Milaki, you see the silvery symbol for the nine of shields on your new card.
As play continues around, Rava swaps a single card and makes a very non-committal shrug. Jennifer also swaps a single card, tucks it into her hand, and nods to Eddie. He, in turn, swaps a single card out before looking across the group.
Any witches be lurking in our wood? he asks with a smile.
Rava smiles and lays the witch down on the table.
Oh aye, 'tis I, the witch. She reaches out and snags a card from the Mercenary camp. She looks around the table before settling her eyes on Eddie.
Alright chainyone. Give up a card. He holds his hand out and she snags the middle one, giving him one of hers in return.
One by one, you all go round the table laying out your hands. By the third four point hand being called, chuckles have started. When it ends with Eddie throwing his cards down with a curse, revealing the 5th four point hand of the round the rest of the table is nearly in tears.
Well Milaki, was it? You wanted a winner and it would seem fate has decided we're all winners. I must say, it's been a long time since I've seen a deadlocked table. Just for that, our little group will buy the food, simply for the good time. Rava says, signaling to the boy and ordering a large plate of food. You catch the glint of a gold coin pass between them.
My wife is laughing at me as I sit and play this hand out on the desk in front of me with a die to choose which cards the NPCs draw and such. I started counting points and laughed out loud when I realized all the different fate moves ended up making it so everyone had 4 points at the end.
[ +- ] The hands
Sanctity: 1 of Swords, 4 of Crowns, Prince of Shields (4 points)
Milaki: 2 of Shields, 4 of Swords, 9 of Shields (4 points)
Rava: WITCH, 8 of Shields, 10 of Shields, Prince of Crowns (4 points)
Jennifer: 4 of Coins, JESTER, Queen of Crowns (4 points)
Eddie: 2 of Swords, 5 of Coins, Prince of Coins (4 points)
Mercenary Camp:
8 of Coins
9 of Swords
5 of Crowns
King of Coins