Sep 28, 2021 5:58 am
Hello, Gamersplane gamers. I originally pitched a few ideas for a short-form game a few months back and got some interest, so here I am recruiting for the real deal. This is for Diogo Nogueira's The Dead Are Coming, one of the games in his recent trilogy of Into the Odd-powered zine-games.
So what's this game about? Read on to find out.
Concept: A nouveau-OSR Zombie Apocalypse Survival Game. Play a desperate survivor in a post-apocalyptic world where zombies are a real thing that won't stop until they devour your flesh. Secure a refuge, stock it with food, water, and other resources... try to keep other survivors from taking it from you. Expect combat, resource management, tense exploration, and lots of juicy roleplaying scenes.
Aim: Play a fairly short arc with randomly generated survivors. 2-5 players will help me learn and test-drive the system and see if we dig it.
Tone: Dark, gritty, scary. Some dark humor, but generally serious and full of difficult choices.
Subject Matter: Mature themes aplenty. Terror and violence and gore; all the usual nastiness. Zombies being terrible to humans, humans being terrible to zombies, humans being terrible to humans. Foul language, adult situations. Hard R rating.
Touchstones: Dawn of the Dead, 28 Days Later, The Girl With All the Gifts, Train to Busan, World War Z.
System: d20 roll-under, based on Chris McDowall's brilliant Into the Odd, a fast-playing, rules-light OSR system that emphasizes smart play from the players, and streamlined but deadly combat. You don't need to know it or own it (I'll teach it), but I high recommend both games.
Safety Tools: X-Card, Lines & Veils
Game Duration: A Few Months
Ideal Post Rate: Once per Day
Inclusivity: This game is explicitly friendly to LGBT and any other minorities or marginalized groups.
Note that I don't have the game up yet, and recruitment-wise it won't be first come first serve. If you're interested, please express that here in this thread, let us know why, and what you're hoping to get from the game. Depending on interest, I'm looking to move pretty quickly, potentially firing up the game and character generation on the weekend.
Last edited October 3, 2021 4:01 pm