Character Creation

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Oct 7, 2021 9:47 am
BedzoneII says:

Rules clarification: You can't buy Megas with flaw points, because Flaws give bonus points (bp), and Megas are bought with nova points (np).
Pg 126 has the price for Mega s in xp whkch is bp
BedzoneII says:

Also, Flying as an Ability under Dexterity doesn't exist.
The dice pool for flying ia based on dexterity +flying(power level), not dexterity+flying(skill level)?
Last edited Oct 7, 2021 9:50 am
Oct 7, 2021 11:49 am
Sorry Phoenix, I'm not seeing it on p126. Are we looking at the same Character Creation Table on p120? Mega Attribute costs are listed under nova points, not under bonus points.
[ +- ] Character Creation costs
As for flying, I was referring to what you listed as Dexterity (Athletics 4, Flying 5, Martial Arts 4, Stealth 3). Just pointing out there's no such Ability as Flying, unlike the Athletics, Martial Arts and Stealth listed here. Gnome's sheet has a beautiful layout of what abilities fall under Dexterity.
You have Flight at 2 dots, as a Quantum Power. That part is clear, and the dice pool for that = Dex + Flight.
Oct 7, 2021 12:29 pm
Bedzonell, were the tyrant's of this world always evil (like the Syndicate of DC's Earth 3) or fallen heroes (like the Justice League in the Injustice storyline) or public heroes/secretly evil (as in The Boys)? It defines how Terrapin's backstory plans out.
Oct 7, 2021 1:49 pm
Phoenix, that's the table for increasing Attributes, Abilities, Backgrounds & Powers by earned experience after play begins. The costs at character creation are on pg. 120
Oct 7, 2021 8:20 pm
Ok, all these purchasing pools are confusing.

I may have it figgured out.
Have 15+7 bonus points
Spend 18 on 9 skills
Get 4 pts of background merits
[ +- ] Comet?
Last edited Oct 7, 2021 8:21 pm
Oct 7, 2021 8:34 pm
The only issues still see is that QBolt does (Quantum X2) and (Quantum X3) as damage multipliers, not 21 & 31, but that looks like maybe a copy/paste error.
Oct 7, 2021 9:58 pm
Yeah it was a copy paste error.
Oct 7, 2021 10:24 pm
I hope I'm good to go.
I included some bio and eruption possibilities at the end.

Possible look...
[ +- ] Larynx
Last edited Oct 7, 2021 10:28 pm
Oct 8, 2021 2:35 am
Here’s a brief summary of all the characters so far. All of this is obviously still subject to change as people tweak and fix characters. I included stats about powers and attributes to provide a sense of what we all can do, and what the team’s strengths and weaknesses might be. If I’m missing info about your character or I got something wrong, please let me know and I’ll update the summary.

Real Name: Larry Nixon
Nova Name: Larynx
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Quantum/Taint: 3/0
Mega-Attributes: Mega-Dexterity 1, Mega-Manipulation 1, Mega-Charisma 1
Enhancements: Accuracy, Soothe, The Voice
Powers: Disorient 1, Quantum Bolt 2, Sensory Shield 1
Aberrations: None
Top Abilities: Command, Perform, Endurance, Resistance
Backgrounds: Attunement 1, Node 2, Influence 1, Resources 1, Eufiber 2

Real Name: Jack Neon
Nova Name: Comet
Age: ?
Gender: Male
Quantum/Taint: 3/2
Mega-Attributes: Mega-Dexterity 1
Enhancements: Accuracy
Powers: Armor 2, Claws 1, Flight 2, Premonition 1, Quantum Bolt 3
Aberrations: Fur/Feathers
Top Abilities: Athletics, Martial Arts, Endurance, Resistance
Backgrounds: Cipher 1, Node 3, Resources 1

