Summer Gardens Mobile Village
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Dec 19, 2021 4:50 am
Mister, are you a weenie? We ain't scared. We were going to kill them all and then probably eat them! What Crawdad cooks up is usually pretty spicy and will burn your ass hole but it taste pretty good. You're goin to need to help iffin you plan on eatin with us.
Dec 19, 2021 3:20 pm
"Ah thankee," Vern says to Crawdad as he takes the proferred beer and knocks back half the can in two gulps. "This here is better 'n any reality TV show I seen, that's for sure."
"Say, what kinda accent is that anyway? He from Canada?"
Finishing the rest of his beer and crinkling the can, he belches loudly and says with some degree of indignation, "Hey! I ain't no bloke, got it?"
"Say, what kinda accent is that anyway? He from Canada?"
Finishing the rest of his beer and crinkling the can, he belches loudly and says with some degree of indignation, "Hey! I ain't no bloke, got it?"
Dec 19, 2021 3:29 pm

English Dude
A tentacle erupts from the water and crushers the back of his canoe. He rolls into the water, swims the last bit and climbs onto roof, scrambling away from the edge. "Sharks? There are worse things than sharks in these woods."
Dec 19, 2021 11:45 pm
"Well ain't that the berries!" Vern says when he catches sight of the tentacle. "That ain't no shark. What in the hell is it? An octopus?"
He scratches his head and double-checks to make sure his glasses are still on. "I seen those on TV but they ain't from here. Nope."
He scratches his head and double-checks to make sure his glasses are still on. "I seen those on TV but they ain't from here. Nope."
Dec 20, 2021 7:00 am
"Holy shit! Did you see that?!" Dave shouts from the trailer he, Thelma, and Stanley occupy. He's broken character, and is shaking his head as he puts two and two together in his head. "These sharks... they have tentacles, man! Tentacles!"
A shake of his head is all that's required to get him back in character, then he's offering a hand the size of a small ham towards the businessman. "Hey -- no hard feelings, right? Shake, man. We gotta cooperate, all being in the same plight."
Turning to the blonde in the bikini, the big wrestler makes a pledge, while also ogling her boobs.
"We're gonna get you and your fine self outa here, bomboncita. We just might have to be fast -- super fast, like a cheetah!"
A shake of his head is all that's required to get him back in character, then he's offering a hand the size of a small ham towards the businessman. "Hey -- no hard feelings, right? Shake, man. We gotta cooperate, all being in the same plight."
Turning to the blonde in the bikini, the big wrestler makes a pledge, while also ogling her boobs.
"We're gonna get you and your fine self outa here, bomboncita. We just might have to be fast -- super fast, like a cheetah!"
I vote for Dave to be eaten first. Guy is KILLIN' ME with the rhymes.Dec 20, 2021 10:55 am
Stanley shakes the man's hand. Did the luchadore think he was angry? Pushing the other man jnto the water was just smart tactics. Nothing personal. Getting ahead in life sometimes meant doing unpleasant work, but it wad never (OK almost never) personal. It was just the best plan. And right now the best plan was to work together. Towards what he still didn't know.
"Working together is fine by me. But what are we working towards, exactly? We need to get a boat to get to safety. Or a radio to call for help."
"Working together is fine by me. But what are we working towards, exactly? We need to get a boat to get to safety. Or a radio to call for help."
Dec 20, 2021 4:06 pm
RageRed says:
Haha! Try out Crawdad's dialog. Its painful even typing that gibberish.OOC:
Well, for what it's worth I've been hugely impressed with Crawdad's dialog and have been able to understand most of it -- probably because I've spent big chunks of time working in New Orleans and Mobile. The gulf coast is a pretty unique place.Dec 21, 2021 1:09 am

English Dude
Dec 21, 2021 2:46 am
"Tidal wave? Here? Well if that don't beat a donkey's ass. Is this what that all this here is from?" Vern asks, gesticulating wildly with his hands. "Did you people in your high-falutin' laboratories and white coats set this water and them tentacles after us regular folk?"
English Dude
Dec 21, 2021 9:59 pm

