Here’s a brief summary of all the characters so far. All of this is obviously still subject to change as people tweak and fix characters. I included stats about powers and attributes to provide a sense of what we all can do, and what the team’s strengths and weaknesses might be. If I’m missing info about your character or I got something wrong, please let me know and I’ll update the summary.
Real Name: Larry Nixon
Nova Name: Larynx
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Quantum/Taint: 3/0
Mega-Attributes: Mega-Dexterity 1, Mega-Manipulation 1, Mega-Charisma 1
Enhancements: Accuracy, Soothe, The Voice
Powers: Disorient 1, Quantum Bolt 2, Sensory Shield 1
Aberrations: None
Top Abilities: Command, Perform, Endurance, Resistance
Backgrounds: Attunement 1, Node 2, Influence 1, Resources 1, Eufiber 2
Real Name: Jack Neon
Nova Name: Comet
Age: ?
Gender: Male
Quantum/Taint: 3/2
Mega-Attributes: Mega-Dexterity 1
Enhancements: Accuracy
Powers: Armor 2, Claws 1, Flight 2, Premonition 1, Quantum Bolt 3
Aberrations: Fur/Feathers
Top Abilities: Athletics, Martial Arts, Endurance, Resistance
Backgrounds: Cipher 1, Node 3, Resources 1
Real Name: ?
Nova Name: The Terrapin
Age: ?
Gender: ?
Quantum/Taint: 3/3
Mega-Attributes: Mega-Intelligence 2
Enhancements: Analyze Weakness, Mental Prodigy (Tactics)
Powers: ESP 1, Flight 1, Force Field, 1, Psychic Shield 1, Telekinesis 3
Aberrations: None
Top Abilities: Brawl, Stealth, Interrogation, Intimidation
Backgrounds: Contacts 1, Node 4, Resources 2
Real Name: "T"
Nova Name: Tarathustra
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Quantum/Taint: 4/1
Mega-Attributes: Mega-Strength 2, Mega-Stamina 2, Mega-Dexterity 1, Mega-Wits 1
Enhancements: ?
Powers: Armor 3, Flight 2, Quantum Bolt 4
Aberrations: ?
Top Abilities: Awareness, Martial Arts, Athletics, Might, Resistance, Endurance
Backgrounds: Mentor 5, Node 4, Eufiber 1, Attunement 1
Real Name: Anders Dvořák
Nova Name: The Horror
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Quantum/Taint: 3/8
Mega-Attributes: Mega-Ugliness 4, Mega-Strength 3
Enhancements: Revolting, Mr. Nobody, Quantum Leap
Powers: Armor 3
Aberrations: Sheer Hideousness, Disturbing Voice, Twisted Limbs
Top Abilities: Weave, Brawl, Interrogation, Intimidation
Backgrounds: Eufiber 5, Node 2
Last edited Oct 8, 2021 6:20 am