C1NDER says:
Thanks, Surfer!
As an update, I hope to have a recruitment thread open by early January.
I'm reading through the material and am really enjoying it so far, I hope you will too!
My goal right now is figuring out where exactly I want to balance the Lovecraftian horror with the elements that make Pathfinder, well...Pathfinder. In scouring message boards, it appears people swing wildly from making this AP pulpy or psychologically oppressive and I want to handle that carefully. I think a lot of that will require close attention to tone in the narrative while still allowing wizards w/ fireballs, shape-shifting druids, etc.
I'm always open for feedback, and that can start now - if anyone has any thoughts or questions about the above please feel free to let me know.
I'm excited and hope a few of you are excited enough to apply when it's up!
I've never read the adventure books, but i did read the Player's guide and some discussion forums. From what could figure out this is a game where 15 points buy and really restrict the characters options to the players guide suggestions is more appropriate. For example, a mammoth lord mad dog barbarian will really feel out of place, in this case I think the GM should suggest a Urban (or Infiltrator) Ranger with a smaller animal companion.
A few exceptions are okay. For example, an Urban Primalist Bloodrager with the arcane or the aberrant bloodline is perfectly in the mood.
Another thing I notice is that paladin's fear immunity is REALLY powerful in this adventure path. As a matter of fact paladins are powerful in general in this adventure path. A Oath against Corruption Paladin is a little more balanced because it is not immune to fear, but it has bonus against almost every major enemy.
Last edited January 3, 2022 12:03 am