Chapter 1: Making Introductions

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Jan 5, 2022 2:41 pm
He turns to Atticus I'll return shortly, have a pleasant meal.

Swiftly grabbing the key Alan turns around and heads down the hallway to the rented room... I really hope that the room is in better shape then the tavern... it at least should have a proper flooring.

After all during storm is the best time to evaluate the sturdiness of the room... especially when you don't practice the trade.
Last edited January 5, 2022 2:45 pm
Jan 5, 2022 3:29 pm
Cool! I am glad you had a good time :)
Milaki smiles and says: ''Thank you for the game! ....and for the free meal! Lets eat!'' then she tries to make a small talk and says: ''So, why are you here? Are you here to help with the thing?''
Last edited January 5, 2022 3:30 pm
Jan 6, 2022 1:22 pm
Alan, you make your way into the rented room, finding the iron lock on the door to be in excellent condition for what is effectively a re-purposed horse stall. Once inside, you notice that Baerum has taken the time and energy to do some good remodeling of the space. New wood floors stretch from wall to wall, a small brazier sits in one corner opposite the door with a small chest of coal next to it, and a single bed is pushed into the other corner opposite the door. Across from the foot of the bed is a small desk with a wooden stool. There is room enough for three or four people, depending on how comfortable they are with one another, to stretch out on the floor in the in-between spaces of the furniture. The walls are also reinforced and have no obvious holes in them, same with the ceiling. It would seem even a poor quality room here is something he's taken care to ensure provides its inhabitant with a restful night.

Sanctity looks you up and down briefly before letting out a pleasant sigh of amused exasperation. I imagine we're here the same reason you are. Town is offering coin to people willing to do things to help them out. By Helm's glistening gauntlet, I am surprised to see so many people turn out in such a backwater though. May not be enough coin to spread around to all these folk. she says, furrowing her brow slightly as she starts running some mental figures.
Jan 6, 2022 6:43 pm
The Tabaxi's ears turned to the conversation at the gambler's table at the mention of the job as she played a little with her next sausage. She wasn't too worried about the pay really. This place was run by some merchants word had it. And if it wasn't enough some folk would just leave. ....Or maybe not make it back to get paid. After all, the rumored trouble was the sort you could find in a Chill band and those types didn't like to take prisoners.

Seemingly lazily she let her eyes wander over the others who looked like they had come for the job, looking for telltale marks of experience; scars, calloused hands, worn armor and well-tended weapons..
Last edited January 6, 2022 6:46 pm


Perception - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Jan 6, 2022 6:53 pm
Radiza scans the room, but it is difficult to spot much given the not-great lighting inside and the number of patrons moving about now.

Dramasailor sent a note to Khulod
Even without perception checks, you can spot the three groups described here as well as the rest of the players that you came into the tavern with.
Jan 6, 2022 7:46 pm
Radiza does have darkvision so the poor lighting should not affect her overly much.
So, at least one group that looked like it knew what it was doing. There were some scattered soldier-like types about as well. Some might be adventurers, green or not. They could not be relied on overly much until they proved themselves in a fight. But Radiza didn't want to find out if they were when they were supposed to be watching her back so for now she picked her favorites should groups be formed later..
Jan 6, 2022 8:34 pm
Bubbles sent a note to Dramasailor
After approximately 10 minutes he exits the room and locks it, hides the key in his fanny-pack. On his way back to the bar he listens in enjoying the liveliness of the crowd, it reminds him of the ever crowded barracks and the never ending banter of the fellow soldiers back at his unit.
Jan 7, 2022 12:03 am
Milaki burbs after she devoured some food and drank her beer. She replies : " oh well, we are going to see..." thinking she was going to steal the easy targets afterwards to gain more. "For now let's have some fun and enjoy this!" Then she yells to the gnome playing the flute "Hey you! Play something more cheerful and loud. Brings us another round of beer!" and starts singing and dancing to cheer up and start a feast.
nice! I am good! Hihi
Last edited January 7, 2022 12:13 am


Performance - (1d20+2)

(20) + 2 = 22

Jan 7, 2022 8:15 am
No... don't encourage the gnome...

