Prologue: arrival

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Oct 8, 2021 6:04 pm
There’s gotta be more to this, it’s far to elaborate but I just be someone’s sick idea of torture.
Phoenix nods along to the words.
"Perhaps we’ll be able to figure it out soon, if we survive."
He turns to the Firbolg.
" I wish you luck in your struggles, I hope we can see the end of this ordeal soon."
Oct 8, 2021 6:14 pm
We will SEE indeed ... Actually do you have anyone in your team that struggle to see in the dark? Bring him to me before going in the maze, my team don't need Selune blessing, but humans do
Oct 8, 2021 6:41 pm
Selune sounds familiar to Phoenix, but he can’t place it. He thinks about his new team and remembers that Bellow is a human.
Phoenix smiles.
"That’s mighty generous of you, I appreciate it. I think my team does have a human, I’ll go fetch him."
Phoenix will get up and wander over to Bellow and tap him on the shoulder.
"Would you mind coming with me for a moment?"
Oct 9, 2021 2:37 am
Elrond after eavesdropping on the conversations Phoenix is considers the Maze. Elrond has not ye to see anything stronger than the burst of power that come from his own magic. This maze will be no match for him. He would do it, he would be the one to enter the maze, and finish it. However, he does not feel as strong as he did before, something is still hindering his powers. He would need help.

Elrond moves to the golbin

Hey you! you say you have tlisman's and potions for sale? What exactly do you have available?
Oct 9, 2021 5:49 am
Now we are talking says goblin. He shows you a potion with light green liquid and a beautiful pebble shining in the sunlight. Potion, you drink. It will protect you from magic for an hour. The talisman protects against dying. Each of them cost 5 gp.
If you ask details you discover that he he don't seem to understand the details himself. He has wisdom 5, so...
Oct 9, 2021 7:51 am
Meanwhile Elf girl and an older woman approach talking in elvish. Phoenix and Elrond could hear some words ... something about killing skeletons and demons and how to keep at a distance from them. You hear sentence "I don't mind letting the brave males risk their lives for us" and they both laugh aloud.
Lilly is also approaching with a bag in her hand. Bag appears to be empty however.
Good morning, brave maze runners. she walks to the cook Good morning Indra, is it ready?.
Halfing women smiles you are on time as usual

Lilly open her bag and gets out dishes for everyone.
Wail where is Thunderhead? Merida, could you please wake him up? and one of the elf girls (one with a long bow) runs away. And she returns with a a huge and muscular man (he is Goliath). He wears only a kilt and you see several axes of different sizes on his back. As running toward you he is telling some joke to Merrida and start laughing (Merida don't even smile). His laughing sound a bit like thunderstorm

The other maze runners sits in two groups of 4 (Merida, Thunderhead, gnome and Ferrieres (white robbed women) in one and older elf, goblin, firblog and ... you could swear you did he him approach - a man with big mouth (when he start eating you if you take a look you realise he is Yuan-ti with as you see his long split tongue)

None of the groups seem to be willing let you sit next to him. So you sit in our own group (do you?)
Oct 9, 2021 2:19 pm
As everyone moves around to fall into their groups Elrond keeps following the Goblin. Perhaps this Goblin has something more than he realizes in this talisman.

May I see this talisman for a moment?
Did we start with any gold? Also I’d like to do a check to see if I can figure out what this talisman does
Oct 9, 2021 2:21 pm
At Phoenix 's shoulder tap, I follow him. Have you learned something? I'm excited at the chance to gain dark vision and I greet Firbolg with respect and gratitude.
Last edited October 9, 2021 2:47 pm
Oct 9, 2021 4:05 pm
Anguis hears the goblin approaches him and asks.
Tradesman, do you have more of those talismans, what other wares do have?
Last edited October 9, 2021 4:06 pm
Oct 9, 2021 7:25 pm
After introducing Bellow to the Firbolg, and saying his thanks once again, Phoenix will make his way to where the other groups are forming and will sit a bit away from them all, marking a spot for his own group to assemble once they conclude their business.
Oct 10, 2021 5:15 am
Goblin: I will have more talismans tomorrow if sell this. I need to test them in maze beforeI sell he shows his talisman
Oct 10, 2021 7:57 am
Anguis huffs.
Fine, tell me how they work later, I'll surely will be interested in them. By the way what's up with the snake man? Did he break some rules or something?
He points to the Yuan-ti with his stare as he asks the goblin.
Oct 10, 2021 11:30 am
Goblin whistle shortly and cry Adolf, there would you mind? Yuan-to comes your way and goblin continues Do you have anu problems with rules or breaking? Or do you want to buy talisman from me? The newcomers are interested, but I don't see money yet.
Adolf : So you are selling it finally. I will buy both of them for 5 gp. Ho takes 5 gp from his pocket is about to give it to goblin.
But goblin do not hurry. He looks at you: Going for 5 gp to Adolf unless you have better deal.
Oct 10, 2021 1:59 pm
Elrond scoffs at what he believes is an attempt to swindle him out of gold. He believes everyone is trying to get the best of him, that’s what happens what you have to raise yourself after being abandoned by everyone you know. There is no one Elrond can trust but himself.

