Oct 4, 2021 11:03 pm
So I put my character in the pregen WOD sheet up here , forgetting that it was NWOD not OWOD...
But I should have all the numbers adjusted later today then you can look it over Bedzonell.
But I have an idea for my chatacter.
Jack Neon ( yes Neon is a real last name) was a career security guard before his emergence. He worked his way up positions, and ended up working the door at a high end hotel, Lavender Throne. Unfortinately this hotel was one of the fronts for a criminal ring, and was actually as much a safehouse and money laundering as a hotel as a legitimate hotel. Plus this one was run by a Nova known as Gloam, a shadowmancer of some considerable power (both as a Nova and criminal).
Then Jack Nova erupted one day when he was shot. When he was shot and knocked back (through the lobby fishtank), but not killed. In fact once the ringing in his eaes cleared he found he was surprisibgly ok, aching for sure, but surprisingly ok. He lept up, and charged he gunman who had shot him. A crumpled form hit pillar a dozen feet away a momet later and broke against it.
Jack was later told it wasan attempted robbery by a disgruntled ex-employee, which wasn't entierly inaccurate if you ignore the criminal elemnets, the underground deal Gloam had made a week before that cut oneof theit 'business partners' out of the market.
What Jack did know is he had been requested to be one of Mrs. Caroline Withers' (who, as it happens, is the owner of the Lavender Throne) bodyguard. (It's always good to have someone who can get shot and get back up protecting you).
Over the next few months as he settled into his powers he started putting together all the little pieces rhat didn't add up where he worked.
Not fast enough to avoid thr attack on the Lavender Throne by the vigilante known as Warp, a timebender with a high amount of Taint.
Though Jack was incredibly strong and tough he was not on the same playingfield as Gloam or Warp, and was quickly incapacitated in a field of slow moving time, and watched as shadows writhed and time shifted in front of him. And watched as Gloam's shadows pierced into Warp and Warp's powers unwraveled. Time and Quantum energy warped reality; something bent and snapped. And a portion of Warp's psychee, quantum energy, and associated taint imprinted on Jack.
When he came to he was changed. Whenever he looks back on it he calls this his second eruption.
A person, a winged creature of steely feathers and rending claws who found he was able to send out blasts of warping, aging energy, awoke.
A person, who was finding that the strings of time had started weaving their way into his psychee, awoke.
Comet awoke.
Strength 5 [Might 1]
Dexterity 5 [Athletics 4, Fly 5, Martial Arts 4, Stealth 3]
Stamina 5 [Endurance 4, Resistance 5]
Perception 5 [Awareness 3]
Intelligence 2 [intrusion 3]
Wits 4 [Rapport 3,]
Appearance 3 [Intimidate 3]
Manipulation 2 []
Charisma 3 []
Cypher 1: A couple of your secrets are well hidden.
Home Base
Library (a.k.a. Occult Library or Personal Library) - A collection of books or other sources that contain accurate occult and magical knowledge.
Node 3: With a 4th instar node, a nova
may absorb one point of quantum a turn, two at the
5th instar, and three at the 6th.
Resources 1: This is the level of earning for the average college student. You have a small apartment
(or a larger one with roommates) and an older model used car. Typically, you live from paycheck to pay-check, barely staying ahead on bills. You pull in around $250 a week after taxes. At this level, your money probably comes from college scholarships/loans or a part-time service job. Examples of novas living at this level include Beltaine and Apocrypha.
Walk 7 m
Run 18 m
Sprint 36 m
Flight 48 m Out Of Combat 250 kilometers per hour.
Bashing 10
Lethal 10
Attribute 4 / Ability 2
Armor 3(6pt)-Character receives +3 soak against bashing and lethal damage per dot in Armor.
Claws 3- When used in close combat, Claws convert the bashing damage caused by the character’s normal punches and strikes into lethal damage. Furthermore, the character may roll one extra damage die per dot he has in Claws.
Flight 2(3pt)(1 lv taint) - He can fly at a speed equal to (power rating x 4) + 40 meters per action in combat; out of combat his
speed is (Quantum + Flight) x 50 kilometers per hour.
Premonition 2(4pt)-To use it, the character pays the quantum-point cost, which allows her to detect
danger for one scene. Whenever she is confronted with any danger during that time - she is about to trip a
trap, someone points a gun at her, etc. - the player may make a Perception + Premonition roll to detect it. ;The difficulty should be set by the Storyteller, depending on the severity of the danger (the greater the potential harm, the easier it is to detect) and how likely it is
to affect the character (a direct threat is easier to detect than something that might adversely affect thecharacter but isn’t intended for her)
Quantum Bolt 4(8pt)- Dice Pool: Dexterity + Quantum Bolt
Range: (Quantum + power rating) x 15 meters | Area: NIA | Duration: lnstant | Effect: lnflicts [Quantum x 31 levels + (power rat-ing x 4) dice of bashing damage or [Quantum x 21 levels + (power rating x 4) dice of lethal damage (player’s choice).
