The gnome nods his head at you and starts in on a lively jig. He's much more comfortable with this song and the music is pretty well done. He starts to sing, but is so awestruck by your singing and dancing that he shuts his mouth and just adapts the song to your dervish of tavern antics. It passes the next several minutes pleasantly, right up until the doors slam open and a trio of rain-drenched individuals come wandering in, cursing at the storm. Leading the way is a dwarven woman wearing rain-slicked leathers and her strawberry-blonde hair wrapped up in a thick braided bun at the top of her head. She looks about the room and waves to the barkeep before sauntering over to the gnome playing music by the fire. In her wake, a bubbly looking gnome with purple-tinged hair wanders in, though the rain has made her look something like a cat that was just dumped into a bucket of water. It hasn't seemed to dampen the personality in her eyes though. Finally, a sun-weathered man in hunting attire brings up the rear, though his clothes look far less worse-for-wear than the others.
Based on what you know, you assume this is Wilfra Glimmerbeard, Daphisany Wobblerock, and Stephen Macasure: Conyberry's Mercantile Council.
Well met everyone! Gerbo, would ya knock off with that incessant pluckin'. The thunder alone outside is enough to drive me to a headache, more'n any hammer on anvil would do. the dwarf says as she pulls a chair away from a nearby table and drops into it in front of the fire.
Baerum, be a lad and bring me one o' the Snow Stout's would you? she continues on before taking in the assembled audience.
Now if this ain't a sight for sore eyes. Seems a fair number of you have heard of our need for extra hands around town. Appreciate you all makin' your way here and glad it looks like you made it in before the storm. Give us a moment to get the water off our backs and we'll get this rollin', ok?
Dramasailor sent a note to Bubbles