes!
Oct 8, 2021 6:39 am
theatreofcomets says:
... running my first game of Dungeon World tonight ... for some friends from the climate movement ...

'Climate movementers' may also find Hack the Planet interesting, it is sort eco-punk cyberpunk (FitD). I have not played it, but it is on my list of games to read.
theatreofcomets says:
... they'll be a Paladin, Druid, ...
Tricky mix for a oneshot, but I have confidence you will make it work. It is a oneshot, so consequences be damned. :)
theatreofcomets says:
... build everything out of questions to the characters, partly because I enjoy that approach, partly because it'll help display what's different about DW.
And partially because it is the rules? :)
theatreofcomets says:
We'll be playing over Roll20, which I tested last night with one of them and seems to work fine.
I have had problems with Roll20's voice and video in the past, if it works it is very easy, but if it does not (which becomes increasingly likely the more players you have), it is almost impossible to diagnose. It has been a while, so they may have improved things, and they apparently improved the diagnostic abilities (not that that helps in a oneshot), but I recommend having another solution available for if it is needed. Discord and Zoom are popular for use with Roll20 and its ilk (I tend to prefer simpler solutions like owlbear rodeo these days, and hope they don't add too many new features).
Oct 8, 2021 6:51 am
Yeah if the video and voice cause problems we'll use Zoom for that - I have a work account and everyone's familiar with it.

Can you say more about what makes that mix of classes tricky for a one-shot? Keen to keep my eye out for things like that.
Oct 8, 2021 7:11 am
theatreofcomets says:
Can you say more about what makes that mix of classes tricky for a one-shot? Keen to keep my eye out for things like that.
Ranger is easy. No problems there. Just remember that the pet is an item not an NPC, so they don't have HP or take damage or anything... at least, not any more than the rangers bow does (GM Move: Take Away their Stuff).
Wizard is also easy. But Wiz can be disappointing at lower levels, they are kinda old-school and quadratic in power. The thing that makes the early Wiz fun is the Ritual Move, but that can get overlooked or mishandled if a 'it's going to take time' condition is applied to it when time does not exist. So don't do that, turn that Move into a quest if you can, but oneshots make that hard unless you work it in form the get-go.
Druid, as you saw in our sample game, can get complicated with the Shapeshift Move, make sure you understand it and have a plan before you start playing else it can get complicated. It is the Druid's big thing, so, especially in a oneshot where the consequences don't matter, give them lots of rope.
The Paladin's quest needs to be tied into what is happening during the oneshot, else it is a bit pointless, but don't let it overshadow what is happening, or worse, solve it. There is very little time to enforce the vows or requirements in a oneshot, so balance that with the amount of power they get from it.

Be wary of the 'Invulnerability', it is popular (though boring) and can go wrong in a few ways:
Either it is too powerful (they picked fire and the whole oneshot mission is about fighting fire elementals), or too weak (they picked fire and the whole oneshot mission is about fighting zombies). If they pick invulnerability make sure they get to use it at key times, but not too much.

I really like going for the more interesting ones, if I must go Invulnerability I like to chose 'enchantment' or 'drowning' or something like that and then try to find a way to use it (drowning the player can make happen, enchantment the GM has to give them and work into the story).
Oct 8, 2021 7:23 am
These are all good points, and one of the reasons I asked them to pick classes before the game, so I could solve for some of these things. The way I am planning to handle it is:
- we'll starting a scene or two away from the end of the Paladin's quest
- the object of the quest will be too difficult without a Ritual, and we'll be opening the action as they approach a place of power. The ritual will also probably require things only the other characters can supply
- there'll be trouble getting to the place of power: perhaps rivals who want to perform a ritual with the opposite effect, or monsters, but in any case obstacles
- the Druid I have spent a bunch of time reading about how to handle the Shapeshifter move, after seeing the risks here
- the Ranger is necessary to get them to the place of power, but it's also too forbidding a place for them to have reached alone
- if the Paladin picks invulnerability to something, I will make sure there are threats which aren't captured by it

Anyway that is my plan, I'll see if I can pull it off!
Oct 8, 2021 7:24 am
(And the place of power will be somehow tied to whoever we work out the antagonist is)
Oct 8, 2021 7:32 am
Excellent. They are easy enough to overcome with a little forethought (which you seem to have done) or with practice.
theatreofcomets says:
- if the Paladin picks invulnerability to something, I will make sure there are threats which aren't captured by it
And some that are, as well, of course.
If their picks seems like it may turn out boring, talk to the player, tell them why and discuss other options.
theatreofcomets says:
(And the place of power will be somehow tied to whoever we work out the antagonist is)
Doing a ritual on the enemies place of power can be a dastardly move. I like.

I often let the player define what a 'place of power' is, and also how to set one up. The Advanced Advanced Move seems to imply they can not make their own, but that just gives them guarantees instead of needing to convince the GM each time.

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