Summer Gardens Mobile Village
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Jan 2, 2022 4:04 am
Is the boat close enough to extend an extension ladder to? I can't imagine even a 40' ladder would work or we'd have seen the boat by now. Or are we just thinking it can connect the two trailers?Jan 2, 2022 7:14 am
"I guess it wouldn't much matter now as the water could've washed the ladder away. I'll make a quick dive to see if it got lodged on something under the water. If you see any sharks coming...make some kind of distraction." With that Stanley uncuffs his briefcase and slips as silently as possible into the water. Satisfied he didn't make too much noise, he dips below the surface.
Notice - (1d4, RA)
(42) = 6
Wild Die - (1d6, RA)
(2) = 2
Jan 2, 2022 3:59 pm
The boat is too far to reach directly by ladder, but you can get closer by bridging to the next trailer or two.
Stanley takes the cues from Vern, and slides over the side, slipping into the water. He finds the ladder, a sturdy metal ladder that folds in half. He manages to get it up and the end sticking up out of the water.
He seems to have escaped being bait.
Stanley takes the cues from Vern, and slides over the side, slipping into the water. He finds the ladder, a sturdy metal ladder that folds in half. He manages to get it up and the end sticking up out of the water.
He seems to have escaped being bait.
Does a shark notice him? - (1d6, RA)
(2) = 2
Jan 3, 2022 7:54 am
"Awesome man, nice work!" El Diablo Fuego bellows, clapping his hands thunderously together. He grabs the ladder and hoists it up onto the trailer, then helps Jervis out of the water. "I was kinda mean before... now I feel like a jerk."
After that, Dave wastes no time trying to get the ladder extended and placed from one trailertop to the other -- so they can all get together, and then use the same method to get closer to the boat before someone dives in. The wrestler already has it in his mind: he'll be the one to make the final swim. He's stronger and faster and more masked and awesome than the rest of them put together, so why wouldn't it be him?
He starts limbering up, stretching, jumping jacks, running in place, the whole deal. His time to shine is coming!
After that, Dave wastes no time trying to get the ladder extended and placed from one trailertop to the other -- so they can all get together, and then use the same method to get closer to the boat before someone dives in. The wrestler already has it in his mind: he'll be the one to make the final swim. He's stronger and faster and more masked and awesome than the rest of them put together, so why wouldn't it be him?
He starts limbering up, stretching, jumping jacks, running in place, the whole deal. His time to shine is coming!
Just let me know if rolls are required to get the ladder and Jervis out of the water, or to place the ladder between the trailers.Last edited January 3, 2022 7:54 am
Jan 3, 2022 8:42 am
Thelma. I'm getting hungry. When are we going eat? The kid whined while watching El Diablo do his over the top stretch routine.
Hey, Fuego. Your planning to try and make it all the way over there? Cletus sounded a little in awe but if anyone could be a hero, it was this masked wrestler. Do ya want to throw my dingy out past the last trailer so when you run and jump off you can land on it and skim across the water like when ya skippin rocks?
Hey, Fuego. Your planning to try and make it all the way over there? Cletus sounded a little in awe but if anyone could be a hero, it was this masked wrestler. Do ya want to throw my dingy out past the last trailer so when you run and jump off you can land on it and skim across the water like when ya skippin rocks?
Jan 3, 2022 5:37 pm
Fuego nods as he warms up. "That's right little dude! Time for a refreshing dip! Just need to get a little closer to the boat, then I'm diving in. Some shark comes at me bro, I'll bust him in the lip!"
Shrugging his big shoulders, he adds, "But no man, no dinghy. That'd be, like, unmanly."
Shrugging his big shoulders, he adds, "But no man, no dinghy. That'd be, like, unmanly."
Last edited January 3, 2022 5:38 pm
Jan 3, 2022 6:31 pm
"Well I ain't shy about sharing my mattress as part of this whole plan. You want to at least get yerself on it El Diego Fuego? It might give you a better chance at not being freakin' shark bait."
As the reality of the situation really starts to sink in, Vern wants everyone to succeed.
As the reality of the situation really starts to sink in, Vern wants everyone to succeed.
Jan 3, 2022 6:59 pm
"Is it a manly air mattress?" Dave calls over, working out a final kink in his thick neck. "Tell me straight Vern, don't make me guess!"
If this goes as planned (!), picturing Dave jumping off the closest trailer roof possible, belly-flopping onto the mattress and then paddling like mad for the boat. What could go wrong? And this is provided that the ladder scheme allows access to that closer trailer...
Dave is pretty bad at rhyming, it turns out.If this goes as planned (!), picturing Dave jumping off the closest trailer roof possible, belly-flopping onto the mattress and then paddling like mad for the boat. What could go wrong? And this is provided that the ladder scheme allows access to that closer trailer...
Jan 3, 2022 7:03 pm
"Good God almighty, El Diablo Fuego. Would I sleep in anything else?!" Vern shakes his head at the insult.
