Chapter 4: Adventures in Blingdenstone

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Nov 2, 2016 9:53 am
Mai'ngor grits his teeth and rises shakily, giving Xaliss a nod of thanks. "I'll be fine. We mustn't let the Pudding King get away."
13hp now. Thanks!
Nov 2, 2016 1:34 pm
"While I worry about surviving it, with a little bit of preparation and maybe a distraction, I think I may be able to land a quick, if not fatal blow quickly," Soliin says, obviously shivering a bit at the thought. "I haven't had much use for my newly found magical abilities, but they could come in handy here, given our final foe is significantly more humanoid than these oozes... I hope..."
Nov 2, 2016 1:54 pm
"I doubt he will be alone. I suspect he will have more of these things waiting for us."
Nov 2, 2016 3:32 pm
Hunter nods. "Let us continue the pursuit. I think having Earthy here take on the Pudding King's oozes should give the rest of you time to attack the King himself. I will support as best I can where needed."
Nov 3, 2016 5:03 pm
How are you going to approach the battle? What marching order? and where do you want Earthy positioned?
Nov 3, 2016 5:17 pm
I'm thinking that we follow this tunnel in pursuit of the Pudding King, Earthy would lead the way with Elfog and Mai'ngor at its flank, followed by Hunter, Soliin, Xeliss. I assume Sarith didn't join us for this fight?

However, I'm also concerned that these oozes are waiting for us to pass before literally dropping on us like they just did. So I'm totally open to an alternate idea!
Nov 3, 2016 6:24 pm
I'll switch to direwolf form and stay toward the front. Who's with me?
Nov 3, 2016 6:31 pm
Earthy could "walk" the tunnel roof, couldn't he?
Nov 3, 2016 6:33 pm
Jabes.plays.RPG says:
Earthy could "walk" the tunnel roof, couldn't he?
Yes, I suppose he could
Nov 3, 2016 10:09 pm
Elfog will definitely stay up front with 'Earthy'.
Nov 4, 2016 11:13 am
I'll stay back. If I roll a stealth, I won't know how "well" I've done until someone tries to spot me, right?
Nov 4, 2016 9:37 pm
Keleth says:
I'll stay back. If I roll a stealth, I won't know how "well" I've done until someone tries to spot me, right?
Well, you roll vs their passive perception. You won't know for sure that you've succeeded, but you'll have a pretty good idea of how well you've done
Nov 4, 2016 9:38 pm
So, what I have so far is Earthy in the ceiling, Mai'ngor, Elfog, and Xeliss (Dire Wolf form) up front, Soliin and Hunter behind?
Nov 4, 2016 9:49 pm
Sounds about right to me.
Nov 7, 2016 12:26 am
Hunter nods, sending the earth elemental to cover them from above.
Nov 7, 2016 4:59 pm
You follow the long and winding hallway, where you encounter a few more oozes that are easily dispatched. As you round one corner you come to the Pudding King's chamber. Phosphorescent lichen illuminates this cave, the floor of which is covered in pools of green slime. More green slime clings to the ceiling and forms hideous drapes along the walls. In the middle of the cave, facing east, is a slime covered throne.

The Pudding King cowers behind his slime-covered throne and chortles in his joy. "Callooh! Callay! Now you can join the party!" he cackles. "You can be one with the Faceless Lord. Just let yourselves be eaten and disgorged!"

Battle Map
He will go first, being ready for your arrival. His form is slightly blurred by some sort of spell. All attacks against him will be at disadvantage.
Nov 7, 2016 5:23 pm
The Pudding King chants a quick spell and as he finishes, Elfog feels a wave of filthy magic wash over him, sapping his strength. At the same time, a glob of green slime falls from the ceiling to land on Mai'ngor.
Elfog, make a Con save (DC 14). If you pass, you take half damage!

Mai'ngor, roll a Dex save (DC 10). If you succeed, you take no damage from the slime.

Your turn!


Blight (Con DC 14) - (9d8)

(242521233) = 24

Green Slime (DC 10) - (1d10)

(9) = 9

Nov 7, 2016 5:28 pm
Dexterity save


Dexterity save - (1d20+4)

(15) + 4 = 19

Nov 7, 2016 5:35 pm
Wow... that Blight roll was atrocious!
Battle Map
Nov 7, 2016 5:40 pm
As the slime drops from the cavern ceiling Mai’ngor leaps cleanly out of the way. The tikbalang quickly makes for the throne, putting some distance between himself and the slime. He draws both blades and breathes a prayer to his ancestral wind gods, entreating them to grant him unnatural swiftness.
*Bonus action: War Dance
*Action: Dash
*Action Surge: Sinag attack!
*Casting Longstrider
Last edited November 7, 2016 6:12 pm


Sinag attack, two-handed damage - (1d20+9, 1d10+8)

1d20+9 : (9) + 9 = 18

1d10+8 : (1) + 8 = 9

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