Chapter 1: Arriving at the Three Feathers

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Gravin MariaUlrike von Liebwitz of Ambosstein


Mar 16, 2022 1:34 pm
Gravin MariaUlrike von Liebwitz of Ambosstein
The gravin nods along. "I'm afraid you are correct. I believer Dammenblatz is behind it all," she states before taking a pause to consider her next words. "I’m going to Kemperbad to fight a lawsuit against him. If I’m right, then his agents will try to kill my champion or my lawyer."

"I was wondering," she continues before you have time to speak, looking directly at Kristof for this last part. "If I might be so bold as to ask you to stay on as my guards, and step up as a second choice should Bruno have an unfortunate accident before we arrive? You seem quite adept with that weapon."
Mar 18, 2022 4:01 pm
Kristof stands tall (or as tall as a 5'1" man can stand), his chest puffed in sudden pride. Of all the events that had occurred over the evening, this was the most unexpected. To be hired on as a second (third, really) was quite the honor, especially when he didn't much care about who the person he was to defend. The room pauses as Kristof works this all through his mind, when suddenly he realizes he had taken an awkward amount of time.

He makes a very clunky, very military bow. "Madame, I was hired by an elven woman earlier this evening, but she seems to have vanished in the night, so my swordarm is at your disposal. I would know who this Damned Blotz fellow is, to best protect you and yours."
Thanks for your patience waiting for this post!

Gravin MariaUlrike von Liebwitz of Ambosstein


Mar 21, 2022 1:49 pm
Gravin MariaUlrike von Liebwitz of Ambosstein
"Baron Otto Von Dammenblatz of Wissenberg. I don't know how much of the rumor mill have made it way to you?" Maria starts. "But I am on the way to Kemperbad for a trial. I have been accused of... immoral behaviour and being complicit in a death at a party my aunt Emanuelle was holding. The first accusation is preposterous, some men cannot abide a woman speaking their mind. The second part is just as foolish. I assure you I had nothing to do with it. But I intend to excercise my anicent right to tiral by combat, so that has made both my lawyer and champion a target. I am sorry that a member of their family died, but I had nothing to do with it."
Mar 21, 2022 7:57 pm
In response to her selection of Kristof, Dieter says, 'M'Lady, if I may say so, a very wise choice.' This is getting better and better. Now they just have to keep their patron alive. 'If this Baron has failed in his attempts on your champion and lawyer, might he make an attempt on your life directly?''
Mar 24, 2022 8:13 am
The four of you are able to finish your conversation. Between Kristof and the other guards you are keep a guard throughout the rest of the night. That proves to be uneventful.

In the meantime, Dieter is able to get the smugglers' "goods" out of the tavern unseen. As he's leaving he hands Dieter a printet leaflet denouncing the Countess of Nuln as a ‘LUSTY DEGENERATE who must be REMOVED for the benefit of ALL the EMPIRE!’. No wonder he had to leave Nuln in a hurry.

The next morning you tiredly start a new day in the employ of the Gravin, as the procession of carts make it way into the horizon.

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