So many TTRPGs, so little time...

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Nov 21, 2021 2:21 pm
Hello, gamers!

I only recently started playing TTRPGs compared to some other folks due to very little exposure in my regular social circles (and really, you never hear about anything, except D&D if you're lucky - the price you pay for being central european, I suppose). My regular gaming group has been meeting virtually once a week for about a year now. One of the group members wanted to learn to DM and showed an extraordinarily lucky hand at picking players; first group, instant success (at least for me). So we started out with D&D 5th Edition Lost Mines of Phandelver, then I stumbled across Microscope, then everyone took a turn DMing D&D 5e one-shots and now we're here.

Yesterday when one player couldn't make it, I suggested we look through my recently purchased Numenera Humble Bundle together after I've had one of the bundle books sitting on my virtual shelves for 2 years. I don't know yet if I'll appreciate the whole system but I certainly want to try to GM the introductory adventure(s). At this point, you may have noticed that this is already the second time I've introduced a new system to my group and there are so many more I'm interested in, I've had to start keeping a list (don't even get me started on all the ideas I've had for my own system and the worldbuilding I've been doing for my own D&D 5e setting). I can't put all of that on one group, and I also don't have time to regularly attend something for another 3-4 continuous hours, and that is why I'm introducing myself to you guys today.

I'm currently interested in learning the ins and outs of Numenera (I've got rough basics, would love to play to really get into it), and the following of which I've heard but where have little to no rules knowledge (the aforementioned list), approximately in order of interest: Blue Planet: Recontact (brand new! So brand new, in fact, that I'm not even sure it's widely available already, was recently funded on kickstarter), Tales from the Loop, Blades in the Dark, Night Witches, Coreolis, Those Dark Places, Perseverant

I look forward to interesting games!
Nov 21, 2021 2:41 pm
Welcome NABO.

I highly recommend Blades in the Dark for your live weekly play, the design does not run well on PbP. Night Witches is very worth reading, but very hard to play unless the group really embraces the whole vibe, I almost expect it to get cut short after a duty station or two (if we are lucky).
Nov 21, 2021 2:49 pm
vagueGM says:

I highly recommend Blades in the Dark for your live weekly play, the design does not run well on PbP. Night Witches is very worth reading, but very hard to play unless the group really embraces the whole vibe, I almost expect it to get cut short after a duty station or two (if we are lucky).
That's good to know, thank you. I expected that some won't do well in this style of play, just figured I'd throw them all out there because they also give a nice overview of my preferred style/content
Nov 21, 2021 3:09 pm
Welcome to the community, NABO!

Plenty of Numenera fans here. And a fanatical Tales From The Loop following LOL! You've come to the right place!
Nov 21, 2021 3:27 pm
Jabes.plays.RPG says:

Plenty of Numenera fans here. And a fanatical Tales From The Loop following LOL! You've come to the right place!
Thanks for the welcome, and a question about that: I already checked the currently open games and there currently aren't any using those two systems. In my experience on other sites, making a post as a player looking for a game is a fruitless endeavor 99% of the time, so would you say i'd have better chances of success on here?
Nov 21, 2021 3:36 pm
NABO says:
... In my experience on other sites, making a post as a player looking for a game is a fruitless endeavor 99% of the time, so would you say i'd have better chances of success on here?
It does not hurt to ask.

We are actively working on (or planning on working on) this exact issue. LFG (again)
Nov 21, 2021 3:53 pm
Yeah, I think I'll make an attempt, and thanks for the effort with the planned feature
Nov 21, 2021 5:48 pm
Hi NABO. It's not usually fruitless here - asking often results in a game.

I know we have some Numenera players because I was looking at a character sheet this week for @kaigen.
Nov 21, 2021 5:56 pm
Heya NABO and 🐋come to GP. Being in a Loop that transcended into Flood game myself, I'd say you're in for a treat.
@bowlofspinach has an introductory TftL game that might interest you. I can't say for the other systems you mentioned, except perhaps Numenera which I've seen being mentioned around. Sadly I didn't get to pull the trigger on that bundle myself and now I'm a tad sad.
Enjoy your stay here and don't hesitate to join us on discord for more chit chat and whatnot. Toodles.
Nov 21, 2021 6:16 pm
Welcome aboard
Nov 21, 2021 6:29 pm
Adam says:
Hi NABO. It's not usually fruitless here - asking often results in a game.

I know we have some Numenera players because I was looking at a character sheet this week for @kaigen.
Good to hear, will make sure to ask in the Games Tavern
Antiproduct says:
Being in a Loop that transcended into Flood game myself, I'd say you're in for a treat.
@bowlofspinach has an introductory TftL game that might interest you.
Yep, saw that introductory game, I'm considering it. Seems like a good option as a newbie
Antiproduct says:
Sadly I didn't get to pull the trigger on that bundle myself and now I'm a tad sad.
Don't be, it appears that the bundle comes up with some regularity. A friend who bought the same bundle a few years ago said it contains the same books
Nov 21, 2021 6:52 pm
Welcome NABO

As has already been pointed out, there is a fanatical TftL following here (which is me). I do run an intro game that you could check out if you want to.
I'm also still planning to open up another Loop game (I'm currently running one of Things from the Flood) but there's no time set for that yet. I might move it up though if there is already interest for it.

If you want to see how GP functions, here are links to the New GP Member Guide, the forum rules and this video introduction made by user Qralloq. You might also be interested in looking through some public games as well to get a feel for the site.

To join a game, keep your eyes on the Games Tavern, where GMs advertise their games and look for players.

You're also invited to join us on the Discord server for some friendly conversation, about the site, RPGs in general or anything else!

If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to contact any of the following moderators:

Keleth (site owner)

Happy gaming!
Nov 21, 2021 6:59 pm
Thanks, applied to the tutorial game and you can certainly mark me down as interested for the game you're planning on running. No rush here though : )
Nov 21, 2021 7:08 pm
I approved you to the game. Let me know if you're finding everything alright!
Nov 21, 2021 10:28 pm
Welcome to GP, Nabo!
Nov 21, 2021 10:39 pm
Welcome, NABO. A bunch of Numenera gets played here. I'm sure you can find a game, but if not in a few days, send me a PM. I've run a lot of people through learning games and could do so again. (Not necessarily the suggested intro game, but with the intent of teaching and having a good go of it.)
Nov 21, 2021 11:53 pm
Welcome to the hobby and to GP, NABO. Lots of great folks and games here -- hope to see you around!


Nov 22, 2021 3:51 am
Welcome to the community!
Nov 22, 2021 6:55 am
Thank you guys all for the welcome messages : )
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