Character Creation and Session 0 questions

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Mar 16, 2022 10:39 pm
Shhh, he's not there
Mar 16, 2022 11:37 pm
What's better than more Bugbears, Less. Just kidding. Just had to do that. :)
Mar 17, 2022 8:39 am
@HeroAmongMen please level up your PC to lvl 4 and share your deity with us. Otherwise your character seems fine.
Regarding deity - I do not need it right now, but I will eventually want to incorporate your deity into the story.
Mar 17, 2022 2:45 pm
Although HeroAmongMen should lvl up his character I've approved it already and you could start posting in
Prologue part 2 it will be an intro thread where I will try to keep you busy until core team finishes current day so you could merge and start "next day" together.
Mar 17, 2022 8:31 pm
Alright, he should be updated to level 4. I just took the ASI in STR and CON.
Mar 17, 2022 8:50 pm
In terms of deity, I am thinking that he worship Eldath, though his feylost background and his wanderlust have led him to protecting the natural world from otherworldly threats or extraplanar threats.

Does that work for you, DM?
Mar 18, 2022 6:43 am
Just to clarify - you do mean the this goddes:
Who is Eldath? Eldath is a goddess. They call her the Quiet One. She's a healer, and she serves Silvanus and helps the druids of the Emerald Enclave.
Anything works for me. The question is - does it work for you :).
A spoiler: we have a paladin in the party who took Oath of the Crown to Asmodeus ... I had no choice but to assume that Asmodeus is the ruler of the world outside the Maze and everything happening in the Maze is some sort of his evil entertainment.

Now you will make me come up world lore where Eldath has reasons to have her paladins swore "Vigilance. Loyalty. Discipline." rather that "Peace. Patience. Wisdom" or something. She should be either possessed or turned to do so, don't you think? Does that work for you?
Mar 27, 2022 12:58 pm
Everyone, could you please remind me your deities. I have a mess in my notes and with consumables you have. Want to create some thread for all of the info.
Mar 27, 2022 1:51 pm
Yoth worships a modified version of the lizardfolk god, Semuanya. In the D&D canon, Semuanya is only concerned with his own survival, and the lizardfolk see him as an exemplar to follow. In the modified version for this game, Semuanya is also concerned about survival of the lizardfolk species, providing guidance and assistance to them through his clerics - but not too much help, because he doesn't want them to become dependent and weak.

In both versions, Semuanya is interesting (at least to me), because his divine domain is "life", but he and his clerics are not necessarily motivated to helpful and good to all life they way most life clerics are portrayed.
Mar 27, 2022 2:03 pm
Yes I have Yoth - Semuanya, Mal - Eldath, Anguis - Asmodeus. I am missing Thorem's and Bellow' s deities.
Mar 27, 2022 7:18 pm
Thorem is Irreligious and follows no deities.
Mar 30, 2022 4:24 pm
Follows Trithereon. Patron of freedom and liberty.

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