I just got 7th sea second edition!

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May 31, 2016 2:19 am
darthoingoboingo says:
ok, so I am loving the setting and I actually like the way the dice system works out. the GM sets the scene, the players roll their dice pool according to how they want to approach the situation (melee, sneaky, charming) and gerate a number of raises that they can then use to change aspects of the scene. seems really creative to me.

the only drawback I'm seeing so far is that it seems as if players have a LOT of upkeep on their characters. they get to write their own story, tracking virtue and hubris, etc. some of this may work well in pbp, some of it may bog down the game.

no character sheet, keleth, sorry.

I'm fully expecting the finished product to have a whole lot of changes. it would be impossible to run a 7th sea game right now with what we have. does anyone even know what kind of dice this game uses?
Don't forget about the Fate Witch. Making sets with your die was interesting in the playtest plus GM buying raises off you.

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