Jan 3, 2022 7:17 pm
Loving this scene. No rolls needed so far.Are each of you going to cross with Dave, or stay where you're at (assuming that Dave, Stanley and Thelma first cross to Vern's trailer)?
Jan 3, 2022 9:10 pm
While the guys are plotting their course of action with the ladder and flotation devices, Sasha is visually calculating the best vantage point along the trailer top route to position herself to cover Dave when goes for the bass boat. She flicks a long stem of ashes off the end of her cigarette and takes one last pull off the smoking stump. "No time to waste." She interjects; thumping the butt of her cigarette in the general direction of a dorsal fin passing by. "Let's kill some big freakin' fish..."
Jan 4, 2022 11:51 am
I think Stanley will wait so they aren't all on the same trailer. Wouldn't want to have so many eggs in one basket for the sharks to eat lol.Jan 4, 2022 3:59 pm
"Well c'mon y'all. What are you waiting for? We ain't got all day." Vern says as he waits for the others to make the crossing to his trailer.
Last edited January 4, 2022 4:00 pm
Jan 5, 2022 5:29 pm
Cletus stood up on the trailer running his thumbs in the waistband of his pants before grabbing an imaginary microphone. On this trailer we have our hero, the masked hero who burns his opponents up with unnatural flames, EL DIABLO ENFUEGO! In the waters by the bass boat we have the evil toothy villian...ummm, I don’t know the Spanish word for shark... EL SHARKO. The crowd is going wild, folks, as the chant Diablo can be heard. The kid starts a rhythmic cadence of repeating, Diablo, Diablo!
Jan 5, 2022 8:04 pm
Sasha moves to her position and drops to one knee, as she readies herself to pop some sharks. She grins, as Cletus takes on the role of announcer and color commentator. "Nice one, kid!" She comments.
Jan 5, 2022 8:34 pm
Thelma and Stanley remain on the roof of Vern's trailer, Thelma moaning everytime the trailer rocks with some turbulence in the water.
El Diablo Fuego takes the ladder, and using his powerful muscles, lowers it slowly so that a makeshift bridge forms between Vern's and Cletus' trailers. There is a fair bit of overlap, four or five feet on each side, but the rooves are slippery. Someone needs to steady it on both ends so it doesn't slide into the water.
Athletics check to cross balancing on your feet, no check if you crawl like a worm.
El Diablo Fuego takes the ladder, and using his powerful muscles, lowers it slowly so that a makeshift bridge forms between Vern's and Cletus' trailers. There is a fair bit of overlap, four or five feet on each side, but the rooves are slippery. Someone needs to steady it on both ends so it doesn't slide into the water.
Athletics check to cross balancing on your feet, no check if you crawl like a worm.
Jan 5, 2022 8:54 pm
When the ladder is in place, Dave, El Freaking Diablo Mofoing Fuego, spits on his hands and rubs them together, then he goes to the far end of the trailer for the running start he absolutely shouldn't make. But he does. Oh, he does.
THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP go the man's boots as he runs towards the ladder, intending to cross it at top speed, placing his feet on one slippery rung after another in rapid succession as he attempts the crossing, finger guns blazing at Sasha, at bikini, at carrot-top.
"Hey we go!" he bellows, "here we go! El Diablo Fuego! Someone tell them sharks to lookout below!"
THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP go the man's boots as he runs towards the ladder, intending to cross it at top speed, placing his feet on one slippery rung after another in rapid succession as he attempts the crossing, finger guns blazing at Sasha, at bikini, at carrot-top.
"Hey we go!" he bellows, "here we go! El Diablo Fuego! Someone tell them sharks to lookout below!"
Athletics! - (1d8, RA)
(2) = 2
Wild Die! But I'm gonna LIVE! - (1d6, RA)
(2) = 2
Jan 5, 2022 9:36 pm
Dave runs across the ladder and as it dips under his ponderous weight, he slips on the wet rung and bangs into the ladder, then bounces into the water.
You can swim to safety, if not to dignity.
You can swim to safety, if not to dignity.
shark notice check - (1d12, RA)
(2) = 2
Jan 6, 2022 3:25 am
The splash is enormous as Dave hits the water ass-first -- it's frankly amazing three sharks aren't already circling the man when his head breaks the surface. His entrance and launch didn't go as planned, but he wasn't going to let that stop him.
Instead of swimming for the other trailer, he sets off for the boat, his powerful and oh-so-hairy arms stroking. "Little dude! Vern! Throw me the raft!" he calls out. "I'm going for the boat! Good-looking parachute lady with the guns! Cover me!"
Instead of swimming for the other trailer, he sets off for the boat, his powerful and oh-so-hairy arms stroking. "Little dude! Vern! Throw me the raft!" he calls out. "I'm going for the boat! Good-looking parachute lady with the guns! Cover me!"
Safety, schmafety! Athletics test again?Last edited January 6, 2022 4:12 pm
Jan 6, 2022 3:46 am
Dave can try and get back on the next trailer and use the ladder bridge to get one trailer closer, or swim for it now.
If the latter, make Athletics and Stealth checks.
If the latter, make Athletics and Stealth checks.
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