Prologue: arrival

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Oct 6, 2021 8:04 pm
Anguis opens his eyes and looks around, for him, after regaining a portion of his memories the situation doesn't look so bad anymore.

Despite him being uncomfortable throughout the night, that he spent between flashbacks and attempting to find the hidden grail of a comfortable sleeping position in the tent. Once the morning came, he felt hopeful, happy even, maybe this place hides a cheat, that made a deal with a devil and is escaping the payment, so he can hunt them down and leave the place behind...

He looks around and notices the pitcher with water , feeling his throat dry, he grabs it, almost chocking while drinking, due to the recorded message. His first thought was 'Bloody heresy....' but then he remembered that this actually is a messaging spell used between the more arcane followers of the cult.

He looks at the simple breakfast, his mood slightly spoiling while embracing the view before him, he thinks 'Come on, you're Greg, you can live a couple of days on that... i mean it looks perfectly fine... i think.. if i can, i should bring back a real cook, maybe they lack one of those....'

He unwillingly grabs a fistful of bread pieces and a pair of eggs, puts a bread piece in his pocket for later, the rest he stuffs down his throat, refills his waterskin, puts it on his belt, next to the gold pouch. After that he dons his armor, grabs a javelin, his sword and shield, grabs his rope and a torch, utters a silent prayer in infernal, makes sure that both his sigil and amulet are secure on his person, and exits the tent, moving towards the mentioned location.
Last edited October 6, 2021 8:40 pm
Oct 6, 2021 8:11 pm
Elrond - proficient at persuasion - realise that the way Lilly were talking to you were professional, but casual. You are confident this is not the first time for her to do this particular speech and she is not mentally involved. Weather she has something against; or are afraid of
Oct 6, 2021 10:30 pm
Bellow wakes and his mind begins to focus. Last night's sickness is gone. That's good. But I'm still in this forced labor camp. Oh, here's breakfast. But that means someone was in here. Hears the message. That's obviously meant for me, but "hurry"? They didn't know when I heard that so how do they know if I hurry? Eats the egg and some bread and water. Now for gear. Hmm... The chest is nicer than anything in it. And a polearm? Really? I leave the glaive but take everything else plus the rest of the bread and water transferred to my waterskin. All set for... whatever. Steps out of the tent, spots the tower, and walks that way.
Oct 6, 2021 11:33 pm
Bellow is a muscular 6ft human male with dark hair and full beard. He wears a sleeveless shirt, leather pants and boots. No armor. He has a back pack, an oversized quiver holding 4 javelin, and 2 hand axes tucked into either side of a heavy belt, and a medallion on a leather string around his neck.
DM, whats a good deity choice for Bellow?
As he walks through the camp he looks for signs or flags or banners for any of the gods and he checks the people for holy symbols, vestments, or tattoos for the gods.
Oct 7, 2021 6:40 am
I will develop my lord lore around a deity you choose, so you could choose any deity of war domain. As for recommendations Tempus
is obvious but boring choice. If you pick Baphomet or something just as extravagant I can incorporate it into the maze lore.
Oct 7, 2021 10:24 am
French: does Elrond join others at the watchtower, or do you still want to do anything before that?
Those who arrive at the tower do not see Lilly around. You see a halfling woman making Porridge on an open fire. Smells tasty.

You also notice few characters around, equipped as adventurers: Goblin playing with sword that is of his size, Firblog in heavy armour and glossy ayes, gnome tinkering with machine that looks like a human-size chicken with saddles. Bellow notes also a human woman in white robes praying nearby, she is not wearing any armour or weapons nevertheless.
Feel free to interact with any of those NPCs
Oct 7, 2021 4:43 pm
Elrond went straight to the tower as well
Elrond looks around at the other new arrivals that have started to reconvene around the fire.

So I guess we’re the new ones here. It looks like we will be working together. If you value your lives you will give me space when I tell you to, understood? By the way, my name is Elrond.