Radiza slowly exhaled through her nose. It was morning. You didn't dance in the morning. You got some breakfast sausages and a drink to start the day in relative quiet, mostly because you still had a nice headache from drinking of the night before..
Jan 7, 2022 1:06 pm
lol sorry not sorry
Jan 7, 2022 8:06 pm
The gnome nods his head at you and starts in on a lively jig. He's much more comfortable with this song and the music is pretty well done. He starts to sing, but is so awestruck by your singing and dancing that he shuts his mouth and just adapts the song to your dervish of tavern antics. It passes the next several minutes pleasantly, right up until the doors slam open and a trio of rain-drenched individuals come wandering in, cursing at the storm. Leading the way is a dwarven woman wearing rain-slicked leathers and her strawberry-blonde hair wrapped up in a thick braided bun at the top of her head. She looks about the room and waves to the barkeep before sauntering over to the gnome playing music by the fire. In her wake, a bubbly looking gnome with purple-tinged hair wanders in, though the rain has made her look something like a cat that was just dumped into a bucket of water. It hasn't seemed to dampen the personality in her eyes though. Finally, a sun-weathered man in hunting attire brings up the rear, though his clothes look far less worse-for-wear than the others.

Based on what you know, you assume this is Wilfra Glimmerbeard, Daphisany Wobblerock, and Stephen Macasure: Conyberry's Mercantile Council.

Well met everyone! Gerbo, would ya knock off with that incessant pluckin'. The thunder alone outside is enough to drive me to a headache, more'n any hammer on anvil would do. the dwarf says as she pulls a chair away from a nearby table and drops into it in front of the fire.

Baerum, be a lad and bring me one o' the Snow Stout's would you? she continues on before taking in the assembled audience.

Now if this ain't a sight for sore eyes. Seems a fair number of you have heard of our need for extra hands around town. Appreciate you all makin' your way here and glad it looks like you made it in before the storm. Give us a moment to get the water off our backs and we'll get this rollin', ok?

Dramasailor sent a note to Bubbles
Jan 7, 2022 8:28 pm
On the way back, catchig the last part of the conversation, Alan quickens his pace from a relaxed walk to a military-like march, he walks through the hallway, making it just as the dwarven lady finishes the introductory part of her speech.

Quickly he joins Atticus' side recognizing the speaker he patiently waits for the further instruction. Glad that they picked a spot at far back, he had the grace to skip a half a dozen 'excuse me's' to the other listeners...
Last edited January 7, 2022 8:33 pm
Jan 7, 2022 8:41 pm
There's the money. The Tabaxi raised a sausage in greeting, but her paws remained on the table and the chair never stopped rocking. She merrily chewed on and looked over the mercantile trio. An odd gathering for sure, but they probably made enough coin together in this place to make the partnership worth it. And while she was eager to hear what the exact details of the mess the town was in, the downpour outside put her in no hurry to get started..
Jan 8, 2022 2:37 am
oh no ...the fun is stopped???
Milaki without noticing the new arrivals continues singing and dancing until she bumps on one of the commanders and stops apologising.
Last edited January 8, 2022 2:40 am
Jan 10, 2022 4:55 pm
Daphisany, the gnomish woman, giggles a bit as Milaki bumps into her.

I admit, it is good to see revelry. Reminds me of where I grew up... she says, words trailing off into a memory.

Wilfra takes a deep chug of her beer when Baerum delivers it to her. Wiping her hand across the back of her mouth she sighs heavily. Ok, let's get down to the core iron of the issue, shall we? We've been trying for the last two years or so to really rebuild this place into a worthwhile place for traders to stop as they cut across from Triboar. I think we've done a pretty bang-up job so far, but we're getting to the end of our abilities as it relates to some items. No doubt you've all heard rumors of trade caravans being set upon by highwaymen and orcs marauding out from the hills. The sad truth is, that's still very much a true thing. Beyond that, we've had no shortage of issues with livestock thievery, but no real leads on what's causing it. she says in a bit of a rush. The man in hunting leathers leans forward as she finishes speaking.

Aye, and that's just on the general running of the town. M'daughter and I were headed out toward Neverwinter Wood a tenday ago to check traps and found that someone had poisoned most of the baits that we'd set. We've cleaned that up, so no one gets hurt further, but someone is actively working to keep us from taking game.

Wilfra nods to Stephen. We're a bit at your mercy, all of you have come to help. We've got coin and favors both, depending on what help you're able to provide. I know it isn't the same as a glamourous call from a king to rid the realm of a tyrant lich or something, but we are glad you're here to help. Any questions you have or anything else we can tell you?

Anyone that has spared any moments to look over the other adventuring parties sees the pair of dwarves looking somewhat disinterested, though the longer-haired one seems a bit more pale than he had earlier. The elf and her pair of humans narrowed their eyes at the mention of the trade caravans. Finally, the tiefling in the cardplaying group sat sharply up at the mention of the orcs.