Real Name: ?
Nova Name: The Terrapin
Age: ?
Gender: ?
Quantum/Taint: 3/3
Mega-Attributes: Mega-Intelligence 2
Enhancements: Analyze Weakness, Mental Prodigy (Tactics)
Powers: ESP 1, Flight 1, Force Field, 1, Psychic Shield 1, Telekinesis 3
Aberrations: None
Top Abilities: Brawl, Stealth, Interrogation, Intimidation
Backgrounds: Contacts 1, Node 4, Resources 2

Real Name: "T"
Nova Name: Tarathustra
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Quantum/Taint: 4/1
Mega-Attributes: Mega-Strength 2, Mega-Stamina 2, Mega-Dexterity 1, Mega-Wits 1
Enhancements: ?
Powers: Armor 3, Flight 2, Quantum Bolt 4
Aberrations: ?
Top Abilities: Awareness, Martial Arts, Athletics, Might, Resistance, Endurance
Backgrounds: Mentor 5, Node 4, Eufiber 1, Attunement 1

Real Name: Anders Dvořák
Nova Name: The Horror
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Quantum/Taint: 3/8
Mega-Attributes: Mega-Ugliness 4, Mega-Strength 3
Enhancements: Revolting, Mr. Nobody, Quantum Leap
Powers: Armor 3
Aberrations: Sheer Hideousness, Disturbing Voice, Twisted Limbs
Top Abilities: Weave, Brawl, Interrogation, Intimidation
Backgrounds: Eufiber 5, Node 2
Last edited Oct 8, 2021 6:20 am
Oct 8, 2021 3:06 am
Your compilation looks right for me, Noam. I mean... Gnome.
Larynx is the prettiest and the pretty weakest of this bunch. :P
Oct 8, 2021 4:38 am
annex says:
Your compilation looks right for me, Noam. I mean... Gnome.
Larynx is the prettiest and the pretty weakest of this bunch. :P
Well, we have a Face, and a Hannibal, who wants to be Howlin' Mad Murdock or B.A. Barackus?
Oct 8, 2021 6:06 am
Thinking of taking Accuracy?
[ +- ] accuracy
Oct 8, 2021 6:13 am
Probably the best fit from the Mega-Dex Enhancements for Comet since he has QBlast
Oct 8, 2021 8:19 am
BedzoneII says:

Bulging Muscles, Glow, Hardened Skin, Vestigial Tail, Permanent Power
These are aberrations. They don't have dots. I'm fine if you select these, but this means your character is nothing like a young boy in terms of apperance or social effect on others. Quite the opposite in fact, as this character appears bestial in nature and will continuallly damage his environment. If we go down this route, we might have an interesting, if not complicated, RPing situation from the very first post. In your case, I might recommend you go for less Taint, or buy points in Dormancy if you intend to 'hide' your character's bestial nature in the guise of a 13 year old boy.
This sounds awesome.
Oct 8, 2021 1:17 pm
Thanks again everyone for helping to clarify the difference between bonus points, nova points and experience points. Special thanks to Gnome for the summary sheet!

Witchdoctor, The Super Sept are closest to The Boys' version, well-loved and well-regarded in general, although people have witnessed their wrongdoings or them crossing the line, but for some reason people accept their harsh methods are necessary, or these events aren't reported because either the witnesses don't speak up, or the media never covers it, or some other more sinister reason.

Phoenix, looks good! In fact, don't forget to take 2 more dots for Backgrounds, you only used 5 dots so far. Yes, Accuracy is useful for your MegaDex!

Jomsviking, glad you like it, need help with streamlining your chracter sheet? Just holler. If you can get to tweaking, we can start.

In any case, everyone, I am aiming for a first post this weekend.
Oct 8, 2021 2:44 pm
BedzoneII says:

In any case, everyone, I am aiming for a first post this weekend.
Good to hear! I've revised the sheet & added his background, Nature, etc. Let me know if there's anything that needs tweaking or changing.
Oct 8, 2021 3:15 pm
Yup, I'm digging into your backstory next, I like it, will probably tweak bits of your pre-plot, but I like the spin!
Oct 8, 2021 6:02 pm
I don't really know what to do for the other two backgrounds...Maybe Cypher and ?something else?
I considered Huge Size asset?
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