He gives a small wave but no smile to the other new adventurers.
Last edited October 7, 2021 4:43 pm
Oct 7, 2021 5:36 pm
Phoenix will do his best to smile from behind the mass of bandages.
I’m Phoenix, and I’m sure we’ll make a good team.
He almost goes to pat Elrond’s shoulder, but remembers his panic from the night before and his statement about space and thinks better of it.
I’ll do my best to keep us all alive.
He lets a bit of divine light dance across his fingertips.
Oct 7, 2021 7:49 pm
All 4 of you follow the tasty smell and meet near the cooking place. YI remind you that you also see goblin, firblog and gnome adventurers as well as halfling cook and human priest (it seems obvious she is a priest). Phoenix (due to rather high perception) notice that firblog is looking at you with an interest. As you pay attention to him you see he sits next to the only tree around and is covered by it's shadow, his ayes, nevertheless, seem to reflect sunlight.
All of you noticed gnome and and halfling stare at you as you approached, but lost their interest in a moment.
Oct 7, 2021 8:37 pm
His introduction made, and his curiosity piqued, Phoenix will wave farewell to his team and head toward the tree.
As he approaches the Firbolg, Phoenix will do his his best to convey a smile through his disguise, and keep his body language as friendly as possible, well aware that his getup made him look like some creepy thug.
"Howdy there friend. Mind if I join you in the shade?"
Oct 7, 2021 9:04 pm
As you approach Firbolg you notice tatoo on his right arm with some stars around two ayes.
When you speak to him, he look at you with his deep black ayes and you feel this character is no stranger to darkness. Your feel both afraid and pity.
Me friend? We are roots of the same tree: one goal but different paths
You didn't notice, but goblin stands next to you and he whisper The huge wise guy is always talking like this. He want to remind you we are from different teams. We will go through doors to the west, yours are South. Do you want to purchase a talisman or a potion of warding from me? Once in the maze you will need all the protection you could get. 5 gold each
Oct 7, 2021 9:26 pm
Phoenix considers the vibe he got from the Firbolg’s eyes, coming to the conclusion that they might be just a tad bit similar. However seeing as he didn’t say no, Phoenix will sit down in the shade.
He turns his attention to the goblin.
"Sorry friend I don’t have much in the way of coin, but if I find any out in this maze I’ll keep that in mind."
He smiles. "While I’ve got your attention, would you mind explaining what this "maze" is? Nobody has bothered to explain it to me yet."
Oct 8, 2021 12:17 am
Elrond creeps closer to Phoenix, listening to his conversation with the Firblog and Gonlin. Elrond knows details of the Maze that Phoenix is asking about could be crucial to surviving this place
Oct 8, 2021 2:42 am
Bellow approaches the priestess in white. Do you pray for protection in the maze? Or do you pay for deliverance from this camp? It feels like a slave camp, but no obvious oppressors. Who is it that rules this place?. Pause... Oh, sorry for so many questions.The abduction has me on edge. My name is Bellow. May I ask yours?
Oct 8, 2021 6:43 am
Goblin comes closer and introduces My name is Indrich. Maze is a place full of traps and monsters all willing to kill you. But we must go there to get gifts. I could share some of the gifts with you for a price and shows a bottle with light green liquid in it. Because I so much car for you I will gift it for 3 gp.
Then you hear firblog I believe this is what you want to know: Maze change every night, we don't know what to expect. We have 8 hours to run maze ever day, but we try to hurry, walls seldom collapse and new monster come. Some monsters are intelligent and you could try talk to them, but most of them will attack you once they spot you. Some traps is possible to disarm ...
Goblin steps in but most important - the chests! When you see a chest it means you deserve it, it is never a trap. Chests are why we go there. Food and stuff in the chests. You bring it back to camp and everyone is happy. Ready to do for you whatever you want
Oct 8, 2021 6:43 am
Bellow, you realise that woman is in some sort of meditating trans though she is moving in a way you have seen priest to move during rituals. And she is talking in a language unknown to you.
For a moment her ayes focuses on you and the speaks in common Ferrieres my name. I have even more questions and no answers. Yours are simple - no ruler, no slaves, we were all summoned here in last few day. I worship no deity I prepare my body and soul for the maze run. I suggest you also do, you don't want to die in there. And without waiting she stands up and continues in the other language and her ayes are no more concentrated
Oct 8, 2021 3:53 pm
Walking away from the not-priestess talking to myself, She doesn't even know she is a slave. I'll try the cook. walk. walk. Talk to the cook. Is the porridge for now or for later? I'll take some if he offers.So, I'm supposed to bring stuff back from the maze. What do hope I find?
Last edited October 8, 2021 3:54 pm
Oct 8, 2021 4:24 pm
Cook annoyed: You wait. Porridge not yet ready. Then not looking at you: Lilly will bring dishes soon. I cook for you, brave adventurers. And don't underestimate Ferrieres. I bet she outlive most of you. She cautious, other maze runners not. How about you?

Then she look looks into your ayes and add From maze you bring me any sack you discover, even if it does not seem like a food to you. you discover yourself nodding as if she is your mother or a boss, not a small halfling. But the feeling is gone before your realize what just happened and the lady is busy with porridge again.
Oct 8, 2021 5:21 pm
Phoenix scratches his chin.
"Interesting, but what’s up the point? Is there some sort of end goal to going in there, or are we suppose to do it till the end of time to survive?"
Oct 8, 2021 5:36 pm
survive! if that's not good enough goal for you you may as well stay in the maze tonight goblin answer you. But firblog is not so sure

Goal? What is the goal of a rabbit? What is a goal of a wolf. Does a wolf hunt to survive, or to live?
Nevertheless we are not rabbits. We are ...
he think for a moment are Hatching egg
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