Mega-Dexterity 1: The Mega-Dexterity rating is added to the character’s Initiative, run and sprint scores. Furthermore, when a nova with Mega-Dexterity is in combat and another character tries to use a delayed action to interrupt the nova’s action, the interruption is not automatic. Instead, both characters must make Dexterity rolls; the one with the most successes goes First. 1f a nova with Mega-Dexterity and a character without it act at the same time, the Mega-Dexterous character is automatically considered to have the higher Initiative, and thus, he gets to go first. If both characters have Mega-Dexterity and the Enhanced Initiative enhancement (see "Mega-Wits"), the standard rule applies.
Mega-Stamina 1: novas with Mega-Stamina suffer reduced dice pool penalties based on their health level, as indicated in the following table. |Stupendous: You can go for weeks without sleep, and your healing rates are tripled. Base Resistance and Endurance ratings of 3 each. Lifespan 150+ years. Dice pool penalties due to injuries and pain are reduced by one. The character receives one extra soak against bash ing damage and one extra soak against lethal damage.
PhysicaI Aberrations: low-level:(1 taint): Fur/Feathers: better able to handle cold conditions (+1 die to Stamina rolls) but not as good at handling heat (-1 die to Stamina rolls). The nova’s appearance is
also quite distinctive. Some people may Find the aberration attractive, but most will find it strange and may even consider the nova more of an animal than a person.
Flashbacks (6pt.)
You managed to make it through a traumatic experience, but not wholly intact. The most insignificant thing can throw you into a different mood or state of mind, and as such your behavior is extremely unpredictable. Because of your precarious emotional state, your Willpower fluctuates. At the beginning of each story, make a Willpower roll (you may not spend Willpower for an automatic success). If you succeed, you may participate in the story as normal. If you fail, however, your Willpower score is considered to be 1 for the duration of that session, and you only have one Willpower point to spend. You may roll again at the beginning of the next session to see if you regain your Willpower.
Enemy 3 (1-5pt.)
You have an enemy, or perhaps a group of enemies, who seek to harm you. The power of the enemy depends upon how many points the player wishes to spend (five points indicate the wrath of an Elder or other potent supernatural foe).
The Bard's Tongue (1pt.)
You speak the truth, uncannily so. Things you say tend to come true. This is not a facility for blessing and cursing, or an Effect that can be ruled by any conscious control. However, at least once per story, an uncomfortable truth regarding any current situation will appear in your head and through your lips. To avoid speaking prophesy, you must expend a Willpower point and take a Health Level from the strain of resisting (especially if you bite a hole in your tongue).
But I should have all the numbers adjusted later today then you can look it over Bedzonell.
But I have an idea for my chatacter.
Jack Neon ( yes Neon is a real last name) was a career security guard before his emergence. He worked his way up positions, and ended up working the door at a high end hotel, Lavender Throne. Unfortinately this hotel was one of the fronts for a criminal ring, and was actually as much a safehouse and money laundering as a hotel as a legitimate hotel. Plus this one was run by a Nova known as Gloam, a shadowmancer of some considerable power (both as a Nova and criminal).
Then Jack Nova erupted one day when he was shot. When he was shot and knocked back (through the lobby fishtank), but not killed. In fact once the ringing in his eaes cleared he found he was surprisibgly ok, aching for sure, but surprisingly ok. He lept up, and charged he gunman who had shot him. A crumpled form hit pillar a dozen feet away a momet later and broke against it.
Jack was later told it wasan attempted robbery by a disgruntled ex-employee, which wasn't entierly inaccurate if you ignore the criminal elemnets, the underground deal Gloam had made a week before that cut oneof theit 'business partners' out of the market.
What Jack did know is he had been requested to be one of Mrs. Caroline Withers' (who, as it happens, is the owner of the Lavender Throne) bodyguard. (It's always good to have someone who can get shot and get back up protecting you).
Over the next few months as he settled into his powers he started putting together all the little pieces rhat didn't add up where he worked.
Not fast enough to avoid thr attack on the Lavender Throne by the vigilante known as Warp, a timebender with a high amount of Taint.
Though Jack was incredibly strong and tough he was not on the same playingfield as Gloam or Warp, and was quickly incapacitated in a field of slow moving time, and watched as shadows writhed and time shifted in front of him. And watched as Gloam's shadows pierced into Warp and Warp's powers unwraveled. Time and Quantum energy warped reality; something bent and snapped. And a portion of Warp's psychee, quantum energy, and associated taint imprinted on Jack.
When he came to he was changed. Whenever he looks back on it he calls this his second eruption.
A person, a winged creature of steely feathers and rending claws who found he was able to send out blasts of warping, aging energy, awoke.
A person, who was finding that the strings of time had started weaving their way into his psychee, awoke.
Comet awoke.
[ +- ] Comet Prelim Stats.
Strength 5 [Might 1]
Dexterity 5 [Athletics 4, Fly 5, Martial Arts 4, Stealth 3]
Stamina 5 [Endurance 4, Resistance 5]
Perception 5 [Awareness 3]
Intelligence 2 [intrusion 3]
Wits 4 [Rapport 3,]
Appearance 3 [Intimidate 3]
Manipulation 2 []
Charisma 3 []
Cypher 1: A couple of your secrets are well hidden.