Fine, sell the damn thing. I don’t care

Elrond walks towards his designated maze door and gets ready to enter.
Oct 10, 2021 3:41 pm
OK, let's finish prologue
You eat - each group it a small circle and are probably discussing some battle tactics. Food is really tasty a bit magical - you will nod need to worry about eating next 8 hours.
Lilly goes round and stay for 10 minutes at each group, inspiring the maze runners and reminding them that whole camp depends on their success.
You all all get 7 temp HP due to inspiring talk
Lilly stays bit longer with your group. gives you the bag she used to bring dishes. This is bag of holdings. Put any chest you find in the maze into this bag. Of course, you could keep any equipment but chests mostly contain food and material (i.e. iron).
She also try to give you some insight into the maze, but she has not been there and information is not very useful.
In a while maze gates start shaking and opens. Firblog gather Bellow and the big guy named Thunderhead and bless your ayes.
He is twilight cleric
Bellow have darkvision out to a range of 300 feet for one hour (basically until you do any short rest).
Some of the other maze runners give you quick hints about maze and you all move into your gates.
In the maze I may seldom tell you some meta info as you recognise that info you just received is of a value
Dec 3, 2021 7:30 am
GeneCortess, Aldrusian Each of your characters wake up inside a 5 ft cube wooden box with dim light coming from roof. You feel terrible (1 lvl of exhaustion ) and have a feeling that your box is moving up slowly. You can't remember how you get here. You can't actually remember anything, but your name. Box suddenly stop moving and in a while you hear a voice
Do not be afraid! We mean no harm. We will help you. Please keep yourself to and opposite wall and they break the box quickly - you see workers of different races with sledgehammers and other tools giving way to an old human lady.
Welcome to the Maze. My name is Lilly. Do you remember your name?

When you are out of your cages she explains you more details:

You need to take rest as night is approaching and you must be feeling just as terrible as anyone who is summoned to this place.
There is a chest on top of your box with your belongings (starting gear per your class/background), we will help to get the chest to your tent.
She tells you about the maze:
We have 4 teams of maze runners. Well we had 4 teams. Two teams did not return today.
She believes it to be the reason why you arrived. You will make a new team to replace the one that is gone.
Maze runners run the maze to bring us food and some weapons to themselves. But you should better ask details to the other two teams tomorrow morning.
Dec 3, 2021 5:15 pm
Speaking to no one in particular as he climbs out of the box and looks into the chest, Eldrick says, "This must be another test set for me by the ancestors." As he gathers his meager goods he looks around the area trying to spy a tent. He is still puzzled about why he cannot remember anything more than his name. The tools in the chest seem to indicate that he may be a carpenter by trade but why would they need a carpenter in a maze. If he's to find food and weapons, that is a poor use of whatever skills he has. Perhaps he can build a small hut to replace that tent.
Dec 4, 2021 1:43 am
The Dwarf Thorem gives a hardly laugh besides feeling lesser, I'm fairly sure your ancestors have nothing to do with this. I be Thorem. I can't say that I remember much either, but my chest is filled with armor and weapons of battle. As he has retrieved his chest of goodies.

He looks over to Lilly, I suppose you can explain more. And I see we are to be a new team? Both him and I?
Chest Thorem's contained: Chainmail & Waterskin, Greataxe, Warhammer, 2x Handaxe, Backpack & Two Pouches
Last edited December 4, 2021 2:00 am
Dec 4, 2021 5:30 am
The nondescript human turns and sees the dwarf for the first time. After a moment eyeballing him, he says, "Ah! Well met. I am Eldrick. Apparently a carpenter. The only things I have that could be considered a weapon are a couple of daggers and a handaxe." Eldrick steps aside and reveals his chest to Thorem.
OOC: I have no idea why the system won't allow me to present my character pic.
Last edited December 4, 2021 9:19 pm
Dec 4, 2021 9:12 am
Lilly: Look there she points you to two more cages you missed. You see people with axes breaking those just as they did with your two.
Yes, the team is: you two and two more - must be in the other two cages.
I will not describe other two I will keep blank in case I need to do another recruitment. You will soon be split from them, but your character do not know it. Please just skip your communication with the other two, but feel free to talk to or otherwise reference "your team"
I have been summoned here a week ago the same way you are. So I only know little more than you do. I will gladly share with all 8 of you newcomers everything I know. But I plan to do it tomorrow morning when you feel yourself better and could better perceive information.
But, should you have any specific questions you would like to ask me right now - I will gladly share with you right now.

She seems sincere, but tired. Her smile reflects some sort a grief.
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