Chapter 3 - To Catch a Rat
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Nov 24, 2021 4:40 pm
"I might be at risk, but it's a risk I'm willing to take." Eedha responds to Tayen. "And as your friend has said, it's unlikely that Gen will make too big a show out of it."
"I will plan on exiting the building just as Gen arrives so that you can strike, maybe contact me directly when he's close. It might be best to stun me during the attack, so that I'm not suspected of helping in any way."
He turns his attention to Kip.
"Here, let me show you how the components are assembled..."
What preparations are you making over the next couple of days?
"I will plan on exiting the building just as Gen arrives so that you can strike, maybe contact me directly when he's close. It might be best to stun me during the attack, so that I'm not suspected of helping in any way."
He turns his attention to Kip.
"Here, let me show you how the components are assembled..."
Eedha is cool with the plan. You have a few days to prepare. Kip should take a 3P computer check to test his ability to assemble/disassemble the device.What preparations are you making over the next couple of days?
Nov 24, 2021 6:44 pm
Make sure the FSF is somewhere else at that time, and maybe study the streets so we have our exit route planned.Nov 24, 2021 7:27 pm
Do we want to try to secure a speeder truck that's easy to throw people into? If not, we'll at least need an extra speeder or speeder bikes so we can transport our captives and all of us.Nov 24, 2021 8:31 pm
crazybirdman says:
We can split up and regroup later if needed.Nov 24, 2021 10:52 pm
Mirach could probably arrange for the FSF's convenient absence in the area. We could take some stun grenades or binders from the item cache. Should we investigate the meeting between Baksed and Gen? I actually think we shouldn't, since failure there could risk tipping Gen off to the ambush.
Computer, Int, Field Manual (Cut the Poodoo)
3 Success, 1 Advantage, 1 Triumph, 2 Failure, 2 Threat
Total: 1 Success, 1 Threat, 1 Triumph
Nov 25, 2021 6:24 pm
"Impressive!" Eedha remarks over Kip's shoulder, watching as the device is dismantled and reassembled in record time.
The two spend the next several hours constructing look-alike parts for a decoy device while real device is broken down to easily concealable parts.
"We can take these out over the next day or two, a little at a time and stash them at my place."
The two spend the next several hours constructing look-alike parts for a decoy device while real device is broken down to easily concealable parts.
"We can take these out over the next day or two, a little at a time and stash them at my place."
So we're contacting Mirach? Kyle? Anything that you want to do beforehand? A little recon of the area? Something else?Eedha
Nov 26, 2021 3:00 pm
Gurag would want to scout out the area and try to identify best routes for getting out of the area once we've nabbed the target. Do we have a plan of attack for this other than just 'jump him when he arrives'? We're going to need some sort of transport as well as a secondary vehicle somewhere quiet that we can transfer him over to if we want to try and avoid someone ID'ing the getaway 'car'Nov 26, 2021 4:29 pm
Let's do this. Everyone can make one prep roll - pick a skill and an appropriate action to take with that skill and roll against 2P.For example, if Gurag wanted to scout the area, he could make a Knowledge (warfare) check. Someone could make a Piloting (planetary) check for escape routes - whatever you come up with. For each success we'll add a boost die to a pool that can be used at anytime during the heist (grabbing Gen and escaping).
You also have two game days to do other things, if you wish.
Nov 26, 2021 6:13 pm
Tayen will plan the getaway route with a Piloting - Planetary roll.Oo. 2 advantages and a triumph. I propose the following:
The 2 advantages are that while examining the routes in and out, I noticed a few important things about the area around the building. This provides 2 boost dice to the "scout the area" roll.
The triumph is that while looking for good spots in the nearby area to pause and swap vehicles, I happen to stumble across someone looking to sell a junker speeder truck for quick cash. Will be cheap. This only makes sense however if we, as a group, have enough resources to buy even a cheap speeder. If not, I can do something else with this triumph.
Last edited November 26, 2021 6:27 pm
Getaway Planning
3 Success, 3 Advantage, 1 Triumph, 1 Failure, 1 Threat
Total: 2 Success, 2 Advantage, 1 Triumph
Nov 26, 2021 6:40 pm
I like the idea of the advantages being used as boosts for the "scout the area" roll. So, whoever does a scout/recon type roll can add two boosts to their roll.The Triumph idea is good as well, let’s roll with that and we’ll bank the two successes as Boosts to use during your operation.
[2 Boost in the Operation Pool]
Nov 26, 2021 7:43 pm
Gurag will try to scout the area then….Rolls
Knowledge (Warfare)
4 Success, 1 Failure, 1 Threat
Total: 3 Success, 1 Threat
Nov 26, 2021 10:19 pm
Guy it's going to go around to the local shops and watering holes. He wants to check the vibe to see if he can find people that also don't like Gen and the Empire. I figure they may be able to help in a pinch, or be a place we can hide/escape if some of us have to leave on foot.
2 Success, 1 Advantage, 2 Failure, 1 Threat
Nov 27, 2021 5:25 pm
Wash for Guy. With Gurag's check we're up to:Any recon/scout/prep for Kip?
[5 Boost in the Operation Pool]
Nov 27, 2021 6:24 pm
Kip decides to work on the speeder that they'll be using for the abduction. Although he doesn't have the time or money to do any significant upgrade, he manages to tighten a few bolts here and there that make the whole thing run a bit smoother.
Mechanics + Rig'goh's Guide
4 Success, 6 Advantage, 3 Failure
Total: 1 Success, 6 Advantage
Nov 29, 2021 12:13 am
We'll use those six Advantage and Tayen's Triumph to assume you've found and purchased a cheap speeder that can be used for the operation then ditched/swapped.Sounds like everything is scoped out. What have Kyle and Mirach been told of the operation?
[6 Boost in the Operation Pool]
Nov 29, 2021 12:28 am
I feel like we tell Mirach the very basics of the plan (so she has ausinle deniability) and she'll make sure the FSF don't hinder us or help Gen. We have the comlink to call Kyle so I don't think we need to tell him anything. Unless we want to get rid of the package asap? Do we wa t to have a story ready for how Eedha escapes,
So his cover isn't blown?
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