The Flood: Character Creation


Sep 13, 2021 11:21 pm
I don’t know if it’s more convenient to do things on a separate thread. A fresh start! I’ll make it anyway!

Flood characters! You can take two extra advancements to account for your experience in the first two modules!


Sep 14, 2021 5:03 am
1: Choose your type.
Hacker, Jock, Lone Wolf, Motorhead, Party Animal, Raver, Rocker, Seeker, Snob, Street Kid.

2: Decide your age, from 14-19.
I expect we will give a gap of at least five years, to get you all up in ages a bit. We can squint if things get to funky!

3: Distribute 14 points between your four attributes. 1-5 points each.
I think we can add an extra 2 points here to account for earlier levels!

4: Distribute 10 points to skills. You may take up to level three in the three skills for your Type. For everything else, 1 is the starting maximum.

5: Pick an iconic item.

6: Pick a problem, drive and shame.

7: Define your relationship to the others in the group.

8: Descibe your relationship with one or two NPCs.

9: Choose an anchor.
Sep 14, 2021 6:29 am
I submitted my character now. I put the two extra points into skills (going beyond the 1 max limitation with those raises).

I'm a Seeker now

bowlofspinach sent a note to KCC
Last edited September 14, 2021 6:29 am
Sep 14, 2021 7:05 am
Hmmm. Anyone else thinking Lone Wolf? Most of the others don't seem to fit Em super-well, though I could probably work with Hacker...
Sep 14, 2021 12:52 pm
Georgie is going to become a Party Animal -- I can't unsee that.
Sep 14, 2021 12:57 pm
I'm not sure about Andy yet. If people have suggestions....


Sep 14, 2021 1:16 pm
Some kids, despite everything, manage to stay the course and don’t change too much. If you’re not opposed to Jock again.
Sep 14, 2021 1:31 pm
You know what? I like that idea and he was so into being a jock. Thanks KCC!
Sep 14, 2021 3:36 pm
I find your lack of imagination disturbing... But it's a solid idea which I might as well follow myself. Gotsa get that book. xD
Sep 14, 2021 3:45 pm
Haha ... but here's the thing about that. It's soooo Andy. And he's really good at soccer...why change him, right?
Sep 15, 2021 7:09 pm
What is our age gap going to be so we all age the same number of years? 5 years or more? As far as relationships go, Andy stayed home and played soccer for his college so he might have retained friendships of those that stayed in the area.
Last edited September 15, 2021 7:11 pm
Sep 15, 2021 7:20 pm
7 years, I believe
Sep 15, 2021 7:20 pm
Mikey left town and would be returning just now
Sep 15, 2021 7:27 pm
Ok, thanks. Andy stayed home because the whole incident freaked him out and he swore he'd never leave again. He would be getting ready to start college then at 17 and got a soccer scholarship.
Sep 15, 2021 7:46 pm
Here he is. 17, school hero with the associated trappings. He just needs relationships from anyone that stayed home or in the vicinity.
Radiohead Fake Plastic Trees for fav song which displaced the Miami Vice theme song.
Last edited September 15, 2021 7:50 pm
Sep 16, 2021 6:04 am
7 years later -- from the start of the last game? I had Em age a year from adventure 1 to 2. I think she went from 11 to 12. Sound right? So she's 18 now, or 19? We'll all be out of school, yeah? Attending colleges, working jobs?

Considered Lone Wolf, looked at Raver... but Em's a Hacker now.
Sep 16, 2021 6:32 am
Probably closer to the age of ep2. We might still be in school at 18/19. Might depend on whether that's relevant for the adventure

Raver Em would be great as well 😄
Sep 16, 2021 6:51 am
Closer to the age of Ep2? Aroo?

In the US, you are definitely done with high school by the time you're 19 unless you've been held back.
[ +- ] Ahem
What's everyone else going with?

And yeah, it was either lose herself in the exploding world of the Internet (BBSes, Gopher, MUDs and USENET!), or lose herself in drugs. I think I'll have had her stick around so she doesn't steal any of Mikey's coming back to town thunder.
Sep 16, 2021 7:17 am
Feel free to steal thunder if you want 😄 Maybe we even moved to a similar area and stayed in contact a bit more away from the others.

I might have gotten held back. Whatever works best for the plot.
Here, I'd say most people have finished school by the time they're 19 but not all. But maybe my perspective is skewed becaus I graduated with a bunch of people who were into their 20s even.


Sep 16, 2021 7:39 am
Mmmm… I’ve been reading up on an adventure or two and they don’t really require the school to work. So whatever suits you all!
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