Character Creation

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Oct 4, 2021 11:03 pm
So I put my character in the pregen WOD sheet up here , forgetting that it was NWOD not OWOD...
But I should have all the numbers adjusted later today then you can look it over Bedzonell.
But I have an idea for my chatacter.
Jack Neon ( yes Neon is a real last name) was a career security guard before his emergence. He worked his way up positions, and ended up working the door at a high end hotel, Lavender Throne. Unfortinately this hotel was one of the fronts for a criminal ring, and was actually as much a safehouse and money laundering as a hotel as a legitimate hotel. Plus this one was run by a Nova known as Gloam, a shadowmancer of some considerable power (both as a Nova and criminal).
Then Jack Nova erupted one day when he was shot. When he was shot and knocked back (through the lobby fishtank), but not killed. In fact once the ringing in his eaes cleared he found he was surprisibgly ok, aching for sure, but surprisingly ok. He lept up, and charged he gunman who had shot him. A crumpled form hit pillar a dozen feet away a momet later and broke against it.
Jack was later told it wasan attempted robbery by a disgruntled ex-employee, which wasn't entierly inaccurate if you ignore the criminal elemnets, the underground deal Gloam had made a week before that cut oneof theit 'business partners' out of the market.
What Jack did know is he had been requested to be one of Mrs. Caroline Withers' (who, as it happens, is the owner of the Lavender Throne) bodyguard. (It's always good to have someone who can get shot and get back up protecting you).
Over the next few months as he settled into his powers he started putting together all the little pieces rhat didn't add up where he worked.
Not fast enough to avoid thr attack on the Lavender Throne by the vigilante known as Warp, a timebender with a high amount of Taint.
Though Jack was incredibly strong and tough he was not on the same playingfield as Gloam or Warp, and was quickly incapacitated in a field of slow moving time, and watched as shadows writhed and time shifted in front of him. And watched as Gloam's shadows pierced into Warp and Warp's powers unwraveled. Time and Quantum energy warped reality; something bent and snapped. And a portion of Warp's psychee, quantum energy, and associated taint imprinted on Jack.
When he came to he was changed. Whenever he looks back on it he calls this his second eruption.

A person, a winged creature of steely feathers and rending claws who found he was able to send out blasts of warping, aging energy, awoke.
A person, who was finding that the strings of time had started weaving their way into his psychee, awoke.
Comet awoke.
[ +- ] Comet Prelim Stats.
Last edited October 5, 2021 4:47 pm
Oct 5, 2021 5:01 am
Man T and Comet are going to have either a solid bromance, or bitter rivalry.
Oct 5, 2021 5:07 am
I kinda thought so too. Possibly one of those 'too similar to get along'.
Though I imagine they have different views on their abilities, which may be interesting to play out.
Oct 5, 2021 5:19 am
I think Comet is much more Vegeta. I'll make Goku it'll be a good dynamic regardless of how it plays out.
Oct 5, 2021 12:50 pm
One rules clarification: the cost of a power is determined by what level of power it is. For example, powers like Flight and Quantum Bolt are Level 2 powers. Level 2 powers cost 3 nova points per dot. (Level 1 powers costs 1NP, Level 3 powers cost 5NP).

I appreciate that as you are writing up your character sheet, you're putting in brackets the point cost next to them, so that I can do the chargen maths as well. Remember to indicate whether you're using bonus points (BP), or nova points (NP) as that'll help, and also let me know if you're buying with Taint.

Annex, I think you may need to help me reverse engineer the point costs because it's hard for me to tell where the chargen points are coming from. Also, eufiber doesn't work like you imagined in that it doesn't have powers like flight etc built into it. It's good for quantum point storage and for soak damage.

Otherwise I like how some of the characters are shaping up. No rush, please process and weigh as you do this. Character generation should hopefully be one of the more enjoyable things to do as well. And please ask questions if you need to clarify anything.
Oct 5, 2021 1:19 pm
I'll build Larynx from the ground up. I hate manual chargen. :p
Oct 5, 2021 1:58 pm
annex says:
I'll build Larynx from the ground up. I hate manual chargen. :p
I think for yours, keep the Attributes and Abilities (you didn't spend points on them at all, so there's nothing to tweak). You can keep the Mega-Attributes and Powers. You probably just need to recalculate either Willpower, Quantum or Backgrounds. I think the easiest is to give up some Background points.
Oct 5, 2021 2:33 pm
I should have one or two ideas up later this evening (US CST). Suffering from not having a good focus for powers & abilities. I think there's two good characters jammed together in the concept I had. I'll tease the two out and see which I like better.
Oct 5, 2021 3:29 pm
Edited Backgrounds. How're these?
[ +- ] Base is 7 points, right?
annex sent a note to BedzoneII
Oct 5, 2021 6:23 pm
Just realised that Home Base is a NWOD backgeound, so going to replace that and Library.

By the way. The forum is set up to accept WOD chatacter sheets, which won't work because it's set up for NWOD. We'll have to do custom sheets.
Last edited October 5, 2021 6:35 pm
Oct 6, 2021 7:44 am
Hmm, you're right about the WoD forum character sheets. Please go ahead and use a custom sheet, I'll be able to read the information regardless. I wouldn't mind if we standardised it among us? The format of your current draft sheets look fine.

