Summer Gardens Mobile Village

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Jan 14, 2022 7:51 am
Waiting for his moment as the sharktopus gets closer, and closer... Dave hefts the roaring outboard and attacks!
Last edited January 14, 2022 11:38 pm


Fighting - (1d8, RA)

(3) = 3

Wild Die - (1d6, RA)

(64) = 10

Jan 14, 2022 3:17 pm
Wow, that's great. Not sure that a chainsaw is the right weapon for damage base. Damage will be Str+2d6+4+1d6 for a Raise.
Jan 14, 2022 3:58 pm
"Gad night a livin’! You go El Diablo Fuego. You go!" Could this be the killing blow, Vern wonders, his shotgun poised and ready if it ain't?
Jan 14, 2022 5:20 pm
Cletus had played swords with thin birch branches before with his best buds. Those long pliable branches could certainly sting and leave a whelp as they cut through the air. The fishing poles stowed away in the boat offered a similar sting and a longer reach. Death by a thousand cuts was still death even if it did take all ding done day!
Jan 14, 2022 11:42 pm
"Oh yeah!" El Diablo Fuego roars as the propeller starts chewing into rubbery grey sharktopus flesh. Blood and sinew and gore and Christ knew was else was flying!
Oh dear. Did the GM buy Boss Shark Insurance?
Last edited January 14, 2022 11:43 pm


Outboard Motor Carnage - (1d8+2d6+4+1d6, RA)

(87) + (41) + (62) + 4 = 32

Jan 15, 2022 1:17 am
The spray of blood and chunks of skin was the coolest and the grossest thing Cletus had ever seen. The red haired freckle face kid couldn't wait to tell Itchy about En Fuego's signature move and how he was there when he came up with it: the Spinning Blade of Death!
Even the dice knew how epic that move was!
Jan 15, 2022 4:32 am
15 Toughness, so 19 does one wound, 23 does a second, 27 does a third, and 31 does a fourth.
El Diablo Evenrude plunges the outboard motor into the Sharktopus as tentacles lash out, seizing the side of the boat and pulling it lower into the water. Blood and teeth and cartilage spray around and still he plunges it in farther, as Cletus hammers the throttle in his mind.

The Sharktopus pulls the boat lower, the water line rising, sloshing water spilling over the back, and then it dies. It sinks into the flooded 'park and the tentacles slide limply after it.
Jan 15, 2022 12:49 pm
Stanley can't believe his eyes. What the hell just happened?! An octoshark turned into chum by an outboard motor? Well that was the craziest thing I'll ever see, he thinks. "That was insane. Can't learn something like that in university," he says in grudging respect. Maybe these people aren't so worthless after all.
Jan 15, 2022 2:29 pm
"Well ain't that somethin'. El Diablo Fuego you are legend! Let's give it up for our hero! Hip Hip Hoorah! But we ain't got a motor now."

Vern looks around the boat for paddles or a trolling motor. He looks at his trailer with a measure of sadness and sighs. He had some good times in that trailer. Happy memories of binge-watching shows like Hillbilly Handfishin'.
Jan 16, 2022 7:13 pm
After replacing the outboard, or using the small trolling moter attached to the front of the boat, you can begin to move freely. The largest sharky predators have been snuffed, but you're aware that you don't know how many of the beasts remain at large. Potshots at the occasional maneater keep them from getting too curious.

You slowly get free of the Summer Gardens Trailer Park and head toward the town nearby. It isn't too long before you find the edge of the flooding, and dry ground. What caused the flooding isn't clear for now, but you're safe and that is all that truly matters.
Thank you, Weekenders, for making TPSA a fun and hilarious adventure. I had hoped for more gruesome deaths, but you rolled explosively well on damage when it was time to do so, one-shotting most of the big threats.

Until next time!
Jan 16, 2022 7:19 pm
Thanks for running it Mr. Q! It was fun being my neighbor Vern.
Jan 16, 2022 11:09 pm
Thanks for running, Q! Hopefully EDF wasn't too annoying. Well, I know he was annoying. Hopefully he wasn't crazy annoying. =]
Jan 17, 2022 3:42 am
Thank you all for allowing me to get out of my comfort zone by not only playing a new system but one where I was prepared to let my character die. Those exploding dice are fun!

My husband is going to be so bummed it's over! He was often asking what crazy red neck trouble we were up to and he never ask about my games!
Jan 17, 2022 7:58 pm
That's awesome! Maybe you will find another Savage Worlds game to play in someday. There are a huge number of settings too!
Jan 17, 2022 11:16 pm
Happy to play Savage Worlds or another game with any and all of you again!
Jan 17, 2022 11:35 pm
Hear that @qralloq?There's a Deadlands game that a new GM ghosted, with your name on it. 😉
Jan 18, 2022 12:47 am
Done! Anyone want to play Deadlands?
Jan 18, 2022 1:13 am
Darn tootin' I do.
Jan 18, 2022 2:51 am
Qralloq says:
Done! Anyone want to play Deadlands?
You thinkin' of another short venture, or something with more legs-like?
Jan 18, 2022 3:03 am
I'm taking suggestions, but a quick adventure would be my preference. Maybe longer than this one was.
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