1. Targos

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Jan 14, 2022 7:32 am
aquafina says:
Alright alright, he apologized, what more do you want :)
Heh. Yeah, I was kicking you when you were down - that's my job.

Graendel Granitefist


Jan 14, 2022 7:34 am
A lullaby, a heartwarming song, the adjective is apt. Bells' breath blows across the embers of the flickering dwarven life - gently, gently, blowing away the suffocating cold; gently, gently, circulating fresh new life. Colour and warmth start to blush the dwarf's skin, unfreezing wounds which puddle, then sheet, with blood and lymph.

Okto takes the fragile figure in his arms as Graendel unlocks the door to his spotless, almost surgically clean workshop.

"Oobok. Oobok." whispers the dwarf urgently as Graendel fetches a neatly stowed medical kit and brandy.

As bandages are applied as the dwarf, Hruna, tells her tale.
She and her brother Oobok were transporting the iron by dog sled from the dwarven valley beneath Kelvin's Cairn. A ferocious blizzard came upon them; they heard the dogs yelp and the chilling howl of a yeti. Hruna lept into the churning maelstrom of snow and blood, her axe in hand.

She awoke in the night, badly wounded and disoriented in the continuing blizzard. She tried to find her way towards her brother but found herself closer to the Maer than the dwarven valley. She doesn't remember much - the cold had numbed her memory as well as her body, but she must have crawled to Graendel's workshop.
Graendel pats Hruna's hand.

"H.. h.. hush lass. I'll find Oobok."

He shuffles towards a wall, where his snowshoes rest on hooks. He calls back to you in his soft dwarven voice.

"C... c... can you sit with Hruna while I'm gone?"

After some time, he arrives at the snowshoes, unhooks them, and they drop to the floor with a clatter. He stares at them helplessly before trying to lift his head toward Bells and whispering, somewhat embarrassed.

"C... c... could you put my snowshoes on, please? I find it difficult to bend down, you see?"

Graendel Granitefist
Jan 14, 2022 2:17 pm
There was a gentleness in the orc that belayed his overt strength as he tenderly scooped up the rousing dwarf. Okto, cradle her head a bit more. Yes, that's perfect. Please, set her down in front of the hearth if someone could see to getting a fire going.

Continuing to fuss over the injured one, No, no. Don't try to stand. You have a nasty wound that needs dressed. Here. Take a sip of this brandy will help you find a bit of warmth and peace. But peace was not so easily found in the bottom of a glass as concern of a loved one left behind surfaced.

As the wounds of the heart bled through with every anguish cry of Oobook, the older Dwarven warrior made a pledge to return the one he must surely know was most likely lost either to the teeth of the yeti or the winter storm. Graendal should have been too aged in wisdom to be so moved to go on such a longshot but a hero's heart is always young.

Already on her knees tending Hruna, Bells turned laying a hand on the old warriors leg. Yes, but we have a problem. I've seen wounds like this one has before and to ensure recovery it takes the comfort from a known person whether family or friend. Now I could sit with her but it is really you she needs. So, might I suggest it most beneficial to everyone if you stay and allow us to go in your stead. It's for Hruna.


Persuasion - (1d20+5)

(12) + 5 = 17

Jan 14, 2022 2:40 pm
Okto fears the tale of Hruna, having heard many a sailor song and drunken campfire story about the yetis that stalk the tundra. As they sit around hearing Hruna's recount, Okto pulls a tiny knucklehead scale from one of his coat's pockets and begins rubbing it, hoping for a story in which they can just round up a bad guy and be back in time to get a buzz on before it gets too late.

When Graendel begins heading towards the door, Okto stays quiet and lets Bells deliver this one to Granitefist, not wishing to be the one to embarrass the old soul any further.
Jan 14, 2022 2:45 pm
You know that saying, "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission"? Consider this moment a similar case. Bells is fully aware that only Andrers has as of yet stated interest in hunting the yeti but she is hoping to lock in Graendal's agreement to stay behind before trying to convince you all to be a part of what she already kinda committed.
Jan 14, 2022 3:13 pm
CherokeeWind says:
You know that saying, "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission"? Consider this moment a similar case. Bells is fully aware that only Andrers has as of yet stated interest in hunting the yeti but she is hoping to lock in Graendal's agreement to stay behind before trying to convince you all to be a part of what she already kinda committed.
Nature of the beast in PbP. We all kinda have to improv our way through these things (or slow the game to a crawl).
Graendel peers up at Bells through his bushy eyebrows before turning to look at each of you in turn. His pale eyes brim with a teary cocktail:
* One part bitter recognition of his own aged helplessness;
* One part fresh gratitude for the kindness of strangers;
* One part sweet relief that Bells didn't say the real reason out loud.