Sure thing Annex, looks pretty much correct now.

BedzoneII sent a note to annex
Oct 6, 2021 9:21 am
I think I have the count right can someone double check my math?
Oct 6, 2021 11:30 am
Jomsviking, we definitely have too many stats here for a starting character. Let me help list down how much they cost, and then you can choose what you want to keep. Remember you only have 15 bonus points (bp) and 30 nova points (np) to use.

Strength 5 [Might 4]
Dexterity 5 [Athletics 5, Fly 4, Martial Arts 4]
Stamina 5 [Endurance 4, Resistance 5]
Perception 5 [Awareness 5]
Intelligence 2 [Engineering 3]
Wits 4 [Biz 1]
Appearance 2 []
Manipulation 1 []
Charisma 4 [Leadership 3]
From a starting 24 dots worth of attrributes, you currently have 33. To buy the additional 9, you need to spend 45 bp or 3np, or some combination in between.
From a starting 23 dots of abilities, you currently have 32. To buy the additional 9, you need to spend 18bp or 2np or in between.

Mentor 5(5 Pts)
Node 4(2 Points)
Eufiber 1(1 Pt Taint)
Attunement 1(1 Pt Taint)
You can't buy Backgrounds with Taint. From a starting 7 dots in Backgrounds, you have 11. To buy the additional 4, you need 4bp or 1np.

Quantum 4(1 Pt Taint)
You start with 1 dot in Quantum. To buy 3 more, you need 21bp or 15np. If you use 1 Taint, it'll cost you, optimally, 7bp + 5np, or something in between.

Bulging Muscles, Glow, Hardened Skin, Vestigial Tail, Permanent Power
These are aberrations. They don't have dots. I'm fine if you select these, but this means your character is nothing like a young boy in terms of apperance or social effect on others. Quite the opposite in fact, as this character appears bestial in nature and will continuallly damage his environment. If we go down this route, we might have an interesting, if not complicated, RPing situation from the very first post. In your case, I might recommend you go for less Taint, or buy points in Dormancy if you intend to 'hide' your character's bestial nature in the guise of a 13 year old boy.

Armor 3(6pt) This costs 9np.
Flight 2(3pt)(1 Taint) This cost is correct, with 1 Taint.
Quantum Bolt 4(8pt) This costs 12np.

Mega Strength 2(1pt taint) This costs 3np with 1 Taint.
Mega Stamina 2(1Pt taint) This costs 3np with 1 Taint.
Mega Dexterity 1(1pt taint) This costs 2np with 1 Taint.
Mega Wits 1(1pt taint) This costs 2np with 1 Taint.

Gotta make some hard choices for now, but who knows, maybe we'll level up enough one day to reach this stage!
Oct 6, 2021 11:37 am
Wow I don't even know what NP corresponds to I now remember why I don't play WOD. My attention span is measured in seconds. It'll be a challenge but I'll figure it out.
Last edited October 6, 2021 11:38 am
Oct 6, 2021 11:47 am
NP is Nova points, you get 30 points at the start to use for your character. So that's 15 bonus points and 30 nova points.

It's true, chargen is the crunchiest part of WOD. Gameplay proper shouldn't be. I won't be fussing with exact distances and range and whatnot down to the last meter or feet. So long as a power or ability succeeds, it succeeds.

Phoenix, this means you'll also have to relook some of the costings for your powers.
Oct 6, 2021 12:33 pm
Ok wow, chargen is even more annoying than I thought. No wonder they rebuilt the shole system of OWOD.
Where can I find the nova price for Quantum Powers lv 4+,
Oct 6, 2021 1:03 pm
And I was beginning to think I was missing something somewhere because I was running out of Nova Points trying to buy Mega Attributes...
Aberrant has one of the more complex chargen systems in WoD!

I'm still tinkering with my build but I may just submit it and see if you have any suggestions, BZII.
Oct 6, 2021 1:04 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
Ok wow, chargen is even more annoying than I thought. No wonder they rebuilt the shole system of OWOD.
Where can I find the nova price for Quantum Powers lv 4+,
Those are in the Players Book.
Oct 6, 2021 1:04 pm
Has anyone looked at the Onyx Path version of Aberrant? How is it?
Oct 6, 2021 2:57 pm
Phoenix, you mean the level 4 and above Quantum powers? Those are in the Players' Guide. Start at p99, but note that's way way beyond anything at starting chargen. Which is why chargen only lists costs for Quantum powers of Level 1 to 3.

If you want my help to do the math, let me know. Am happy to help min-max, or focus on a particular core concept, etc

Same goes for you witchdoctor, I'll gladly look at whatever preliminary numbers you have.

Finally, to everyone, I am prepared to reduce rules complexity when it gets in the way, and especially because it's PbP.

Also, to everyone, it's easiest to focus on 2 quantum powers, 3 max. Definitely take 2 or 3 Mega Attributes. You probably can only afford Quantum 2 max, 3 if you really want it and you scrimp elsewhere. Don't pump Abilities and Backgrounds (or do so sparingly).
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