From here, it's a pretty open opportunity for you all to interact with either the Council or with the other adventuring groups to determine if you want to coordinate or just try to stay out of one another's way.
Jan 10, 2022 7:00 pm
Alan thinks to himself
Marauders, orcs and animals would require an ambush.... The traps too, most likely during the night or early hours of the day... Either way the only difference is about the location of the ambush...

Then he lifts his head and looks at the knight do you have any preferences?

One could grab extra goods from orcs and highwaymen... It could mean an unhealthy competition, either way we need more people...

The problem with house animals sounds more like an inside issue, so does the one with traps... Is it possible that they're sticking sticks in each other's business to get rid of competition, after all monopoly carries ultimate authority...

He remembers that even in the army there were many 'shady suppliers' attempting to gain coin with smuggling unallowed goods and selling them to soldiers, starting with strong alcohol and finishing with unregistered weapons. Always at each other's throats, always unsatisfied, always wishing for more.
Last edited January 11, 2022 3:26 pm
Jan 11, 2022 10:31 am
Well, that's a nice jumble of local issues. Radiza thought while picking apart the separate problems. But what will you be paying? And for what? That's the real question.

"Here's a question."
The Tabaxi's voice was unnatural due to the shape of her mouth and came with a resonating purr.

"What do you want us to do exactly, and what's the pay? A bounty for orc and thief ears? Maybe a wage for guarding caravans...?"
Jan 11, 2022 12:21 pm
Milaki goes and sits back to her sit and just listens to the conservation taking place quietly
Jan 13, 2022 2:02 am
The dwarven woman quirks a smile at the tabaxi. Welcome to Conyberry. It has been several years since I've had the pleasure of meeting a tabaxi. There was an apprentice I helped train ages ago. Rare Thunder of the Dry Creek Clan, I believe he called himself. Was a fine hand at dagger-craft. You ask a well-pointed question. Wilfra says, eyes dancing. You notice that several of the townsfolk that had been paying attention to their conversations and cups have now turned to take in the rarity in front of them. It's a common mix of awe, shock, and confusion. There is fleeting looks of distaste, also not uncommon. Wilfra looks around the room briefly.

There are many of you here. Far be it from me to try to assign you all tasks not knowing your strengths. A bounty for confirmed orc kills isn't out of the question. Call it ten gold a set? Fifteen extra if you get one of their finger-wagglers. If you want to guard caravans, we will certainly help you negotiate a wage with the specific caravans that come through, assuming that we will foot some of that bill ourselves.

Stephen coughs lightly. Basically we're looking for help however you think you can best provide it. We certainly can't speak for everyone in town, but there are a few big things that we feel the town can easily compensate you for. For example, Alfonse Kalazorn, a rancher that lives a few miles down the road towards Triboar. He used to provide some unique butter creations to travelers through here. But ever since that damn dragon hit the area, he's been more and more reclusive. It would be a great feather in our cap if you could convince him to work with us instead of at odds with us. he says, drawing nods from a few of the townsfolk.
Jan 13, 2022 11:12 am
That was a self-obsessed crowd if it noticed a Tabaxi only now by Radiza's reckoning. But Radiza was mostly surprised to hear of another Tabaxi having passed through here. She only knew of a handful in her wide travels and Rare Thunder wasn't one of them. He had a clan, meaning he likely was the sort from Maztica. Perhaps an escaped slave from Amn? Radiza herself had no clan. Her parents did once, but since they were severed from it they did not pass membership on to her. She decided she would ask more about Rare Thunder later.

That brought her to the matter at hand. Ten dragons for a thief wasn't all that much. Baldur's Gate famously offered fifty once, but they were on the verge of economic collapse because of the whole crisis back then. And a big city with deeper pockets than this little corner of the middle of nowhere. Still, Radiza would give it a shot. Perhaps she would find some dumb ones and make a big payday out of it. Orcs on the other hand were a bit riskier. They can see in the dark, like herself. That took the fun away. Not to mention they all knew how to fight, while highwaymen were often enough rabble who picked up a weapon and waved it around threateningly without any training. Still... only ten dragons.

The Tabaxi purred, seemingly mulling the offer over. She tried to sound reasonable. "Ten dragons for a thief is a bit weak. Did you know the Flaming Fist over at Baldur's Gate offered fifty a pair? I get if it's a bit much for you but say I manage to find their hideout and take that out, perhaps recover some stolen stuff, that would be worth a bit more, no? As for orcs, well, ya got to do better. They tend to have axes and know how to use 'm."
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