English Dude
My name is Dr. Burke. I’m a scientist at a secret government lab up river near the dam. The program was called S.H.A.R.K., Super Hybrid Advanced Ruthless Killers. We were experimenting with shark DNA for the perfect military killing machine. I know it sounds like science fiction, but, well, you’ll see for yourself. Not only did the sharks get stronger, bigger and more resilient, but they got smarter ... so smart they plotted an escape and somehow destroyed the dam, flooding the valley."
"The highly intelligent sharks are more than just laboratory-bred killing machines. They serve a higher purpose, genetically programmed into their DNA. Namely, the destruction of everything in their path. Now that they are loose … global domination. We bred this desire into them, thinking we could control them, tell them where and when to kill. The perfect global assassins. We were wrong! We were wrong to try to play God."
"With all our work on these creatures we unknowingly created more … so much more. The sharks have an unexpected side effect from the mutation gene we introduced."
As he says this he looks at his stump where a hand used to be as his muscles move from under the bloody bandage. He mumbles, "Unstable … mutations."
With his good hand he reaches into his lab coat and pulls out a small phone-like device with buttons, an antenna and a screen on it. Struggling to speak, he manages: "This … device … tracks the S.H.A.R.K. mutagen … you must stop them … before they reach … open sea. Stop … them."
As he turns the device on it starts to beep and blink, signaling a huge mass of red dots on the screen heading down river to open waters. The thing then suddenly blinks brighter and beeps louder as the map on the screen shifts to the ‘Parkers’ current location. That’s when Dr. Burke goes into convulsions. His body twists and morphs into a Great White Shark right before your eyes. Of course, he attacks the group!
Cletus, Crawdad, Stanley are up.
Deck Draws
Cletus, Crawdad, Dave, Stanley, Vern, GWS

Dec 21, 2021 11:24 pm
This new guy was like the teachers at school lecturing on and on about stuff that they thought important. Cletus was opening and closing his hand behind the doctor's back mocking him as his mouth opened wide enough to see a cavity on a back molar.
However, the kid was interest was suddenly peeked when the gadget came out of the doctor's pocket. Damn, mister! That's a lot of red dots!
Cletus' eyes widened as human flesh suddenly mutated to the more dangerous killer of a great white shark right before his eyes. The kid reflexively drew his sling shot sending a stone flying not to break the rows of pearly whites offered from the gapping maw but his aim was to blind the dead looking eyes.
However, the kid was interest was suddenly peeked when the gadget came out of the doctor's pocket. Damn, mister! That's a lot of red dots!
Cletus' eyes widened as human flesh suddenly mutated to the more dangerous killer of a great white shark right before his eyes. The kid reflexively drew his sling shot sending a stone flying not to break the rows of pearly whites offered from the gapping maw but his aim was to blind the dead looking eyes.
Shooting - (1d6, RA)
(2) = 2
Shooting - (1d6, RA)
(2) = 2
Dec 21, 2021 11:29 pm
That seems unlikely to hit so do I spend a Benny to reroll one or both dice?Dec 21, 2021 11:35 pm
CherokeeWind says:
That seems unlikely to hit so do I spend a Benny to reroll one or both dice?Dec 21, 2021 11:48 pm
Thanks! I'm going to reroll.Rolls
Shooting - (1d6, RA)
(63) = 9
Shooting - (1d6, RA)
(2) = 2
Dec 22, 2021 1:26 am
"Why don't people ever test their global domination plans on something harmless first?! Like hamsters or koalas?! Nooo, gotta jump straight to the most dangerous creatures on the planet!" Stanley rants while pulling out his hidden Smith & Wesson revolver he had hidden in a holster. He lets loose a shot at the man-shark!
Shooting - (1d6, RA)
(1) = 1
Wild Die - (1d6, RA)
(63) = 9
Damage - (2d6+1, RA)
(34) + 1 = 8
Extra damage - (1d6, RA)
(5) = 5
Dec 22, 2021 3:05 pm
Cletus hits with a Raise. Roll damage with an extra 1d6.
Stanley also hits with a Raise. Also add an extra d6 damage to your post.
Stanley also hits with a Raise. Also add an extra d6 damage to your post.
Dec 22, 2021 3:22 pm
Damage states Strength + d4 ROF 1 - So Cletus has a strength of 1d4 making the roll 2d4 but what is ROF? Thanks guys for baby stepping me through the mechanics.Rolls
Damage - (2d4, RA)
(2442) = 12
Extra damage - (1d6, RA)
(1) = 1
Dec 22, 2021 3:55 pm
Rate of Fire 1 -- there are rules for firing more than once per round for weapons that are designed for that, which the slingshot is not. Great roll, 13 total, that actually beats the Great White's Toughness of 12 so it is Shaken. As the creature is not a Wild Card, one wound will kill it, but it is Hardy which means that someone has to do 16+ from a single attack to kill it. (Normally, a successful attack on a Shaken creature will cause a wound, so if it wasn't Hardy, Stanley doing 12+ damage to it now that it is Shaken would finish it off.) Dec 22, 2021 4:03 pm
"Nice shot, little guy! You got him right in the eye!" El Diablo Fuego shouts, cheering Cletus's aim.
TOUGHNESS 12. RUH ROH.load next