game has been setup. We'll be running something along the lines of taking on a criminal underworld. No particular emphasis on rap or song, but please do make that part of your character if you wish! We will be fleshing out the exact setting, group cohesion, and mission during character creation in the game forums.
Character Creation
The drill is pretty straight forward - name, what makes you a snowflake, 3 things you ROCK at and 3 things you SUCK at.
You will be taking on a criminal underworld somehow. Exactly what yet, I don't know. I want to see your character ideas and will build off of that.
Your group may be criminals themselves, part of the law enforcement, siblings just trying to set things right, geriatric retirees out to make a name for themselves before they go, or whatever.
The mission may be to steal something of very high value, to take down the dirtbags, to avenge your poor mother, to prove even the toughest vault isn't safe, or whatever.
Last edited September 21, 2021 8:14 am