After wordlessly nodding understanding, he shuffles over to a workbench to retrieve sets of snowshoes for you; then, he slides a wrapped parchment package from a cunningly concealed drawer.

He brings the package back and carefully opens it to reveal a fabulous diamond wrapped in a Battlehammer certificate of valuation.

"Th.. th.. this is a reward? A thank you? A bounty? I don't know how this works, you see? I've never had to..."

He trails off, still reluctant to admit his frailty.

"B... b... but, please, I'd like you all to have it for trying to save Oobok."

Okto notices the diamond's valuation is 300 gold pieces - that was about five years' wages for a fisherman in the good days, and it's been a while since there have been any good days.

BTW One theme of IDRotF is scarcity - both in gold and magic items. Don't get used to big rewards!
Jan 18, 2022 2:56 am
Bells couldn't help but lean forward curious after watching the older dwarf seemed to trigger a sliding mechanism to release a hidden door. The bard never suspected the wide band of Dwarven trapezoidal images decorating the thick rim of the work table to be anything but an ode to Graendal's heritage but then one geometrical shape popped open proving to be a small compartment.

Bells smiled encouragingly over to the elder dwarf as shaking hands peeled back parchment to reveal a faceted stone. Her fingers covered her lips as a gasp escapes. Oh, Graendal! It's beautiful but it's too much. Even as the young woman was protesting such generosity, her hand was scooping up the diamond, holding it to the light and being dazzled by the sparkle.

Bells made sure each of those present saw the worth of the reward offered. The bard knew it wouldn't be her skill that brought down a yeti so she needed each one to pledge their sword to the cause. Mayhap the cut would be less but a diamond should not adorn a funeral shroud. After each person satisfied themselves by viewing or taking measure of the weight itself, the bard rewrapped the diamond storing it among her possessions. I will hold it for now and everyone shall be able to hear where their share is located.

Bells rechecked the injured one before donning on snowshoes. Thank you for these but I'm a little lost as I have never worn snowshoes before now. Do you walk like normal or do you shuffle?
Jan 18, 2022 3:34 am
Rayne had been quiet on the walk over to the forge and, seeing that there was nothing he could immediately do to help the Dwarven woman, he stayed out of the way to not interfere with the others who were helping until she was stabilized.

He agreed that the reward was more than sufficient and quietly took a pair of snowshoes off a rack on the wall. He inspected them before strapping them onto his feet as best as he could, following the example of the others. "I, ah...also haven't worn these before, but I think we just walk like normal. But, I'm not sure about fighting a Yeti in these..." He takes a test lunge and almost trips over his own snowshoes.
Last edited January 18, 2022 3:38 am
Jan 18, 2022 3:45 am
Ander's eyes nearly burst out of his head when he sees the jewel produced. It was such a consolidated piece of wealth, the likes of which he had only seen fragments of. Well, in this life perhaps. However, it was absolutely adequate for the dangerous task before them. If half the stories were true, the Yeti was a fearsome beast... and likely not alone. He keeps mostly silent as he selects a pair of snowshoes, checking the strings and frame for condition. Strapping them to his feet, he nods along with Rayne's explanation.

"There's no telling how far Hruna here crawled, you Dwarfs are tougher than the hardtack they sell over in the general store. Make sure you're bundled up tight. And bring some torches. Best case, they keep us warm. Worst case... well, we'll go from there. I hate dawdling when the trail can go cold."
Dsquid says:
He takes a test lunge and almost trips over his own snowshoes.
This is still a fresh memory. Even with practice, they're so awkward.
Jan 18, 2022 5:07 pm
If you want to buy anything for your journey, there's a general store next door. Usual PHB prices.

I'm keen to get this show on the tundra. There's a road to take you some of the way, but the journey over the snowy wilderness will be very slow and hard.

Just click the poll if you're ready to head out.

Ready to continue? Public

I'm ready
Jan 18, 2022 5:10 pm
It took you a while to fall at my feet, I must be losing some of my charm, the bard winked saucily when Rayne stumbles. However, her own efforts in no way resembled her usual fluid moves. These are suppose to be helpful, right? Maybe we need to get to the snow. Everything shines in its element.