Home Base
Library (a.k.a. Occult Library or Personal Library) - A collection of books or other sources that contain accurate occult and magical knowledge.
Node 3: With a 4th instar node, a nova
may absorb one point of quantum a turn, two at the
5th instar, and three at the 6th.
Resources 1: This is the level of earning for the average college student. You have a small apartment
(or a larger one with roommates) and an older model used car. Typically, you live from paycheck to pay-check, barely staying ahead on bills. You pull in around $250 a week after taxes. At this level, your money probably comes from college scholarships/loans or a part-time service job. Examples of novas living at this level include Beltaine and Apocrypha.
Walk 7 m
Run 18 m
Sprint 36 m
Flight 48 m Out Of Combat 250 kilometers per hour.
Bashing 10
Lethal 10
Attribute 4 / Ability 2
Armor 3(6pt)-Character receives +3 soak against bashing and lethal damage per dot in Armor.
Claws 3- When used in close combat, Claws convert the bashing damage caused by the character’s normal punches and strikes into lethal damage. Furthermore, the character may roll one extra damage die per dot he has in Claws.
Flight 2(3pt)(1 lv taint) - He can fly at a speed equal to (power rating x 4) + 40 meters per action in combat; out of combat his
speed is (Quantum + Flight) x 50 kilometers per hour.
Premonition 2(4pt)-To use it, the character pays the quantum-point cost, which allows her to detect
danger for one scene. Whenever she is confronted with any danger during that time - she is about to trip a
trap, someone points a gun at her, etc. - the player may make a Perception + Premonition roll to detect it. ;The difficulty should be set by the Storyteller, depending on the severity of the danger (the greater the potential harm, the easier it is to detect) and how likely it is
to affect the character (a direct threat is easier to detect than something that might adversely affect thecharacter but isn’t intended for her)
Quantum Bolt 4(8pt)- Dice Pool: Dexterity + Quantum Bolt
Range: (Quantum + power rating) x 15 meters | Area: NIA | Duration: lnstant | Effect: lnflicts [Quantum x 31 levels + (power rat-ing x 4) dice of bashing damage or [Quantum x 21 levels + (power rating x 4) dice of lethal damage (player’s choice).
Mega-Dexterity 1: The Mega-Dexterity rating is added to the character’s Initiative, run and sprint scores. Furthermore, when a nova with Mega-Dexterity is in combat and another character tries to use a delayed action to interrupt the nova’s action, the interruption is not automatic. Instead, both characters must make Dexterity rolls; the one with the most successes goes First. 1f a nova with Mega-Dexterity and a character without it act at the same time, the Mega-Dexterous character is automatically considered to have the higher Initiative, and thus, he gets to go first. If both characters have Mega-Dexterity and the Enhanced Initiative enhancement (see "Mega-Wits"), the standard rule applies.
Mega-Stamina 1: novas with Mega-Stamina suffer reduced dice pool penalties based on their health level, as indicated in the following table. |Stupendous: You can go for weeks without sleep, and your healing rates are tripled. Base Resistance and Endurance ratings of 3 each. Lifespan 150+ years. Dice pool penalties due to injuries and pain are reduced by one. The character receives one extra soak against bash ing damage and one extra soak against lethal damage.
PhysicaI Aberrations: low-level:(1 taint): Fur/Feathers: better able to handle cold conditions (+1 die to Stamina rolls) but not as good at handling heat (-1 die to Stamina rolls). The nova’s appearance is
also quite distinctive. Some people may Find the aberration attractive, but most will find it strange and may even consider the nova more of an animal than a person.
Flashbacks (6pt.)
You managed to make it through a traumatic experience, but not wholly intact. The most insignificant thing can throw you into a different mood or state of mind, and as such your behavior is extremely unpredictable. Because of your precarious emotional state, your Willpower fluctuates. At the beginning of each story, make a Willpower roll (you may not spend Willpower for an automatic success). If you succeed, you may participate in the story as normal. If you fail, however, your Willpower score is considered to be 1 for the duration of that session, and you only have one Willpower point to spend. You may roll again at the beginning of the next session to see if you regain your Willpower.
Enemy 3 (1-5pt.)
You have an enemy, or perhaps a group of enemies, who seek to harm you. The power of the enemy depends upon how many points the player wishes to spend (five points indicate the wrath of an Elder or other potent supernatural foe).
The Bard's Tongue (1pt.)
You speak the truth, uncannily so. Things you say tend to come true. This is not a facility for blessing and cursing, or an Effect that can be ruled by any conscious control. However, at least once per story, an uncomfortable truth regarding any current situation will appear in your head and through your lips. To avoid speaking prophesy, you must expend a Willpower point and take a Health Level from the strain of resisting (especially if you bite a hole in your tongue).
Last edited October 5, 2021 4:47 pm