Alan summons a burst of energy and rips himself free of the vines, stepping forward to close the distance between him. Meanwhile, the rest of the group seems to turn their attention to Barek and his plight as the dwarf summons a shimmering barrier around him. Claudius connects solidly with a magically imbued stone while Radiza takes the risk in leaving the side of the creature she'd been attacking. Unfortunately, the distraction of thoughts about the wisdom of leaving an enemy to her back telegraphs in her strike, causing the blade to miss its mark. Esal takes another swing but continues his struggles in fighting the elusive viney menace! Milaki, seeing Radiza leaping into action at another target, launches her own arrow at the creature, barely finding purchase in the shoulder of the creature.
The creature Radiza had left alone looks warily at Alan, but chooses to just remain still, hands raised defensively. It doens't seem to make any efforts to do anything about the other two creatures.
The creature nearest to Esal makes a laughing sound that reminds you of dried leaves blowing along cobblestones as Esal tries to attack it.
You are weak. I will deal with you later, after this dwarf becomes food for Balthara. It says in the same voice as the other vine creature before turning to lash out at Barek, missing terribly. The other creature, enraged that Barek had escaped his grasp tries to lash out again, but it too seems unable to hit the evasive cleric.
Combat Results/DM Taken Actions
@millyk:[ +- ] Milaki attacks Vine Creature 2
@Khulod - Moved your attack from creature 3 as listed to creature 2 (VC2 attacked Barek, you were already fighting VC3). If the positioning is off on the map, let me know where you'd prefer to be.
Ongoing Effects
Big Green Circles = Difficult Terrain
COMBAT! Bold below may act in any order (Alan's will be resolved first in narrative):
Milaki, Radiza, Barek, Esal, Claudius
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