When Anders mentioned bringing torches, Bells realized just how far out of her element she truly was. Her small chest held various cosmetics with a bottle of perfume with hints of clove and cinnamon that reminded her of the spice caravans of home, a costume not to mention an exquisite dress, a bottle of ink to record new songs from the myriad of cultures visited, and a bouquet of dried roses with a intimate note that spoke of petals and blooms penned to his Desert Rose. The torches she inspired were not the ones Anders spoke. Something would have to be done.
Jan 18, 2022 8:05 pm
Bells is going to pick up an explorer's pack. I'm not convinced we are going to make it back to town so we probably should have tents to survive the tundra. Each tent holds 2 people. Bells only has 15gp and her vanity is calling for a mirror to make sure she can maintain her looks which will take her use all her funds. So is anyone else going to purchase a tent they are willing to share?
Jan 18, 2022 9:04 pm
Anders waits until they step outside to show any inquirers how to walk in snowshoes. He shows them the wider step, the different ways to lean based on trail angle, and how to hold your foot to avoid kicking up too much snow onto oneself. He himself looks natural in his own snowshoes, moving as though he were unimpeded. "There you go. Snug, but not too snug. There's more than one way to lose your toes out here," he says to the group as he helps readjust Rayne's.

"I don't live too far from where Hurla must have crawled. I don't know where the Yeti will be found, but we can stay the night there if it's too miserable to make it back to town. Only one bed, I'm afraid. But a stove that will keep us all toasty warm, squished as we'll be." Anders had mentioned his shack to Okto a time or two before, but had never had reason to bring his 'friend' there. From the condition of his clothes and hygiene, it would be quite reasonable to assume it was hardly more than a shanty with sturdy walls. Though, from the marks of frostbite (none of it fresh) on his face, it might also be reasonable to doubt the quality of the walls.
Jan 18, 2022 10:42 pm
Okto's jaw falls in surprise so far his bottom tusks come off his upper lip for the first time in years when he sees the glittering beauty of the diamond as Bells holds it up and shines it around the room. Growing up an urchin and now living in a tiny shared studio apartment above the noisiest tavern in town, earning half a sailor's wage, Okto had never seen something worth that much, besides maybe in a traveling noble's jewelry once or twice from across a tavern, but even that was before Auril's reign of terror began. Okto feels bad for taking such wealth from the ol' dwarf, but physically can't say no to the offer. He knows he still has to split the money, but the quest might be worth the danger just to be able to touch the diamond and hold it in his hands and marvel at it. Even the decent-quality armor he dons is worth next to nothing by now, what with being taken off a dead man's body who he found in the snow. The luck something like that diamond must bring to a person... Okto can feel it now.

Okto throws on snowshoes as easily as he does regular boots, walking around in them as if he were a natural-born ice fisherman... oh wait, he is. Okto helps Anders to help everyone else get a hang of the new kicks, and is very excited to hopefully get to see Anders' cabin finally. He teases, "Ah, finally! I offer you a spot in my flat every time you visit town, Anders, finally you offer me a stay at yours. But, just in case it doesn't quite live up to my luxurious standards, I'll grab a tent from the store real quick."
Okto also has an explorer's pack, but will purchase a tent just in case for 2 gold. He only has 8 gold left
Jan 19, 2022 3:09 am
So I donno how much starting gold I'm supposed to have. That said, can I use Magical Tinkering to make a heating item? Like the equivalent of one of those reusable hand heating packs?

I also have an explorer's pack.
Ilenos looks at the snow shoes and is instantly impressed with the idea. More surface area, more stability! He ties them and tries walking around. "Did I tie this correctly?" he asks.
Jan 19, 2022 3:45 am
"Your snowshoes are fitted slip fashion at the ankles. That is most certainly the correct way. Who told you to do that?" Anders looks over Ilenos' snowshoes, finding them cleverly fitted. Despite the proclaimed lack of knowledge, it would appear he had a keen mind for the workings of things.
You would start with money either from your class (Artificers don't start with gold) or your Background. As Sailors, both Okto and Anders started with 10gp. Ilenos' background should list some gold in the equipment section, if it starts with any.
Jan 19, 2022 4:24 am
Rayne smiles at Bells' quip. "I'm sure your wiles have sent many a man head over heels without the assistance of snowshoes, Bells". He straightens up and tests his snowshoes a bit more, getting a little more accustomed to moving around.

He says apologetically to the rest of the group as they prepare to head out, "I'm afraid I spent most of my savings on the trip here. I've got what is on my back, and this," Rayne produces the wooden token he took before entering the town. "I would be more than happy to have a spot on your floor to place my bedroll, Anders, much appreciate the offer."
My background gives me 1 sp to start (which I only realized after I had offered to pay for Ander's meal. Luckily things appear to have been settled with out too much bookkeeping there). I'll be stuck mooching anything not in my pack until we get our first payout, assuming I survive the frozen tundra long enough that is.
Last edited January 19, 2022 4:31 am
Jan 19, 2022 8:12 am
@keleth The typical background starting gold is 15gp. That sounds about right for a skilled artificer.

@cowleyc put some inspiration on your character sheet for the Dune quote, especially as a beginning is a delicate time.

I'll move us to another thread.

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