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Jan 4, 2022 8:45 pm
Jan 4, 2022 8:51 pm
Jan 4, 2022 10:18 pm
Welcome akorn!

There are PbtA games on GP, not as common as D&D, but I've played in a few. In fact a Dungeon World one-shot game just started about a week ago. If you're itching to get started and you like the premise of the game, we can ask the GM, @Data, if we can find a way to add you to the story. You'd have to catch up a little bit, but we probably have space for one more adventurer in the party and we haven't gone very far yet so it shouldn't be too hard to catch up on what's happened so far. Let me know.

I'd like to give FitD a try sometime. I'm fully committed at the moment, but maybe later in the year.
Jan 4, 2022 10:44 pm
Hey @akorn

Sorry for the delay. I've added you to the Tutorial game now. Let me know if you're having trouble finding anything
Jan 4, 2022 11:03 pm
@akorn I’d be happy to have you join our Dungeon World game if you’re interested! I’m a new GM to DW and so I’m running a little oneshot experiment based on a D&D module.

The short pitch is: a terrible magic illness that turns people to ice has begun infecting the villages of The Greying Wildlands. Connected in some way to the town most infected (Nohme) the adventures set out though the frozen wilderness of Eiselcross in search of a research station that is said to have a cure - though the outposts have been out of contact with that station for some time...

Our adventurers so far are a very entertaining group. Mance Pyro, the Captain and Bard Conductor of the ship, The Symphony of Ice and Fire. Bonepipe, our flaming bagpipe playing Barbarian. And Teo, the shapeshifting Druid with reindeer antlers that follow them through their transformations.

Let me know if that sounds like something you’d want to try!
Jan 5, 2022 1:12 am
Thanks once more, all! @bowlofspinach, no worries—the post-winter holiday rush is a busy time and I was fine with a bit of a lead!

@Data, that sounds great! And with bowlofspinach’s gracious help I just learned how to put together a GP character sheet 🙏 When should I apply by? Just ASAP?
Jan 5, 2022 1:32 pm
Hi akorn. I love the avatar. Very cool.

I hope you enjoy @bowlofspinach's tutorial game. I've heard good things about it.

Provided you're open to non-5e systems and you stay active on the forums and discord then it's usually easy to find a game here.
Jan 5, 2022 1:51 pm
Welcome akorn.

While DnD is pretty much a thing we can understand, PbtA/FitD is a lot more nebulous. :)

What sort of games do you enjoy or are you looking for? You can always mention some books, TV, movies, or genres if you are not sure about game system names.
Jan 5, 2022 2:31 pm
Thanks, you two! I love how hospitable everyone is here. ☺️

@vagueGM, my experience is largely with Dungeon World and Monster of the Week, and I love both. I’ve played a little bit of Blades in the Dark as well and loved the setting, which tends to be what attracts me to games.

My absolute favorite setting is Unknown Armies, a supremely dark and weird sort of post-modern urban fantasy. I like science-fantasy (Destiny 2 is my current favorite video game so I’ve been eyeing Light RPG from Gila RPGs as a way of making that tabletop-able), I love stuff that’s at least horror-flavored. Traditional fantasy and any subversions thereof are fun to play in, and I’m a big lore nerd so either crafting or learning it is very appealing to me.

I’m willing to try almost anything in the interest of learning its ropes, and once I’m climbing through the rigging at high friggin’ speeds I think PbP is one of the safer places to start GMing because a response need not be immediate—not to downplay what the GMs here and elsewhere do, of course, because it’s surely never a walk in the park… But you get what I mean I hope.
Jan 5, 2022 3:10 pm
akorn says:
T... I think PbP is one of the safer places to start GMing ...
PbP comes with its own set of challenges. Not least of which is that games are designed with the assumption of sitting round a table (or a VTT, these days) and the GM needs to know the system well enough to make adjustments.

If you have a group of friends who you can play with, I highly recommend that as a way to learn to GM. People you know and trust, who are willing to support you are the best. Absent that, PbP might be easier than realtime strangers-on-the-internet, as, as you say, there is more time to think and plan.

Feel free to reach out for help --not only with GMing-- if you need. You are also welcome to join the (rather quiet at this time) PbtA GM's Round Table, for GMing stuff or practice.
Jan 5, 2022 3:39 pm
Love that! Thanks for the heads up :)
Jan 5, 2022 7:19 pm
Hello and welcome Akorn!

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